

Optimization of Land Use Patterns of Underdeveloped Areas Based on the Development Priority Zones Planning a Case Study in Guizhou Province

【作者】 韩德军

【导师】 朱道林;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 主体功能区规划是根据不同区域的资源环境承载能力、现有开发强度和发展潜力划分出不同类型主体功能区域,这与“差别化土地利用”政策目标相一致。因此,将“主体功能区规划”理论框架与土地利用开发相结合能更好的协调各区域发展,本文旨在主体功能区规划框架内解决欠发达地区土地利用模式优化问题,主要研究如下:依据前人研究,基于主体功能区规划理念分析土地利用与区域经济理论关系,并应用因子分析法实证验证贵州省土地利用与区域经济耦合关系,结果表明:贵州省各地区土地利用与区域经济之间存在很强耦合关系,并且土地利用机制中不同方面与不同经济因素互相驱动,本文得出的两者间耦合关系部分结论与以往研究吻合。然后将贵州省各地区土地利用与区域经济耦合程度空间分布与贵州省主体功能区空间分布进行对比,分析出贵州省产业用地空间布局。为了优化研究贵州省土地利用模式,以贵州省毕节市为实证地区,分别选取位于重点、限制和禁止开发区域的城市、连片县域、农村的三种层次实证地,其包含了城镇化、生态功能和农产品等主体功能,结合实证区土地利用结构特征及土地利用驱动力(根据前述贵州省土地利用与经济发展耦合关系实证分析提取),基于主体功能区规划理念建立指标体系,并分别选取熵值法、BP人工神经网络和多元线性回归等数理模型对当地的土地利用进行评价,最终分别对不同层次实证区的环境友好型土地利用模式进行优化研究。主要研究结论如下:(1)通过对比分析结合熵值法评价两个城市土地利用历史、现状和潜力,得出南平市是高密度集中型土地利用模式,而毕节市是集中型土地利用模式。两城市土地利用的功能、空间布局以及土地利用模式都有一定的相似性,但由于两城市所处的空间区位及自然社会经济条件不同,在区域发展中所定位的土地开发性质不同。借鉴南平市发展经验和教训,在土地利用模式优化中,毕节市应将城市中心区的工业和居住用地功能转移至有一定产业发展基础的甘家桥、海子街和鸭池-梨树等城市副中心,并加强投资建设配套的基础设施和公共设施用地。(2)运用BP人工神经网络对不同主体功能区县域土地利用绩效评价基础上,得知七星关区、大方县和赫章县分别适宜城市组团型、特色农业型和山区林草种养殖型土地利用模式,七星关区应增加交通、工矿、物流和居住及公共设施用地比重;大方县应规模种植马铃薯、辣椒等无公害蔬菜和天麻等中药材;赫章县应增加生态、农林牧副业和公共服务设施用地比重。文章还提出实证县域间人口及财政转移支付等政策建议,并将实证县域产业空间布局绘图阐释。(3)运用多元线性回归分析喀斯特山区实证村农村土地流转(土地资产特性)和农业经营(土地资源特性)的显著影响因素,最终将实证村农户土地经营模式优化为:农户在完善农田水利和交通等设施后,选择“家庭农场经营模式”或“规模经营模式”的生态农业经营模式,但农业产业化应与旅游等优势产业结合;农户选择农业生产加非农业经营的“混合经营模式”,提倡农户选择在当地经营或附近县城就业,不提倡其到较远的大城市选择“非农就业模式”。根据以上理论和实证分析主体功能区规划理念下贵州省土地利用与区域经济的耦合关系,对实证区城市、县域和农村的土地利用进行评价,并提出各自土地利用模式优化途径,最终为欠发达地区不同主体功能区差别化土地利用提出政策建议。

【Abstract】 The development priority zones planning divided regions into different types of main functional areas based on the carrying capacity of resources and environment, the exploitation strength and the development potential, which is consistent with objectives of "differentiated land use policy". Therefore, combining the theoretical framework of "the development priority zones planning", the region will develop more coordinated with land use and economical development. This article aims at solving the problem of optimizing land-use model in underdeveloped areas within the framework of the development priority zones planning. The main conclusions are as follows:Constructing the index system based on the concept of the development priority zones planning, by researching relationship of land use and regional economic in Guizhou using factor analysis, it could be found that a strong coupling relationship exists between land use and regional economic in Guizhou Province, and the different aspects of regional economic development are derived by different land-use factors while the economic factors also have an impact on land-use mechanism. In this paper, parts of conclusions of the coupling relationship consist with previous researches, Guizhou Province, spatial distribution of coupling degree of land use and regional economic compare with the spatial distribution of the the main functional areas of in the various regions of Guizhou Province, coming to the spatial layout of industrial land in Guizhou ProvinceIn the empirical study, respectively selecting focus, restricted and prohibited development zones that include the main features of urbanization, ecological and agricultural functions. Constructing the index system based on the concept of the development priority zones planning and natural, economic and social conditions of different geographical scales empirical zones, this article evaluates local land use land use patterns in different geographical scale empirical areas by respectively mathematical models of entropy method, artificial neural networks, analytic hierarchy process and multiple linear regressions, and eventually optimizes environment-friendly. The main empirical findings are as follows:(1)The overall level of economic development in Nanping City is higher than that in Bijie City. Land use structure is irrational, land use potential is small, and land carrying capacity is seriously overloaded in central urban of Nanping. It is concluded that land use pattern in Nanping is high-density centralized and Bijie’s is centralized, and land use function, spatial distribution and land using pattern is similar, and their land exploitation characteristics are different because of differences of their spatial location and natural social and economic conditions. Learning from the experiences and lessons of Nanping City development, when optimizing land use patterns, industrial and residential land function of the city center should be transferred to the sub-city centers of Gan Jaqiao, Hai Zijie and Ya Chi-Li Shu and so on where there are industries basis in Bijie.(2)According to land-use performance evaluation of counties in different main functional areas using BP artificial neural network, land-use patterns of city group is suitable for Qixingguan; land-use patterns of specialty agriculture is suitable for Dafang; land-use patterns of mountain forest&grass planting and breeding is suitable for Hezhang. It should be increased that the proportion of traffic, industry and mining, logistics and urban living and public facilities; It should be planted on a large scale that potatoes, peppers and other pollution-free vegetables and medicinal herbs such as Gastrodia in Dafang; It should increase the proportion of land of ecology, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline production and public service area in Hezhang. The article also make recommendations for population and fiscal transfer payment of inter-empirical counties, At last, the industrial layout to the township as a unit under land use patterns of each empirical counties is demonstrated through ArcGIS software.(3)This article analyses the factors significantly influencing on the rural land circulation (land assets features) and agricultural management (features) in karst mountainous area demonstration village using the multivariate linear regression model. Based on the above analysis, the paper suggests that households can choose the ecological agriculture of "family farm business pattern" or "scale pattern" after improving irrigation and transport facilities, but proposals for agriculture industrialization combined with other industries such as tourism, which helps increasing income of households, and households can choose "hybrid business pattern" of agricultural production and non-agricultural business, but the best choice in the local operations or employment, does not promote households to distant cities to choose "off-farm employment pattern."According to analyzing theoretically and empirically coupling between land use and regional economy based on the concept of the development priority zones planning in Guizhou Province, this thesis evaluates land use in the cities, counties and villages of empirical areas, and proposes ways to optimize their land use patterns, at last proposes policy recommendations of differential land use policy for different main functional areas in the less developed regions.


