

The Risk of Virus Infection and Behavioral Factors on Pathogen Transmission from Macaques to Humans

【作者】 朱勇

【导师】 李进华;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 生态学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 动物源疾病是危害人类健康的主要疾病之一,全世界约有200多种动物源传染病和150多种寄生虫病可通过动物或动物产品直接或间接传染给人类,引发人类疾病并造成死亡。动物源疾病的发生和流行,严重威胁社会经济的稳定和生态安全,严重危害人类社会的健康和公众安全。历史上曾有多次动物源传染性疾病的大流行,如天花、鼠疫、霍乱、狂犬病、SARS、禽流感和艾滋病等,给人类带来了巨大灾难,并造成难以估量的影响。作为人类的近缘物种,非人灵长类动物与人类在形态结构、生理生化、代谢功能、遗传组成和生态行为等方面十分接近相似,这种相似性是与病原体的敏感性联系在一起的,也就是说,相对于其他物种的动物源疾病,非人灵长类动物源疾病更容易导致人类疾病,对人类健康构成威胁。我国是世界灵长类资源丰富的国家之一,有22个物种,仅次于马达加斯加、印度尼西亚和巴西。同时,我国人口众多,人口密度大,对外交往频繁。随着我国经济发展和国际化加快,以非人灵长类动物为主要对象的养殖、旅游和科学研究活动日益增多,导致人与非人灵长类动物接触增加,而一旦某种灵长类动物疾病爆发,不但造成该动物物种的损失,如跨种传播到人类可在人类社会迅速扩散和蔓延,影响我国经济发展和社会安定,甚至世界恐慌。目前,国内在这方面的研究还比较薄弱,因此开展人与非人灵长类之间疾病传播调查和传播途径研究,更具针对性和紧迫性。当务之急,是了解和掌握不同环境下猴群感染病毒微生物的种类和感染程度,调查猴群管理工作人员感染猴源疾病情况,同时开展对人猴接触方式和接触类型的行为学调查,初步评估我国猴源疾病传播的风险,以期提出猴源疾病的防控措施。本研究于2008年9月至2010年6月期间,通过对三种不同环境下不同种类的猴,即野生环境下黄山野生猴谷的短尾猴、圈养环境下合肥野生动物园的日本猴、笼养环境下安徽实验猕猴中心的猕猴进行研究,采用扫描取样法、行为取样法以及问卷调查法对人猴接触方式和接触类型进行研究;采用酶联免疫吸附法对猴群及猴群管理工作人员血样进行六种常见病毒的阳性抗体检测,以比较和揭示不同灵长类动物、不同生存环境和不同行为方式下猴源病原体的传播趋势和危害程度,主要结果如下:(1)在黄山野生猴谷发生的人猴接触行为类型及行为发生频率显著高于合肥野生动物园和安徽实验猕猴中心(P<0.05);在黄山野生猴谷发生的猴子攻击人类行为事件比例显著高于合肥野生动物园和安徽实验猕猴中心(P<0.05);(2)在黄山野生猴谷和合肥野生动物园,游客指猴、逗猴和打猴等攻击行为类型及行为发生频率无显著差异性(P>0.05):在黄山野生猴谷,游客与猴子身体接触行为发生频率显著高于合肥野生动物园,而非身体接触性近距行为的发生频率,合肥野生动物园显著高于黄山野生猴谷(P<0.05);(3)通过对工作人员、游客及当地居民三类易于接触猴子的人群问卷调查比较,工作人员接触猴子行为发生率显著高于游客及当地居民(P<0.05),当地居民接触猴子行为发生率与游客无显著性差异(P>0.05);(4)通过对工作人员、游客及当地居民与猴子发生接触行为类型比较,发现三类人群与猴子身体接触行为类型均无显著性差异(P>0.05):与猴子身体接触或被抓咬后处理方式均无显著性差异(P>0.05);(5)短尾猴感染病毒丰富度最高,检测全部6种病毒抗体均呈阳性;其次是猕猴,有5种病毒抗体呈阳性,即猴疱疹B病毒、甲型肝炎病毒、猴痘病毒、猴泡沫病毒和猴D型逆转录病毒;日本猴最低,有3种病毒抗体呈阳性,即猴疱疹B病毒、猴痘病毒和猴D型逆转录病毒。(6)在此六种病毒种类中,①猴疱疹B病毒抗体阳性率最高的是日本猴,为37.5%;②甲型肝炎病毒抗体阳性率最高的是猕猴,为13.6%;③猴痘病毒抗体阳性率最高的是猕猴,为27.3%;④猴泡沫病毒抗体阳性率最高的是短尾猴,为18.8%;⑤猴D型逆转录病毒抗体阳性率最高的是日本猴,为25.0%;⑥猴T淋巴细胞趋向性病毒1型抗体阳性率最高的是短尾猴,为6.3%;三种猴类病毒感染率与年龄分布均无显著性相关(P>0.05)。(7)对人血样病毒检测结果表明,除甲肝病毒阳性率为30.0%外,其它病毒阳性率均为0.0%。甲肝病毒阳性率黄山猴谷最高为57.1%(4/7),其次是合肥野生动物园为33.3%(1/3),祁门猕猴中心最低为10%(1/10)。(8)在黄山野生猴谷存在猴源疾病传播风险Ⅰ级(高度风险级)两类、Ⅱ级(中度风险级)三类、Ⅲ级(低度风险级)一类,即在黄山野生猴谷应首先重点防御猴疱疹B病毒(BV)和猴痘病毒(SPV),其次应重点防御甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)、猴泡沫病毒(SFV)和猴D型逆转录病毒(SRV),最后应防御猴T淋巴细胞趋向性病毒1型(STLV-1)向人类传播;在合肥野生动物园存在猴源疾病传播风险Ⅰ级一类、Ⅱ级一类、Ⅲ级四类,即应首先重点防御猴疱疹B病毒(BV),其次应重点防御猴痘病毒(SPV),最后应防御猴D型逆转录病毒(SRV)向人群传播;在安徽实验猕猴中心存在猴源疾病传播风险Ⅰ级两类、Ⅱ级一类、Ⅲ级三类,即应首先重点防御猴疱疹B病毒(BV)和猴痘病毒(SPV),其次应重点防御甲型肝炎病毒(HAV),最后应防御猴泡沫病毒(SFV)和猴D型逆转录病毒(SRV)向人群传播。本研究结果显示,检测出的猴病毒种类依环境封闭程度减少,感染病毒频率依猴子被利用程度增加;病原体在猴子之间主要通过血液、体液和排泄物等传播;本研究中未检测出人感染猴病毒。以上结果表明在我国猴源疾病向人类传播的可能性不大,但这些猴携带的主要病毒可以在人体上存活,仍然存在猴源疾病感染人的风险。贯彻预防为主的方针,避免人和猴直接接触是防止人感染猴疾病的有效方法。预防猴源疾病的关键行为是减少人与感染动物的接触,包括避免因近距或喂食等发生人猴身体性接触行为以及被猴子抓咬等行为、避免接触猴子污染物或摄入污染的食物和水源。根据本研究结果,建议采取以下措施:(1)定期对猴子进行检疫,及时发现和控制病源;(2)提高生态保护意识,改善人猴之间的关系;(3)阻止野生猴类与家养动物直接接触,避免病原菌的相互传播;(4)对圈养猴类实行疫苗策略,降低猴源疾病感染率。本研究在国内首次结合行为生态学和病原生态学对猴源疾病的传播进行研究,初步评估我国猴源疾病传播的风险性,找出不同环境下猴源疾病传播的关键行为类型和行为因素。本研究有助于灵长类动物健康和保护,促进公众健康和安全,并为我国制定猴源疾病预警和预防措施提供必要且有益的基础性资料。

【Abstract】 Zoonosis is one of the major diseases that endanger human health. There are more than200types of zoonoses and150kinds of parasitic diseases can be transmitted directly or indirectly to humans from animals or animal products, which leading to human disease and even death. Zoonoses are serious threats to the stability of social economy and ecological security, and it can also cause serious damage to human health and public health. There are many times of outbreak of zoonoses in the history, such as smallpox, plague, cholera, rabies, SARS, avian influenza, and HIV/AIDS, which brought huge disaster to human beings. As human closely related species, nonhuman primates are similar with humans in morphological structure, physiology, biochemistry, metabolic function, genetic structure and ecological behavior. However, this similarity is associated with the sensitivity of the pathogen, that is, relative to zoonoses from other species of animals, zoonoses from nonhuman primates are more likely to infect human beings, which pose a threat to human health.There are22species of nonhuman primates in China, which second only to Madagascar, Indonesia and Brazil. Meanwhile, China is a big country with large population density and frequent foreign communication. With the fast development of economy and the acceleration of internationalization, nonhuman primates have become as the main objects in aquaculture, tourism and scientific research activities. In mis situation, the interaction between humans and nonhuman primates becoming more and more frequent. If the zoonoses from nonhuman primates infected human beings in large scale, it will affect economic development and social stability, and even panic in the world. At present, the domestic research in this respect is relatively weak, thus to carry out the research in this area is more and more targeted and urgency. The first step is to understand the kinds of microorganism and virus infection situation in both nonhuman primates and staff that related to nonhuman primate management work. At the same time, it should be carried out the behavior study and behavior survey between humans and nonhuman primates. Preliminary assess the risk of pathogen transmission from nonhuman primates to humans in our country. And make the prevention and control measures to avoiding pathogen transmission from nonhuman primates to humans.From September,2008to June,2010, we conducted this study in Anhui province, China, in three different contexts in which human-macaque interactions are known to occur:1) Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Huangshan Monkey Center,2) Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) at Hefei Wildlife Zoo and3) Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatto) at Anhui Laboratory Monkey Center. We used scan sampling and continuous recording (using a digital voice recorder) to collect data about interactions between humans and monkeys, including numbers, sexes and age classes. All-occurrence sampling was used to record the frequency of the monkeys’aggressive behaviors. Blood samples were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EL1SA) for the presence of immunoglobulin antibodies to Herpes B Virus (BV), Hepatitis A virus (HAV), Simian foamy virus (SFV), Simian pox virus (SPV), Simian retrovirus (SRV) and Simian T-cell lymphotrophic virus-1(STLV-1). The main results are as follows,(1) We observed more varied interaction behavior types at Huangshan Monkey Center compared to Hefei Wildlife Zoo and Anhui Laboratory Monkey Center (P<0.05). The frequency of interaction behavior and macaque aggressive behavior was also the highest at Huangshan Monkey Center (P<0.05).(2) There has no significant difference about interaction behavior between tourists and macaques at both Huangshan Monkey Center and Hefei Wildlife Zoo (.P>0.05). The frequency of proximity behavior at Hefei Wildlife Zoo was higher than that at Huangshan Monkey Center (P<0.05).(3) Questionnaire survey showed that the frequency of interaction behavior between staff and macaques were much higher than that in tourists and local residents (P<0.05). But the difference between tourists and local residents was not significant.(4) The difference about interaction behavior types with macaques among staff, tourists and local residents was not significant (P>0.05). There has no significant difference about safeguard measures when scratched or bitted by macaques among staff, tourists and local residents (P>0.05).(5) Our results showed that Macaca thibetana were tested positive for all six types of virus antibodies, Macaca mulatta were tested five types of virus antibodies, and Macaca fuscata were three types of virus antibodies.(6) The most highest seroprevalence antibodies to BV is37.5%in Macaca fuscata, to HAV is13.6%in Macaca mulatta, to SPV is27.3%in Macaca mulatta, to SFV is18.8%in Macaca thibetana, to SRV is25%in Macaca fuscata, and to STLV-1is6.3%in Macaca thibetana. The difference between seroprevalence antibodies and age distribution among macaques was not significant (P>0.05).(7) We had not detected seroprevalence antibodies to macaques virus in staff except HAV. The seroprevalence antibodies to HAV is57.1%at Huangshan Monkey Center, and then is33.3%at Hefei Wildlife Zoo, and is10%at Anhui Laboratory Monkey Center.(8) There have two I risk level (high risk level, that is, BV and SPV), one Ⅱ risk level (middle risk level, that is, HAV, SFV and SRV) and one Ⅲ risk level (low risk level, that is, STLV-1) at Huangshan Monkey Center. There have two I risk level (that is BV), one Ⅱ risk level (that is SPV), and four Ⅲ risk level (that is SRV) at Hefei Wildlife Zoo. There have two I risk level (that is, BV and SPV), one Ⅱ risk level (that is HAV), and three Ⅲ risk level (that is SFV and SRV) at Anhui Laboratory Monkey Center.Our results showed that the monkey virus types and infection frequency were in accordance with the degree of closed environment. The route of pathogen transmission from macaques to humans through blood, body fluids, and feces and so on. We had not detected seroprevalence antibodies to macaque virus in staff. The results showed that the pathogen transmit from macaques to humans is unlikely, but there has still a risk of virus infection. The effective methods to prevent infecting virus is avoid direct body contact with macaques. Meanwhile, the key action is to avoid contact with the macaque pollutants or intake of contaminated food and water. According to the results of this study, it is suggested that take the following measures: (1) conduct quarantine to macaques regularly,(2) raise awareness of ecological protection in public and improve the relationship with the macaques,(3) prevent the interaction between wild macaques and domestic animals to avoid mutual spreading pathogens,(4) carry out the vaccine strategies for captive macaques to reducing virus infection rate among macaques.Potential pathogen transmission from nonhuman primates to humans pose a serious and increasing threat to human public health and welfare in the world, but there has no enough attention in public about this in China. Our study is a first step to characterizing the disease’s emergence status in macaques and behavioral interactions between humans and nonhuman primates in China, which will be critical pieces of information for developing strategies to minimize potential transmission risk from macaques to humans.

【关键词】 病原体传播风险行为因素
【Key words】 macaquehumanpathogentransmission riskbehavioral factors
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 08期

