

A Study on National Identity of College Students

【作者】 杜兰晓

【导师】 万斌;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 国家认同是指一个国家的成员对所属国家的历史文化传统、国家主权、政治道路、政治主张、道德价值观念等的认可和赞同。国家认同是一种重要的国民意识和政治资源,是现代国家的合法性基础,它既是一个社会存在的根基、人类理性的追求,也是个体发展的保障和弘扬爱国主义的关键。当前,国际环境复杂多变,国内社会问题层出不穷,对大学生国家认同产生了强烈的冲击。大学生是国家的栋梁和希望,是实现中国梦的生力军和主力军,他们对国家是否认同,事关未来中国的政治进程和前途命运。基于当前新的形势,本研究认为,大学生国家认同主要包括祖国认同、道路认同、理论认同、制度认同等四个方面。大学生国家认同在其成长成才中发挥着导向、激励和规范功能,呈现出了认同的主体性、内容的层次性和过程的实践性等特征。为了深入了解大学生国家认同的现实状况,本研究立足于文献分析,经过访谈和专家咨询,经两次调查取样,运用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,最终获得大学生国家认同的四维度共56个测量指标。通过对浙江省11个地市30所高校进行了实证研究,运用SPSS的描述性统计、方差分析、相关分析、聚类分析等方法对浙江省大学生国家认同的现状及特点进行研究。结果显示,浙江省大学生国家认同总体状况良好。浙江省大学生的年级、家庭年人均收入、生源地等因素对其国家认同没有明显差异,但性别、学生干部经历、政治面貌、就读中学、大学性质、专业性质等因素对其国家认同有明显差异。大学生国家认同培育是复杂的系统工程。国家认同培育既要立足国际,从与中国具有相似文化背景的亚洲发达国家在国家认同教育的成功经验中得到启示和借鉴,更要立足于国内实际进行探索。国家的政治、经济、文化的现代化为大学生国家认同提供了客观的外在环境,要使大学生对国家认同真正内化于心,外化于行,还必须要通过学校教育、主体素质提高和认同实践等途径共同促进。实力立国是大学生国家认同培育的物质基础;民主政治是制度保障;文化自信是精神支撑;素质提升是关键环节。

【Abstract】 National identification refers to the identification of the people with their tradition, sovereignty, political path, political stand and morality. It is an essential part of citizen awareness and political resource. It is the legal foundation of a modern nation and reasonable pursuit of a human. National identification provides a basis for the society and ensures the development for individuals, thus inspires patriotism.Nowadays, due to the volatile and complex environment both home and abroad, college students are, to some extent, confused in identifying with our traditions, values and some policies. It is essential for college students, the backbone of the nation and the implementers of Chinese Dream, to firmly identify with our history and policy. To be more specific, national identification of college students can be analyzed as the identification with our motherland, socialism road, political theories and political system.The positive identification with our nation can help with college students’self-inspiration and self-regulation in their growth. In developing positive national identification, college studentsThis empirical research was conducted among30colleges and universities from11cities in Zhejiang Province in order that we can get a deep insight into the national identification of college students. After careful literature review and analysis, we did interviews, expert consultations and two samplings. We got56measurement indicators in four dimensions by doing exploratory factor analysis and confirmtory factor analysis. Descriptive statistics, variance analysis, correlation analysis and cluster analysis in SPSS were employed. The findings show that as a whole, college students in Zhejiang Province have positive national identification. There is no significant difference among students who are from different college years, families with different incomes and different regions. But there is significant difference among students considering the following factors:student’s gender, the experiences as student cadres, school types they attended and their majors.It is a systematic project to develop college students’ positive national identification. While learning from successful practice of some developed Asian countries is necessary, we should also explore our own practical ways. The modernization of politics, economy and culture provides good environment for developing positive national identification. School education, students’quality improvement and practical experiences are also indispensable in helping students understand the principle of national identification and thus put it into practice.The power our nation has is a material basis for students’ national identification. Democratic politics provides system security. To cultivate students’ positive national identification, we need to improve their quality and build their confidence in our culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 08期

