

Research on Peasants’welfare Change under the Rural-Residental Land Conversion Based on Assessment of the Risk Capacity

【作者】 关江华

【导师】 黄朝禧;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 农村宅基地作为我国建设用地的主要组成部分,是我国农户家庭赖以生存与发展的物质基础。目前在各地开展的农村宅基地流转试点已对“三农”问题产生广泛而深远的影响,尤其对农户家庭的影响更为深刻。本文从农户家庭的微观角度,研究了农村宅基地流转对农户家庭抗风险能力及家庭福利产生的影响;选取了武汉城市圈典型区域宅基地流转农户家庭为研究对象,以可持续生计理论和阿马蒂亚.森的可行能力理论为基础,采用问卷调查、座谈走访的方式,获取被流转农户家庭生计资产情况和宅基地流转前后农户家庭生活变化;采用农户生计资产量化法分析得到农户家庭抗风险能力及农户家庭类型;运用二元Logistic回归模型和模糊综合评价法,定性与定量相结合分析得到影响各类农户宅基地流转意愿的福利因素和宅基地流转后各类农户的家庭福利状态。然后根据宅基地流转农户家庭损失补偿现状,分析了当前宅基地流转补偿模式存在的不足,并结合可持续发展理论,探讨了如何使被流转农户家庭走向可持续生计的路径。最后以双边市场理论为基础,设计构建基于福利均衡的农村宅基地流转市场机制,以保障农户的宅基地权益和实现农村宅基地资源的有效利用。研究的主要结论有以下几点:1.测算农户家庭生计资产值,评价被流转农户家庭风险能力并依此对被流转农户家庭分类。(1)根据生计可持续发展为理论,分别从人力资产、自然资产、物资资产、金融资产和社会资产5个方面选取指标,构建了农户家庭风险能力评价指标体系;通过家庭生计资产量化法,测度农户家庭的抗风险能力;研究表明农户家庭生计资产值与农户家庭抗风险能力呈正相关。(2)通过测算调查区域被流转农户家庭生计资产值,按照农户家庭抗风险能力的不同将农户家庭划分为4类:即多元资产缺乏型农户、单一资产缺乏型农户、资产普通型农户和资产富裕型农户。2.农户宅基地流转意愿偏低,影响流转意愿的福利因素复杂。(1)农户宅基地流转的意愿偏低。根据对调查问卷的统计,调查区域的农户愿意流转的比例仅为20.57%;从农户家庭类型来看,多元资产缺乏型农户愿意流转的占17.65%,单一资产缺乏型农户占21.15%,资产普通型农户家庭占28.40%,资产富裕型农户占13.16%。(2)通过二元Logistic回归模型显示,影响农户宅基地流转意愿的福利因素是多方面的,从总样本来看,影响的福利因素包括户主年龄、受教育程度、家庭生计资产值、农户的“城市人”的认同感、农户对居住环境的主观感受、社会保障、就业机会;从资产缺乏型农户样本来看,影响的福利因素包括户主年龄、户主受教育程度、主要收入来源、农户对流转政策的知晓度、农户居住环境的主观感受、人均实际居住面积、社会保障、就业机会;从资产均衡型农户样本来看,影响的福利因素包括户主年龄、受教育程度、主要收入来源、农户对宅基地产权的认识、对“城市人”的认同感、农户居住环境的主观感受、社会保障。3.宅基地流转对农户家庭福利的影响及实现农户可持续生计的模式与合理补偿的对策。(1)农户家庭福利(能力)可由家庭经济状况、家庭居住条件、家庭社会保障、家庭发展机遇、社区环境、家庭闲暇与健康、心理状况来测量;宅基地流转对不同类型农户家庭福利产生的影响不同:从总样本和资产均衡型农户样本来看,在实施宅基地流转后,农户家庭福利略有改善(模糊综合指数分别为0.507、0.547),资产缺乏型农户样本的家庭福利水平有所下降(模糊综合指数为0.464);从农户家庭福利功能指标的变化来看,宅基地流转使资产均衡型农户的家庭经济状况(0.611)、社会保障(0.678)、居住条件(0.751)以及农户休闲与健康(0.570)得到了提高和改善,却使资产缺乏型农户家庭经济状况(0.490)、社区环境(0.430)、发展机遇(0.374)以及心理福利(0.410)下降。(2)实现被流转农户家庭生计可持续的模式。无论是多元资产缺乏型和单一资产缺乏型农户家庭、还是资产普通型和资产富裕型农户家庭,采用单一的货币补偿方式不利于农户家庭长久生计。从生计可持续的角度出发,宅基地流转补偿应该包括人力资本、物质资本、自然资本、金融资本和社会资本等方面,根据农户家庭生计资产状况,实现对被流转农户家庭有差别化的、精准补偿,并通过多种补偿模式,实现被流转农户及其家庭成员的生计可持续发展。(3)为了使被流转农户家庭补偿的合理、全面,还应该要丰富补偿内容、优化补偿模式。要通过宅基地流转补偿,显化农户宅基地的福利性、资产性,保证农户有较完善的社会保障和政策扶持与支助,实现农户居住在出行方便、空气清新、环境优雅的“新家园”,当然还应该实现补偿程序的公平、公开与透明,补偿机制的城乡统筹和与时俱进。4.基于福利均衡的农村宅基地流转市场机制设计。根据双边市场理论推导,在时下土地制度约束下,实施政府主导的、实行整组或整村的宅基地流转,有利于农户宅基地福利性、资产性的显化,有利于社会福利改进,能促进农户家庭福利水平的提高。由此进行了基于政府职能转变下的实现社会福利最大化的农村宅基地流转双边市场构建的条件、原则、基本结构及运行机制设计。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, China is in the period of accelerated industrialization and urbanization, with the further deepening of reform and opening up, there are strong demands on construction land in social and economic development, expropriation rural land becomes the main supply mode of construction land, but the drawbacks of the existing land requisition system and the stringent farmland protection system makes Inefficient and idle rural residential land a "pet" that the local governments solve the contradiction of supply and demand of construction land, promote the development of economics and society. As a major component of China’s construction land, rural residential land is the material basis for the survival and development that China’s rural households depend on. At present, the conversion pilot of implementing rural residential land has an extensive and far-reaching impact on farmers、countryside and agriculture, especially more profound impact on rural households.Taking the peasants’family of rural residential land conversion in Wuhan Metropolitan as research subjects, This paper has studied the risk capacity and changes of the peasants’family welfare in the residential land conversion Under the guidance of the sustainable livelihood development theory and the family feasible capability theory extended from Amartya Sen’capability theory; based on the way of questionnaires, discussion visits, the assets of peasants’ family livelihoods and change of peasants’ living have been gotten around in the rural residential land conversion around. Using the quantification method livelihood assets, the paper gets the resistance risk capacity and type of peasants’families; using binary Logistic regression models and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, combined qualitative and quantitative analysis, the paper gets the welfare factors of impacting peasants’willingness of residential land conversion and the peasants’family welfare state after residential land conversion. Then based on the current situation of loss compensation of rural residential land conversion, the paper analyzes the shortcomings of the current compensation mode, combined with the sustainable livelihood development theory, discusses how to make them tend toward the path of sustainable livelihoods. Finally, based on the bilateral market theory, the paper designs to build conversion market of rural residential land achieve a balanced welfare and protect the rights and interests of peasants and promote the efficient use of rural residential land resources. The main conclusions of the study are the following:1. Measuring the value of peasants’family livelihood assets, assessing the risk capacity of and classifying the types peasants’family.(1) According to the sustainable livelihoods development theory, indicators are selected from human assets, natural assets, material assets, financial assets and social assets of five areas, the risk capacity evaluation system is built; then using the quantification method livelihood assets, the anti-risk capacity of peasants’families is measured; the research shows the value of peasants’ family livelihood assets was positively correlated with the anti-risk capacity of peasant families.(2) By measuring the value of peasants’family livelihood assetsOf survey areas, according to the anti-risk capacity of peasants’families, peasants’ families are divided into four categories:the multi-asset-deficient type, the lack of a single asset type, the asset ordinary type and asset affluent type.2. The willingness of residential land conversion and welfare factors of affecting willingness.(1) The willingness of residential land conversion is generally low. According to the questionnaire statistics, the conversion willingness of survey areas accounts for only20.57%; From the perspective of the family types, the multi-asset-deficient type accounts for17.65, the lack of a single type of assets accounts for21.15, the asset ordinary type accounts for28.40%, the asset affluent type accounts for13.16%.(2) the welfare factors of affecting willingness are complex. The binary Logistic regression model shows that various welfare factors affect the willingness, from the total sample, the welfare factors include age of family head、education leve、value of family livelihood assets、peasants" urban" identity、subjective feelings of the living environment、social security、employment opportunities; from asset-deficient samples, the welfare of factors include age of family head, education leve、the main source of income, conversion policy awareness, subjective feelings of living environment、per capita living space、social security、employment opportunities; from assets-balanced sample, the welfare factors include age, education level, the main source of income, Awareness on residential land property,"urban" identity, subjective feelings of living environment, social security.3. Effects of residential land conversion on the welfare of peasants" family and the patterns of achieving sustainable livelihoods and the measures of reasonable compensation (1) Peasants’ family Welfare (capacity) could be measured by family economics, living conditions, social security, development opportunities, community environment, leisure and health, psychological state; Residential land conversion has different effects on different types of peasants’families:from view of the total sample and asset balanced samples, after the implementing residential land conversion, the welfare of peasants’ family would be slight improved(integrated fuzzy indexes are respectively0.507,0.547), from view of the asset-deficient samples after the implementing residential land conversion, the welfare of peasants’ family would be declined (integrated fuzzy index is0.464); from view of welfare function indicators, family economics (0.611), social security (0.678), living conditions (0.751) and leisure and health (0.570) of the asset balanced family have been enhanced and improved, while family economics (0.490), community environment (0.430), opportunities (0.374) and psychological benefits (0.410) of the asset -deficient family have been declined.(2) Patterns of achieving sustainable livelihoods. Whether it is the multi-asset-deficient and the single-asset deficient types, or the asset-ordinary type and the asset-affluent type, the single monetary compensation is not conducive to long-term livelihoods of peasants’ family. From the perspective of sustainable livelihoods, rural residential land compensation should be Implemented in terms of human capital, physical capital, natural capital, financial capital and social capital, according to the position of peasant’ s family livelihood assets to achieve differentiated, precise compensation the conversion families, and to achieve the sustainable livelihood development of the peasants and their family members.(3) To make the compensation for conversion peasants comprehensive, reasonable, compensation content should also be rich, and the method of compensation should be optimized, the procedures of compensation should be fair, open and transparent, and the content and mode of compensate should be advanced with the times. To compensate for rural residential land, the welfare and assets of rural residential land should be manifested, to ensure peasants a better social security and policy, to achieve that peasants have a convenient、air-fresh、elegant "new homes",Of course, compensation procedures should also fair, openness and transparency, compensation mechanisms should be developed with the times.4. Rural residential land market mechanism design based on the welfare balance. According to the bilateral market theory derivation, in the constraints of the nowadays land institution, the implementation of government-led residential land conversion whole group or a whole village, will be conducive to manifest benefits and asset nature, conducive to improve social welfare. So based on the transformation of government functions, achieving social welfare maximization, the rural homestead of circulation build the conditions, principles, basic structure and operation mechanism of the bilateral market of rural residential land conversion will be designed.


