

【作者】 刘海楠

【导师】 王德起;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 区域经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在我国改革开放以来的三十多年中,土地作为经济发展和社会生活的物质基础,承载了经济的飞速发展和社会的全面进步。然而,伴随而来的粮食短缺、建设用地紧张、生态环境恶化、地区及城乡差距拉大等问题,使区域经济的协调、可持续发展面临严峻的挑战。而当掠夺式的土地利用方式不再适应经济发展要求之时,以盘活土地存量、提高土地产能为目标的土地整治便被提升为国家战略,成为新时期保障发展、保护资源的关键举措,为我国区域经济协调发展战略的全面落实提供了重要的支撑。本文以土地整治促进区域经济协调发展的内在机制和路径为主要研究目标,结合山东省整治实践,探索土地整治在促进区域经济增长、缩小区域差距、增强区际联系和改善生态环境等方面的作用,并通过搭建二者之间的传导路径,引导土地整治向更加科学、理性的方向转变,这对我国未来土地整治的有序开展和区域经济协调发展的顺利实现来说具有重要的理论和现实意义。通过对既有研究的梳理发现,从促进区域经济协调发展的角度评价土地整治效用的文献十分稀少。为了更清楚地解析这一问题,本文在界定了区域经济协调发展四层内涵(区域经济增长、地区差距缩小、区际联系增强以及生态环境改善)的基础上,运用三要素经济增长模型、改进的存量——流量模型等,推演分析了土地整治对于每一层内涵的作用。研究所得出的结论是:第一,土地整治通过增加土地要素有效投入数量,可维持总产出持续稳定地增长;第二,土地整治与城乡建设用地增减挂钩的结合,可缓解发达地区用地紧张、地价攀升,欠发达地区土地廉价、资金短缺等问题,有利于缩小区域差距;第三,土地整治通过优化土地资源配置,有利于产业转出地的“腾龙换鸟”和转入地的“筑巢引凤”,从而推动产业转移,增强区际关系;第四,土地整治通过工程技术手段,可有效解决土地退化、景观功能衰减以及水土流失等诸多区域生态环境的问题,使区域经济与环境保持协调、稳定的状态。为了验证“土地整治对于区域经济协调发展具有单向促进作用”的理论预判,本文设置了区域经济协调度的评价指标体系,并在此基础上,对土地整治规模和区域经济协调度两个时间序列进行格兰杰因果检验,进而构建二者之间的双对数回归模型,探讨二者之间的线性关系,并以山东省为例,进行了实证分析。实证研究结果显示,山东省全省以及东部和中部地区所开展的土地整治活动对区域经济协调发展有带动作用,但二者之间的因果关系在西部地区表现不明显。此外,回归结果显示,土地整治规模增加1%,将促进山东省全省的区域经济协调度相应提高0.1%,东部地区提高0.15%,中部地区提高6.8%。这一结果与山东省实际情况吻合,说明了该模型可信,同时,也证实了本文对于“土地整治促进区域经济协调发展的理论预判。最后,基于理论分析与实证研究,提出土地整治促进区域经济协调发展的实现路径,即:因地制宜,形成“差异化”的土地整治格局;构建增减挂钩指标跨区域市场交易机制,促进要素在不同区域间高效流动;通过“空间一体化”的土地整治策略,实现欠发达地区产业承接地的非均衡布局:实施土地的“生态化”整治,促进区域“经济——环境”系统的和谐稳定。惟有沿着“差异化”、“市场化”、“空间一体化”和“生态化”的路径,未来土地整治的开展才能真正发挥调控区域土地利用格局、促进区域经济协调发展的作用。

【Abstract】 As the substantial foundation for the economic growth and social progress, Land has become the carrier loaded with rapid economy development and all-round social prosperity in the over thirty years since the Reforming and Opening-up in China. However, the consequential issues such as the food shortage, construction land inadequacy, environmental pollution and biological problems, enlarging regional gap and urban-country margin as well, so that the regional coordinated and sustainable development faces serious challenges. As the exploitation is no longer fitted to the requirements of economic development nowadays, land consolidation with an aim at revitalizing the stock land and increasing land productive capacity is enhanced to be the National Strategy instead. In the contemporary period, land consolidation is not only the key measure of ensuring development and protecting resources, but also an important prop for the implementation of regional coordinated-development.To study the mechanism and realizing route of how land consolidation promotes the coordinated-development of regional economy, the thesis uses the practice of Shandong province and explores the effects that land consolidation has on increasing regional product, narrowing the regional gap, enhancing regional relationships and improving ecological environment. Besides, the thesis conduct some routes between land consolidation and regional economic coordinated-development which direct the land consolidation along a more scientific and rational direction. All in all, the research has theoretical and practical significance to the orderly practice of land consolidation and successful completion of regional coordinated-development.After combing the literature, we discovered that the representative literature evaluating land consolidation from the angle of regional economic coordinated-development is very limited. In order to analyze the problem more clearly, this thesis first defines four connotations of regional economic coordinated-development including increasing regional product, narrowing the regional gap, enhancing regional relationships and improving economy as well as ecological environment. Based on this, it deducts and analyzes the effects that land consolidation has on each connotation by three-element growth model and improved stock-flow model and so on. The conclusions can be summarized under four main aspects:Firstly, by increasing effective land investment, land consolidation can maintain steady growth of total output. Secondly, combined with the link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural area, the land consolidation can ease the intensity of the situation in developed area where the land is scarce and the price is climbing and undeveloped area where the land price is cheap and the capital is scarce. In this way, the gap between developed and undeveloped areas can be reduced. Thirdly, by optimizing the allocation of land resources, the land consolidation can help the industrial upgrade and reception which will promote the industrial transfer and also enhance the regional relationship. Fourthly, by technological fix, the land consolidation can effectively solve many ecological environment problems such as land degradation, soil erosion and landscape function attenuation, as a result of which make regional economy and environment remain more coordinated and stable.In order to verify the pre-judgment that "land consolidation has a one-way promotional function upon regional economic coordinated-development", the thesis sets up indicator system for the evaluation on regional economic coordination degree. Based on that, two time series of land consolidation scale and regional economic coordination degree are tested by "Grainger Causality Test". After that, double logarithm regression model between them is established so that we can explore their linear relationship. According to this method and steps, the thesis carries out empirical analysis through the example of Shandong Province. The results show that land consolidation does improve the regional economic coordinated-development in Shandong Province except for the western district. The results of regression model show that the regional economic coordination degree increases by0.1%at1%increases of the land consolidation scale in the whole area. In comparison, the elasticity in the east and central district are0.15%and6.8%. In the matter of fact, the results accord with actual conditions in Shandong province very well which not only prove that the model is reliable, but also confirm the judgment that land consolidation has ability to promote the regional economic coordinated-development.Finally, based on the theory analysis and empirical study, the thesis offers four choices to help land consolidation promote the regional economic coordinated-development. The choices include carrying out differential land consolidation pattern; constructing market trading mechanism of the linking indicators of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural area; forming space-fused land consolidation strategy to undertake non balanced layout in the underdeveloped areas and realize industrial transition. Only in these ways can land consolidation improve the pattern of land use and promote balanced development among regions.

  • 【分类号】F301.2;F127
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】908
  • 攻读期成果

