

Research on Stakeholders’ Behavior of Breeding Technique Extension of Wool-sheep and Cashmere-goat Industry in China

【作者】 石晶

【导师】 肖海峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 我国绒毛用羊养殖以农牧户小规模分散养殖为主,农牧户饲养管理方式较为传统落后,现代化养殖技术应用水平低,这严重制约了绒毛用羊生产水平和生产效率的提高。绒毛用羊产业是我国牧区的重要产业,其产业的发展,即关系到主产区农牧民收入的提高及经济社会发展,也关系到我国毛纺工业的发展。在现代经济条件下,科学技术是第一生产力,只有依靠现代科学的养殖技术来发展绒毛用羊生产,才能提高劳动生产率,才能促进绒毛用羊产业发展。绒毛用羊养殖技术推广工作是一项复杂的系统工程,它的开展涉及众多相对独立的行为主体,他们在推广中发挥各自不同的作用。为提高绒毛用羊养殖技术推广的效果,实现绒毛用羊产业的持续发展,本文对我国绒毛用羊技术推广中各相关主体的行为进行了研究。本文综合运用实地调查法、统计分析法、计量分析法等研究方法,首先对我国绒毛用羊产业发展情况,以及中国绒毛用羊技术供给状况进行了分析和总结;其次,分析政府在绒毛用羊技术推广中的行为方式、影响政府推广行为的因素以及推广行为的效果;再次,分析绒毛用羊技术推广中绒毛用羊养殖合作社、绒毛用羊种羊场、畜牧科研机构和农业院校,在绒毛用羊技术推广中的行为方式,影响这些组织推广行为的因素,并对各组织的推广行为效果进行分析。然后,运用绒毛用羊养殖农户的问卷调查数据,分析养殖户对绒毛用羊养殖技术采用行为以及影响养殖户技术采用的因素。最后,借鉴国外绒毛用羊产业大国的技术推广经验,完善我国多元化的绒毛用羊养殖技术推广体系。本文的主要结论有:(1)我国的羊绒、羊毛产量逐步增长且绒毛用羊生产区域集中度增强,我国绒毛用羊技术研究成果不断增多,但增幅趋缓。(2)政府是绒毛用羊技术推广的主体,政府为绒毛用羊技术推广提供了组织系统、经济支持和制度保障,资金因素及人的因素是影响政府推广行为的主要因素。(3)绒毛用羊政府技术推广行为在一定程度上促进了绒毛用羊产业增效、养殖户增收,但也存在不足之处,非政府机构参与技术推广是政府技术推广的重要补充和功能延伸。(4)绒毛用羊合作社通过统一服务、技术指导开展技术推广活动;种羊场通过培养培育优质种羊,并围绕种羊销售开展技术推广活动;研究机构研发绒毛用羊生产新技术,并通过科技合作、技术培训等开展技术服务,这些组织从事绒毛用羊技术推广会受到来自组织内、外部因素的影响。(5)绒毛用羊养殖户比较注重疫病防控、繁育、圈舍修建类技术,绒毛用羊养殖户的教育程度、养殖规模、养羊收入比重、风险偏好以及接受培训的情况对养殖户的技术选择行为有显著的正向影响。(6)以养殖户为中心,通过资源整合、功能互补,形成绒毛用羊多元技术推广体系。本文的特色与创新在于:(1)本文从技术推广主体行为的视角分析绒毛用羊产业技术推广问题,即可以丰富我国农业技术推广领域的研究内容,又开拓了提高绒毛用羊技术应用水平的研究思路,促进我国绒毛用羊产业发展。(2)通过对绒毛用羊技术推广部门实地调查研究其推广行为及影响因素,以及在对养殖户问卷调查基础上用logistic模型分析其技术选择行为,可为发展我国畜牧业提供参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 Breeding methods of Wool-sheep and Cashmere-goat industry in China is small-scale and scattered, and farmers’ raising way is traditional and laggard, and application of modern breeding technology is low, which seriously restricted production level and production efficiency of wool-sheep and cashmere-goat industry. Wool-sheep and cashmere-goat industry is an important industry of pastoral areas in China, the development of which is related to the increase of farmers’ income and the economic and social development in pastoral areas, also relates to the development of wool spinning industry in China. Under the condition of the modern economy, science and technology is the first productive force, the advanced breeding technology of wool-sheep and cashmere-goat improve labor productivity, and promote the steady growth of domestic wool and cashmere, accelerating the efficiency and raising farmers’ incomes. Technology popularization of wool-sheep and cashmere-goat industry is a complicated system engineering, its development involves many relatively independent stakehoiders, include:the government and its popularization setups, farming professional cooperatives of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep, breeding-farms of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep, animal husbandry research institutions and agricultural colleges, and farmers etc, which differene organizations play different functions in the technology popularization. In order to improve the effectiveness of breeding technology promotion of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep, this article analyses the stakeholders’ behavior of breeding technique extension of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep to realize the sustainable development of wool-industry and cashmere-industry.The main research methods of this paper include:investigating method, statistical analysis method, econometric analysis method.The main contents of this article includes the following parts. Firstly, research on the development situation of wool-sheep and cashmere-goat industry in china, as well as the supply condition of wool-sheep and cashmere-goat industry in china. Secondly, research on the behavior of government of the technology promotion, and analyze the influencing factors of government promotion behavior and evaluate effect of the behavior. Thirdly, research on the behavior of farming professional cooperatives of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep, the behavior of breeding farms of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep, the behavior of animal husbandry research institutions and agricultural colleges, and analysis the factors affecting the behavior of these organization, and evaluate effect of these organizations’ behavior. And then analyze of the farmers for technology selection condition and the factors influencing farmer technology choice. Finally consummate the diversification of technology popularization system of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep, by draw lessons from the experience of foreign technology popularization system.The main conclusions of this paper are:(1) The yield of cashmere and wool gradually increased and regional concentration increase of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep, technology research of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep increased, but the slowdown in growth.(2) The government is the main body of technology promotion of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep, government technology promotion build organization system, provide economic support and system security, but economic factors and human factors are the main factors influencing the government promotion.(3) The technical promotion of government behavior in a certain extent promoted production efficiency of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep industry and farmers’ income, but there are also shortcomings, nongovernmental organizations participate in technical promotion is an important complement of government technology popularization and function extension.(4)The farming professional cooperatives of cashmere-goat and wool-sheep through unified service, and technical guidance to carry out technical promotion activities; Sheep&Goat Breeding Farm cultivate high-quality breeding cashmere-goat and wool-sheep, and revolving the sale of sheep&goat breeding to organize technical promotion activities; Research institutions develop new technology, and through science and technology cooperation, technology training to carry out the technical promotion. These organizations’ behavior of technology promotion are influenced by the organization of internal and external factors.(5)The farmers more attention to disease prevention and control, breeding, housing construction technology, the factor including:the degree of farmers education, breeding scale, the proportion of income of breeding cashmere-goat and wool-sheep, risk preference, and whether to accept the training of farmers, which have significant positive influence on technology choice behavior of farmers.(6)It improves the multiple technology promotion system construction through resource integration and complementary functions, as the farmers are the center.Characteristics and innovation of this paper lies in:(1) The paper research the breeding technique extension of wool-sheep and cashmere-goat industry from the perspective of the stakeholders’ behavior of technology popularization, which can enrich the research content in the field of agricultural technology popularization in our country, and can improve the level of technology application for breeding of wool-sheep and cashmere-goat, promote the development of wool with sheep industry in China.(2)The paper study behavior of the department of technology popularization and influence factors by on-the-spot investigation, and analysis the technology choice behavior of farmers with logistic model on the basis of the farmers’ survey, this research of which can provide reference for the research of this field.


