

Research on the Key Technology and Integrated Application of Quality and Safety Traceability of Live Pigs in Dongguan

【作者】 罗卫强

【导师】 陆承平;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 兽医, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 东莞市现有人口近1000万人,年屠宰生猪近400万头,85%以上的生猪要依靠外省市供应;生猪定点屠宰场有32个,分布广而零散;生猪从出生到屠宰销售,涉及到的部门和监管链条较多,存在监管追溯信息断层和盲点;再加上动物卫生监督部门有些检疫检测监管追溯手段还比较落后,还有待进一步提升。基于此,本研究对上述涉及到的各环节关键技术进行集成研究,提高生猪质量安全监管和追溯能力。主要进行了以下研究:1)在调研的基础上,对供应链上的用户需求和功能需求进行了解。针对东莞市日屠宰生猪量大(1万多头)、来源复杂(5000多个基地养殖场),健康状况各异和“瘦肉精”残留仅按比例抽检而不能全部抽检等现状,结合生猪消费者对生猪质量安全信息公开发布的迫切需求,设计了面向产销两地流通环节的生猪质量安全管理平台的功能、管理流程和实施策略;2)第一步实施策略。2009年底开始,立足于东莞市动物卫生监督现状,研究基于追溯与动物卫生远程视频监控技术相结合的生猪供应链全程质量安全监管和面向流通环节的胴体激光灼刻检疫标识技术及应用;3)在初步建设取得一定成果的基础上,分析生猪养殖到消费这一流程中的管理现状,提出进一步集成现有销地和产地业务部门的信息化系统,创建区域性“动物卫生及动物产品监管信息中心”,实现对生猪质量安全信息的获取与跟踪,。4)从2009年开始,逐步在东莞市动物卫生监督部门和生猪定点屠宰场等地进行全面推广应用,取得了预期效果。通过2009年至2012年共4年的研究和示范应用,相关成果获得东莞市科技局组织的科技成果鉴定和广东省科技厅科技成果登记(粤科成登字20120502)。

【Abstract】 Dongguan City has a population of nearly10million people, slaughtering nearly4million, more than85%of the pigs to rely on the supply of other provinces and cities;32sentinel pig slaughterhouse, widely distributed and fragmented; pig from birth to table, related to the departments and regulatory chain more faults and blind spots exist regulatory traceability information; animal health supervision departments plus some quarantine inspection supervision retrospective means is still relatively backward, there is to be further enhanced. Based on this, the research related to various aspects of key technology integration research to improve the quality and safety of live pigs regulatory and traceability. Mainly carried out the following research:1) on the basis of research to understand user requirements and functional requirements in the supply chain. Dongguan City slaughtering large (10,000bulls), complex sources (more than5000base farms), health status is different and clenbuterol residues only in proportion to sampling can not be fully sampling the status quo, the combination of live pigs consumer information quality and safety of the individual pig publicly urgent needs, design and quality of pig production and sales of the two circulation-oriented security management platform, management processes and implementation strategies.2) The first step in the implementation of the strategy. The end of2009, based on the status of Dongguan City Animal Health Authority, research-based traceability and animal health remote video surveillance combination of the carcass of the pig supply chain quality and safety throughout and for circulation the laser burn engraved quarantine identification technology and applications.3) on the basis of the preliminary construction has made some achievements, analysis of breeding pigs to the consumer in this process of the present situation of further integration of existing off the ground and origin of the information systems of the business sector, to create a regional animal health and animal products regulatory Information Center, access to information on the quality and safety of live pigs and tracking. 4) beginning in2009, and gradually in Dongguan City, animal health supervision departments and sentinel pig slaughterhouse and other places to promote the application, to obtain the desired effect.By2009-2012, a total of four years of research and application of the model, results obtained Dongguan City Science and Technology Bureau of scientific and technological achievements identification and the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department of scientific and technological achievements to registration (Guangdong Branch into Deng Zi20120502).

  • 【分类号】S828
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】251

