

Study on Land Use Transition and Functional Evolution of the Rural Settlements in Suburban Beijing

【作者】 朱凤凯

【导师】 张凤荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文立足于传统农村居民点在发展过程中的形态和功能演变,选取北京市郊区农村典型样带开展实地调查,研究农村居民点土地利用转型的方式、特征及成因,探寻土地利用转型背后的农村居民点功能演变规律和机理。同时,将规律和机理研究的成果应用于农村居民点整治实践,提出基于功能需求和演变规律的农村居民点整治调控模式,为实现农村居民点可持续利用和新型城镇化战略提供科学支撑。研究主要得出如下结论:(1)研究区域农村居民点用地的显性转型主要体现在土地利用结构的空间分异上。随着与中心城距离的拉近,农村居民点土地利用结构的多样性不断增加,土地利用格局也从农村住宅占主导的单一形式,逐渐转变为住宅、产业、公共服务等用地形式并存。作为土地利用结构的补充,农户宅基地的多功能利用,从近郊到远郊,存在商、住、工业和旅游接待等农户自住用途之外的功能衍生。农村居民点显性形态在空间上的圈层分异,符合竞租理论。城市扩张和功能外溢是农村居民点显性转型的主要外部驱动因素。集体经济组织和农户降低租值消散,将外在收益内部化的努力,是农村居民点用地显性转型的内生动力。(2)农村居民点用地隐性转型主要表现在土地利用的去集体化和农村非农产业升级两个方面。前者是指农村建设用地经营利用中“集体意志”的逐渐退出,代表着农村生产资料配置模式的市场化转变;后者则代表着农村经济产品和服务的多样性趋势,是农村居民点服务范围扩大的一种间接体现。土地利用隐性转型反映出,农村居民点用地由原来的保障性功能逐渐衍生出收益功能,从而影响着农户的生计。(3)土地利用转型是农村居民点功能演变的表征属性。土地利用的显性转型,反映了作为聚落个体的农村居民点经济产出的变化;而土地利用的隐性转型,则预示着城乡系统的要素流动和市场配置中,农村居民点角色的转变。农村居民点功能演变的背后,是农村工业化城镇化模式由内生型向外生型的根本性转变。三个不同类型农村居民点的演变案例分析,从微观上印证了农村居民点功能演变的时空规律和机理:研究区域农村居民点呈现出的土地利用形态与功能的空间分异,实际上是传统农业发展、农村工业化、城市功能外溢这三股发展驱动力,在不同时间阶段、不同作用范围上叠加的结果。农村居民点的功能演变和分化过程,也是外部环境对其“自然选择”的过程。土地利用形态,则是作为“基因”的功能,在农村居民点本体上的表达。(4)通过对北京市典型城中村整治案例的分析,提炼出以功能调控为主线的农村居民点整治框架。基于功能需求的现状分析和基于功能演变规律的功能规划,是功能调控的前提。在此基础上的功能调控原则应是,保护和继承有需要的功能,引导和剔除不需要的功能。

【Abstract】 The evolution of form and function of traditional rural settlements was the starting point of this study. In this paper, a typical study transect in suburban Beijing was selected to study the land use transition and functional evolution of the rural settlements. First, we identified the spatial differentiation of land use form of the rural settlements and analyzed its external factors and internal causes. Then, the temporal-spatial characteristics of visible and invisible land use transition were combined to explore the dynamic mechanism of rural settlements’ functional evolution. Finally, the rules of functional evolution were applied to the village renovation. A new mode of village renovation based on functional regulation was proposed to realize the sustainable land use of rural settlements and new rural residential urbanization strategy. The main conclusions are as follows:(1)The visible land use transition of rural settlements is mainly reflected on the spatial differentiation of land use structure. From the rural hinterland to the near-urban countryside, the diversity and complication of the land-use structure show a rising trend. The land use pattern in which rural residential land dominated, gradually changes into a coexisting pattern of rural residential land, non-agricultural industrial land, infrastructure land and so on. Besides that, the use change of rural housing also differs across the transect. Commercial, housing rental, manufacturing and tourist reception functions derive from residential use.The circle distribution of visible land use transition meets the rent-seeking model. The urban physical expansion and functional spillover turns out to be the key external factors to drive the land use transition of rural settlements. The efforts of minimizing the rent dissipation from both the collective economic organization and households are the endogenous power of the land use transition.(2)The invisible land use transition is mainly reflected on the de-collectivized of land use and the non-agricultural industrial upgrading. The de-collectivized of land use means the quit of "collective will" from rural construction land use. It implies a shift on the modes of allocating in the rural area. The non-agricultural industrial upgrading implies the diversification of economic outputs, due to the improvement of capital goods and product markets. It’s the expansion of rural settlement’s service scope.The invisible land use transition indicates that rural settlement gradually derives function of benefit, which also affects the farmers’ income structure and livelihoods.(3)Visible and invisible land use forms are the characteristics of functional evolution of rural settlements. The visible land use forms reflect changes on the economic production of a single village. While the invisible land use forms imply the transition of the role which the rural settlement plays in the resource allocation of the urban-rural system. As for the functional evolution of the rural settlement, the change form endogenous mode of rural industrialization and urbanization to exogenous mode, is the basic motive force. The case studies of three different kinds of villages (Hegezhuang, Beifaxin, and Shaziying) confirmed the spatio-temporal rules of functional evolution of rural settlements. The rules indicate that:differentiation of land use forms and functions in rural settlements is actually caused by the superposition of three driving forces in different time and scale, which includes traditional agricultural development, rural industrialization and urban functional spillover.Functional evolution of the rural settlement is a result of the "natural selection" by the environment. Land use form of the rural settlement is the expression of the "gene", which represents the function.(4) By analyzing the reconstruction process of the typical urban villages in Beijing, we formulated a framework for village renovation. A situation analysis based on the functional demand and a functional planning based on the rules of functional evolution, are preparatory work for functional regulation. Principles of this functional regulation include two aspects:protecting the functions in need and eliminating the functions that are no longer needed.


