

Research on Economic Law Regulation of Third-party Internet Payment

【作者】 马永保

【导师】 徐淑萍;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 经济法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着电子商务发展而产生的第三方互联网支付行业,近年来取得了突飞猛进的发展,支付宝、财付通等主要第三方支付企业每年都以百分之百以上的速度扩张规模。加上第三方支付行业与民众生活密切相关,其发展进程直接关乎每一个使用者的切身利益,所以从一开始就引起了广泛的关注,吸引了不同领域研究者的目光。第三方支付由独立的第三方负责运营,提供与银行支付结算系统接口和通道服务、资金转移和网上支付结算服务。第三方支付的作用主要表现为约束和监督支付双方当事人、提高支付和结算效率和保障电子商务稳定、迅速、健康发展。对第三方支付行业经济法规制存在理论基础和现实基础。就第三方支付行业经济法规制的基本框架来看,包括规制对象、规制主体、规制的主要法律渊源和规制内容。第三方支付行业经济法规制的目标应该定位为对各方利益的保护、义务的设定和责任的追究,实现行业的动态平衡。第三方支付行业的市场准入制度,其最核心的功能是控制进入市场的参与者的质量,防止不符合要求、不具备素质的市场参与者的进入。同时保证所有的参与者都具有良好的品质,就是保障行业的健康发展。第三方支付市场准入制度市场准入数量上不设上限,确保市场参与主体的多样性;主体准入与营业准入并行;市场准入在控制的同时强调对行业的保护。第三方支付行业市场准入制度存在依据是准确认识并解决第三方支付行业市场准入制度必须要解决的前置性问题。因为第三方支付市场中支付系统存在重大风险,为了避免行业发展不顺导致灾难性后果,必须建立市场准入制度,严格准入标准,让真正有实力的企业进入第三方支付市场。现有第三方支付企业市场准入制度的主要实体法律渊源是《管理办法》第二章“申请与许可”的内容,程序性法律渊源主要是《行政许可法》和《中国人民银行行政许可实施办法》的规定,细节性规定主要是《非金融机构支付服务管理办法实施细则》。第三方支付市场准入制度中存在一些突出性问题:市场准入制度规定抽象,容易导致监管机构滥用裁量权;救济机制不能与行业特色相切合;很多规定因自身问题难以实现制度设计初衷;市场退出机制难以发挥配套功能。完善第三方支付市场准入制度,必须要明确指导原则,坚持利益平衡原则和促进原则要优化相关制度,特别是要完善第三方支付企业资本制度,要求第三方支付企业自身提供保证金或风险准备金;健全与市场准入适度相配套的市场退出机制。作为新兴行业,第三方支付行业具备了双边市场的基本要素,能够反映出双边市场的基本特性,尤其是第三方支付行业的价格结构非中性和交叉网络外部性。双边市场理论确实能够为我们认识第三方支付平台提供很好的理论指导,让我们对传统的竞争理论和政策进行反思提供有益的启示,特别是在支配性市场地位、掠夺性定价、搭售、串谋垄断等传统垄断行为的认定等方面,需要注意第三方支付市场作为双边市场的特殊性。第三方支付过程中沉淀资金的产生是由于电子商务交易有其不同于现货交易的自身特点。买家确定购买并付款后,卖家发货、货物运输到买家收货确认的流程需要大量的时间。在这段时间里,货款就滞留在支付平台。此外,许多买家还在账户中存有款项,以备支付时使用。沉淀资金从性质上应定性为负债,主要归属第三方支付机构。这样进行定性的理由是第三方支付机构与商业银行是存款合同关系,作为存款人的第三方支付机构享受利息收入是其法定权利。在目前大部分第三方支付平台都免费或者收取极低费率服务费的环境下,沉淀资金利息收入是第三方支付企业主要的收入来源,确定其享有利息权利,可以为其发展创造有利的经济、政策环境。目前沉淀资金法律风险应对中存在的问题是:备付金银行不独立,难以形成有效监管;信息不透明;责任规定不明。为此,需要建立沉淀资金风险预警机制;监管主体应多样化;同时要完善责任机制。第三方支付交易模式方便了洗钱行为,现行的主要法律规范存在不少的问题,因此需要将第三方支付行业反洗钱纳入整个反洗钱体系,要对第三方支付企业反洗钱义务进行重新定位,同时实现监管措施的动态化调整。第三方支付信用卡套现存在的原因在于:费用低是经济根源;方便快捷;利益互相关联,相关主体不作为;立法滞后。针对第三方支付信用卡套现问题,需要商业银行与第三方支付企业互相配合,共同应对;将第三方支付信用纳入社会信用体系;注意认定程序的完善;强化处罚措施;科学分配相关主体间权利义务。第三方支付行业消费者权利保护有许多新问题值得研究。第三方支付消费者安全权主要是财产安全权,保护第三方支付消费者安全权,可以为第三方支付行业发展提供法律保障,还可以保护消费者资金安全。在第三方支付消费者安全权保护涉及的特殊问题表现为:第三方支付机构的强制冻结、划拨消费者资金,导致消费者失去对资金的掌控;第三方支付账户登录名及密码被盗导致资金损失的责任承担;第三方支付平台以各种约定推卸责任,没有履行积极的安全保障义务。今后消费者安全权保护的发展方向是:禁止第三方支付企业随意处置消费者资金;强化第三方支付平台的安全保障义务。第三方支付行业消费者个人信息权的具体内容包括信息决定权,信息查询权,信息删除权与信息保密权。今后需要进一步重点关注的问题是:正确定位消费者与第三方支付企业对消费者个人信息处分上的权限,明确第三方支付企业信息保障义务,限制第三方支付平台信息收集的范围,完善民事责任机制。第三方支付行业消费者知情权理论基础是信息不对称。第三方支付行业消费者知情权容易受到侵害,其表现为:变更协议不履行通知义务,消费者无法及时了解服务更新情况;交易过程消费者无法感受和知晓,第三方支付平台未履行风险提示义务;第三方支付企业基本的信息披露义务实践中难以落实。为此需要对第三方支付行业消费者知情权进一步保护,需要完善信息披露,让消费者了解整个交易程序;强制风险告知,提高消费者风险防范意识。第三方支付企业因其提供的服务存在瑕疵,导致消费者受损,消费者也可以依法向第三方支付企业求偿。在第三方支付行业消费者依法求偿权保护中存在的主要问题是:第三方支付企业违法单方解约却拒不赔偿;损害赔偿范围的不当限制;不能掌握证据,举证能力不足,维权困困重重。第三方支付行业消费者求偿权的制度保障为:便利求偿程序;完善实体性规范。第三方支付服务中消费者的自主选择权主要表现为服务提供者的选择,服务内容的选择。现实中第三方支付服务消费者自主选择权往往会受到种种限制,具体表现为:消费者不能自主决定服务提供者,服务的内容消费者没有选择权,服务的好坏消费者难以进行比较、鉴别和评价。针对第三方支付行业消费者自主选择权的特殊保护规则为:多样化发展,动态化监管,为消费者自主选择创造前提条件;完善技术标准,提供消费者选择的指标;规范第三方支付平台的后合同义务。

【Abstract】 The third-party Internet payment industry associated with the development of e-commerce has developed rapidly in recent years; Alipay, Tenpay and other principal third-party enterprises scale up every year at the speed more than one hundred percent. Besides, third-party payment industry is closely related to people’s lives, its development process has direct bearing on the vital interests of every user. It has arouse wide public concern from the start, drawing attention of researchers in different fields.Third-party payment is operated by independent third parties who provide the interface and channel services with bank payment and settlement system, transfer of funds and online payment and settlement services. The main functions of third-party payment are restraining and supervising the parties to the payment, increasing the efficiency of payment and settlement, and safeguarding the stable, rapid and healthy development of e-commerce. In Section3Development of Third-party Payment, the industry development history, and the development of legislation and supervision are summarized.The market access of third-party payment industry is a constituent part of special market access system. In essence, it is an administrative permission system, which is a market access system under which relevant national authorities review the specific production and operation activities carried out by enterprises and other types of economic organizations established directly by members of society, approve them to enter certain markets to engage in production and operation activities if such activities conforms to conditions prescribed by the law. The basis is that the third-party payment system is risky, has a large number of users and broad impact, and may cause disastrous social consequences if something goes wrong. The main issues in the market access system of third-party payment are:fuzzy regulations on foreign equity; fuzzy regulations on access conditions; too much discretionary power of regulatory bodies; lack of specific relief approaches; regulations becoming formalistic, leading the failure to achieve expected results; exit mechanism not scientific, which is difficult to take the functions as supporting measures. For the development of third-party payment industry, the balance of interests principle, power control principle, promotion principle and other guidance principles must be adhered to; the development of market access system of foreign capital must be actively promoted; the regulations shall be optimized, related system shall be innovated and the operability shall be enhanced.As an emerging industry, the third-party payment industry has the basic elements of the bilateral market, which can reflect the characteristics of the bilateral market: the price structure non-neutrality and cross-group network externalities of third-party payment industry. Bilateral market theory indeed can provide a good theoretical guidance for us to understand the third-party payment platform, and useful inspiration for us to rethink the traditional competition theory and policy. Especially in the determination of traditional monopolistic behaviors such as dominant market position, predatory pricing, tying, conspiracy, the specificities of third-party payment market as a bilateral market shall be noted.The precipitation funds in the process of third-party payment refer to the payments for goods of online buyers and sellers retained in the payment platform due to the time difference resulted from sellers’ delivery of goods, goods transport, buyers’ inspection and acceptance, plus the delay in payment or settlement in this process, or the funds retained in the payment platform before and after the online transactions. The precipitation funds shall be classified as liabilities and shall be mainly attributed to the third-party payment institutions. Such a provision is justified, on the grounds that the third-party payment institutions and the commercial banks have deposit contractual relations. As depositors, to enjoy the interest income is the legal right of the third-party payment institutions. In the current environment where most third-party payment enterprises provide services free of charge or at very low rates, the interest income of precipitation funds is the major source of the revenues of third-party payment enterprises. To determine their right to interest may create a favorable economic and policy environment for their development. The existing problems in legal risk response of precipitation funds are:banks for payment provisions are not independent, which is hard to form an effective supervision; information is opaque; the liability provisions are unclear. To this end, precipitation funds risk pre-warning mechanism shall be established; the regulator bodies shall be diversified; the responsibility mechanism shall be improved. The third-party payment transaction mode facilitates money laundering. The existing legal norms have a lot of problems. It is therefore necessary to include the anti-money-laundering of third-party payment industry into the entire anti-money-laundering system, and to re-position the anti-money-laundering obligations of third-party payment enterprises, as well as realize the dynamic adjustment of regulatory and control measures. The reasons for the illegal cash withdrawal of credit card through third-party payment are:low rate (economic root); convenient and efficient; interests associated with each other, non-action of related bodies; laggardness of legislation. For illegal cash withdrawal of credit card through third-party payment, the commercial banks are required to coordinate with third-party payment enterprises to confront the problem together; the third-party payment credit shall be incorporated into the social credit system; attention shall be paid to the improvement of certification process; the punitive measures must be strengthened. The rights and obligations of related bodies shall be allocated scientifically.The thirty-party payment consumer safety right is primarily the property security right. To protect the third-party payment consumer safety right can provide the legal protection for the development of third-party payment enterprises and meet the inevitable demand of consumers on proper funds security. Special problems involved in third-party payment consumer safety right protection are:the third-party payment institutions forcibly freeze, allocate the consumers’ funds, resulting in the consumers’loss of financial control; the login name and password of third-party payment account are stolen, causing financial losses; the third-party payment platform passes the buck for various agreements, failing to fulfill the obligations on active security assurance. The development direction of consumer safety right protection is:to forbid the third-party payment enterprises to dispose of consumers’ funds at will; to strengthen the security assurance obligations of third-party payment platforms. The specific content of the personal information rights of consumers in the third-party payment industry are:information decision-making right, information inquiring right, information deleting right, and information confidentiality right; the problem needing further focus is:the limits of authority of consumers and third-party payment enterprises for the disposition of consumers’ personal information are being determined; the information security obligations of third-party payment enterprises are defined; the scope of information collection of third-party payment platforms are restricted; and the civil liability mechanism is improved. The theoretical basis for the right to know of third-party payment consumers is also the information asymmetry. The right to know of consumers are more vulnerable, as demonstrated in that:the notification obligation is not fulfilled for agreement alteration, so that the consumers are not able to stay informed about service updates; the consumers are not able to feel and know that the third-party payment platforms do not fulfill the risk prompts obligations; the basic information disclosure obligations of third-party payment enterprises are difficult to implement in practice. In this context, the right to know of third-party payment consumers shall be further protected, the information disclosure shall be completed to let consumers understand the whole transaction procedures; the risk disclosure obligations shall be enforced to increase the consumers’ risk prevention awareness. If the services provided by the third-party payment enterprises are defective, resulting in losses of consumers, the consumers may also claim for compensation from third-party payment enterprises in accordance with the law. The main problems in protection of the right of claim of third-party payment consumers are:the third-party payment enterprises unilaterally dissolve the contracts and refuse to make compensation; the scope of compensation for damage is unduly restricted; the consumers cannot grasp the evidence and have inadequate ability to present evidence, beset with difficulties in safeguarding legal rights. The system safeguard for the right of claim of third-party payment consumers is:convenient claiming procedures; improvement of substantive norms. The right of choice of consumers:the right of choice of consumers in third-party payment services is mainly manifested in selection of service providers and selection of service contents. The right of choice of consumers in third-party payment services is often subject to various restrictions in reality, specific manifestations as:consumers cannot decide the service providers and have no right to choose the contents of service, and it is hard for consumers to compare, identify and evaluate whether the services are good or not. For the protection of right of choice of consumers in third-party payment industry, the special rules are: diversified development, dynamic regulation and control, to create prerequisites for consumers’ right of choice; improved technical standards, to provide indicators for consumers to make choices; to regulate the post-contract obligations of third-party payment platforms.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 08期
  • 【分类号】D922.281;D922.294;D923
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】4415
  • 攻读期成果

