

Yue Opera Adaptation Study of Dream of Red Mansions

【作者】 佟静

【导师】 孙玉明;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 艺术学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 越剧是继清传奇之后改编及演出《红楼梦》最多的剧种,从民国时期至今,越剧“红楼戏”约有三十种,其中1958年的一部《红楼梦》成为了戏曲改编这部名著的经典之作,至今常演不衰。越剧在改编《红楼梦》的实践中,于剧本创作及舞台演出方面积累了丰富的经验,《红楼梦》的越剧改编史在历史文化语境中呈现出意味浓厚的文化史意义。本论文研究按历史阶段划分章节,梳理剧目资料,分析《红楼梦》越剧改编在不同时期的叙事策略、文本结构、旨趣倾向、价值取舍及其折射出的历史语境中的文化建构。戏曲改编同样会涉及的其它方面如表演、导演、唱腔等,本论文不对其做艺术分析,但对于进入21世纪后舞台表演和影视呈现所承载的视觉文化内涵,本文在第四章的第三节从视觉文化研究的维度进行了简要阐述。绪论部分是对前人研究的述评,总结前人的学术成果,以此作为自己研究的借鉴,同时评析其中的不足和疏漏,使自己的这次研究能够成为学术史的一点补充。第一章是民国时期的《红楼梦》越剧改编研究,越剧改编《红楼梦》始于战时上海的“沦陷”期,彼时的历史和文化语境对越剧选择编演《红楼梦》具有某种旨趣上的影响,这一时期的改编初步奠定了越剧“红楼戏”的基本叙事架构。第二章是1949年至1954年的改编研究,之所以将界限划在1954年,是因为在这一年的9月份发生了“红学”界的大事件,即“红学批判”运动,这次由毛泽东亲自发起的、文艺及知识界全部参与的运动影响了《红楼梦》的越剧改编旨趣和立场。从新中国成立到“红学批判”之前的这段时期,越剧“红楼戏”的创演非常活跃,其改编的价值立场和叙事结构相比于民国时期骤然而变,在反封建婚俗的历史语境下,这一时期的《红楼梦》越剧改编迎合了社会大改造时期的时代话语。第三章是1955年至1965年的改编研究,即“红学批判”到文革前,这段时期的《红楼梦》越剧改编呈现了高水准的艺术水平。苏青和徐进改编的两部戏相映成趣,各有特色,徐进的改编本已成为经典作品。该章节分析其剧本及舞台表演的叙事学建构、价值取向及对前人作品的承袭和超越。第四章是新时期以来至当代即1978年至2014年的改编研究。这段时期《红楼梦》的越剧改编在电视剧创作方面有了进一步的探索和创新,同时对经典版越剧《红楼梦》进行了不同意旨的重拍。这段时期电视电影媒介的介入对舞台表演的重构具有某种程度的影响,该章节还从视觉文化研究的维度对此进行了分析和阐释。

【Abstract】 Yue Opera adapted and performed the Dream of Red Mansions the most times after Qing Dynasty. Till nowadays, there are totally about30pieces of Yue opera, among which the one performed in1958become the classic opera adaptation. This thesis divides the chapters according to the historical stages, carding repertoire data analysis, Dream of Red Mansions opera adaptation strategies at different stages of the narrative, text structure, purport tendencies and value trade-offs.The introduction part is a review of previous studies, summarizes the results of previous academic studies as my reference. In the meanwhile, analyzes the deficiencies and omissions which make my points in this study to be a supplement academic history.The first chapter is Dream of Red Mansions Yue opera adaptation study during the period of the Republic of China. Opera adaptation of Dream of Red Mansions began in wartime Shanghai’s ’fall’ period, the historical and cultural context of that time to select or staged opera Dream of Red Mansions has a certain purport the impact of this period of adaptation initially laid opera Dream of Red Mansions the basic narrative structure.The second chapter is adapted from research in between1949and1954. The reason that draw the line in1954is that "Dream of Red Mansions" campaign took place in September this year, namely,’Dream of Red Mansions criticism’. This influenced the Dream of Red Mansions adaptation. Before the movement, the adaptation value proposition and narrative structure are different compared with in Republic of China. The historical context of the anti-feudal Marriage in this period met the era of great social transformation during the discourse.The third chapter is the research between1955and1965, namely from the Dream of Red Mansions criticism movement period to the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, Dream of Red Mansions opera adaptation of this period show a high level of artistic level. Su Qing and Xu Jin’s drama adaptation show their own characteristics. Xu Jin’s adaptation has become a classic one. This chapter analyzes narrative construction of its screenplay and theatrical performances, values and work of their predecessors inherited and beyond.The fourth chapter is a study of the new era during1978-2014. The involvement of the media of TV and movie has some effect on the re-construction stage performances. So the visual culture studies access will be used to analyze and interpret the adaption of the Dream of Red Mansions in this chapter.

【关键词】 红楼梦越剧戏曲改编越剧改编
【Key words】 Dream of Red MansionsYue Operadrama adaptation

