

Research on Key Technologies of Internet of Power Transmission and Transformation Equipments

【作者】 何杰

【导师】 曹一家;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 物联网技术应用于智能电网,将充分整合电网信息资源,实现电网信息的精细化、模型化和可视化,但目前物联网在电网的应用还较为简单,尚未在电网设施运行监控与电力资产优化管理方面得到应用。输变电设备物联网(Internet of power transmission and transformation equipments, IOTTE),作为物联网技术在智能电网中的新应用,是智能电网由系统智能化向输变电设备智能化的延伸和发展,将实现输变电设备信息体系、监测体系、评估体系和管理体系的统一与规范。因为输变电设备物联网是一个在物理空间和信息空间具有强关联性和高度混杂性的网络,因此需要全面深入研究其分析设计、运维优化、高级应用等方面的关键技术,从而为物联网技术在智能电网中的应用提供技术基础和验证平台。针对输变电设备物联网建设需求,本论文在国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)“基于物联网技术的输变电设备智能监测与全寿命周期管理”(2011AA05A120)和国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“基于物联网的高压设备监测与状态评估研究”(61104090)的资助下,对输变电设备物联网体系架构、智能变电站设备全景信息模型、智能变电站设备监测网络QoS、网络拓扑和部署、以及输变电设备物联网在云南电网的实际应用几个方面进行了深入研究。全文的主要研究内容如下:详细阐述了输变电设备物联网的概念和内涵,以电力流、信息流为导向,提出了分层分布式的输变电设备物联网体系架构,自下而上分为智能感知层、数据通信层、信息整合层和智能应用层,在四层架构基础上,分析了包括一体化智能监测装置、编码和标识体系、全景信息建模等在内的七种关键技术。为了解决“信息孤岛”和信息模型不统一规范问题,将信息建模引入输变电设备物联网,根据输变电设备全寿命周期管理业务所需要的设备全景信息,提出了输变电设备全景信息建模方法。以IEC61970/61968CIM模型为基础,结合IEC61850,针对智能变电站设备,提出了全景信息模型扩展原则和技术,设计了全面、统一的全景信息建模方案,以现有信息标准中未建模的绝缘子为例,建立包含基于EPC编码和全寿命周期管理的资产基础扩展模型、包含试验模型、检修模型、巡检模型和诊断模型的工作模型,以及在线监测信息模型。针对输变电设备物联网中的智能变电站设备监测网络QoS,在提出的两层智能变电站体系结构和双环冗余自愈环网通信网络基础上,设计了基于无线传感器网络(WSN)的分簇智能变电站设备监测网络,并对监测网络的数据流进行分析建模,提出了相应的监测网络QoS指标,利用OPNET仿真工具,从网络拓扑、节点规模、节点发射功率和网络负载四个方面对簇状监测网络的QoS指标进行了仿真分析,仿真证明针对本文设计的智能变电站设备监测网络,采用簇状监测网络比树状和Mesh网络具有更好的QoS。为了优化智能变电站设备监测网络拓扑和部署,建立了智能变电站设备监测网络模型和数据传输模型,利用自由空间和瑞利衰落信道下的能耗模型,以及二元节点感知模型,建立起理想环境和变电站电磁环境下的单跳和多跳网络能耗模型,并采用群搜索优化算法GSO,以网络能耗最优为目标,优化了智能变电站设备监测网络拓扑;以节点簇总能耗、网络生存周期和距离因子最优为目标,引入簇头节点数据压缩比和传输周期,讨论了监测网络的部署优化。在输变电设备物联网应用于云南电网的实际工程中,结合提出的输变电设备物联网四层体系架构,设计了包括系统架构、变电站、输电线路和主站的云南电网输变电设备物联网实际部署方案;从变电站和输电线路两方面设计了云南电网输变电设备物联网通信网络;从实施原则、需求和具体实施过程三方面分析了全景信息模型实施方法。

【Abstract】 When Internet of Things is applied in smart grid, it will fully integrate grid information resources and realize refinement, modeling and visualization of grid information. At present, the application of IOT in smart grid is also relatively simple. IOT has not been applied in operation and monitoring of grid facilities and optimization and management of power asset. Internet of power transmission and transformation equipments (IOTTE) is a new application of IOT applied in smart gird. It is the extension and development of smart gird from system intelligence to power transmission and transformation equipment intelligence, and will realize unification and normalization of information system, monitoring system, evaluation system and management system of equipment. IOTTE has characteristics of high relevance and hybridity in physical and information space, so it needs a comprehensive further study in its key technologies, including analysis and design, operation and optimization, advanced application and so on. Thus the study will provide technical foundation and verification platform for application of IOT in smart grid.According to the construction demand of IOTTE, this dissertation, which has been sponsored by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China project (863Program)“Power transmission and transformation equipment intelligent monitoring and life cycle management based on IOT technology”(Grant No.2011AA05A120) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China project “Research on High Voltage Equipment monitoring and condition assessment based on IOT”(Grant No.61104090), is focused on IOTTE architecture, panoramic information model of smart substation equipment, Quality of Service(QoS) of smart substation equipment monitoring network, monitoring network topology and deployment, and practical application of Internet of power transmission and transformation equipments carried out in Yunnan Power Grid. Main researches can be summarized as follows:The concept and contents of IOTTE is summarized systematically. Based on power flow and information flow, layered and distributed architecture of IOTTE is proposed. The architecture is divided into four layers as Intelligent Perception Layer, Data Communication Layer, Information Integration Layer and Smart Application Layer. Based on four-layer architecture, several key technologies are analyzed including integrated intelligent monitoring device, equipment coding and labeling system and panoramic information modeling and so on.To solve the problem of “Information Island” and lack of unity and standardization of information model, data modeling technology is adopt. According to business requirement of life cycle management of IOTTE, equipment’s panoramic information is researched, and a unified modeling methodology is proposed. Reference to IEC61850and IEC61970/61968CIM, the principle and technique to extended panoramic information model is summarized. Furthermore, the modeling methodology is proposed for smart substation equipments. The process of insulator modeling, which has not been modeled in information standard at present, has been taken as examples. The panoramic information model includes basic model of asset, working model and online monitoring information model. The basic model of asset includes extended model based on EPC code and life cycle management, and the working model consists of includes test model, maintenance model, patrol model and diagnosis model.QoS of smart substation equipment monitoring network is studied. Two-layer smart substation architecture and self-healing double loop network is firstly proposed, and clustered smart substation equipment monitoring network is designed based on wireless sensor network (WSN). For the characteristics of monitoring network, data flow is analyzed and modeled and QoS metrics are researched. Aiming at network topology and load, the number of nodes and node transmitting power, QoS of monitoring network are simulated by OPNET software. Results show that cluster-like topology has better QoS than tree-like and mesh topology to the design of smart substation equipment monitoring network in this chapter.In order to optimize smart substation equipment monitoring network, the network model and data transfer model of clustering network is designed. Then using free space and Rayleigh-fading channel of energy consumption model, single-hope and multi-hop network consumption model is established respectively under ideal condition and electromagnetic environment. Group search optimization algorithm (GSO) is used to analyze energy consumption optimization problem for optimizing the topology of smart substation equipment monitoring network. The deployment of monitoring network is optimized using GSO algorithm, which achieved the best energy consumption of node cluster, network lifetime and distance factor.When the project of IOTTE carried out in Yunnan Power Grid,based on four-layer architecture of IOTTE, the project deployment scheme is designed, which includes system architecture, substation deployment, transmission line deployment and master station deployment. Communication network of the project is established from two aspects of substation and transmission line. Implementation method of panoramic information model is totally analyzed in three aspects: principle, requirement and concrete implement process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】TM76;TN929.5;TP391.44
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1052
  • 攻读期成果

