

The Research on the Taiwan Circuit,Taiwan Taotai and Taiwan society in the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 庄林丽

【导师】 汪毅夫;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 “道”在清代已成为地方行政体系中的重要一环。康熙二十三年(1684年),“台厦兵备道”正式设立开始,一直到日本割台为止,“台湾道”一直是台湾行政体制中的重要部分。本文在前人研究的基础上,进一步纵向梳理了台湾道的发展变化过程,考察了91位106任台湾道台的基本情况,理清了台湾道台与督、抚、布、按、巡台御史、总兵及下级官员的关系,分析了清政府对台湾道台的管理制度,并分专题横向深入讨论了台湾道台政治、经济、军事、文教等方面的职能,从而总结了台湾道台在社会秩序维护、台湾开发、文教事业发展等方面的地位、作用。台湾道的变化发展,体现了清代道制日臻完善的特点,从乾隆十八年(1753)开始,道最终发展成为清代地方行政体系中重要的一环;台湾道台在政治、经济、军事、文教等方面的作用,也体现了清代道台在地方行政中的“承上启下”的重要作用,特别是鸦片战争之后,道台被赋予了抵御外敌入侵和办理洋务活动的新使命,体现了清代道制“机动灵活,以资实效”的特点,也体现了近代时局变动对清代地方政治体制的深刻影响。而且,从台湾道二百多年间的发展变化历程中,我们可以充分感知清代台湾社会的特殊性和复杂性,这对我们今天了解台湾历史,认识台湾社会,解决台湾问题是很有借鉴意义的。

【Abstract】 The Circuits played an important role in the local administrative system of Qing Dynasty. The Taiwan Circuit had been an important part of the administrative system of Taiwan from the Kangxi twenty-three years(AD1684) when the Circuit which charged Taiwan and Amoy set up to the Guangxu twenty-one years(AD1895) when the Japanese separated and occupied Taiwan. Based on the previous studies by others, this thesis further combed the development and variation of the Taiwan Circuit, investigated the personal information of Taiwan Taotai, sorted out the relation between Taiwan Taotai and the Governors,the Commissioner, the Provincial Judge, the Touring Censor of Taiwan,the Brigade,and the subordinate officers, analysed the management system of the Qing government in Taiwan.More over, this thesis also divided special topics to deeply discussed the function of Taiwan Taotai in the politics, economy, military, culture and other aspects,and summarized the position and effect of Taiwan Taotai in keeping the social order, developing Taiwan’s economy, developing the culture and education of Taiwan and so on.The development and variation of the Taiwan Circuit showed that the system of the Circuit in the Qing Dynasty was getting better and better. The Circuits eventually evolved into an important part in the local administrative system of Qing Dynasty from Qianlong eighteen years(AD1753). The function of Taiwan Taotai in the politics, economy, military, culture and other aspects also showed that Taotai was a linkage man who played an importan role in local affairs.In particular, Taotai was endowed with a special function what was to resist the foreign enemy and deal with the Westernization Movement.All of these not only showed that the system of the Circuit in the Qing Dynasty was flexible and effective,but also indicated the change of the modern society had produced a profound effect upon the local political system in the Qing Dynasty.What’s more, from the development and variation of the Taiwan Circuit in about200years,we also can fully aware Taiwan society which is Special and complex,and this will have a very good reference to help us study the history of Taiwan, understand the society of Taiwan, settle the question of Taiwan.


