

The Rural Collective Property Rights Institutional’s Process Analysis And Development Path’s Study

【作者】 郭强

【导师】 赵阳;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 农村集体产权制度创新是深化农村改革的重要内容,是实现新型城镇化战略的关键步骤。随着我国城乡一体化的推进,无论是制度变革的内生需求推动还是宏观上的政策设计,农村集体产权制度创新与调整已成为一个无法回避的现实,加强对这个问题的研究紧迫而必然。在这一背景,本文将从制度经济学的前沿理论出发,对农村集体产权制度的创新过程进行系统而理论的研究,构建一个城市化背景下农村集体产权制度创新的理论体系。基于上述考虑,本文主要研究以下五个问题:是什么因素激励了行为人(政府、集体、个人)去推动农村集体产权制度创新?这种产权制度的变迁是怎样进行的?哪些因素会影响到农村集体产权制度创新的进程?农村集体产权制度创新的经济社会绩效如何?农村集体产权制度的创新发展方向?围绕这五个问题,本文将从农村集体产权制度创新的动因、改革进程、影响因素、绩效评价和路径选择的五个方面开展研究。研究中,本文构建起原因假说、过程假说、影响因素假说、绩效假说四个理论假说,运用北京市农村集体产权制度创新的调研数据与典型案例,借助系统GMM分析、博弈模型分析、多元Logit计量分析、面板数据拟合分析等分析方法验证这些理论假说的合理性与科学性,以在此研究基础上形成一个农村集体产权制度创新的逻辑框架。通过研究,本文得出以下基本结论:(1)中国农村集体产权制度经历了构建、强化、变革、创新四个阶段,国家与农户在相关权力配置中的博弈是构建各阶段农村集体产权制度的基础;(2)要素相对价格变动是农村集体产权制度创新的重要源动力。土地、劳动力要素相对价格的变动与当前农村集体产权制度创新的推进速度正相关;(3)农村集体产权制度创新是政府与不同类别集体成员的动态博弈均衡的实现过程。当前农村集体产权制度创新的博弈焦点已由之前的政府与农户间博弈占主导,转变为不同类别集体成员间的博弈占主导。在这个过程中,集体成员的个人行为决策能力、改革的呼声与政府推进集体产权制度创新的意愿成正比,行为主体的一致性支持是农村集体产权制度创新的实现前提;(4)农村集体产权制度创新中,农户的收入水平、土地承包制度、村务公开以及改革程序公正透明会影响到农户对农村集体产权制度创新的满意度;(5)农村集体产权制度创新有助于区域经济的发展、农民收入增加和城市化推进,其对农民收入增长的影响直接且显著,对区域经济发展和城市化率提高的影响是间接的;(6)农村集体产权制度创新边界受到由市场与经济环境、社会政治环境、要素禀赋环境构成的制度环境的限制,不同的农村面临着不同的制度环境,对应着不同的制度创新路径。总之,农村集体产权制度创新不是一种偶然的经济现象,它具有严密的形成机理与演化规律。随着新型城镇化战略的推进,对农村集体产权制度的创新与调整将成为一种趋势,对农村集体产权制度创新的演进逻辑体系的把握将产生重要的政策效用。

【Abstract】 Rural collective property rights’ inovation is an important content to deepen rural reform and is a key step towards new urbanization strategy. With the advance of China’s urban-rural integration, rural collective property rights’Innovation has become an unavoidable reality, strengthen the research of this issue is urgent and inevitable. The current studies on rural collective property rights system are most policy research, it lack the specification analysis and doesn’t formatted a consistent conclusion and interpretation. In this context, this paper will study the rural collective property rights’ innovation process from the cutting-edge theories of institutional economics and formats a rural collective property rights regime under the background of a city of innovation theoretical system.This paper studies the following five questions:What the factors to motivate people to promote the rural property system innovation? How it conducted? Which factors will affect the course of the rural property system innovation? What is its economic and social performance? What is the direction of rural property system innovation? In this study, this article will construct a logical framework of the rural property system innovation from motivation system innovation,the reform process, influencing factors, performance evaluation and path selection.On research methods, we will use GMM analysis applications, dynamic game of incomplete information, regression analysis, Logistic and other econometric model analysis based on Beijing’s cases.This study reached the following basic conclusions:①The development of China’s rural collective property system experienced build, strengthen, reform, innovation four stages, the state and farmers in the relevant powers of the game is to build various configurations stage basis of rural collective property system;㏑elative factor prices’ changing is the source power of the rural collective property rights’ innovation. The land/labor’s relative factor prices changing is associated with the advance speed of the rural collective property rights’ innovation.③The dynamic game between the government and the different categories collective members was a necessary condition for achieving rural collective property rights system innovation. The rural collective property rights innovation game focu has shifted from government and farmers dominated the game to the different categories collective members dominated the game.④Farmers income level, land contract system, village affairs and reform procedural fairness have a significant impact with the farmers’ satisfaction to the rural collective property rights’innovation.⑤Rural collective property rights’ innovation have a positive effect to the regional economic development and farmers’ incomes increase and urbanization advance.⑥Institutional environment determines the boundaries of the rural collective property rights’innovation. The institutional environment was comprised by market and economic environment, social and political environment, factor endowments environment.Rural collective property rights’ innovation was not an accidental phenomenon of economic, it has a tight formation mechanism and evolution. With the advance of the new urbanization strategy, the rural collective property rights’ innovation will become a trend, and grasp its logic evolution system will produce important policy effectiveness.


