

Syudy on the History Evolution of Marxism Belief

【作者】 陆攀

【导师】 吴学琴;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 信仰是人类永恒的本性,每个时代的人都要用信仰构筑自己的精神家园。人类的信仰史同时也是人类文明进步的历史,但是直到马克思主义信仰的诞生,才真正实现了人类信仰史的伟大变革。马克思和恩格斯创立了马克思主义信仰(即科学共产主义信仰),并且他们以自身的行动积极传播和实践着自己创立的信仰,使马克思主义信仰获得了初期的传播。马克思主义信仰作为一种政治信仰,它以维护广大劳动人民的利益为根本指向,其主旨是实现共产主义的理想社会目标和人的自由全面发展。因此,从马克思主义信仰诞生起,它就与劳苦大众实现自身解放和发展的命运息息相关。以工人阶级为核心的广大劳动人民,以这一信仰体系为指导,在共产主义目标的牵导下,不断推动着世界社会主义运动的向前发展。在这一过程中,马克思主义信仰始终发挥着目标导向、思想引领、精神动力、政治灵魂的作用,成为广大劳动人民追求自身解放和幸福生活的精神支柱。马克思主义信仰在苏联经历了极其坎坷的命运。19世纪80年代,作为一种信仰体系的马克思主义在俄国开始传播,并逐渐为工农劳动大众所接受和认可。以列宁为代表的布尔什维克党人努力推进马克思主义信仰的俄国化,在信仰理论上,形成了第一个民族化的理论形式即列宁主义;在信仰实践中,创建了世界上第一个社会主义国家。十月革命胜利后,马克思主义信仰成为国家的主导信仰。列宁积极推动第一个社会主义国家的马克思主义信仰建设,他坚持实事求是的马克思主义信仰精神,打破教条主义的思想束缚,积极推行新经济政策,巩固了马克思主义信仰在第一个社会主义国家中的主导地位。斯大林在苏联马克思主义信仰建设中也做出了积极贡献,但由于斯大林模式的严重弊端以及个人崇拜的形成,马克思主义信仰在巩固的同时也出现了扭曲。后斯大林时期,由于逐步向“人道的、民主的社会主义”信仰的转向,马克思主义信仰在苏联出现了危机,这场危机经历了赫鲁晓夫时期的产生、勃列日涅夫时期的深化以及戈尔巴乔夫时期的全面爆发的过程,最终导致了苏联的亡党亡国。马克思主义信仰在中国也走过了不平坦的道路,但从总体上看,获得了大发展。五四时期,中国先进的知识分子从俄国十月革命的成功范例中选择了马克思主义信仰。在革命的进程中,马克思主义信仰经历了从精英话语向大众话语、个体形态向组织形态的演变,并随着新民主主义革命的胜利,从革命党的政治信仰上升为国家的主导信仰。在这一过程中,马克思主义信仰在中国实现了民族化、中国化,在理论形态上,形成了中国化的第一个马克思主义信仰理论即毛泽东思想。在社会主义过渡时期,马克思主义信仰的主导地位得到了巩固,实现了主导信仰与主流信仰的同构。社会主义制度确立后,马克思主义信仰在信仰主体那里过多地呈现出非理性的一面,并逐步掺入了个人崇拜的因素,以致在文化大革命中形成了极其严重的个人崇拜现象,马克思主义信仰出现了畸形化发展。“文革”结束后,中国共产党人重新确立了实事求是的马克思主义信仰精神,引导人民群众逐步从个人崇拜的阴影中走出来,马克思主义信仰实现了理性的归位。随后,马克思主义信仰又经历了苏东剧变所带来的信仰困境以及“法轮功”的冲击等,但马克思主义信仰在曲折中获得了进一步地发展。特别是十一届三中全会以后,中国共产党进一步推进马克思主义信仰的中国化,在理论形态上,形成了中国化的第二个马克思主义信仰理论即中国特色社会主义理论体系,在信仰实践中,带领中国人民成功开辟了一条真正符合中国国情的建设道路即中国特色社会主义道路,并积极引导人民群众的信仰观念从传统社会主义向中国特色社会主义的转变。“中国特色社会主义”时代信仰目标的确立,激发了人民群众在中国特色社会主义道路上实现共产主义的豪情壮志,坚定了他们对马克思主义的信仰。马克思主义信仰的主导地位不是一劳永逸的,这就需要通过持续不断地信仰建设来巩固。马克思主义真理性在实践中的彰显,中国特色社会主义事业的辉煌成就都为这一信仰建设提供了有利条件,同时这一信仰建设又受到“资”强“社”弱,反马克思主义思潮,全球化、网络化、信息化,市场经济改革和发展等多种因素的挑战和影响。后者也反映了当代中国马克思主义信仰建设的现实紧迫性。马克思主义信仰建设不仅关系到党的生死存亡,而且在当代中国它还是实现中华民族伟大复兴“中国梦”的迫切需要、是提升国家软实力的迫切需要、是维护国家意识形态安全的迫切需要,是世界社会主义运动走出低谷的迫切需要。为此,就要坚持理论创新与实践成效相统一、示范引领与主体选择相统一、一元主导与多样并存相统一、批判斗争与吸收借鉴相统一的方法,并通过进一步强化中国特色社会主义实践成效、增强马克思主义的当代解释力、加强马克思主义信仰教育、加强党及党的信仰建设、发挥社会主义意识形态的作用等途径来扎实推进这一信仰的建设。

【Abstract】 Belief is the eternal nature of mankind. Pepole of every age build their own spiritual home with faith. The belief history of the mankind is also the history of human civilization and progress.But until the Marxism belief’s birth,it truly had achieved a great change. Marx and Engels founded the Marxism belief (that is, Scientific communism belief),and actively spread and practiced their own beliefs with their own action,which made Marxism belief get the early spread. As a political belief, safeguarding the interests of the masses of working people is the fundamental direction of Marxism belief, whose aim is to realize communism ideal society and human’s free comprehensive development.Thus, from Marxism belief in birth, it was closely linked with the toiling masses’ destiny of their own realization the liberation and development. Guided by the Marxism belief, the masses of working people whose core is the working class, Continuously push forward the world socialist movement In the guide of communism goal. In this process, Marxism belief has always played a role of goal-directed, thoughts lead, spiritual motivation and political soul, and become the spiritual pillar of masses of working people to pursue their own liberation and happy lives.Marxism belief had experienced extremely rough fate in the Soviet Union. In the1880s, Marxism as a belief system began to spread in Russia and was gradually recognized and accepted by the masses of workers and peasants. The Bolshevik party represented by Lenin made efforts to propel the Marxism belief’ russianising, forming the first nationalization of belief theory namely Leninism in the aspect of belief theory and creating the first socialist country in the world in the aspect of belief practice. After the victory of the October revolution in Russia, Marxism belief became the nation’s dominant belief. Lenin actively promoted the first socialist country construction of Marxist belief. He adhered to the Marxism belief’ spirit of seeking truth from facts,and broke the shackles of dogmatism thought,and also actively carried out the new economic policy,which consolidated the dominant position of Marxism belief in the first socialist country. Stalin also made a positive contribution to the construction of Marxism belief in the Soviet union. But because of the serious defects of Stalin model and the formation of personality cult, Marxism belief appeared distorted while it was consolidated. The post Stalin period, because of gradually turning to "humanity, democratic socialism"belief, Marxism belief crisis emerged in the Soviet union. The crisis had experienced the process of the emergence in Khrushchev period, the deepening in Brezhnev period and the outbreak in Mikhail gorbachev period, which ultimately led to the Soviet Communist Party and nation’ collapse.Marxism belief in China has also traversed a bumpy road, but overall, has obtained a great development. The May4th period, Chinese advanced intellectuals chose Marxism belief from the successful example of the Russian October revolution. In the process of revolution, Marxism belief had experienced the evolution from elite discourse to the public discourse and from individual form to organization form. With the victory of the new-democratic revolution, Marxism belief rose from revolutionary party’s political belief to the country’s dominant belief. In this process, Marxism belief in China realized the nationalization, sinicization. Thus, in theoretical form, the first Marxism belief theory with chinese characteristics namely Thoughts of MAO ze-dong was formed. In the period of social transition, the dominant position of Marxism belief had been consolidated. The isomorphism of the country’s dominant belief and social mainstream belief was finally realized. After the establishment of the socialist system, Marxism believers presented the irrational side too much. The factor of personality cult was also mixed with Marxism belief, so that the extremely serious phenomenon of personality cult was formed In the Cultural Revolution, which led to the development of deformity of Marxism belief. After the "Cultural Revolution", Chinese Communists reestablished the seek truth from facts of the spirit of Marxism belief and guided the masses gradually out of the shadow of personality cult. Marxism belief achieved the rational position again.Afterwards, Marxism belief also experienced the belief dilemma caused by Su Dong revulsion and the impact of "Falun Gong" etc, but obtained the further development in the twists and turns. Especially after The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the Communist Party of China further propelled the Sinicization of Marxism belief. Thus, in the aspect of belief theory,the second Marxism belief theory with chinese characteristics namely the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics was formed. In the aspect of belief practice,the Communist Party of China led by Chinese people to successfully open up a construction road namely the socialist road with Chinese characteristics which truly meets the Chinese national condition, and actively guided the masses to change the viewpoint of belief from traditional socialism to socialism with Chinese characteristics.The establishment of age belief goal namely "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" inspired the masses of the people’ ambition on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics to realize communism, and strengthened their belief in marxism.The dominance of Marxism belief is not once and for all, and it will need to be consolidated by the continuous belief construction. Both Marxist truth showing in practice and the brilliant achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics provide favorable conditions for the Marxism belief construction. At the same time, the Marxism belief construction is facing challenges by many factors such as powerful "capitalism" and weak "socialist", anti marxism trends of thoughts, globalization, networking, informationization, the reform and development of market economy,etc. The latter also reflects the urgency of the Marxism belief construction in contemporary China. It not only relates to the party’s survival, but also it’s still the urgent need to realize "Chinese dream" of Chinese nations great rejuvenation in contemporary China. Also it’s still the urgent need to promote national soft power. It’s still the urgent need to Maintainthe security of national ideology. It’s still the urgent need of the world socialist movement out of the trough. So we must strengthen the constructionof Marxism belief by many ways such as the unity of the theory innovation and the practice effect, the unity of demonstration and subject selection, the unity of a dominating and the coexistence of diverse, the unity of the critical struggle and absorption,etc.Also we must strengthen the constructionof Marxism belief by many methods such as further strengthening the practice results of socialism with Chinese characteristics, enhancing explanatory power of Marxism, strengthening the education of Marxism belief, strengthening the construction of the party and the party’s belief, playing the role of socialist ideology, etc.

【关键词】 信仰马克思主义信仰演变建设
【Key words】 beliefMarxism beliefevolutionconstruction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 08期

