

Study of Contemporary Industrial Development in the Huaihe River Basin in Anhui

【作者】 王成

【导师】 张崇旺;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 历史文献学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 安徽淮河流域(以下简称“本区”)工业发展与变迁的历史是我国相对落后地区尤其是中部地区工业化的缩影,反映了在中央和地方政府的领导下的当代安徽淮河流域人民群众奋发图强建设家乡的光辉历程。研究这段历史,我们可以清楚地看到本区工业建设所取得的成就,并总结出经验,将之发扬光大。通过发现其中的问题与不足,我们又可以从中汲取教训,从而更好地加快本区经济与社会发展。本区具备发展工业的资源基础,然而由于起步晚,发展缓慢,其历史起点较低。新中国成立以前,本区工业始终处于“开而未发”的状态,主要以传统手工业为主,以机器生产为标志的现代工业严重滞后并发展速度缓慢。新中国成立后至改革开放前,中央及安徽地方政府在本区创建了一批现代工矿企业,为本区工业建设奠定了基础。通过三年经济恢复以及社会主义改造的完成,社会主义经济制度在本区基本建立。50年代初,沿海工业企业内迁以及苏联对华工业援建使本区工业发展获益匪浅。1965年开始的“小三线”建设使本区六安、金寨、霍山等地落后的工业面貌有所改变。“大跃进”和“文化大革命”期间,安徽淮域工业在曲折中艰难前行甚至遭受重创。1978年十一届三中全会以后,改革成为国有工业企业发展的主要内容。与全国一样,本区的国有企业改革大致经历了放权让利、现代企业制度建立等几个阶段。改革开放以后,本区非公有制工业企业有所发展,个私经济及乡镇企业的发展使本区工业形成了多种所有制并存的格局。本区工业发展具备一定的自身优势,比如自然资源丰富、交通条件便利,但同时也应该看到历史上本区工业基础薄弱,自然灾害频仍,社会长期动乱。虽然在新中国成立初期本区工业得到了一定发展。然而由于很长一段时期内,本区都不是国家和安徽省工业发展的重点区域,所得到的政策支持非常有限,因而即使与本省非淮地区相比也处于落后状态,遑论与江浙沿海等发达地区。从纵向来看,60多年来本区在煤炭、电力、建材、食品加工、酿酒等工业较之新中国成立以前有大幅度的提升。然而从横向来看,由于缺少工业发展极和长期稳定的政策支撑等多重历史和现实因素,当代安徽淮河流域工业发展总体水平不高,本区总体工业水平远远落后于沿海及本省非淮地区是一个不争的事实,并表现出以下几个方面的特点:1.工业化水平参差不齐,总体偏低。本区整体处于工业化实现阶段的前期。其中淮南高于整体标准,部分地区如亳州、阜阳等甚至处于前工业化阶段。从安徽省整体来看,安徽省和皖中工业水平已处于工业化前期的后半阶段,皖南则整体处于整体处于工业化中期的后半阶段。本区与全省其他地区相比,工业化进程滞后。2.工业发展资金投入不足。新中国成立以来,国家和安徽地方政府在本区工业建设投资十分有限。本区实行改革开放和引进外资的进程远远落后于沿海地区及本省非淮地区。最近几年来,本区加强引进外资力度,加强与中央企业的合作,但效果均不如人意。3.民营工业经济薄弱。新中国成立之初,国家鼓励发展个私经济以满足广大人民的生活需要。随着社会主义改造的完成,本区个私经济基本消失。改革开放以后,本区个私经济出现了短暂的繁荣。阜阳模式曾一度与温州模式、苏州模式并称为全国乡镇企业发展的三大模式,但由于主客观原因最终走向衰落。4.以初级产品加工为主的工业结构。1949年以来,国家在本区投资主要集中于水利建设和农田改造,具体到工业建设仅有两淮煤矿的开发,因而本区工业方面除煤炭、电力、食品加工等工业相对发展较好以外,其余如钢铁、机械等工业均比较落后。5.与长三角经济区联系紧密。近代以来,上海经济圈对本区工业的发展带动作用尤为明显。新中国成立初期,沿海工业企业内迁使本区工业经济发展获益匪浅。此后,在省委省政府的推动下,安徽省积极融入以上海为中心的长三角经济圈。同时,安徽及本区地方政府也积极参与长三角经济区建设,提出“远学闽粤,近学江浙”、“开发皖江,呼应浦东”等口号,拉近安徽及其淮域地区与江浙沪等地的距离。21世纪以来,本区和全省其他地区一样积极参与泛长三角区域工业发展分工。工业的发展绝不是孤立的,必然与社会其他方面相互影响、相互作用。新中国成立以来,本区工业建设总体上取得了一定成就,本区落后的经济与社会面貌初步得以改变。随着工业的发展,本区各市的工业经济结构各具自身特色。淮南和淮北已发展成煤、电、化类型的工业基地,蚌埠是以建材、机械、轻纺为主的综合性工业城市和交通枢纽,阜阳和宿州的工业则以农产品加工为主,亳州的药材加工和酿酒等工业初具规模,其余如滁州、宿州、六安等地工业发展也颇具自身特色。工业的发展促进了本区农业经济、城镇化以及教育等方面的进步与发展,但是工业发展也使经济与社会付出了较为沉重的代价,其中最为突出的即是工业发展中产生的环境问题。当代安徽淮域工业经济存在停滞、爱慢的发展现象,但总趋势仍然是上升的、向上发展的。

【Abstract】 The history of industrial change in the Huaihe River Basin in Anhui is a true reflection of industrialization, reflecting people under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and local governments since1949. By studying this history, we can see clearly the achievements in industrial construction and the shortcomings in the Huaihe River Basin in Anhui. From studying this history period, we can see clearly of the achievements in industrial construction. Also, we can learn some experiences from the problems and shortages, thereby to speed up the economic development in this area.Industrial development in this area has a certain resource base, but due to the late start, slow development, its starting point is low. Before the establishment of new China, industry in this area be a certain condition of staring without development, traditional handicraft industry as the main part, and machine production marked in modern industry is lagged. From1949to1978, the central and local governments in the region created a batch of modern industrial and mining enterprises, which laid a foundation for industrial construction in this area. From1949to1957, the socialist economic system basically was established in the district. In early1950s, many industrial enterprises were moved from the coastal areas and the Soviet Union had been gave China a lot of industrial assistance for this area. Therefore, the industrial construction in Huaihe River Basin made great progress in this period. From1965, the Three Line Construction made the area of Lu’an, Jinzhai and Huoshan a good chance to develop the industry, and the landscape has been changed. During the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, industry in Huaihe River Basin in Anhui even suffered in the twists and turns.From1978, the reform of state-owned industrial enterprises began. Same as the other part of our country, the reform of state-owned enterprises is roughly in this area have experienced several stages such as delegate benefit, establish modern enterprise system and so on. After reform and opening up, in the non-public sectors of the industrial enterprises, private economy and the development of township enterprises in the industry has formed a variety pattern of ownership coexist. The development of the regional industrial development has certain advantages, such as rich natural resources, the transportation is convenient, but at the same time, it should be notice that the industry foundation is weak, frequently natural disasters and long term turmoil of society. Although in the founding of new China in the early industry got a certain development. Due to a long period of time, however, this area was not the key of the national and industrial development in Anhui province, the resulting policy support is very limited, and therefore even if it is backward while compared with the Huaihe River outside the province, not to mention, comparing with the coastal developed areas. Fuyang pattern, one of the three major development model of township enterprises, was once brilliant, which was tied with the Wenzhou mode, Suzhou mode.Although in the founding of new China industry in the area got a certain development, the overall level is not very high. And The characteristics of the industrial development in this area show the following aspects:1. Industrialization level is uneven. Overall, compared with other areas in the province, the level of industry in this area lagged industrialization process. Parts of Huainan is higher than the overall standards, some other places such as Bozhou, Fuyang are even at before industrialization stage;2. Industrial development lacks of money. Since the founding of new China, industrial construction investment of the state and the local governments in the region is very limited. Implement the process of reform and opening up and introduction of foreign investment in this area is far behind the coastal region and the other regions in Anhui province. In recent years, local governments want to strengthen the introduction of foreign investment and the cooperation with the central enterprises, but the overall effect is not satisfied;3. Private industrial economy is weak. At the beginning of the founding of new China, the state encourages the development of private economy in order to satisfy the masses of the people’s life. With the completion of socialist transformation, the private economy in this area almost disappeared. After the reform and open policy, private economy in this area had a brief boom, but eventually to decline;4. Most factories produce the primary industrial products. Since1949, the state investment in the region mainly focused on the water conservancy construction and farmland leveling, specific to the development of Huainan coal mine industrial construction, thus in addition to coal, electric power, food processing, and other relative industrial development have being good. The rest, such as steel, machinery and other industries are relatively backward;5.Linked to the Yangtze River delta economic zone closely. Since modern times, Shanghai economic circle in the development of industry leading role is especially striking. After the founding of new China, the Yangtze River delta economic zone including Shanghai has been actively involved in economic development of Anhui province including this area.Since the founding of new China, regional industrial development on the whole, has obtained certain achievement, in the preliminary to change the backward economic and social landscape. With the development of the industry, each of the industrial economic structure cities in this area has its own characteristics. Huainan and Huaibei has developed into the coal, electricity, chemical type of industrial base, Bengbu was mainly used for building materials, machinery, textile in the comprehensive industrial city and traffic hub, Fuyang and Suzhou industrial is given priority to with agricultural products processing, Bozhou herbs processing and brewing industry begun to take shape, the rest such as Chuzhou, Suzhou, Lu’an industrial development also has its own features. Industry promotes the development of the regional agriculture economy, progress of urbanization and education development, but industrial development has also given a relatively profound economic and social costs. One of the most prominent is the industrial development of the environment.

【关键词】 淮河流域安徽省工业煤炭工业
【Key words】 The Huaihe River BasinAnhui provinceIndustryCoal industry
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 08期

