

Exhibitions in Art Museum:between Art History Narrative and Contemporary Cultural Construction

【作者】 张苗苗

【导师】 范迪安;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 美术学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 展览是美术馆面向公众的主业,展览的内容和规划决定了美术馆的学术水平,也与美术馆的使命密切相关,更是美术馆展开美术史叙事、彰显其文化倾向的重要载体。美术馆以展览为载体的实践,不仅是要以不同形式的展览建构美术史叙事,同时要阐释艺术创作的内在规则,还要延伸至其背后社会文化意义的全貌及其所牵涉到不同文化间的互动和互斥,或在不同的历史阶段和时空范围中文化间的交融和发展。在这个多元发展的时代,如何通过展览建构和传递意义,如何在展览中诠释文化,尤其是如何呈现本国文化与世界各文化的相应关系,是美术馆作为一个国家与地区的研究与教育中心最重要的任务之一。美术馆有保存、收藏艺术品的职责,并且不断用藏品构筑展览。在国外一些重要美术馆中,用藏品构成的固定陈列,是美术馆的基本内容。但是,那些固定陈列的主体结构和内容通常会受不同的文化思潮的影响而有所改变,由此可见,所谓固定陈列中的美术历史受制于特定时期的文化思潮。此外,美术馆举办的专题展览也体现了在展开美术馆的美术史叙事和建构当代文化两方面的作用。另一方面,美术馆都积极关注当下的艺术现象,通过分析和遴选最新的艺术风格样式的作品形成对当代艺术的关注。这部分由当代艺术形成的展览实际上是一种“发生的艺术史”,十分鲜明地体现了美术馆的文化立场。从20世纪下半叶开始,美术馆的双年展、国际巡回展览等新的展览形式已经成为彰显美术馆展览文化的重要方式。面对后现代文化的不断发展,在关系美学等新兴美学思想的影响下,美术馆如何通过“交流”与“对话”构建其在当代文化系统中的地位和影响也是重要的方面。总之,透析美术馆的展览,特别是分析展览策划中的文化意图,才能真正窥探美术馆的文化身份。由此凸显美术馆展览的价值和意义。

【Abstract】 Exhibition is the key practice of museums to the public, the contents and projects of exhibitions decide the academic level of an art museum and are bound up with the mission of a museum, furthermore, they are an important carrier of museums to reveal their cultural tendency. Cultural interpretation with exhibitions of museums should interpret not only inner principles of artistic creation, but also the full-view of social and cultural significance, as well as related interaction and mutual exclusion between different cultures, or the blending and developments in different historical stages and temporal and spatial ranges. In this era of pluralism, how to construct and transfer significance through exhibitions, how to interpret cultures in exhibitions, especially how to present relationships between home culture and other cultures of the world is one of the most important mission of museums as research and education institutions of every countries and regions. Museums have the responsibilities for preserving and collecting art works and constructing exhibitions with collections continuously. In some important museums abroad, permanent exhibitions with collections are basic contents. However, the major structure and contents of those permanent exhibitions would change under the influence of different cultural thoughts, therefore, art history in the so-called permanent exhibitions is confined to the cultural thoughts of a specific period. On the other hand, museums pay a lot attention to current art phenomena and form concerns about contemporary art through analyzing and choosing artworks of the newest artistic style. These exhibitions formed by contemporary art are kinds of "art history on process" which will present the cultural position of museums very clearly. Through exhibitions of museums, especially by analyzing the cultural intentions, people can really find the cultural identity of museums. Thus, the value and significance of exhibitions in museums are very important.


