

The Study of Acrobatic Fighting in Chinese Peking Opera

【作者】 杜鹏

【导师】 欧阳中石;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 戏曲学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 中国戏曲艺术的“戏”字的繁体写法是便为“戯”,有“假打”之意。“打”中便是“武”的体现。京剧艺术讲究的“唱、念、做、打”这四项基本功中,所谓的“打”,既是其中不可缺少的重要手段,同时也包括了武戏剧目。戏曲武打的形成是经过多少代艺人吸取了翻打跌扑和武术套路等技巧,与舞蹈形式相结合,把生活中厮杀格斗加以高度艺术提炼,不断融化、创造而成的。在舞台演出中,凡是在剧目中表现敌对双方排兵布阵、战场上厮杀争斗,或除暴安良、行侠仗义、与歹徒格斗等情节,都需运用武打的形式来刻画人物、渲染剧情,武戏的流行也与武术、杂技等都有着重要的继承发展关系。从清代“花雅之争”开始,大量的武戏逐渐涌现出来,到京剧正式的形成后在清末民初时候武戏剧目达到一个高峰,中国第一个电影《定军山》本身就是一出文武兼备的剧目。本文拟从数千年中华民族大历史的角度来梳理,从中华民族尚武的民族心理、古代侠文化来研究京剧艺术中武戏剧目的起源与发展,纠正很多书籍记录武戏剧目行当应工上的错误,同时兼顾现状分析和探讨解决办法,有助于填补相关研究领域空白,对于京剧武戏剧目的继承与发展有重大意义,根本目的就是在振兴京剧艺术中弘扬优秀民族传统文化。

【Abstract】 The traditional Chinese character "戯"(xi), which means the Chinese traditional theater, can be divided into "虚"and":戈",referring "virtual" and "fighting" respectively. And the word "wu" is well expressed by "da". The four categories of Peking Opera include song, speech, dance-acting and combating. And combating is not only the indispensable method, but also refers to the martial plays in Peking Opera.The development of the acrobatic fighting in Chinese traditional theatre has assimilated the skills of martial art and combined with dancing, extracted the fighting scenes of life into the art form by generations of artists. On the stage, combating is a very important way to show battles, heroic behavior, etc. The popularity of combating is closely related to martial art and acrobatics.The competition between "hua" and "ya" can be traced back to Qing Dynasty as plenty of combating plays came into being. The highlight of acrobatic fighting was in the time of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic after the Peking Opera was formed. Dingjunshan, the first movie in China was a play with singing and combating. The paper assumes to learn these parts from the history of China, and studies the origin and development of "combat" according to the national psychology and the ancient chivalry culture. It is trying to fill the vacancy of related research and figuring out the solution at the same time, which is essential to the inheritance and development of combating" re p ertory in Peking Opera.The fundamental aim is to prosper Peking Opera and promote the Chinese traditional culture.


