

Can Resources Lead to Development?

【作者】 丁宝寅

【导师】 叶敬忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农村发展与管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 当今我国农村不断发展变迁的过程,也是发展主义不断对农村进行建构的过程。本研究通过实地研究的方式,追踪了一个矿产资源丰富的村庄在改革开放之后经历的与矿产资源开发密切相关的变迁。与以往的研究从单一经济层面分析自然资源与经济发展的关系不同,本研究从微观层面对一个村庄的发展历程进行全方面的分析,展现了在发展主义之下这个资源型村庄发展的现实。论文首先对研究的缘起和相关的研究和理论进行了介绍,接着对研究村庄的基本情况和矿产资源开发的历程进行了详细的描述。本研究将近30年来宋村矿产资源开发分为了四个阶段:蛭石开采阶段、铁选厂零星建立阶段、铁矿开发的高潮阶段和近几年来的衰落阶段。宋村矿产资源开发从无到有、由盛而衰,尽管看似是两个相反的过程,但都遵循了发展主义经济理性至上和现代性的逻辑。在矿产资源开发逐渐兴起的时期,发展主义所倡导的市场化改革为矿产资源的开采建立了基础,并且唯经济增长至上的发展观念遮蔽了在矿产资源开发过程中所出现的环境污染、分配不公和治理混乱等问题;而宋村矿业衰落的原因同样是由于国家层面发展战略的调整,“可持续发展”和“科学发展观”的话语以及对钢铁行业产能过剩进行结构性调整,都是出于更快、更好发展经济的目的,但却造成了宋村及周边农村地区的衰落。在村庄内部,发展主义话语被不同的群体利用来建构与矿产资源开发的行动和现实。由于各个群体所具有的知识、权力、社会网络等方面的差异,行动的结果也不尽相同。总的来说,乡政府领导、村庄的政治和经济、社会精英在矿产资源开发过程中掌握着较多的主动权,能够利用这一过程谋求自己的利益,而普通的村民和村中的弱势群体则默默承担了矿业开发所带来的经济、社会、心理上的成本。村庄内部由于矿产资源开发出现了分化,从另一个更高的层面来看,村庄与城市之间也存在着类似的分化,矿产资源开发的成本更多地落到了乡村之中。论文分析了我国建国以来农村工业化发展的历程以及城乡关系发展变迁的情况,认为尽管从表面上看,我国的城乡关系经历了从“汲取”到“反哺”的转向,但在实质上,城乡关系仍旧处于不平等的状态。城市通过对发展话语的垄断,将自身塑造为乡村发展的未来图景,并通过发展的话语将乡村牢牢地乡村掌控在自己的权力网络之中,从经济上和意识形态上对乡村进行掌控。最后,论文对“发展”本身进行了反思,提出认识到“发展”具有社会建构的性质,并揭示其中所蕴含的权力关系,这是通往以自由为基础的真正的发展的前提。

【Abstract】 Nowadays China’s rural development and social change process can also been seen as a social construction process by developmentalism. Through the way of field research, this study tracked the development and social change process of a mineral resources-rich village after the reform and opening up. This study tries to answer the question that why the exploitation of mineral resources does not bring blessings to the villagers in the background of developmentalism.At first the paper introduces the origin of the research and the relevant theories, which are followed with the profile of the village. According to different categories, scales and different actors, the history of exploitation of mineral resources in recent30years in Song village is divided into four stages. Song village has experienced the spontaneous vermiculite mining stage, the initial stage of iron ore dressing plant establishment, the climax of iron exploitation and decline stage in recent years.Although different stages of mineral resources exploitation in Song village seem like two contrary processes, actually they are all the results of the penetration of developmentalism. In the era of the mineral resources exploitation gradually rises, market-oriented reform advocated by developmentalism built the foundation for the exploitation of mineral resources. Meanwhile, problems in the exploitation process such as unfair distribution, environmental pollution and mismanagement are ignored and covered by the concept that economic growth prior to other forms of development. However, the decline of iron exploitation in Song village could also be seen as a result of adjustment of development strategy in national level. Discourses such as "sustainable development","Scientific outlook on development "and adjustment for iron and steel industry overcapacity are put forward to promote a better and faster economic development. These have caused the decline of the Song village and rural areas around.Seeing from inside of the village, different groups socially construct the mineral resources exploitation process. According to their own interests, different discourses and action strategy are used through a variety of ways to engage in the process of the mineral resources exploitation. Due to differences in intellectual, power, social network, the results of their actions are different. In general, the township government leaders, village political and economic elites have the initiatives in the process of exploitation of mineral resources and are able to get their own interests in this process. However, the economic, social and psychological costs are put on the ordinary villagers and vulnerable groups in the village silently.The village witnesses the social differentiation due to the exploitation of natural resources. Similarly, from a higher level, a differentiation between rural and urban areas exists. The urban gets the benefit while the rural bear most of the cost. This research analyses the development of rural industrialization and the rural-urban relationship since early1950s. Although on the surface, the relationship between rural and urban has experienced from "draw" to "feedback", relationship between urban and rural areas is still in a state of inequality. By take the development discourse exclusively, urban areas shape themselves as the future prospect for rural development. In this way, cities take the country firmly in their own power network and control the country economically and ideologically.Finally, the research reflects on "development" itself. We should realize that development is socially constructed and reveal the inherent power relations in the development discourse. This is the basic premise of the freedom-based development.


