

Multi-Brand Crisis Impact on Dairy Industry Trust

【作者】 张淑萍

【导师】 陆娟;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近年来各类产品伤害事件不断发生,而且危机呈现出明显的群发态势,涉及品牌之多,牵连行业之广已经引起了社会各界的普遍关注。但是目前对于品牌危机的研究多集中在单个品牌发生危机后,给企业造成的伤害。对于行业中多个品牌发生危机事件后对行业影响的研究相对缺乏。但是多品牌危机事件会对整个行业带来了深远的负面影响,同时也使得消费者表现出对行业信任度的普遍偏低。过低的信任度又会影响消费者购买意愿,最终导致整个行业受损并很有可能演变成行业危机。因此,针对多个品牌发生危机后对行业信任的影响进行一次科学合理的研究,具有重要的价值和实践意义。本文以乳品行业2008年的三聚氰胺事件为背景,在全方位剖析多品牌危机事件现象的基础上,采用2012年的乳品市场调研数据,对多品牌危机事件后的行业信任状况进行描述性分析后,通过对多品牌危机事件后行业信任相关者的行为分析、以及企业与政府的行业信任修复对策的实证分析,系统研究了多品牌危机事件对行业信任影响的程度及后果。具体而言,本文将围绕以下几个问题展开:(1)分析了多品牌危机事件的现象及多品牌危机后的行业信任现状,揭示了多品牌危机的成因及多品牌危机后行业信任的特点;(2)研究多品牌危机发生后行业信任的施信方和受信方的行为选择,通过此来探讨多品牌危机后信任双方的行为对行业信任的影响;(3)探究了多品牌危机后行业信任修复的对策研究,从政府和企业两个方面探讨信任修复的策略。本文得出的结论主要有:(1)多品牌危机事件主要是由于产业链主体之间的利益分配机制不完善所导致。多品牌危机后使得行业信任下降,并且恢复速度缓慢;(2)多品牌危机事件后行业信任的施信方的行为发生改变,主要体现危机事件后施信方判断行业风险增加,开始积极搜寻信息,购买行为更为理性;(3)多品牌危机事件后受信方—企业行为体现为提升消费者对企业的信任,主要是通过提升能力信任来提升善意信任和诚实信任。对于行业中的涉事企业主要通过“整改”的方式提高消费者信任。对于未涉事的企业,主要通过“提升”的方式提高消费者信任;(4)多品牌危机事件后受信方——政府行为体现为提升消费者对政府的信任,政府主要是通过提升能力信任来提升善意信任和公开信任。(5)多品牌危机事件后企业有效的修复策略依次是约束策略、召回策略和信息沟通策略。政府有效的修复措施依次是加强监管、完善立法、加强调控。本文的创新之处在于:(1)本文创新性以“三聚氰胺”事件为背景这一具体事件采取了行业信任双方的视角研究多品牌危机发生的背景下行业信任双方的行为选择,结合行业危机的特点,研究了对行业信任影响的程度和结果;(2)本文突破了以往品牌修复从单个品牌出发、仅从修复策略进行修复的研究思路,以多品牌对行业信任的影响为基础,通过行业信任双方的行为对比研究,继而探讨行业信任修复的过程。

【Abstract】 In recent years, a great number of product related crises have occurred. The crisis first appears in certain clusters and usually involves several brands. This causes the widespread concern of the affected parties. But for the moment studies of such crisis situations have focused on a single brand and the related damage to the firms after the crisis. But the research on the multi-brands crisis is insufficient, which has proven to have a profound negative effect on the whole industry and leads to a lack of confidence form the consumers and decreased willingness to buy the affected industry products. Moreover it will harm the whole industry value chain and can turn into a vicious cycle. The resulting damages to all parties in the value chain can then turn the crisis into a full-fledged industry crisis. Therefore, the comprehensive and scientific research of the faith in an industry after a multi-brands crisis is of important theoretical and practical significance.From the industry risk point of view, this paper focuses on the dairy industry and takes a closer look at the2008melamine scandal in China. Using the survey data in2012, first we analyze the multi-brand crisis phenomenon, and then give a descriptive analysis of the trust status of the multi-brands crisis and put forward some suggestions on how to repair industry trust by analyzing both the trustee and trustee’s actions. The specific research content includes:(1) analyzing the multi-brands crisis phenomenon and trust status, revealing the traits of it and the most critical influences of industry trust.(2) studying the action of the truster (company) and trustor(consumer) and discussing the impact of interaction on industry trust.(3) researching the trust repair tactics of the industry from two aspects, firms and government based on the consumer’s trust estimate.The main conclusion of this research are as follows:(1) the paper find that the main cause of the multi-brands crisis is there exists unfair allocation mechanism in the industrial chain. both the consumer’ trust and the consumers’ intention to purchase decline after the multi-brands crisis,the speed of the consumer trust recovery is also slow.(2) the consumer’s behavior changes, He perceives the industry risk too be much higher than before, As a consequence the consumer begins to collect the information on his own, he becomes more prudent and also more rational in terms of purchase.(3) the company’s actions revolve around restoring and promoting trust, which we define in3categories: competent trust, goodwill trust and integrity trust. Among them,the competent trust is chief.For the firms who were directly involved the crisis with their products, their main agenda is to reform in order to regain the consumer trust. For the firms in the same industry but not directly involved, the crisis is an opportunity to enhance trust.(4) the government after the crisis focuses on enhancing the competent trust to raise goodwill trust and openness/transparency trust. The government then promotes the trust in the institutions and regulations. Point of emphasis are the concern for the wellbeing if the industry and consumer, upgrading supervision measures and improving information mechanisms.(5) after the crisis the firms typically display, listed in order of importance restrain tactics, recall tactics as well as communication tactics. On the other hand the government effective measures are to enhance regulations followed by improving the legislature and strengthening control mechanisms.The novelty in the research of this paper lies in (1) In this paper, based on the interaction between company and consumer, the relevant actions are discussed. Additionally the effective measures to repair trust form the company and government side are discussed. This is the novelty in the research of industry trust. Taking the2008melamine scandal as a case study for the research, the conclusions of this paper are more convincing and credible.(2) Previous studies have focused on the strategies to repair the trust after crises. Few studies have focused on the trust repair tactics of the whole industry. This paper break not only researches the crisis of the single brand, but puts the emphasis on multi brand and industry crisis and the process of regaining trust。


