

The Investigation and Research of Origin Pedigree in Uygur Dance

【作者】 塔来提·吐尔地

【导师】 资华筠;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 舞蹈学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 维吾尔族舞蹈在中华民族舞蹈之林中的地位和影响力可谓独树一帜,无论在民间还是在舞台艺术中都成为一个不可忽视的民族舞蹈现象。新中国成立以来,维吾尔族舞蹈事业继续有着全面长足的发展,在创作、教学、研究等各方面均积累了丰硕的成果,但另一方面,在现代社会的进程中也不断面对新的问题与挑战。约定俗成的“维吾尔族舞蹈”的概念,作为对新疆地区该民族舞蹈的概括性和整体性称谓,反映出一种具有典型特征和文化内涵的舞蹈样式。实际上,维吾尔族舞蹈所呈现出的文化层面的多维、多样与复杂性,在中国范围,甚至亚洲范围内都是比较独特的文化现象,其中蕴含了一个具有鲜明的文化特异性并反映文化差异性的多维、多层、多代系的乐舞源流谱系。本文在前人研究的基础上,充分借鉴已有成果,遵循“舞蹈生态学”为方法论,同时结合人类学的访谈、观察、田野考察等研究方法,对匹尔舞、赛乃姆和萨玛舞三个维吾尔族典型舞种所折射出的维吾尔族舞蹈源流谱系进行了全面的梳理,力求将早期、中期以及后期的整体状况及发展特点在所选择的典型舞种中都有所呈现,以一种宏观的、多维的研究视角,去深入和动态地把握维吾尔族舞蹈纷繁复杂的发展历程与发展规律。建立维吾尔族舞蹈源流谱系的目的之一在于通过对不同代际、不同舞蹈样式之间的发展现象进行梳理和分析,形成对维吾尔族舞蹈结合了形态、功能、源流和播布区域的多维分析,从而深入认识其发展规律与文化特异性,并能够在此基础上确认和提炼。对维吾尔族舞蹈发展的“优质基因”的发现并自觉地进行传承,将是实现对维吾尔族舞蹈科学化传承的关键环节。通过舞体在复杂生态系统中的选择,将有价值的“优质基因”保存和流传下来。能够确认和提炼这些优质基因,将对现时的舞蹈教学和创作产生重大的意义。本论文的创新之处在于:一是具有开创性地以多维舞种的科学概念和源流谱系的研究思路,首次构建了一个对维吾尔族舞蹈比较全面和系统的研究体系,具有填补舞蹈学科研究空白的意义;二是在于运用具有创新意义的舞蹈生态学方法论,建立了对维吾尔族舞蹈样本具有可操作性的、符合舞蹈艺术规律的研究手段,为民族自然舞蹈的研究提供了具有重要参考价值的范本;三是在多维分析和文化比较的研究视野中更深入地探寻维吾尔族舞蹈的文化特异性,对厘清和深入认识维吾尔族舞蹈复杂的文化现象做出了贡献,并有助于对其优质文化基因进行辨识和提炼,从而为今天的文化选择,尤其是在舞蹈创作和教学上提供具有重大现实意义的参照。

【Abstract】 Uygur dance hold the unique position and influence in the Chinese dance development and has become a noticeable phenomenon of folk dance both in the private or the stage art. Since the founding of china, the Uygur dance has developed rapidly and comprehensively, it has accumulated fruitful results in choreography, teaching, studying and so on various aspects. On the other hand, it has been faced with new problems and challenges in the process of modern society.The established concept of "Uygur dance", as the general and integral title of the ethnic dance in Xinjiang region, reflected a form of typical characteristics and cultural connotation of dance styles. Practically, Uygur dance presents the cultural aspects of the multi-dimensional, diversity and complexity. It is a unique cultural phenomenon in china and even across the Asia, which contains a distinct cultural specificity and reflects the cultural differences of multi-dimensional, multi-level, multiple-generation system of dance origin pedigree.On the basis of predecessors’ research, I absorbed the existed achievement, following the methodology of the "dance ecology"(Choreoecology), meanwhile, combining with interviews, observation, field investigation and research methods of anthropology. Comprehensive carding was carried on the Pirhun, Sanam and Sama, the three typical dance form reflecting the origin Uygur dance pedigree. I also strive d to presenting the overall situation and development characteristics of the prototype stage, the development stage and changes in the selected typical dance form. I used the macro and multi-dimensional research perspective, rendering to grasp the complicated process and developing law of Uygur dance in-depth and dynamically.One of the purposes of Establishing Uygur dance origin pedigree is to carding and analyzing the development phenomenon between different generations and different dance styles through four dimensions of form, function, resource and region, especially to deepening the understanding of the "High-quality Genes" of sustaining continuation of origin pedigree. The discovery and consciously inheritance of "High-quality Genes" on Uygur dance development will be the key part of implementing the scientific heritage of them. By the selection of dancing community in the complicated ecological system, the valuable "High-quality Genes" will be survived and spread.The thesis has three innovations. Firstly, it constructed a more comprehensive and systematic research system about Uygur dance through the research strategy of the multi-dimensional choreospeciles concept and origin pedigree, providing the significance for filling the blank of the dance subject research; Secondly, it used innovative dance ecology methodology, established the practical research method which obeys the law of Uygur dance art, meanwhile, provided the model with important reference value for the research of the national nature dance; Thirdly, it deeply explored the culture of Uygur dance specificity with the perspective of multidimensional analysis and cultural comparison, which contributed to clarifying and understanding the culture of Uygur dance complex phenomena, and helped to refine and identify its excellent cultural genes. It particularly provided the reference in significant practical meaning Uygur dance education and choreography, and also for today’s culture choices.


