

A Study on Spatial Preposition of Path Construal in Modern Chinese

【作者】 郜峰

【导师】 张国宪;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 空间是人类认知系统和语言系统中的一个基本概念,空间概念是用来理解其他概念的概念,空间关系是客观世界里一种基本的存在关系。任何客观事物都存在于一定的空间之中。处于一定空间中的事物,在人的能动认知和识解作用下,也都会呈现出这样或那样的空间关系。对空间关系的理解与认识是人类认识世界把握世界最基本的途径之一。各种纷繁复杂的空间概念、空间位置、空间关系可以借助众多的介词来表达。国内外许多学者都对空间介词做了大量研究,相对于英语空间介词的研究,汉语的空间介词的研究还不够深入、系统、广泛和全面。尤其是从空间领域对空间介词进行的专类研究还很薄弱。本文主要集中讨论空间介词中的路径义介词。空间介词是表示事物与事物或者事物与处所之间、动作与事物之间某种空间状态或空间关系一类的介词。空间介词在语义上表示事物之间的空间状态或空间关系,这种空间意义的识解基于人们对于客观世界的认知体验。在事物运动的过程中,事物的存在和位移总是会凸显出来相对静止的几个点,一般认为这几个点凸显了事物运动的过程,是人们观察事物运动需要注意到具有代表性的视点,它们在空间语义上分别表示所在、起点、经过点、终点、方向等几个方面。其中“起点、经过点、终点”都是路径的组成部分,把它们放在路径背景下进行识解和分析,符合人们在识解过程中的认知经济性原则,容易达到最佳关联状态,对听话人来说在话语理解过程中付出的认知努力需求最少,也符合人们对语言空间意义理解的认知心理和识解过程。路径义空间介词是按照语义所作的分类,是把人们观察事物运动具有代表性的几个视点中的起点、经过点、终点放在一起考虑,认为它们都具有路径的特征,是路径图式特有的组成部分,它们涉及到的空间问题都可以放在路径认知背景下统一考虑。路径义空间介词包括起点义介词、经由义介词、终点义介词、距离义介词。前三种介词具有明显的动态倾向,具有[+位移]的语义特征,典型的距离义介词含有静态语义,是把路径作为整体看待,说明路径长度属性的值。路径义空间介词的使用唤醒了人们对路径图式的理解,引导人们选取适当的认知路径的观察视角,注意特定空间位置的状态或空间关系。路径是一个特定的空间认知域,路径图式包括起点、终点、经由路线、经过点、距离等各种要素。这些要素都是在具体语境下和路径认知域内,说话人意欲凸显、强调的侧面。具有起点义、终点义、经由义、距离义等路径义空间介词的作用是激活人们已有的关于路径的认知图式的认识,引导人们对路径中特定位置的注意。路径义介词的理解过程,就是激活人们对该位置事物焦点与路径背景之间的某种空间关系或空间状态的认识过程,是人们根据自己心目中已有的路径图式对该认识进行修订和具体化的过程。对路径图式的认识和识解受多种因素影响,和介词本身的词义,介词后名词性成分的语义结构、谓语动词的语义特点,还有人们对路径的观察视角以及人们对路径的心理构建等,都有一定的关系。反过来,人们对路径图式的认识和识解也会对路径义空间介词的语义构建和路径义空间介词的句法形式产生影响。人们对路径图式的认识、表达和识解反映了人们与外部世界互动的过程和结果,路径义空间介词语义的确定跟人们已有的百科知识和对路径图式的认知有关。对路径义空间介词的理解不仅反映出被感知的路径图式中各参与者之间的空间关系,也反映出人们对路径感知的能力和方式。对具体路径位置(如起点或终点)的观察与描述隐含着说话人对事物运动的认识与态度。特别是对事件中路径的构建方式,听说双方可能会有不同的认识,使得对路径义路径介词的使用和理解产生偏差。说话人出于某种动机或目的,如意欲对位移事件路径某处特定部分具体化,为了引导听话人的注意力在空间位置的集中分布,选取特定的路径义介词,在语义上有一定的偏向。听话人受完形心理的影响,基于对常规路径图式的认识,会不自觉的进行心理“纠偏”。对具体的路径义介词来说,介词宾语如何选取,语义如何确定,在表达和理解时都需要考虑到认知心理、语篇适应、语用动机等一系列因素。论文共分七章,大致内容如下:第一章绪论,介绍选题缘起、研究目的、研究现状和研究意义,并说明语料来源和研究方法以及介绍本文的研究对象、研究思路。第二章分析了现代汉语空间介词及其相关研究。空间介词往往需要通过介引成分的语义角色来完善具体的空间意义。空间介词对于空间意义的凸显反映了说话人对于背景信息的选择和显化过程。空间介词的分类方式和结果和说话人的视角、注意力、介词与空间意义关联程度有关。第三章分析了起点义空间介词。“起点”是指事物发生位移或运动开始的地方,是路程的起始位置。“起点”在具体语言表达时,可以指空间上的,也可以指时间上的,也可以指认识上的。以“从”为例说明起点义介词在句法、语义、语用等方面表现出来的语法特点。从句法上分析了起点义介词的宾语成分以及介宾结构在句子里的出现位置。在语义上,起点义介词结构具有明显的动态性的语义色彩,谓语部分要求有[+离开]的语义成分。在语用上,分析了听说双方对起点介词意义的不同认识,以及起点介词与语境信息之间的关系。第四章考察了和经由路线有关的路径义空间介词的用法。经由路线是路径从起点到终点中间的部分,是焦点事物经过的路径,可以通过对路径的路线或者多处地点的描述来体现路径中间的相关情况。使用经由义介词,反映了人们在空间运动中对动体的路径路线的选择与确定。比较典型的经由义介词有“经由、沿着、顺着、经”等。第五章分析了表示终点意义的路径义空间介词的句法、语义、语用功能。“终点”是路径上和“起点”相对的处所位置,是路径末端,在语义上包含三层语义:一是事件结束的处所位置,二是事件过程的长度,三是事件结果。典型的终点义介词是“到”。第六章讨论了表示距离的路径义空间介词。距离是对路径本身属性进行的描述,在语义上体现的是路径上起点和终点的相隔。典型介词是“离”。距离义介词结构除了表示处所意义的名词性成分外,还需要有表示数量意义的成分同现,以说明两者相隔的情状。距离义介词结构可以表示静态的空间关系,也可以表示动态的空间关系,典型的路径距离显示的是一种静态关系。第七章是对全文的总结。概括介绍本文的主要观点和研究结论。本文在前人研究的基础上,对现代汉语路径义空间介词的用法作了一定的分析,并试图从认知和功能的角度对路径义空间介词的语义结构和语法特征给予解释说明。

【Abstract】 Space is a basic concept in human cognitive and language system. The concept of space is used to understand the concepts of others, and spatial relation is a basic existent relationship in the objective world. Any object exists in a certain space and can present the spatial relations of one kind or another with the help of human active cognition and construal. The understanding of spatial relations is one of the most basic ways to understand the world. All kinds of complicated spatial concepts, spatial locations and spatial relations can be expressed by prepositions. Many scholars both at home and abroad have done a lot of research on spatial prepositions. But the research on Chinese spatial prepositions is insufficiently through, systematic, and comprehensive at present. The research is especially weak on spatial prepositions in the space domain. In this paper, the author focuses on the path prepositions of the spatial prepositions in modern Chinese.Spatial preposition is a kind of preposition to show the relationship between things and things or things and space, or actions and things. Semantically, Spatial prepositions express the spatial state and spatial relations. The construal of the spatial meaning is based on human’s experience of the objective world. In the course of movement, the existence and displacement of things will highlight a few points, and it is generally believed that these points can present the movement of things and are the typical perspectives which people observe the movement of things. And they can semantically indicate the position, starting point, crossing point, end point and direction respectively. Among them, the starting point, crossing point and end point are all parts of the path. So they are easily to be understood and analyzed under the background of the path. It conforms to cognitive economy principle in the process of construal, and cognitive psychology and construal process in the understanding of spatial meaning. And it is easy to achieve optimal relevance since it requires the least cognitive efforts in the process of discourse understanding on the part of the hearers. Path spatial prepositions are classified according to the meanings. Starting point, crossing point and end point are the typical perspectives, and could be considered together because they all have the characteristics of the path and each is a part of the unique path schema. Path spatial prepositions include the prepositions indicating starting point, crossing point, end point and distance. The first three prepositions have an obvious tendency of dynamic with semantic characteristics of [+displacement]. The typical distance prepositions contain static semantics, which takes the path as a whole to show the value of the path length.The use of path spatial prepositions arouse people’s understanding of path schema, guides people to select an appropriate perspective of cognitive path and pays attention to the state or spatial relations of a particular spatial location. Path is a specific spatial cognitive domain, and the path schema includes starting point, end point, route, crossing point, distance and other factors. These elements are all that the speakers would like to highlight in the specific context and path cognitive domain. The path spatial prepositions can activate people’s existed understanding of the cognitive schema, guides the attention of a specific location in the path. The understanding process for path prepositions is to activate the people’s cognition on the spatial relationship or state between the position focus and the path background, and it is a revisal and specific process according to the schema in their own mind. The understanding and construal of path schema are influenced by many factors such as the meaning of the preposition itself, the semantic structure of the nominal composition after the preposition and semantic features of predicate verb, the perspective of observation and the psychological construct of the path, etc. People’s understanding of the path schema and construal in turn will also have effect on semantic construction and syntactic form of the path spatial prepositions.Human’s awareness, expression and construal of path schema reflect the interactive process and results between human and the outside world. The establishment of the spatial prepositions is relevant to the existing encyclopedic knowledge and the cognition of path schema. The understanding of the path spatial prepositions reflects not only the perceived spatial relations between the participants in the path schema but also the ability and ways to perceive the path. The observation and description of a specific path location (such as a starting point or an end point) imply a speaker’s knowledge and attitude. Especially, in the path construction of an event, the speaker and the hearer are likely to have different understandings, which will lead to the deviation in the use and understanding of the spatial prepositions. The speaker would select some specific path prepositions in order to guide the hearer’s attention on the concentrated distribution on the space location out of some motivation or purpose, so there is a certain tendency in semantics. Based on the understanding of conventional path schema, the hearer, influenced by gestalt psychology, will make psychological "correction" unconsciously. For a specific path preposition, the selection of prepositional object and determination of meaning should take into consideration of a series of factors such as cognitive psychology, discourse adaption and pragmatic motivations.This paper consists of seven chapters, and the contents are as follows:First chapter is an introduction. The author introduces the reason for selecting this topic, research purpose, previous research and research significance as well as the sources of corpus, research methods, research object and train of thoughts of the paper.In the second chapter, the author analyzes the spatial prepositions in modern Chinese and related research. Spatial prepositions often need the semantic roles to specify spatial meanings. The salience of the spatial meanings of the spatial prepositions reflects the choice of the background information and manifestation process of the speaker. The classifications and results of the spatial prepositions are related to the speaker’s perspective, attention, prepositions and spatial meaning.In the third chapter, the spatial prepositions indicating starting points are analyzed."Starting point" refers to the place where the displacements or movements begin and it is the starting position of a path. In the actual use of language,"starting point" can be used to refer to the starting point in space, time as well as cognition. The author takes "from(cong,从)" as an example to explain the grammar characteristics of starting-point prepositions in syntax, semantics and pragmatics. In terms of syntax, the composition of the object and the location of prepositional structure in a sentence are analyzed. In terms of semantics, the prepositional structure indicating the starting point has obvious dynamic semantic color, and the predicate requires semantic component of [+left].And in terms of pragmatics, the author analyzes the different understandings of the speaker and the hearer about the starting-point prepositions, and the relationship between the starting-point prepositions and the contextual information.In the fourth chapter, path prepositions related to route are discussed. The crossing route is a path between the start point and the terminal. It is a path where focal things pass, so the middle part of the path can be manifested by means of the description of the route or the positions along the route. The use of the prepositions indicating crossing points reflects the choice and confirmation for the route of the moving objects in space movement."via(jingyou,经由),down(yanzhe,沿着), along(shunzhe,顺着)" and "through(jing,经)" are the typical path prepositions.In the fifth chapter, the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic functions of the spatial prepositions indicating the end points are analyzed."End point" is on the opposite position of the "starting point ",and it is the end of the path. It contains three layers of semantics:the first one is the position where the event ends; the second is the length of the process, and the third is the result of the event. The typical preposition is "to(dao,到)".In the sixth chapter, the spatial prepositions indicating distance are discussed. Distance is a description of the attributes of the path itself, and it refers to separation between the starting point and the end point in semantics. The typical preposition is "off(li,离)". Apart from the nominal element indicating position, the prepositional structure indicating distance requires the co-occurrence of the elements indicating the meaning of quantity. While the spatial prepositions indicating distance can express both static and dynamic spatial relations, the typical path distance shows a static relationship.The seventh chapter is a summary of the paper. The main points and the conclusion of the research are summarized.In this dissertation, the author, based on the previous research, analyzes the use of the spatial prepositions indicating path in modern Chinese and tries to explain the semantic structure and grammatical features of spatial prepositions from cognitive and functional perspectives.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 08期

