

The Production and Reproduction of Chinese Rural Poverty Discorse

【作者】 罗江月

【导师】 李小云;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农村发展与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文考察了国家在贫困话语的生产和再生产中发挥的能动作用。在改革开放以后的中国,由于国家发展纲领的转变、现代化以及全球化的深入,政府的合法性基础发生了转移。在应对由此带来的合法性危机时,政府构建了相应的扶贫话语、制度和机构,来修补转型时期执政党意识形态可能出现的断裂,调整政党的代表性与国家的中立性,并平衡中国在国际社会中的权利与义务。尽管我国政府实施的大规模扶贫始于20世纪80年代中期,但本文认为,分析扶贫体系的时间线至少应该提前到1979年,甚至更早。在1977至1982年间的几年中,一些能够影响政治决策的力量围绕着政治、经济改革进行了大量探讨与互动,从某种程度上来说,扶贫正是上述诸多历史事件的产物。对这些事件进行梳理和回顾,有助于更好地理解扶贫对于国家的意义。本文首先梳理了建国以来官方持有的贫困观的变化。官方媒体是考察国家行为的一个渠道,本文通过《人民日报》对“贫困”问题报道的分析,确定了国家对贫困的认识有着明显的阶段性,且国家和社会对贫困问题的关注并不是因为贫困率的上升而增加。通过查阅历史资料,本文从三个维度展示了贫困观的变化:一是国家对贫困现实存在与否、原因如何的理解变化,二是对马克思主义等经典理论的解释转型,三是放任代表贫困农民利益的政治组织的消失。接着,本文考察了“三西”扶贫的出现,认为甘肃、宁夏的“三西”地区被纳入扶贫范畴受着多种因素交织的影响。这至少跟几个背景事件有关。包括:甘肃“两西”地区早在1970年代就以“最贫困”的形象进入了领导层的视野,这是该地区率先实施扶贫的历史条件;在农业发展的路径之争中,甘肃、宁夏的党委和政府领导人积极支持了主要国家领导人的选择;国家领导人对老革命根据地的补偿心理,使扶贫具有了合理性。国家扶贫始于三西,主要是因为在这一地区实施扶贫能够实现政治利益的最大化。在“贫困形象”被生产出来以后,国家还通过扶贫的道德化和科层化对此进行了再生产。道德化是指国家通过一系列话语构建自身与贫困群体、甚至全体公民之间的道德关系的过程。本文在此以隐喻为切入口进行了分析。在科层化方面,科层制的运行需要几个要素。一是目标与对象,二是专门的机构和人员,三是工具和制度。本文便从这三个方面分别予以考察。结果发现,贫困目标的确定并不是一个完全客观的过程;从事扶贫工作的专职机构和非专职机构都会从增强自身价值的角度出发,去阐释贫困和引导扶贫行为;扶贫办还采用专门的工具与专业化的知识来增强自己的业务水平和不可替代性。总之,国家通过扶贫来论证、展示和积累治理合法性是一种动态的、过程性的、有意识的尝试。政治道德、官僚结构与专家知识的引入机制形成了生产贫困的机器,使得“贫困”一直存在。

【Abstract】 Taken discourse as consciously constructed knowledge, this paper examined the dynamic role which state played in the production and reproduction of discourse on poverty.In the post-reform era, the legitimacy foundation of state has shifted with a seires of change on national development strateges and the spread of modernization and globalization. In response to arissing legitimacy crisis, the state constructed the’poverty discourse’, anti-poverty institutions and orginaztions to repair the fractured ruling ideology during transition period, trying to adjust CPC’s political representativeness, keep goverment’s neutrality and balance its rights and obligations in the international community.Chinese government implemented its national anti-poverty program in the mid of1980s. However, some evidences suggeste this system may have begun to form since1979. That means analysts should pay much more attention on events in1979or even erlier. From1977to1982, some important discussions and interactions on political or economy reform have sprung up among top political think tanks and dicission-making organizations. The national anti-poverty program is somewhat a consequence of those historical events. In order to understand state’s expectation on anti-poverty program, this paper reviewed those events.Firstly, the author reviewed several obvious changes in the’official poverty profile’since1949. By studing relevant reports on People’s Daily, one of the most famous and important official media platforms in china, the author found2charactors of officla poverty profile:it is uncontinous and the state’s increasing concern on poverty is not directly related to the increase of poverty rate. According to different content, historical data could be carictoried into3dimensions:(1) state’s view on the profile and reason of poverty;(2) state’s explaination on classic theories such as Marxist works; and (3) state’s attitude about the political organization that stands for poor famers’intrests. Then the paper examined the emergence of the’Three West Regions’ anti-poverty program, found that a few of intertwined factors affected this dicision. For example,’Two West Regions’in Gansu province impressed government leaders as’the poorest’ region in the early1970s, making them more reasonable to be brought into the first anti-poverty program financed by central goverment. Additionally, the key officials of Gansu provincial government and party committee chose an advanced side in the disputes on agricultural development strateges. To sum up,’Three West Regions’were targeted by the anti-poverty program might achieve maximum political interests of key forces in the decision making level.After the official poverty profile was constructed, the state encouraged reproduction of it through politicization and bureaucratization. Politicization refers to the attempt that state builds the moral relation with poor and other citizens by introducing a series of discourse. In this paper, the notion of metaphor was borrowed to demonstrate the politicization process. On the other hand, this paper analysed the bureaucratization process by reviewing the goals, anti-poverty agencies, and institutions of this bureaucratic system. It was argued that the targeting of anti-poverty program is not an objective process. Agencies engaged in this process would explain the reason why poverty existed and guide anti-poverty actions according to their intreasts. Poverty Alleviation Office also used specialized tools and expertise knowledge to enhance their professional and irreplaceable status.In short, the state proved, demonstrated, and accumulated governance legitimacy by construcing poverty profile and implementing anti-poverty program. It is a dynamic and conscious process. Political morality, bureaucratic structure and the introduction of expertise knowledge constituted a machine of reproducting poverty, making the ’official poverty’ always existed, which in turn cultivated the legitimacy of governance.

【关键词】 贫困扶贫隐喻话语
【Key words】 povertypoverty alleviationmetaphordiscourse
  • 【分类号】F323.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】357

