

Wade Across the Sea by Feeling the Way:China’s State Capital Going Out

【作者】 刘靖

【导师】 王伊欢;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农村发展与管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 本研究以发展人类学的研究方法对坦桑尼亚某中资国有农场进行田野调查,从微观的企业层面来探讨国家资本是如何“走出去”的,又是在海外如何运营和发展的,通过对于农场管理者的日常生活、管理实践的呈现,重点分析海外国有企业在生产之外如何构建社会关系网,在海外管理实践上又是如何处理劳资关系,进而探究在此过程中国家资本“走出去”的独特文化模式。本研究依据现有文献以及田野体验,从以下四个方面对这一问题进行阐释。第一,国有企业的“改革”和“走出去”。本章系统回顾和梳理了当代国有企业改革历史和国家资本“走出去”的历史及模式。中国政府在处理经济转型、增强国家竞争力的问题上,并没有向西方一样完全采用私有化和市场化,而是选择了一条国家干预和市场竞争相结合的道路,让大型国有企业迅速崛起,从而提高国家的竞争力。在国家“走出去”战略的号召下,国有企业开始走出国门在海外投资建厂,从早期的依靠“海外华商网络”到现如今国家建立“境外经贸合作区”,国家资本正以“摸着石头越洋”的方式探索一条既符合中国国情又能与东道国互惠互利的发展道路。第二,案例农场及其管理者的海外历史。通过对于案例农场在海外的建立、开荒、发展以及改革重组来反映国家资本“走出去”的历史过程。这一过程是曲折复杂的,是艰苦卓绝的。它并没有像西方舆论所想象的那样在国家力量的支持下长驱直入、所向披靡。此外,海外企业的管理者有着不同的个人经历,他们远赴海外的目的也是各有不同,他们的命运随着国家政策的改革和社会的变迁而跌宕起伏。同时,随着企业管理层的新老更替,新一代管理者受到多元文化和价值观的影响而表现出的不确定性和流动性,将导致其对企业归属感的降低和海外身份认同的困惑,这些问题无疑将成为今后国家资本“走出去”的心理障碍。第三,案例农场的社会关系网络。通过分析农场生产之外的社会关系网络的构建,来反映国家资本在海外运营的独特方式。本研究发现,国有企业在海外的社会关系网络主要分为三类:一是纵向关系网络,包括中央企业直属网络、中国政府关系网络和坦方政府关系网络;二是横向关系网络,包括企业间关系网络和协会关系网络;三是社会关系网络,包括科研关系网络、媒体关系网络和社区关系网络。企业管理者把中国人的“关系”嵌入到在海外的经营管理之中,利用国有企业与政府的特殊关系和代表国家资本的特殊地位通过中间人、人情交换和契约等形式不断地扩大企业和个人的社会关系网络。第四,案例农场的管理实践。主要围绕着国有企业如何平衡经济效益与国家利益、遇到冲突寻求法律还是权力,以及如何处理海外的劳资关系等三个主要问题展开讨论。劳资关系是海外企业管理的重点和难点,本章以三个翔实的案例从文化人类学的视角来探讨中国企业管理中处理劳资关系的三个文化特征,分别是人情伦理,知恩图报;信任为本,忠诚尊重;坚持原则,恩威并济。

【Abstract】 By means of development anthropological ethnography in a Chinese state-owned farm in Tanzania, this research aims to explore how the state capital "going out" and operating overseas from micro level. Meanwhile, through the manager’s daily life and management practices, this research focuses on analysis of how to build social networks besides the produce process, how to deal with labor relations, and the unique cultural patterns of state capital in the process of "going out ". In this study, based on existing literature and field experience, will explaine from the following four aspects:The first part is the state-owned enterprises (SOE) reform and "going out" strategy. This chapter systematically reviews the history of contemporary SOE reform and the patterns of state capital "going out" historically. Chinese government in dealing with economical transition and national competitiveness enhance, chooses a combination way with both state intervention and market competition, instead of complete privatization and marketization in the West. So that the rapid rise of large SOE enhance China’s competitiveness in the world. With "going out" strategy, those SOE began to go abroad to invest in overseas factories. From "Overseas Chinese Business Network" in early time, to "Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone" at present, Chinese state capital explores a development path of "wade across the sea by feeling the way" which is mutually beneficial to China’s and the host countries.The second is the oversea history of the farm and their managers. This part reveals the historical process of state capital "going out", through the farm establishment, land reclamation, development, reform and reorganization. This process is tortuous, complicated and arduous. It is not like the Western media imagines that there is no obstacle with the support of national forces at all. In addition, the oversea managers have different personal experiences, who went abroad with different purpose, and their fates are ups and downs with the reform and social changes of policy. Meanwhile, with the replacement of managers, the new generation is influenced by multiculturalism and values which are increase the uncertainty and liquidity. The less sense of belonging and the identity confusion will undoubtedly become the psychological barrier of state capital "going out" in the future.The Third part is the social network of the farm. The unique operation way of the oversea state capital is reflected in this part through the analysis of the social network of the farm in case study. The study finds that the social network of SOE in the overseas is mainly divided into three categories:First, the vertical networks, including the vertical network of central enterprise, the social network of Chinese government and the local government; Second, the horizontal networks, including inter-firm social networks and association social networks; Third, social networks, including the network of research institutions, media and community. Managers embed the Chinese "relationship" into business management, constantly expanding business and personal social network, taking advantage of the special particular relationship between state-owned enterprises and government as well as their particular status, by intermediaries, exchange of relationship and contracts.The fourth part is the management practices of farm in case study, which mainly around SOE how to balance the economical benefit and national interests, as well as the conflicts between law and power, and how to deal with overseas labor-management relations. While, the labor-management relations is the key and difficult point of the business management. So this chapter explores three cultural characteristics inside the treatment of labor relations with detailed case, which prospectively are human ethics and gratitude, trust and loyalty, principle insist and justice tempered with mercy.


