

【作者】 丁芳伟

【导师】 何大安;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 企业管理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 国有银行在我国金融体制乃至整个宏观经济体制中具有非常重要的战略地位,其组织结构调整和经营绩效的改善关系到金融行业能否健康发展。基于这样的经济现实,我们有必要研究我国国有银行组织结构的动态调整,从我国现阶段体制转轨对经济运行和发展的系统性要求来考察,建立国有银行组织结构调整的分析框架既有一定的理论价值又有实践意义。现有的关于国有银行组织结构的研究是对组织结构本身的关注有余,而对影响其组织结构因素的分析不足。本文拟将国有银行组织结构的优化调整与其外部发展环境和银行战略目标等因素结合起来,尝试性地构建一个更加系统的国有银行组织结构分析框架。本文以我国国有银行的组织结构为研究对象,构建了一个“战略-组织-绩效(S-O-P)”的理论框架,并以此为依托研究了国有银行组织结构如何由外部发展环境和战略目标决定,以及组织结构影响组织绩效的逻辑。从“S-O-P”的运行框架来看,国有银行的外部市场环境和技术环境要求国有银行在不同时期必须选择不同的战略目标,也要求其组织结构不断调整。国有银行的组织结构调整是为了达到其战略目标,银行战略目标和组织结构要适应变化的环境。国有银行的战略目标和组织结构对其绩效的作用机理通过其信贷行为体现出来。国有银行战略目标和组织结构在不同时期得以提高和改善的历史验证了S-O-P分析框架的有效性。在世界范围内,花旗银行、标准渣打银行和汇丰银行组织结构的运行特征及其经验,对我国国有银行组织结构变革具有一定的启示和借鉴意义。股改上市后国有银行组织结构高效运行的基础,是现代商业银行利益相关者治理机制。本文对国有银行的研究分为两步走,第一步是在理论上清晰描述战略目标对组织结构的规定性,组织结构对绩效的制约问题,第二步是在既定的战略目标和组织结构的基础上进行分阶段的绩效实证考察,并以中国银行为例做案例研究。基于国有银行发展历程的历史间断性决定其绩效衡量适合采用分阶段和多指标的绩效衡量方法,本文在借鉴国内外商业银行绩效衡量方法的基础上,对国有银行不同发展阶段的战略目标选取不同的指标体系进行了考量,并对国有银行的经营绩效进行了历史考察。结果显示,国有专业银行时期的四大国有银行对宏观经济增长和金融发展做出了重要贡献,但其资产质量在这一时期逐年恶化;在国有独资商业银行时期,四大国有银行的资产收益率逐年下降,不良贷款率也继续恶化并达到了历史最高的水平,但在此时期国有银行对宏观经济增长仍然具有非常重要的作用。在国有控股商业银行时期,四大国有银行经过股份制改革并成功上市,其市场绩效、资产质量和风险控制等国际通用的商业银行绩效衡量指标都得到了极大改善,基本上达到了国际商业银行的水平;不同历史时期国有银行的人均盈利能力和机构盈利能力,表明国有银行的市场绩效与其组织机构存在着密切的关系。根据国有银行发展环境的变化趋势与战略目标调整,本文对国有银行组织结构优化调整的原则和方向进行了论述,认为在未来一段时期,影响国有银行组织结构的外部环境主要有金融深化背景下日益激烈的市场竞争、金融国际化、金融监管、信息技术等网络化发展构成,环境变化会使国有银行在经营中以利润最大化作为战略目标,国有银行组织结构优化应以市场和客户为中心、追求精简和高效、分权和集权相结合、适度虚拟化等为原则,国有银行组织结构优化调整方向是必须继续完善现有的纵向和横向组织结构,构建完善的现代银行公司治理机制,根据环境变化创新组织结构模式。在笔者看来,要使国有银行运行达到以上的格局,就必须把战略目标、组织结构和绩效作为一个整体来分析研究。

【Abstract】 State-owned banks have very important strategic position in China’s finance system and macro-economical system. The organizational adjustment and performance improving of state-owned banks affect the healthy development of financial industry. Based on the economical reality, it has both certain theoretical value and practical significance to make deep investigation of the organizational adjustment of state-owned banks and try to set up an analytic framework for the research. Existing files pay more attention about state-owned banks’ organization itself, but it is still insufficient to research the affecting factors of state-owned banks’ organization. This paper tries to combine the optimization and adjustment of state-owned banks’ organization with the outside environment and strategic objectives of state-owned banks, and set up a more systematic analytic framework of state-owned banks’ organization.we set up a theoretical framework "strategy-organization-performance (S-O-P)". for the state-owned banks. We make deep investigation of the logical relation of that the outside environment and strategic objectives decide the state-owned banks’ organization and that organization structure affects its organizational performance. During the framework of "S-O-P", the outside market and technologic environment affect both the choosing of state-owned banks’ strategic objectives and the adjustment of organization of the state-owned banks. The state-owned banks adjust their organization to achieve their strategic objectives, and both strategic objectives and organizational structure should adapt to changing circumstances.The relationship between strategic objectives and organizational structure of state-owned banks in different historical development stages verifies the validity of the S-O-P framework. The organizational structural features of Citi Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and HSBC reveal the basic principles and common grounds of the advanced international commercial banks in terms of organizational structure, and this has a certain degree of enlightenment and significance on the organization structure reform of state-owned banks.We make a systematic analysis of stakeholders’ governance mechanism in modern commercial bank as the basis for state-owned banking organization structure efficient running.We walk two steps for the research of state-owned banks. The first one is to discribe the regulation of strategic goals to organization structure and the contraints of organization on performance. And the second one is to make investigation on performance of different phases, on the base of estabilished strategic goals and organization.The history intermittence of state-owned banks’development determines its performance measurement suits for the way of plural phrases and multi-index. On the base of domestic and foreign commercial banks performance measurement methods, we measure the organizational performance of state-owned banks, choosing different indexes according the strategic objectives in different development stages. The measurement result shows that the four big state-owned banks made a significant contribution to macroeconomic growth and financial development during the period of state-owned specialized banks, but the asset quality deteriorated year after year at this stage. And during the period of solely-state-owned commercial banks, the ROA of the four big state-owned banks fell continuously, and the NPL ratio deteriorated to the worst level in the history, but they still play a very important role to macroeconomic growth at this stage. During the period of state-controlled commercial banks, the four big state-owned banks experienced stock system reform and listed successfully, their indexes about market performance, asset quality, risk control and other international commercial bank’s performance metrics have improved greatly and basically reached the international advanced banks’ level. The investigation of profitability of person and institution of state-owned banks further evidenced the close relationship between the organization and market performance.Based on the development of environment and adjustment of strategic objectives, we discuss the principles and directions of organizational adjustment of state-owned banks. The forthcoming environment development including the increasing market competition under the background of financial deepening, increasingly sound financial regulation under the background of financial internalization, and soon development of bank network under the background of information technology. The mature financial markets environment prompt state-owned banks fully take maximizing profit as strategic goal. The principles of organizational adjustment of state-owned banks include viewing market and customer center, pursuing streamlining and efficiency, combining decentralization and centralization, proper virtualization. The direction of organizational adjustment of state-owned banks include continually improving the existing vertical and horizontal organizational structure, building a perfect modern bank corporate governance mechanism, innovating the organizational mode according to the environmental change. For the optimization of the organizational structure and performance improvement of the State-owned bank, government and banks need to take corresponding countermeasures respectively at the macro and micro levels.

  • 【分类号】F832.33;F272
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】951
  • 攻读期成果

