

【作者】 石敬韬

【导师】 邹昭晞;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国汽车选择了一条“以市场换资金,以市场换技术”的发展道路。1983年第一家汽车合资企业—北京吉普成立,开启了中国汽车产业的合资历程。在过去三十年的合资历程中,外资的引入极大的影响了中国汽车产业的整体演变,对提升中国汽车制造能力、改善产业结构、提高技术水平以及增强产业国际竞争力起到了重要的作用,同时一定程度上也“刺激”了中国汽车内资企业的发展。在进口替代引资战略背景下,一批土生土长的中国汽车内资企业在日益开放的市场中,正在以其独特的制度成本优势,间接通过中外合资企业引进技术的扩散和溢出,以极强的生命力、低成本、短周期地在中国市场上发展起来。然而,作为“以市场换技术”的主体—中外合资(合作)企业却被处于绝对强势地位的跨国公司牢牢的控制核心技术,在国际汽车生产垂直分工体系下,合资企业难以摆脱汽车加工厂和跨国公司制造基地的角色,面临着核心技术空心化的困境。随着第一轮汽车合资期限的到期,中外双方开始了新一轮的续约,中国汽车合资格局也出现了一些非常鲜明的时代特征:在产业政策方面,政策重点由合资合作转向自主品牌、自主创新以及新能源汽车;在市场竞争方面,内资企业与合资企业已由“错位经营”转向正面竞争;在企业战略方面,由国内市场转向国内和国外两个市场;在企业创新路径上,也正在由“以市场换技术”转向融入全球创新体系。在新的历史时期,面对日益开放市场环境、日趋激烈的市场竞争,中国内资企业究竟应该沿着一条什么样的道路发展才能成为中国汽车市场的主导者和中国汽车强国的领路人,这是关乎中国汽车产业安全和每个内资汽车企业持续发展的重要现实问题。本文对进口替代引资战略下中国汽车内资企业的发展历程进行了梳理归纳,通过运用统计分析的方法印证了邹昭唏教授提出的进口替代型引资战略中一个被忽略的变量,同时在此基础上运用多种实证分析手段得出“中国汽车内资企业是中国汽车产业发展的主力军,是‘以市场换技术’真正主体”的结论。通过运用Porter钻石模型,本文对中国汽车内资企业在进口替代引资战略中得以生存发展的基础条件以及进一步发展创新的机遇和挑战进行了分析阐述。在上述基础上,本文将钻石模型中的六大要素进一步细分为17个要素指标,逐一进行了对比分析,提出内资汽车企业的发展出路:统筹“引进来”与“走出去”,提高两个市场、两种资源的能力;从整合“大产业链”的视角,构筑新的竞争优势;在与国际品牌的竞争与博弈中,提升企业竞争力。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening-up, China automobile industry has went along with the road of "Exchanging market with technology"and "Exchanging market with funds". Inl983, Beijing Jeep, the first joint automobile venture estabilished. From that time, foreign direct investment(FDI) has started to enter China automobile industry. In the past thirty years, the access of foreign capital of China automobile industry has a great positive impact on the whole China automobile industry,in promoting manufacture ability,in strengthening the international competitiveness,and improving the industrial structure and the technological level. At the same time,FDI has also "stimulated" the development of china domestic automobile enterprises.Under the import substitution industrialization, a group of native Chinese domestic automobile enterprises has developed rapidly at lower cost and short cycle,by taking the advantages of the policy and the technological diffusion and spillover of the joint automobile ventures.However, as "the leading role" of the "Exchanging market with technology",the joint automobile ventures can not learn the core technology,because the multi-national corporations is firmly controlling the advanced technology.In the vertical international specialization system,those joint automobile ventures has became the factories of the multi-national corporations.Though an empirical analysis,the native domestic automobile enterprises has become the role of the "Exchanging market with technology".With the first round of the joint venture term expires, the Chinese and foreign parties begin a new round of the joint venture contract, the environment of the China automobile industry also appears some very distinctive characteristics of the times:the policy turns to self-dependent innovation, the competion between the native domestic companies and the joint ventures becomes more intense,the strategic view of the companies not only focuses the the domestic market but also the foreign markets,and the path of the innovation is changing from"market for technology" to integrate into the global innovation.In the Post joint venture stage, how to become a leader of the China’s automatic industry leader is the vital question for every Chinese domestic enterprise. This paper will use Porter Diamond model to answer why the Chinese native domestic enterprises developed rapidly the the past thirty years, and also answer the challenges and opportunities the native domestic enterprises faced in the Post joint venture stage. As for the strategy of the native domestic enterprises,this paper make the following suggestions: to make a good balance of the"Bringing in" and "Going out", to build the integration of industry Chain, and to become bigger and stronger in competition with the joint ventures.


