

Route, Development and Power

【作者】 周恩宇

【导师】 赵旭东;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农村发展与管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 人文社会科学研究的核心终在于人自身的问题,尤以人类学为名的人类学更是如此。但是,在探讨人的问题时,却又不能仅着眼于人本身,若限于此,或许会遗漏一些认识自身的可能。所以,人类学研究常常需要处理人与人、人与社会,以及人与物之间的关系,从而能更好理解人自身。以本研究而言,关注黔滇驿道的变迁过程,探讨其对贵州社会文化的形塑,以及当前在道路功能转变过程所呈现的现实社会内涵。其实,这便可归入处理了人与物之间关系的范畴里,继而理解人本身。事实上,随着社会的发展变迁,道路在社会生活中扮演的角色越加多样和复杂起来,早已超越作为简单的通行载体的静态形式,随人的社会性及道路自身的空间可塑性而附加了太多社会特质。所以,与道路相关的一些共性问题未来将成为各学科不可回避的研究议题。当然,道路研究的重要价值意义还在于它在特定时空条件下的社会内涵,如此道路研究也才具有现实价值,并且易于把握。所以,本研究聚焦于黔滇古驿道。它横跨黔、滇两省,具有漫长通行历史,且随着社会发展呈现不同形式的功能转变,同时将贵州社会文化的丰富内涵镌刻于其间。于是,在关注黔滇古驿道自身的历史变迁及其对贵州社会文化的形塑力之外,还探究古驿道面临现代的功能转变之后所承载的发展问题和渗透其间的权力关系,更需要从文化的视角对现代的道路建设予以关照和研究。具体而言,本文用八个章节来对以上的问题进行论述。在第一章里,笔者以个人的道路情结为开端,继而延伸到黔滇驿道对贵州社会文化的价值意义,以及当前道路建设过程中所伴随的发展问题为研究缘起和意义考量。另外,还对研究的假设、过程及道路民族志的研究方法进行介绍和探讨。第二章,进行文献综述,关注道路的“物”质属性与作为权力运行载体的特征,并对西南地区民族走廊、邮驿体系及道路交通研究进行回顾和梳理。同时,还归纳了道路在文字学意义上被赋予的意象表达和隐喻特征。第三章,具体从贵州的地理特征和历史特殊性来梳理黔滇古驿道的形成及其网络化过程,并从族群区划格局与认同,以及国家与地方互动的视角对驿道作为位于黔中腹地的“往来”公共空间的特征进行描述。第四章,集中关注于黔滇古驿道对贵州社会文化的形塑力。可以看到,卫所在贵州地区的分布与驿道延伸有很好的切合,成为封建王朝控制贵州社会的关键,并且形塑和维持了贵州板块化的文化单元特征和一体多元的族群关系。同时,黔滇驿道的开通,也是对贵州这样一个原本混乱的社会进行了疏通,并对其成为一个省级建制地区做了原始的积累。第五章,从黔滇古驿道的功能和价值转向于探讨现代道路建设及其背后权力控制逻辑。具体以现代邮政变革引出的现代公路建设为开端,叙述了民国时期的公路建设,以及现代的高速道路网形成过程,并对其引起的区域格局变化及其在此过程中国家获取的统治正当性问题进行论述。第六章,延续关注现代高速道路建设过程中的权力逻辑,从乡村的视角出发,对那些不受接纳的道路修筑行为冠以暴力的界定,将其分为道路修筑对自然环境、人居环境等可见的事项的破坏,以及现代道路伴随的观念独占。并借此反思,现代道路如何扮演使“文明”上山的可能途径。第七章,揭示现代高速道路建设背后的权益抉择与权力逻辑,因为现代道路支撑了以城市为核心的中心化发展模式,并由此反思在现代道路建设所需要关注的公平与速度及效率的权衡问题。第八章,则总结性地对观念与道路及其空间形塑力的关系进行梳理,同时进一步探讨道路研究方法和路径的问题,以及重申黔滇驿道对贵州的社会文化价值,最后对现代道路对特定时空条件下的社会所具有的发展意义和问题进行回顾和反思。

【Abstract】 The core of humanities and social sciences’ research is people themselves, especially anthropology, which is famous for human studies. However, during discussing the problem of people, we should not only focus on the man himself, or we may lose some possibilities of knowing ourselves. Hence, the studies of anthropology often need to deal with the relation of people, people and society, people and objects, in order to understand people themselves better. In this research, I will concern about the change process of Qiangdian ancient Carrier Routes in Southwest of China, which is shaping the societies and cultures of Guizhou province. Also, I will explain the real social connotation of this change. Actually, this analysis is how to understand people themselves by understanding the relationship between people and object. With the pace of social development, routes already have played the multiplicity and complex role. It also have been added much more social characteristics along with sociality of human and space plasticity of routes. Therefore, some common problems associated with the routes will become interdisciplinary research issues which cannot be avoided.Certainly, the important significance of route study lies in its social connotation under the certain conditions of time and space, which contains practical value and easy to manipulate. Thus, this research have focus on Qiangdian ancient Carrier Routes, across Guizhou and Yunnan province, with long history, which have been engraved the rich social and cultural connotation of Guizhou as the foundation changing of social development. In brief, this research pays attention on Yidao’s own historical change and its shaping forces to the society and culture of Guizhou, as well as development issues in facing modern functional changes, and the power relations between them, also needs to survey and research on modern road construction from the perspective of culture.Specifically, there are eight chapters to discuss the above issues. In first chapter, the author starts with personal route story, then extends to the value of Qiandian ancient Carrier Routes to the social cultural significance of Guizhou. The research origin is the current development issues that accompany the process of road construction. Besides, there are parts containing research assume, procedure, road ethnographic and research methods. Literature review is in second chapter, which concerning about the "object" quality of routes and characteristics as the power to run the carrier. Meanwhile, I have reviewed Southwest Ethnic corridor, postal relay system and road traffic study. Also, the article have generalized the significance of the road in the text which are given imagery and metaphors to express characteristics. In third chapter, I have sorted out the formation and the networking of Qiandian ancient Carrier Routes from the geographical features and historical particularity of Guizhou. From ethnic divisions and pattern recognition, as well as national and local perspective, I will describe the "transport" public space of Qiandian ancient Carrier Routes as central Guizhou hinterland. The shaping power of Qiandian ancient Carrier Routes to social culture of Guizhou will be focused on Chapter four. We can see, the distribution of Weisuo in Guizhou is correspond to the spread of Yidao, which was the key to control Guizhou society by feudal dynasties. More importantly, they are figuring and maintaining the culture unit features and integrated multi-ethnic relationships. Meanwhile, the opening of Qiandian ancient Carrier Routes, making the societies of Guizhou become more clear, and also provide a primitive accumulation of its establishment as a provincial-level regions. In fifth chapter, the discuss turns to modern road establishment and its logic of power control behind. From the modern postal reform to the recent highway construction, I have described the Republic of China’s highway construction, as well as modern high-speed road network formation process and the regional pattern caused by changes. Also, obtaining the ruling legitimacy problem in the nation. I have been discussed in this chapter. The next chapter, I continue to focus on power logic of modern high-speed road construction. From rural area perspective, road construction on those behaviors are not accepted definition of violence dubbed, will be divided into road construction visible damage to the natural environment matters, such as living environment, as well as the concept of modern road accompanied by exclusive. And to reflect on the possible way that the modern routes to play so that the "civilized" could go up the mountain. In seventh chapter, the research will reveal interests choice and power logic behind the construction of modern high-speed road, because the modern routes supports the modern city as the core of the development model, which reflects a fair trade-off with the speed and efficiency of modern road construction issues. The last chapter, to sum up, I generalize the relationship between concept, routes and space shaping force. Meanwhile, I make further efforts to discuss the methods and paths of route research, as well as reaffirm social and cultural values of Qiandian ancient Carrier Routes to Guizhou. More importantly, the significances and issues of modern road in a specific time and space for social development have been reviewed and reflection in last part.


