

The Study on Forms of Kuangcao Calligraphy

【作者】 梁文斌

【导师】 胡抗美;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 美术学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 狂草艺术拓展了草书的表现领域,具有独特的审美体系和美学价值。狂草艺术集中体现了中国艺术的“写意精神”与“狂”的审美趣味与艺术风格。在中国书法史上,狂草艺术有其自身的历史发展轨迹,它经历了萌芽、成熟与发展的过程。本文第一章从狂草艺术的表现形式角度,通过对狂草艺术的文献梳理和理论探究,并结合大量经典作品的图像分析,总结了狂草艺术的历史发展脉络,划分出狂草艺术的四个时期:狂草艺术的滥觞期(汉魏两晋);狂草艺术的成熟期(唐代);狂草艺术的发展期(宋元);狂草艺术的蜕变期(明清)。每一时期均有代表人物和传世的经典作品。通过研究发现,他们彼此之间在表现形式上既有继承又有发展,形成了狂草艺术的发展规律。形式美的感知是欣赏书法艺术美的前提,也是书法创作的最终归宿。本文第二章开始从表现形式的元素表现、具体运用以及审美三个层面,具体论述狂草艺术的表现形式。狂草艺术表现形式的元素分笔墨与空白两大类。狂草笔墨中,“点”的表现功能得到了强化,不但形状、方向多变,而且它还是其它笔画简略后的符号,更是狂草节奏、气势等表现的重要语言。线条是狂草艺术表现的灵魂,狂草线条多出自使转运笔,多呈现出曲线形态,也是书家表现情性、表达情感的重要载体。与其它书体不同的是,笔画与笔画之间因笔势连贯而产生的牵丝成了狂草线条表现的重要内容,狂草线条的价值进一步凸显。狂草空白虽以笔墨为参照而形成,以笔墨存在为前提,但它的审美意义和价值突出,是古人“计白当黑”审美思想的集中体现。狂草空白又可分为线条飞白、结体内空白、行间空白、段落空白以及四边空白等。狂草艺术的造型是其形式元素的具体运用,由笔墨造型和空白造型组成。笔墨造型分为点画造型、结体造型、组的造型、行的造型和区域造型。其中,组的造型表现出极大的可塑性和丰富性。从由小到大的形式层次分析,空白造型可分为线条飞白和结体内空白造型、组间和行间空白造型以及四边空白造型等。狂草艺术的“势”是其表现形式审美的集中体现,可分为笔势、体势和气势三种类型。狂草之势与“法”、“力”、“形”等关系密切。狂草艺术的表现形式既有其独特性,又有书法艺术的普遍性。通过狂草艺术表现形式的研究而得出的相关理论与总结,对当今书法创作提供了诸多有益的启示。

【Abstract】 The art of Kuangcao is very important in the history of Chinese calligraphy.lt has its own tracks of rudiment,development,magnificent and evolution.By means of the study of documents and classical Kuangcao works,we can divide its history into four periods:1)Han to Jin Dynasty:the period of rudiment;2)Tang Dynasty:the period of magnificent;3)Song and Yuan Dynasty:the period of development;4)Ming and Qing Dynasty:the period of evolution.In each period,there were several famous Kuangcao artists and lots of classical works that we can also appreciate today.The perception of the beauty of forms is the basis of calligraphy appreciation,and also it is the main aim of calligraphy creation. From the second chapter, this article includes three parts to discuss the forms of Kuangcao:the elements of forms, the use of elements and the appreciation.The forms of Kuangcao can divide into two types:Bimo and Kongbai.The function of "dot" is emphasized in Kuangcao. Its shape and direction are varied.Otherwise,it is the symbol of other strokes of Kuangcao.The rhythm of Kuangcao can also expressed by the " dot ".The thread is the soul of Kuangcao,which is produced by the important movement of Kuangcao writing——Shizhuan (revolving the Chinese pen point on paper to write the thread).So it is always curved line,which is the important method of feeling expression.The blank areas called Kongbai in calligraphy that produced by Bimo have its own aesthetic values in Kuangcao,which includ of Kongbai of thread, Kongbai of single Chinese character,Kongbai of groups of characters,Kongbai of paragraphs and Kongbai of sections,Kongbai of row of characters.The space of Kuangcao is made from Bimo and Kongbai,which is changeable and plentful." Shi" is a kind of traditional Chineses aesthetics.It can be divided into three types:Bishi,Tishi and Qishi.With the study of Kuangcao in the view of forms,we will be benifited greatly for our calligraphy creation today.

【关键词】 狂草形式造型
【Key words】 the art of Kuangcaothe forms of Chinese calligraphyModelingShi

