

Studyon the Chou Characters of Kunqu Opera

【作者】 张继超

【导师】 欧阳中石;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 昆剧丑脚行当涉及知识点较多,本文选取昆剧丑脚沿革、昆剧丑脚剧目和昆剧丑脚表演艺术三个方面研究,分为三章。第一章昆剧丑脚沿革,解决昆剧丑脚的历史发展脉络问题。主要从两方面进行,一是追溯丑脚行当酝酿、萌芽、诞生的历史。丑脚渊源已久,从秦代优人的滑稽调笑,经汉代俳优,至唐代参军戏,形成参军、苍鹘两个脚色;宋杂剧中的副净一脚,由参军而来。作为戏曲行当的丑脚第一次出现是在南戏之中,它源于宋杂剧之副净,“丑即副净”。从《张协状元》来看,丑行具有突出的插科打诨的特点。在丑脚漫长的生长期中,滑稽调笑、讽谏精神贯穿始终。二是勾勒昆剧丑脚的发展历程,主要围绕昆剧净、丑行当分野、副行与丑行之定型展开。昆剧丑脚在南戏七个脚色基础上,借鉴与吸收元杂剧关于脚色分工的传统而形成。净、丑行当的分野,以净的正剧化为前提。净的正剧化是去除其喜剧功能、脚色专业化和性格化的过程,这一过程以清代中叶大面的形成为标志。随着昆剧行当更加科学、严密,丑开始进一步分化,至迟在明代万历、天启年间,出现了净、中净(副)、小净(小丑)三种脚色,而副、丑行当定型的标志,是清代李斗《扬州画舫录》所记的“江湖十二脚色”,其净、丑分为大面、二面、三面。至此,昆丑脚色演变完成。第二章昆剧丑脚剧目,研究折子戏的形成与昆丑家门戏问题。关于折子戏的形成,本章就折子戏的界定、折子戏的来源做了梳理,认为折子戏应该包含文本与舞台两方面的内容。关于昆丑家门戏,文章从常见的昆剧折子戏中遴选出66个丑脚出目,分析其类别及文本特点。个案研究方面,选取丑脚家门剧目中“五毒戏”和《教歌》这两种有代表性的折目,以及宣鼎的《三十六声粉铎图咏》研究,试图以点代面,反映昆丑折子戏的特征。本章认为,“五毒戏”代表了昆剧丑脚剧目中拟态表演的最高成就,它的出现显示了昆剧在脚色行当的分工与协作的成熟,标志着昆剧舞台化发展到一个新阶段。《教歌》是昆丑折子戏形成中的一个经典例子,其形成途径主要为增加说白和净、丑之间的“教诨”。第三章昆丑表演艺术研究,探讨昆丑表演问题。昆丑表演的美学基础,主要表现为讽谏传统、乐天精神和德充之美。本章在廓清昆丑表演的基本面貌之后,以个案研究的方式,选择近现代昆剧演员杨鸣玉、王传淞,以分析其表演特点。晚清昆丑艺人杨鸣玉,其突出之处在于技艺之精湛和丰富的技巧运用。王传淞副行、丑行兼擅,其表演特点为融高超技巧于自然流畅的表演之中,丑中见美,臻至化境,代表了当代昆丑表演的最高成就。他塑造的昆丑形象以《十五贯》中的娄阿鼠最为著名,其中模拟鼠形的高难度动作,以及繁杂的表演身段。论文对昆丑行当历史脉络、昆丑折子戏及其表演艺术的研究,勾勒出了昆丑行当的大致面貌。

【Abstract】 This paper is divided into three chapters, fixing on the history, repertoire and performing arts of Kunqu’s Chou character.The first chapter as "the history of Kunqu’s Chou character" discuss the problem of the development of Kunqu’s Chou which mainly include two aspects. Firstly we retroactive the history of Chou’s brewing, bud and birth. Chou can be traced back to Harlequin in Qin dynasty and Comedians in Han dynasty. Canjun drama in Tang dynasty formed two feet as Canjun and Canghu, and Canjun developed into Fujing of Zaju in Song dynasty, which evaluated into Chou as a character of Chinese opera, which firstly appeared in Nanxi. In the long growing season, Chou always has a distinctive feature of fun and humor. Secondly we outline the developing process of Kunqu’s Chou, mainly around that the dividing line between Jing and Chou and stereotyping among Fu and Chou. Jing’s seriousness caused it divided with Chou and develop into Damian in the middle of the Qing dynasty, In the late Wanli and Tianqi years of Ming dynasty, there has been three kinds of roles as Jing, Zhongjing(Fu) and Xiaojing(Chou). In Qing Dynasty "Yangzhou boats and recorded" writted by Lidou, Jing and Chou is divided into Damian Ermian and Sanmian in "Jianghu twelve role". Thus, the evolution of Kunqu’s Chou has completed.The second chapter as "the repertoire of Kunqu’s Chou character" discuss the problem of the shaping of opera highlights and the dedicated opera highlights of Kunqu’s Chou. We comb the definition and source of opera highlights and think that it should contain two aspects of contents of the text and stage. This article select66opera highlights of Kunqu’s Chou and analyze their categories and characteristics. We try to reflect the characteristics of the repertoire of Kunqu’s Chou through the research on Wuduxi, Jiaoge and "36shengfenduotuyong" writted by Xuanding. We think that Wuduxi is on behalf of the highest achievement of Kunqu’s mimicry performance, maturity in the division and coordination of role trade. As a classic example of the shaping of the dedicated opera highlights of Kunqu’s Chou, its main way is to increase spoken parts and "teach in" between Fu and Chou in Jiaoge.The third chapter as "the performing arts of Kunqu’s Chou character"discuss the problem of the performing arts of Kunqu’s Chou. its aesthetic foundations are court jester tradition, spirit of Lotte, the individual will and Harlequin awareness. We do two case studies on contemporary kunqu actors, naming Yang Mingyu and Wang Chuansong. Yang Mingyu lived in late qing dynasty, the highlight of his performent is the exquisite and rich skills. Wang Chuansong is very good at Fu and Chou, his characteristics are excellent skills in natural performances, seeing the beauty in ugliness, attaining to perfection, he represents the highest achievements of contemporary Kun Chou. Louashu in15guan is most famous artistic image acted by Wang Chuansong, who has high difficulty movement simulation of rat shape and complex performance figure.


