

【作者】 邸燕茹

【导师】 吴冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 高绩效工作系统的相关研究起源于美国。大量研究证明,高绩效工作系统能为西方企业带来高绩效。然而,对于高绩效工作系统的模型能否在西方以外的地区适用,一直是学者们研究争论的热点。为了破解西方高绩效工作系统在中国的适用性问题,本文以权力距离和不确定性规避两个文化维度的视角,在对西方高绩效工作系统理论研究,以及权力距离文化差异和不确定性规避文化差异对高绩效工作系统影响实证分析的基础上,结合中国企业人力资源管理的案例研究提出,由于中西方文化的明显差异,中国企业不能照搬西方高绩效工作系统,要构建符合中国文化背景的高绩效工作系统。本文研究得出,权力距离文化差异和不确定性规避文化差异对高绩效工作系统和企业绩效之间起调节作用。中西方在这两个文化维度上具有明显差异。在中国,高权力距离的文化造成社会等级观念强,员工对领导的依赖性大,领导的权力会相对集中;低不确定性规避的文化带来人们不注重通过规章制度等结构化的东西规避未来的不确定性,企业需要强调制度流程的约束和严格管理等控制型实践。而西方低权力距离和高不确定性规避的文化则带来“人人平等”、依赖规章制度,关注对未来不确定性的规避等特征,因此,西方高绩效工作系统是以参与和承诺为导向。然而,随着中国经济发展和民主进程的推进,工作授权、员工参与管理以及长期的人力资本投入等参与型、承诺型实践也要逐步引入。由此,中国企业应当构建集权与分权、控制与承诺相结合的高绩效工作系统。

【Abstract】 The research of High Performance Work System (HPWS) originated in the United States. Numerous studies prove that the High Performance Work System contributes to the efficiency improvement of companies in Western countries. However, there is no consensus among scholars on whether the model for High Performance Work System can apply to other regions in the world.This dissertation examines whether the western High Performance Work System can apply in China, through the perspectives of two cultural dimensions of Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance. We conduct theoretical study of western theories of High Performance Work System, empirical study of the impact of Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance differences on High Performance Work System, as well as the case studies of Human Resource Management in Chinese companies. We suggest that Chinese companies should not copy the western type of High Performance Work System, but should build the High Performance Work System adapted to the Chinese cultural context. This dissertation concludes that cultural differences in terms of Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance affect the applicability of the High Performance Work System. Significant differences exist between China and western countries in terms of the two cultural dimensions. Firstly, high power distance culture in China creates high social hierarchy, high dependence of employees on their leaders and relatively high power concentration. Secondly, low uncertainty avoidance culture in China leads to the lack of rules and regulations aimed at reducing uncertainties in the future, as a result, enterprises need to rely on the control of employees through strict rules and management. With China’s economic and democratic development, the practices of role authorization, employees’participation in the management and long-term investment in human capital, should be introduced gradually. Consequently, Chinese enterprises should build High Performance Work Systems that creates balance between centralization and decentralization, control and commitment.


