

Research on Activities of Students’Organizations in Peking University in the Period of Republic of China

【作者】 李浩泉

【导师】 周洪宇;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 学生社团活动是学生生活活动不可分割的有机组成部分,已有对学生活动的研究基本集中在学生运动。尽管民国时期的学生运动非常活跃,而且产生了深远的社会影响,但是,仅研究它显然是不够的。研究处于大变革、大动荡时代背景下的北大学生社团活动,不但可以丰富高等教育管理尤其是高校学生管理理论、高等教育课程与教学理论、大学生心理健康教育理论、公民社会理论,加强对民国时期社会复杂多样性的理解,也可以为当今从规模扩张到提高教育质量的高等教育改革提供历史依据,为当今高校学生的管理工作,尤其是学生社团的管理工作提供借鉴意义。本研究所选择的研究对象民国时期北大学生社团是指以北大在校学生为主体、在自觉自愿基础上组成的非盈利性学生组织。北大学生社团活动指的是以社团组织名义所开展的活动,不包括学生社团成员以个人名义从事的活动。研究时限的上限为1912年1月民国成立,下限为1949年1月北平和平解放。具体包括北京大学、西南联合大学和北平大学北大分院。本研究运用组织社会学理论,结合叙事史学、微观史学等相关理论,通过对民国时期北大学生社团发展历史、组织结构以及所开展的活动的研究,清晰再现了民国时期北大学生社团活动的历史图景。探究了“内忧外患”、社会大变革、大动荡时代背景下北大学生社团活动的特点与规律,并为理解民国时期社会的复杂多样性提供了一个新的视角。导论部分,从问题的提出入手,阐释了研究的价值,回顾了国内外研究现状,并作了适当评析,介绍了理论基础,阐明了研究目的,厘清了研究思路,解释了研究方法。第一章“北大学生社团活动产生的历史背景与发展轨迹”,从社会思潮、突出事件和关键人物三个方面分析了北大学生社团活动产生的历史背景。从社团活动产生的历史起源、萌芽到逐步发展,将每个不同历史时期北大学生社团活动的历史发展轨迹清晰地呈现了出来。第二章“北大学生社团活动的目标、方式及概况”,从组织及活动主题两个视角分析了北大学生社团活动的目标,通过大量具体实例再现了社团活动的四种基本方式,即讲演、集会、出版刊物以及实践活动以及北大学生社团活动的整体概况。第三章“北大学生社团的组织结构、组织过程与组织控制”,运用组织社会学理论分别梳理了北大学生社团的组织结构、组织过程和组织控制。北大学生社团的组织结构基本都是采用的初级结构,即直线型、职能型组织结构,也有个别学生社团采用直线式职能型结构,这些都是由北大学生社团规模小、组织职能单一所决定。组织过程包括沟通、决策与领导三个过程,沟通一般采用在相关刊物、公告栏刊登公告、通告、通知以及书信等书面方式以及口头通知或面对面地交流等方式进行。发现北大学生社团在整个组织管理的过程中,体现出强烈的民主性、灵活性。北大学生社团的决策过程大多采用召开全体大会或职员会议集体讨论的方式进行。也正因为这样,其领导过程没有明显的关键人物、核心领导形成。第四章“北大学生社团活动的主体及内容”,从活动主体参与社团活动的心理场、人格特征以及参与程度三个方面分析了外部环境、个体人格对学生参与社团活动的影响,认为人的任何行为的产生都是其所处“心理场”的产物,这个“心理场”不但包括个体的需要、潜意识、信念、目标、记忆等,也包括政治和经济事件以及社会活动等。同时通过分析发现,当时北大学生社团活动得到了学校领导和教职员工的广泛的支持。通过大量的史料,对当时北大学生社团具体的活动情况进行了真实地再现。第五章“北大学生社团活动的作用与影响”,从五个方面总结分析了北大学生社团活动所产生的作用与影响。主要是保护了民族利益、促进了社会的民主进步、转变了学风、丰富了校园文化生活和培养了大批各类人才。结语部分,分析总结了北大学生社团及其活动的特点与规律。主要有以下五个方面:从影响个体参与学生社团组织的人格特征来看,民国时期北大学生社团成员人格中理想、信念、世界观等因素与其它时段相比对其参与社团的行为影响更大;从学生社团组织行为的特点来看,其组织行为体现出更高的民主性;从学生社团所开展的具体活动来看,其不但开展了大量的“本职工作”,而且也完成了不少的“兼职任务”;从学生社团组织所在的时代背景、活动主题以及活动主体来看,表现出更高的复杂性;从学生社团活动的性质来看,表现出强烈的爱国性。反思了学生运动与学生活动,个人需求、社会需要与学生社团活动以及个人本位、社会本位与时代背景之间的关系,指出学生运动不是民国时期北大学生活动的常态,个人需求是学生社团产生与发展以及学生参与社团活动的内在动力,而时代呼唤是学生社团产生与发展以及学生参与社团活动的外在原因。同时指出,“社会本位”、“个人本位”及其关系不但受到社会形态和文化传统等的影响和制约,同时还受到一定的时代背景的影响。

【Abstract】 The activities of student organizations are part of students’ activities, most researchers paid much attention to students’ movements. It’s not enough to only study the students’ movements although they were active and they had far-reaching influence to Chinese modern society. Not only the theory of management of higher education, especially students’ management of higher education, curriculum and teaching of higher education, college students’ mental health and civil society will be enriched, and the understanding of complex diversity of the society at the time can be enhanced, but also some historical basis can be provided to higher education reform in the course of transformation of quantity expansion and quality improvement, and some references can be provided to nowadays student management, especially to the management of student organizations.The research object is Peking University student organizations, which were made up of Peking University students who were at school then mainly and on their own, and which were nonprofit. The activities of Peking University student organizations are the ones that were done in the name of organizations, but not a single person. The upper limit of the time studied in this research is January,1912, on which the Republic of China was founded, and the lower limit studied in this research is January,1949, on which Beiping was liberated peacefully, which includes Peking University, Southwest Union University and Beiping college of Peking University. Using sociology of organization theory with the theory of narrative history and the theory of micro-history, the historical picture of Peking University student organization activities is reproduced by studying their development history, organization structure and their activities. The characters and special laws of Peking University student organization activities are probed into in the context of domestic strife and foreign aggression, a new angle was provided to the understanding of social complex diversity in the period of the Republic of China.In the preface, starting from problems’ raising, research value is interpreted, situation of study at home and abroad is retrospect and commented on, theoretical basis is introduced, research purposes are explained, research thinking is made clear, and research methods are accounted for, too.In Chapter One,"Historical Background and their Development Track of Emerging of Peking University Student Organization Activities", historical background is analyzed from the three sides of social trends of thought, outstanding events and key persons. Their historical development track at different stages is presented clearly from the stages of their origin, their bud and their gradual development.In Chapter Two,"Target, Methods and General Situation of Peking University Student Organization Activities", target of Peking University student organization activities is analyzed from the perspectives of organizations and the themes of their activities. The four ways of their activities that they are giving a lecture, having a meeting, editing and publishing and practice activities and their general situation are reproduced by giving lots of specific examples.In Chapter Three,"Organization Structure, Organization Process and Organization Leadership of Peking University Student Organization Activities", organization structure, organization process and organization leadership of Peking University student organization activities are collected and analyzed by using the theory of organizational sociology. The basic structures that are linear, functional and some linear functional were used widely then, which was given rise to because of their small scale and single function. Their organization process includes communication, decision-making and leadership, essay methods that are announcement, notice, messages on publications and notice boards and letters and oral form that are oral notice and face-to-face interflow were adopted in the course of communication. Strong democracy and flexibility are found in the course of their organization management. Most decisions were done by having general assembly or staff meeting. This is why there were not any key persons and outstanding leaders.In Chapter Four,"the Subject and Contents of Peking University Student Organization Activities", the influence whether students took part in student organization activities, which was made by external environment, individual personality was analyzed from the three sides of psychological field, personality traits and level of involvement of activity subjects who took part in student organization activities. One’s behaviors are result of psychological field that one is in, which includes one’s needs, subconsciousness, faith, targets and memory, political, economic events and social activities, too. Student organization activities of Peking University were supported by the leaders, the teachers and the workers in Peking University by analyzing data. Particular case of student organization activities of Peking University is reproduced really by giving much historical data.In Chapter Five,"The Roles and Effects of Peking University Student Organization Activities", they were analyzed from the following five sides:protecting the benefit of the Chinese nation, promoting social democracy and progress, changing the atmosphere of Peking University, enriching the cultural life of the school yard and training all kinds of talents.In epilogue, the traits and special laws of Peking University student organization activities are analyzed and summarized, which are the following five points. The ideals, faith and world outlooks in the personality traits of the members of Peking University student organizations had more effects on their behaviors of taking part in the activities of student organizations from undergraduates’ personality traits that affected their behaviors of taking part in student organizations activities; More democracy in the activities from the organizational behaviors of the student organizations; Not only a lot of their own work but also many additional tasks were done from the specific activities done by Peking University student organizations; Much complexity was in them from the backgrounds, the themes of the activities of the student organizations and the subjects of Peking University student organizations; They had stronger patriotic nature from the quality of Peking University student organizations. The relatives between students’movement and students’activities, the relatives between the development of student organizations activities, one’s demand and social need and the relatives between "social standard","personal standard" and times background are reflected, student’s movement aren’t normal states, individual demand is the enhancement drive that student organizations come into being and develop and that students take part in, and times calling for is their external factors. At the same time,"social standard","personal standard" and the connection between them are affected and restricted not only by social patterns and cultural condition but also by social background.

  • 【分类号】G529
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】867

