

The Effect of Electrolyzed Water on the Growth of Mungbean Sprouts and Its Application on Producing Germinated Brown Rice

【作者】 刘瑞

【导师】 刘海杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 食品科学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 绿豆芽富含营养、生产方便快捷、易于净菜上市和达到绿色食品要求,在我国的食用历史悠久,深受广大消费者的喜爱。富含Y-氨基丁酸(GABA)的发芽糙米,具有诸多生理活性功能,也是深受人们青睐的健康食品之一。由于绿豆芽和发芽糙米在生产过程中的温度和湿度等条件适宜微生物繁殖,所以为了确保产品的食用安全性,必须采取措施控制绿豆芽和发芽糙米上的微生物生长。电解水因其杀菌广谱、高效和无污染残留、对人无害、成本低廉等特点被广泛应用于食品加工、农业生产和医疗卫生等领域。本研究将电解水应用于绿豆芽和发芽糙米的生产,研究电解水促进绿豆芽生长的机理以及对发芽糙米中GABA含量的影响。研究结果表明:(1)微酸性电解水通过促进种子吸水提高了绿豆的发芽率,促进了绿豆芽胚轴和胚根的生长,且对胚根生长的促进更为明显。(2)有效氯浓度为20mg/L和30mg/L的微酸性电解水利于总抗坏血酸含量的增加,微酸性电解水20mg/L和30mg/L处理组绿豆芽抗坏血酸含量分别高于对照组5.30%和9.33%。微酸性电解水处理组绿豆芽的还原糖含量有所降低,而粗蛋白和总糖含量与对照组无显著差异。(3)通过使用电子自旋仪对微酸性电解水中的活性氧成分进行考察,结果表明微酸性电解水在制备后稀释至有效氯浓度为10-30mg/L,放置一定时间,可以检测到H202和·OH等活性氧的存在。(4)微酸性电解水处理的绿豆芽在生长的过程中,其超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力较低,而过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活力较高,使得H202在绿豆芽内的积累较少。且经过微酸性电解水浸泡过的绿豆种子电解质外渗率较低,使得种子保持较高的生理活性。同时绿豆芽的根系活力较高,利于豆芽的生长。(5)微酸性电解水处理组的绿豆芽生长素含量与脱落酸含量的比值在发芽的大部分时间都保持在较高的水平,这与绿豆芽的实际生长情况密切相关。(6)将碱性电解水与酸性电解水联用可以显著降低糙米上的微生物数,酸性电解水在促进发芽糙米生长的同时,还利于GABA的富集。

【Abstract】 Mung bean sprout contents many nutrients, it is easy to produce and achieve the requirement of green food, so it is very popular among the numerous consumers. Germinated brown rice (GBR) is also a kind of healthy food, and popular among people, because it is rich in y-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and has many physiological activities. Mung bean sprout and GBR were produced under certain temperature and humidity, which is also appropriate for microorganism reproduction. Certain measures must be taken to control the microorganism load to ensure food safety. Electrolyzed functional water (EFW) possesses high decontamination efficiency, left no pollution and no residue, does no harm to humans, and the cost is inexpensive. Those advantages addressed made EFW widely used in food processing, agricultural and health care industry. The studies applied EFW on producing mung bean sprouts and GBR, the effect of EFW on the growth of mung bean sprouts and GABA content of GBR were observed, the results were as follows:(1) Slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW) promoted water absorbance of mung bean seeds, so the germination rate was elevated. SAEW could promote the growth of hypocotyls and radicle of mung bean sprouts, and the promotion effect on radicle growth was even more significant.(2) SAEW with available chlorine concentration20mg/L and30mg/L contribute to the higher content of total ascorbic acid, and the total ascorbic acid content of sprouts treated by SAEW20and30mg/L was5.30%and9.33%higher than control, respectively. The reducing sugar content of mungbean sprouts treated by SAEW was lower than control, while total sugar and crude protein contents showed no significant difference.(3) The reactive oxygen species (ROS) existence in SAEW was observed by electron spin resonance. H2O2and·OH were proved exist in SAEW when distilled water was used to dilute SAEW with available chlorine concentration (ACC) between10and30, and placed for certain time.(4) When mung bean sprout was produced by SAEW, the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was lower, while peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate acid peroxidase (APX) were higher than tap water treatment, so H2O2accumulation was less. The electrolyte leakage rate of mung bean seeds was lower when the seeds soaked in SAEW, which guaranteed the mung bean seeds with higher physiological activity. Meanwhile, the root vigor was higher when treated by SAEW, which is beneficial for the mung bean sprouts growth.(5) The ratio of indole acetic acid (IAA) content and abscisic acid (ABA) content of mung bean sprouts treated by SAEW sustained at high level in most of the time of observation. This was highly correlated with the actual growth state.(6) A combined treatment with A1EW and AEW can significantly reduce the microbial load on the surface of brown rice, AEW is an effective method to promote the growth of GBR and also increases the GABA accumulation in GBR.


