

A Research on Economic Development Quality from the Perspective of Multidimensional Cost

【作者】 王军强

【导师】 尹成杰; 左停;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农村发展与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着中国经济的持续高速发展,越来越多的国内外专家、学者都开始关注中国经济发展的模式,称中国经济的快速发展为中国奇迹,但这些溢美之言无法掩盖经济高速发展所带来的环境污染、生产要素成本低估、各类社会不公等问题,这些社会及经济问题背后折射出我国经济发展模式的弊端,因此本文尝试从成本的视角来研究我国的经济发展质量。按照波特的理论,一个经济体的经济发展一般要经历四个阶段,分别是要素驱动、投资驱动、创新改革驱动以及财富驱动等四个阶段,我国目前的主要处于要素驱动和投资驱动经济增长的阶段,该阶段在短期内可以对经济起到巨大的促进作用,但从长期看并不具有可持续性。本文主要是从当前我国经济发展模式所带来的经济成本、生态成本和社会成本等成本视角来综合评价我国的经济发展质量。为求经济的高速发展,全国各地的经济发展均向投资型发展模式看齐,地方政府四处招商引资,廉价出让土地,这不仅剥夺了普通农民真实的土地收益权,更带来了各种影响社会稳定的群体性事件。在经济的快速发展中,寻租腐败就像一颗毒瘤一样侵蚀着整个经济系统,因为它不但不生产任何有价值的物品,而且还在耗费社会中本应投入生产的各种资源,这些被耗费的资源本质上是制度成本,并未被国民经济的GDP核算在内,自然影响到经济发展质量的综合评价。当经济发展成为唯一目的,人们舍弃了清新的空气、清澈的河水以及健康的食品等,这带给普通民众的则是雾霾奇袭、河流污染以及各种新型疾病的蔓延,而以温室气体大量排放为代表的环境成本从未被官方的GDP计算在内。为了经济的快速发展,在国家收入分配制度不完善的情形下,就会产生越发展越不公的收入分配局面,而且这样的局面是全方位的,大到区域层面、中到城乡之间、小到行业之间等均存在收入分配不公现象,这不仅不利于拉动内需,更会影响经济的均衡发展和社会的稳定,这样的不公平问题应被作为社会成本考量进一个国家的经济发展质量评价中。我国的经济发展模式伴随着发展资金来源从单一到多方向的时期转变;投资资金的来源也从既无外债也无内债,到全面举债和引进外资转变,这些资本既促进了经济的高速发展,也带给人们更多关于真实国民财富的思考,引进的外资如果只带来污染而带走的是他国的GNP,则不利于国民财富的积累。本文研究了以上这些在经济发展过程中出现的隐性成本或未被核算成本,并认为如果不核算这些成本将不能更客观地衡量我们的经济发展质量。文章最后指出造成这些成本的根本原因是市场不完善和改革不到位。市场在环境污染、投资型发展模式等方面应起决定性作用;通过深化制度改革以消除制度缺陷并达到收入分配的相对公平及对寻租的杜绝,唯此我国的经济发展才能更有质量。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the sustained and rapid development of Chinas economy, more and more experts and scholars at home and abroad have begun to focus on China’s economic development mode, they regard the rapid development of China’s economy as China miracle, but these flattering words cannot make us ignore the environmental pollution, the costs of production factor underestimated, all kinds of social injustice and other issues which caused by the rapid economic development. These social and economic issues behind reflects the shortcomings of China’s economic development model, therefore, this article will try to study the quality of China’s economic development from the perspective of the cost.According to Porter’s theory, the economic development of an economy generally go through four stages, namely the factor-driven, investment-driven, innovation and reform-driven and wealth-driven, etc., while China is in the stage of factor-driven and investment-driven economy at present, the economic development model of this stage can play a huge role in the short term, but in the long term it is not sustainable.In this paper, the quality of economic development is comprehensive considered from the economic, ecological and social costs which caused by the current China’s economic development model. For the sake of rapid economic development, the economic development across the country all aligning with investment-oriented development model, local governments attract foreign businesses and investment everywhere, and leasing land cheaply, which not only deprive farmers’ real land usufruct, but also bring mass incidents which will affect the social stability. In the process of rapid development of economy, rent-seeking and corruption like malignant tumors are eroding the entire economic system, not only because they do not produce anything of value, but also consume society’s resources which should have been invested into production, and these resources being consumed are system cost in essence, they are also not been accounted by GDP, so they will naturally affect the comprehensive evaluation of the quality of economic development. For the sake of rapid economic development, we abandoned the fresh air, clear water and healthy food, which are bringing ordinary people haze surprise, river pollution and the spread of new types of diseases, etc., and the environmental costs represented by emissions of greenhouse gases has never been counted by the official GDP account.For the sake of rapid economic development, due to the imperfection of national income distribution system, this will lead to more development with more unfair, and this situation is comprehensive, for example, large regional level, intermediate level between the urban and rural areas, and small to unfair distribution among the different industries. These unfair distributions are not conducive to stimulating domestic demand, but also will affect the balance development of the national economy and social stability; these unfair issues as social costs should be considered into the quality of national economic development. As time goes on, the capital sources of our economic development model are shifting from single to multi-era. The sources of investment funds are also shifting from neither debt nor internal debt to overall debt and attract foreign investment, these capitals not only promote the rapid economic development, also make us to think more about the real national wealth, if the introduction of foreign investment only brings the pollution and take away its country’s GNP, then this is not conducive to the accumulation of national wealth.This articlepoints out the hidden costs or not been accounted costswhich appear in the process of economic development, and that if these costs are not been accounted, we cannot account the quality of our economic development more objestively, the article concludes that the root cause of these costs are market imperfections and reform is not in place. Markets hould play a decisive role in environmental pollution and other investment-oriented development model,by deepening reform to eliminate system deficiencies, achieve a relatively fair distribution of income and eliminate rent-seeking, only in this way, the economic development quality of our coutry can be higher.

【关键词】 经济发展质量成本发展模式
【Key words】 economic development qualitycostdevelopment model

