

The Historical Logic and Contemporary Construction of the Chinese Marxist Theoretical Innovation Paradigm

【作者】 储著源

【导师】 吴家华;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 不断推进理论创新是马克思主义永保生机和活力的关键。马克思主义理论创新,既是在坚持马克思主义基本原理基础上提出适合时代要求、民族特点和实践需要的新观点、新论断、新要求、新理论的过程,也是理论范式的形成、发展和更新的过程。马克思主义传入中国以后,党带领人民以高度的理论自觉和理论自信开辟了具有中国特色的马克思主义理论创新道路,实现了马克思主义中国化两次历史性飞跃。党的十八大和十八届二中全会、三中全会对中国特色社会主义事业进行了全新的战略部署,新的实践呼唤新的科学理论。什么是马克思主义理论创新?怎样进行马克思主义理论创新?这是目前摆在当代中国马克思主义理论工作者面前的重大理论课题。解决这个问题,既要对创新实践的新鲜经验进行科学总结,也要对中国共产党推进马克思主义中国化过程中形成的理论创新历史经验进行梳理和阐释。中国共产党运用马克思主义立场观点方法,在解决“中国问题”中形成了一个个影响重大又通俗易懂的理论创新范例,形成了具有实践性、理论性、民族性、时代性的中国马克思主义理论创新经典范式。因而,借鉴范式这个工具性的学术视野和研究方法,既可以解释中国马克思主义理论创新的历史逻辑和实践机制,也可以解答当代中国马克思主义理论创新面临的难题,更可以建构理论主体推进理论创新所直接运用的具体范式。中国马克思主义理论创新范式是指中国马克思主义理论创新主体在坚持和运用马克思主义立场观点方法推动马克思主义中国化和中国化的马克思主义理论创新实践中所坚持的世界观、建构的方法论、总结的创新规律、积累的正确经验、形成的经典范例和孕育的科学精神,是马克思主义辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义在中国丰富和发展的表现形式,其实质是理论创新的思想方法、具体方法、价值理念、判断标准、基本战略、路径选择、检验模式、目标规划等,蕴含着世界观与方法论、价值理性与工具理性、科学性与革命性、理论性与现实性、原则性与灵活性、历史性与逻辑性的辩证统一。从范式的创新特质来看,中国马克思主义理论创新范式具有差异性与不可通约性、累积性与可持续性、优先性与先导性、优胜劣汰性与竞争性等方面的创新特性。从范式的生成机制来看,中国马克思主义理论创新范式形成的基础准备是党和人民不断地运用马克思主义思考中国革命、建设和改革问题;逻辑起点是党和人民运用马克思主义解答民族危机和发展难题;生成理念是党和人民对马克思主义的理论信念以及对国家和民族的实践承诺;生成动力是党和人民不断推动的理论革命和实践革命;生成标志是中国革命道路、社会主义建设道路和中国马克思主义理论体系的形成。从范式的发展历程来看,中国马克思主义理论创新范式经历了起点、第一次成型、转型创新等三个发展阶段。从范式的变迁逻辑来看,中国马克思主义理论创新范式经历了从部分人共享到全国各族人民共享再到与世界人民共享的运行轨迹,并经历了不同历史时期的历史形态转换和新旧范式的形成、选择、发展、更替、创新与并存的演变逻辑。毛泽东和第一代中央领导集体为当代中国一切进步奠定的理论基础、物质基础、政治基础、制度基础、组织基础和群众基础是中国马克思主义理论创新范式当代建构的客观依据和基础优势。毛泽东推进理论创新的主要经验是中国马克思主义理论创新范式当代建构的直接依据和历史优势。在推进马克思主义中国化过程中,毛泽东始终将马克思主义基本原理与中国革命建设实际相结合,坚持马克思主义中国化时代化大众化,坚持马克思主义立场观点方法,坚持人民群众的主体定位,坚持百花齐放、百家争鸣,坚持实事求是,坚持马克思主义理论学习与思想政治教育。中国马克思主义理论创新范式当代建构分为要素性和整体性两个维度。中国马克思主义理论创新要素范式主要包括主体范式、思想范式、问题范式、主题范式、动力范式和实践推进范式。主体范式是指将拥有共同的理论知识、理想信念、方法指导和价值追求的主体按照一定的理论和实践逻辑组成理论创新共同体的特定模式。思想范式是指主体运用马克思主义立场观点方法基于新问题与新矛盾构建的思想观点、价值理念和思维方法。问题范式是指主体运用马克思主义立场观点方法提炼、分析和解决新老问题而形成的问题解决标准和方法。主题范式是指主体运用马克思主义立场观点方法分析和把握理论创新主题变迁规律而形成的理论创新主题界定模式。动力范式是指主体运用马克思主义立场观点方法界定、整合和调动理论创新动力源泉的思路和机制。实践推进范式是指主体为实现理论创新既定战略目标而采取的具体战略、方法和路径。建构理论创新要素范式,有利于理论主体弄清楚理论创新实践活动的构成要素和要素运行机制,有利于理论主体深入挖掘和高度总结中国马克思主义理论创新的主要历史经验和实现机制,有利于理论主体准确把握中国马克思主义理论创新经典范式的发展逻辑。中国马克思主义理论创新整体性建构的范式主要包括价值审视与定位范式、话语范式和顶层设计范式。价值审视与定位范式是指主体运用马克思主义立场观点方法对中国马克思主义理论创新实践过程与结果进行整体审视和判断定位的整体思路、价值标准和方法体系。话语范式是指主体运用马克思主义立场观点方法培养全社会坚持、运用和发展马克思主义的理论自觉和理论自信的价值理念、思维观念和模式方法。顶层设计范式是指主体运用马克思主义立场观点方法对中国马克思主义理论创新工程进行长远规划和总体考虑并制定理论创新的总体思路、总体目标、实施细则和评价机制的思维模式。建构理论创新整体性范式,有利于理论主体将理论创新提升到国家战略规划层面,有利于理论主体宏观调控理论创新推进战略和实践过程,有利于促进中国马克思主义与中国特色社会主义的历史逻辑保持高度一致。

【Abstract】 The key to maintianing the forever vitality and vigour of Marxsim is the continuing propulsion of the theoretical innovation. The Marxist theoretical innovation is not only the process of putting forward the new views, theses, requirements and theories adaptive to the demands of the time, national characteristics and practical requirements on the basis of insisting on the basic principles of Marxism,but also the process of forming, developing and updating the theory paradigm. After Marxism was introduced into China, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people to have developed a path of Marxist theoretical innovation with Chinese characteristics, achieved the two historic leaps of the sinicization of Marxism.The18th CPC national congress as well as the second and the third Plenary Session of the18th Central Committee have made a brand new strategic arrangement for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Meanwhile, new practice will call for the new scientific theory. What is the Marxist theoretical innovation and how to carry it out? This is the significant theoretical topic which the contemporary theoretical Marxists are facing. To solve the problem, it is necessary to conclude the new experience of innovation practices scientifically while teasing and explaining the historical experience of the theoretical innovation developed in the process of the Communist Party’s propulsion of the sinicization of Marxism. The Communist Party has utilized the Marxist standpoints, views and methods and formed significant and accessible theoretical innovation paradigms one after another in solving the "Chinese Problems",as well as the classical Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation paradigms which are practical, theoretical, national and epochal. Therefore, the reference paradigm, which is an instrumental academic view and studying method, can not only explain the historical logic and practical mechanism of the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation, but also solve the conundrums that the contemporary Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation is facing. Furthermore, it can also construct the scientific paradigm used directly by the theoretical subject when propelling the theoretical innovation.The Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation paradigm refers to the world view that the subject of Marxist theoretical innovation persisted in, the methodology they established, the innovation rules they concluded, the correct experience they accumulated, the classical examples they made and the scientific spirit they developed in the process of insisting on and applying Marxist standpoint, views and methods to carry forward the sinicization of Marxism, as well as in the sinicized practice of Marxist theoretical innovation. It’s a manifestation of the enrichment and development of Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism in China. The essence of it is the ways of thinking, the concrete methods, value idea, criterion for judgments, fundamental tactics, route choice, the verification mode and goals of theoretical innovation, which contains the dialectical unity between world view and methodology, value rational and instrumental reason, scientificalness and revolutionary characters, theoretical characters and realistic characters, principles and flexibility, as well as historical characters and logicality.According to the innovative characteristics of paradigms, the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation paradigm has innovative charaterictics of otherness and incommensurability, the accumulated character and sustainability, priority and the guiding character as well as the charater of survival of the fittest and competitiveness. From the formation mechanism of the paradigm, the basic preparations for the generation of the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation paradigm are the party and the people’s constant use of Marxism to think about the Chinese revolution, construction and reform while its logical starting point is their use of Marxism to solve the national crisis and development difficulties, its developing idea is their theoretical belief of Marxism and practical commitments to thier coutry and nation, its developing motivation is the theoretical as well as practical revolution they’re propelling continuously and its developing symbol is the success of the Chinese revolution and the formation of the socialist construction path together with the Chinese Marxist theoretical system. Viewed from the development process of the paradigm, the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation paradigm has undergone Starting point, the first shape and the transformation of innovation of the three stages of development. Seen from the transition logic of the paradigm, the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation paradigm has undergone the operation logic from the sharing of some people to the sharing of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and then to the sharing of the people around the world. It also has gone through the conversion of the historical modality in different historical periods and the evolving logic of the formation, choice, development, changes, innovation and coexistence of the new and old paradigms.The foundations of theory, substance, politics, system, organization and the masses laid by Mao Zedong and the first generation of collective leadership for all the improvements of the contemporary China is the objective basis and basic advantage of the contemporary construction of the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation paradigm. Mao’s prime experience of propelling theoretical innovation is the direct basis and historical advantage of the contemporary construction of the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation paradigm. In the process of propelling the sinicization of Marxism, Mao Zedong combined the basic principles of Marxism and the facts of Chinese revolution and construction all the time while persisting in the sinicization, modernization and popularization of Marxism, the standpoint, viewpoint and methods of Marxism, the masses’ role as the subject,the academic policy of Hundred Flowers Campaign, the idea of "seek truth from facts" as well as the theoretical study and ideological and political education of Marxism.The contemporary construction of the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation paradigm can be divided into two dimensions, which refer to the construction of elements and the integral. The elemental paradigm is comprised of the paradigm of subject, idea, problem,topic, motivation, strategy and practical propulsion. The subject paradigm is the specific pattern of making the subject with common theoretical knowledge, beliefs, methods and guidelines and value pursuit into a theoretical innovation community according to certain theoretical and practical logics. The idea paradigm refers to the opinions and views, value conception and thinking ways based on the new problems and contradictions, which are constructed by the subject while utilizing Marxist standpoints, views and methods. The problem paradigm is the standards and methods of solving problems developed by the subject when applying the Marxist standpoints, views and methods to refining, analyzing and solving the new problems as well as the old ones. The topic paradigm means the pattern of defining the theoretical innovation topic created by the subject while using the Marxist standpoints, views and methods to analyze and grasp the transition laws of the theoretical innovation topic. The motivation paradigm is about the subject’s line of thinking and mechanism of defining, integrating and transferring the source of motivation by using the Marxist standpoints, views and methods. And the practical propulsion paradigm refers to the concrete methods and ways adopted by the subject for achieving the established tactic goals of the theoretical innovation. Constructing the elemental paradigm of theoretical innovation will help the theoretical subject to make the elements of the theoretical innovation activities and their working mechanisms clear, unearth and summarise the main historical experience and achieving mechanism of the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation deeply and highly and hold the development logic of the classical Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation paradigm precisely.The paradigms of the integral construction of the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation are primarily comprised of the value examination and positioning paradigm, the discourse paradigm as well as the top designing paradigm. The value examination and positioning paradigm refers to the subject’s integral thinking, value standards and method system of viewing on the whole and judging the position of the practical process and results of the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation by using the Marxist standpoints, views and methods. The discourse paradigm is the value conception, thinking and opinions as well as patterns and methoeds of the subject while applying the Marxist standpoints, views and methods to cultivating the theoretical consciousness and confidence of the whole society to persist in, apply and develop Marxism. The top designing paradigm means the subject’s thinking patterns of making the long-term plan for the Chinese Marxist theoretical innovation program as well as formulating the holistic line of thinking and goals, implementing rules and evaluating mechanism for the theoretical innovation when utilizing the Marxist standpoints, views and methods. Constructing the integral theoretical innovation paradigm will help the theoretical subject to enhance the theoretical innovation to a range of national strategic planning arrangement, regulate and control the propelling strategies and practical process of the theoretical innovation in a macro perspective and also help in keeping the Chinese Marxism highly in line with the historical logic of the socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 08期

