

The Study on the Cross-level Influence of Emotion Display Rules and Emotion Labor on Negative Work Behavior

【作者】 刘朝

【导师】 马超群;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国服务业的迅速发展,组织中的情绪问题已经成为组织行为管理研究的前沿问题。如何通过情绪劳动管理有效引导、调节和激发员工行为引起了理论界和实践界的共同关注。本文基于资源保存理论、控制论、行动理论和情感事件理论,在对情绪劳动、情绪表现规则、情绪状态和消极工作行为相关研究文献进行综述的基础上,进行了以下四项研究:第一项研究:构建情绪表现规则与情绪劳动对工作行为影响机制模型。以资源保存理论、控制论、行动理论和情感事件理论为基础,构建情绪劳动的工作机制模型,综合分析情绪表现规则与情绪劳动对工作行为影响机制。运用情感事件理论分析员工的情绪如何影响其工作态度和行为,以及工作环境与工作事件如何影响员工的情感,旨在解释不断变化的情绪的过程,并且关注引起员工情绪变化的原因以及由此产生的结果;运用控制论分析情绪的调节作用,员工将自己感知到的情绪表现和组织要求的情绪表现规则相比较,发现其中的差异,不断地进行调节和控制,从而表现出符合组织要求的情绪行为;运用资源保存理论从资源的供需角度解释员工工作中资源的消耗和获取,以及因此可能产生的积极或消极的后果;运用行动理论分析员工在进行浅层行为和深层行为时心理状态的差异,解释浅层行为和深层行为对所需要投入的资源的要求,以及对个体行为产生的影响。第二项研究:情绪表现规则对情绪劳动影响的实证研究。以商业银行的柜员为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方式收集数据,探讨银行柜员的情绪表现规则对情绪劳动的影响。在湖南、广东、浙江、广西省的多家商业银行发放问卷500份,对390份有效问卷数据进行相关分析、因子分析和回归分析。研究结果表明:(1)感知到的表达积极情绪的表现规则对深层行为具有显著地正向影响作用,对浅层行为具有显著地负向影响作用;(2)感知到的抑制消极情绪的表现规则对深层行为具有显著地负向影响作用,对浅层行为具有显著地正向影响作用;(3)相对于浅层行为,深层行为与感知到表达积极情绪的表现规则相关性更高;(4)相对于深层行为,浅层行为与感知到抑制消极情绪的表现规则相关性更高;(5)人口统计学变量(年龄、工作年限)具有调节作用。第三项研究:情绪劳动与情绪状态对消极工作行为影响机理分析。在前述研究的基础上,提出消极工作行为的概念,运用资源保存理论和情感事件理论,讨论情绪劳动、情绪状态和消极工作行为的相互关系,并引入性别、学历和年龄等人口统计学变量作为调节变量,分析情绪劳动、情绪状态和消极工作行为的影响机理,并提出跨层次研究的理论假设。第四项研究:情绪劳动与情绪状态对消极工作行为影响的跨层次实证研究。在开发和修正情绪劳动、情绪状态和消极工作行为量表的基础上,采取多元统计回归、分层线性模型和结构方程模型等研究方法对390份有效问卷数据进行分析,检验情绪劳动、情绪状态和消极工作行为的影响模型。研究结果表明:(1)浅层行为与消极情绪状态的增加正相关,深层行为与积极情绪状态的增加正相关;(2)深层行为和消极工作行为负相关,浅层行为对消极工作行为影响不显著;(3)积极情绪状态调节情绪劳动和消极工作行为的相互关系;(4)人口统计学变量(性别、年龄和学历)具有调节作用。最后,本文系统概括了主要的研究结论、理论进展和管理实践意义,并指出了本研究存在的不足以及有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of service industry in China, emotional problems inorganization have become the frontier issues of the organizational behavior research.How to effectively guide, regulate and stimulate employee’s behavior has aroused themutual concern of theoretical and practical fields. Based on the conservation ofresource theory, cybernetics, action theory and affective events theory, this studyanalyzes the research literature of emotion labor, emotional display rules, affect andnegative work behavior. Four studies will be conducted in this research.The first study: building the mechanism model of emotion display rules, emotionlabor and work behavior. Based on the conservation of resource theory, cybernetics,action theory and affective events theory, we built emotion labor model tocomprehensive analyze the mechanism of emotion display rules, emotion labor andwork behavior. Because the work environment and work events will effect employee’semotion, we used affective events theory to analyze the effect of employee’s emotionon their work attitude and behavior, aiming at explaining the constantly changes ofemotion, concerning the causes of emotional changes and its results. Throughcybernetics, employees will compare their perception of emotion display with theorganization requirements of emotion display. Then they can find the differences,constantly regulate and control their emotion to performance the emotion andbehavior which meets the organization requirements. According to the conservation ofresource theory, we explained the consumption of resources and its positive andnegative effects on employees work via the view of the supply and demand ofresource. Then we used action theory to explore the differences of employees insurface acting and deep acting, which can explain inputs of resources of emotion labor,and its effects on individual behaviors.The second study: the empirical study of the effects of emotion display rules onemotion labor. We chose bank tellers as research object, using questionnaire to collectdata, and explored the effects of emotion display rules on the emotion labor. Wedistributed500questionnaires to commercial banks tellers in Hunan, Guangdong,Zhejiang and Guangxi Province, using factor analysis and regression analysis toanalyze390valid questionnaires. The research results indicated that:(1) theperception of display rules to express positive emotion has significantly positive effect on deep acting, while it has opposite effect on surface acting;(2) the perceptionof display rules to suppress negative emotion has a negative role in deep acting andpositive effect on surface acting;(3) relative to surface acting,the relationshipbetween the perception of display rules to express positive emotion and deep acting ismore relevant;(4) compared with deep acting, the relationship between the perceptionof display rules to suppress negative emotion and surface acting is more significant;(5) the demographic variables (age, length of work) has significant effects on therelationship between emotion display rules perception and emotion labor.The third study: the mechanism analysis of the influence of emotion labor andaffect on negative work behavior. On the basis of the aforementioned studies, usingthe conservation of resources theory and affective events theory, we discussed therelationships between emotion labor, affect and negative work behavior. At the sametime we considered the demographic variables (gender, educational level and age) asmoderator variable to analysis the work mechanisms of emotion labor, affect andnegative work behavior, make theoretical assumptions of the cross-level research.The fourth study: the cross-level research of the influence of emotion labor andaffect on negative work behavior. On the basis of the amendments of emotion labor,affect and negative work behavior scale, using390valid survey data, we tested themodel of emotion labor, affect and negative work behavior. This study usedmultivariate statistical regression, hierarchical linear models, and structural equationmodeling research methods to test the hypothesis. Research results indicated that:(1)surface acting is positive related to the increasing of negative affect, but deep actingis positive related to the increasing of positive affect;(2) deep acting has negativeeffect on negative work behavior, while surface acting’s effects are not significantly;(3) positive affect can regulate the mutual relationship between emotion labor andnegative work behavior;(4) demographic variables (gender, age and qualifications)have partly regulation role in this model.Finally, this research summarized the main findings, advances in theory andmanagement practices, pointed out the deficiencies of this study, as well as issues forfurther research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F719
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】624
  • 攻读期成果

