

Study on the Application of Microelement Fertilizer and the Remediation of Acidified Soil in the Citrus Orchard of Yichang, Hubei Province

【作者】 张影

【导师】 胡承孝;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 通过宜昌宽皮柑橘产区养分调查,确定影响柑橘生长的障碍因子。针对土壤酸化和微量元素普遍缺乏两个问题进行探讨,通过两年的田间不同用量石灰改良酸化土壤试验,以及两个点连续三年的微肥矫正试验,以及通过盆栽试验的方法,实施连续两年的不同用量石灰与生物质炭改良酸性黄棕壤效果的对比研究和不同制备材料生物质炭改良酸性黄棕壤的效果研究,得到主要结果如下:1.通过宜昌市宽皮柑橘产区养分调查发现:宜昌市宽皮柑橘产区存在严重的土壤酸化状况,尤其是宜都市、枝江市、当阳市(半月镇和王店镇)、夷陵区(鸦鹊岭镇和龙泉镇)应合理施用石灰改良酸化土壤。同时,宜昌市宽皮柑橘产区土壤氮、钾不足,应重氮、钾肥,控磷肥,微量元素主要表现为硼、锌缺乏。其中夷陵区(龙泉镇和小溪塔镇)有机质偏低,应增施有机肥,宜都市、夷陵区(龙泉镇和小溪塔镇)还应适当补充镁肥。通过果实品质与叶片养分进行相关性分析发现,果实可溶性固形物与叶片养分含量无显著相关关系。果实可滴定酸与叶片P和Ca呈极显著负相关关系,与叶片K、Mg、Cu呈极显著正相关关系,与叶片Fe和Mn呈显著正相关关系。果实固酸比与叶片P和Ca呈极显著正相关,与叶片K和Mg呈极显著负相关,与叶片Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn呈显著负相关。果实Vc含量与叶片P呈显著负相关,与叶片Ca和B呈显著负相关,与叶片K和Cu呈显著正相关。2.研究硼锌肥施用对土壤有效硼、锌含量和柑橘叶片、果实对硼、锌的营养吸收的影响,以及对柑橘果实产量和品质的提升效果。针对酸性黄棕壤柑橘园,土壤施用硼砂是快速的矫治柑橘B缺乏的施肥措施,施用硼砂第一年就可以提高土壤和叶片B含量,但第三年才能显著提高温州蜜柑产量。而土壤施用硫酸锌虽然可以有效的提高土壤有效Zn含量,但需要至少三年的连续施用才能在树体中表现矫治效果并提高果实品质。硼锌肥对果实产量和品质的提升作用不同,硼肥可以通过提高温州蜜柑挂果量来提高产量,而锌肥对果实品质影响更明显,硼锌肥配施可以兼顾的提高果实产量和品质。因此,在缺硼锌黄棕壤柑橘园,采取灌根的施用方法,每株施用40g硫酸锌和20g硼砂可以有效的矫治硼锌缺乏,并在连续施用三年后提高温州蜜柑果实产量和品质。3.研究EDDHA-Fe肥单施与配施锌、锰肥对土壤有效铁、锰、锌含量和柑橘树体对铁、锰、锌的吸收,以及果实产量和品质的影响。施用EDDHA-Fe肥与锌肥显著增加了土壤有效Fe和有效Zn含量,但施用锰肥对土壤有效Mn含量无影响。试验第二年后,单施Fe肥以及配施Zn、Mn肥处理均可以显著增加叶片活性Fe含量,但对叶片全Fe含量无显著影响。单施Fe肥处理显著降低了叶片全Zn含量,试验第三年,Fe+Zn和Fe+Zn+Mn处理可以提高叶片全Zn含量。所有处理对土壤和叶片中Mn的含量无影响。所有处理均可提高柑橘果实产量,Fe+Zn处理效果最佳。单施Fe肥对果实可溶性固形物无影响,大幅度降低果实酸度,提高固酸比,Fe+Zn和Fe+Zn+Mn处理可以提高果实可溶性固形物、可滴定酸和Vc含量,品质改良效果最佳。综上所述,单施Fe肥会诱导树体Zn缺乏,并且Fe和Zn对柑橘果实产量的提升作用不同,Fe主要影响挂果量,Zn可以提高果实单果重,另外,Zn对果实品质的提升效果更明显。因此,针对石灰性土壤柑橘园,每株施用60g EDDHA-Fe和40g硫酸锌能有效矫治铁锌缺乏,并兼顾产量提高和品质提升。4.研究了不同石灰施用量对酸性柑橘园土壤酸度、养分有效性以及树体养分吸收、果实产量和品质的影响。温州蜜柑叶片不同矿质养分动态变化以及累积规律各异,整体来看,成熟叶片N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Mn均表现为前低后高,而Fe表现为前高后低。针对新生春稍叶片,P主要在幼果期期以前累积,N、Mg、Cu主要在果实膨大期以前累积,Mn在果实转色期以前累积,Ca、Fe在整个生育期表现为稳定的持续累积,而K和Zn主要在幼果期以前累积,然后随着果实的生长累积量逐渐降低。另外,中、高量石灰处理可以有效的中和耕层土土壤酸度,提高土壤P、Ca、Mg有效性和树体P、K、Mg吸收,同时降低了土壤N、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn的有效性和树体Mn吸收,并且降低果实可滴定酸,提高果实固酸比。土壤酸化会导致柑橘果实酸度增加,施用石灰可能通过对P和Ca元素吸收的促进作用和Mn的抑制作用来影响果实品质。针对酸化黄棕壤柑橘园,采用撒施的施用方法,田间推荐施用量2kg/株。5.研究了不同用量石灰和生物质炭对土壤酸度、微生物特性、养分有效性以及温州蜜柑树体对养分的吸收和果实品质的影响。石灰和生物质炭均可以有效的提高土壤pH,改良酸化土壤。但石灰的改良效果随着时间的延长而降低,生物质炭表现出更持久的改良效果。土壤微生物量碳随着石灰和生物质炭施用量的增加呈现先增加后将低的趋势,土壤呼吸则随着施用量的增加而增加,与低量和中量石灰与生物质炭处理相比,高量处理虽然降低了土壤微生物量,但却显著增加了土壤微生物的活性。生物质炭含有丰富的矿质养分,对土壤养分和树体养分吸收的提升优于石灰,生物质炭不仅可以中和土壤酸度,还可以作为一种肥源提高土壤肥力,增加植株对养分的吸收。施用石灰和生物质炭均可以降低温州蜜柑果实可滴定酸含量,中量石灰处理和中、高量的生物质炭处理还可以增加果实固酸比。施用石灰和生物质炭可能通过促进树体P的吸收,同时减低Fe、Mn、Cu的吸收来降低酸度,增加固酸比。另外,施用石灰和生物质炭可以通过增加土壤脲酶活性和蔗糖酶活性来提高果实品质。生物质炭对温州蜜柑果实的品质提升效果优于石灰,尤其BC-2处理。对石灰而言,L-2处理(石灰施用量:2.4g/kg)具有最佳的果实品质提升效果,对果实可滴定酸的降幅为16.2%,对果实固酸比的增幅为21.8%。在三个不同用量生物质炭处理中,BC-2处理(生物质炭施用量:2%)具有最佳的果实品质提升效果,对果实可滴定酸的降幅为25.0%,对果实固酸比的增幅为31.7%。6.研究了三种材料制备生物质炭对夷陵区温州蜜柑产区代表性酸性黄棕壤土壤酸度,土壤养分有效性,土壤微生物量和酶活性,以及对枳壳幼苗生长和养分吸收的影响。三种材料生物质炭均可以有效的中和土壤酸度,增加土壤pH,但只有花生壳炭可以促进枳壳幼苗的生长和生物量的累积。花生壳炭和水稻秸秆炭可以提高土壤微生物量碳、土壤基础呼吸,花生壳炭表现最佳效果。三种材料生物质炭对土壤酶活性的影响不同,但均显著增加所测酶活性的几何平均数(GMea),花生壳炭、水稻秸秆炭、油菜秸秆炭较对照分别增加了47.2%、36.9%、25.8%。施用生物质炭降低了土壤碱解N含量和有效Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn含量,但却大幅度增加了枳壳幼苗中Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn在地上部组织中的分配比例,其中以油菜秸秆炭增加幅度最大。水稻秸秆炭和油菜秸秆炭含有更丰富的矿质养分,作为肥源较花生壳炭有更好的促进土壤和植株矿质养分含量的效果,但由于花生壳生物质炭显著增加了枳壳幼苗生物量,表现出更高的养分累积量。因此,虽然三种生物质炭均可以有效的中和酸性黄棕壤的酸度,花生壳炭对枳壳幼苗生长和生物量的累积的促进效果最佳,水稻秸秆炭次之,这种积极效果不是由于生物质炭对土壤和植株矿质养分含量的作用,而是取决于花生壳炭对土壤微生物量和酶活性的促进作用。

【Abstract】 The obstruction factor of affecting the growth of citrus was confirmed by the investigation on nutrients contained in Yichang Citrus Reticulata. Also, soil acidification and general lack of microelement were discussed. By acidic soil remediation under different dosages of lime in fields in two consecutive years, microelement fertilizer correction of two points in three consecutive years. And through pot experiment, the comparative study was conducted on remediation effect of different dosages of lime and biochar on acidic yellow brown soil in two consecutive years. Additionally, the remediation effect of biochar of different materials was observed on acidic yellow brown soil. The main results were as follows:1. The investigation on nutrients of Citrus Reticulata in producing area of Yichang City was found that:soil acidification of large area significantly existed in the producing area of Citrus Reticulata in Yichang City, especially in Yidu City, Zhijiang City, Banyue Town and Wangdain Town in Dangyang, Yaque ling Town and Longquan Town in Yiling District, among which lime should be reasonably used to improve soil acidification. Meanwhile, N and K deficiency were observed in the producing area of Citrus Reticulata in Yichang City. So N and K fertilizer should be attached importance to and P fertilizer be controlled. Microelement deficiency of B and Zn was observed. So in Longquan Town and Xiaoxi ta Town in Yiling District, organic fertilizer should be increasing applied due to low levels of organic matter. Also, Mg fertilizer should be added appropriately in Yidu City and Longquan Town and XiaoxitaTown in Yiling District. The correlation analysis on fruit quality and Leaf nutrient showed significant correlation between fruit total soluble solids (TSS) and leaf nutrient. The fruit titratable acid (TA) showed a highly significant negative correlation with P, Ca in leaves, a highly significant positive correlation with K, Mg and Cu in leaves and a positive correlation with Fe and Mn in leaves. And TSS:TA was observed to have a highly significant positive correlation with P, Ca in leaves, a highly significant negative correlation with K, Mg in leaves and a significant negative correlation with Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in leaves. Additionally, the fruit Vc content showed a significant negative correlation with P, Ca and B in leaves and a significant positive correlation with K and Cu in leaves.2. The effects of application of B, Zn or their combination on the soil B and Zn contents, leaf and fruit B and Zn contents, and citrus fruit yield and quality. In the acid yellow brown soil, the soil application of borax was a rapid and effective measure to cure citrus B deficiency, application of borax could improve soil and leaf B contents in this first year, but increased citurs yield significantly in the third year. Although soil application of zinc sulfate could improve the soil available Zn contents, it is need at least three years of continuous application to cure citrus tissue Zn deficiency and improve fruit quality. B and Zn affected fruit yield and quality in different ways. The yield increased after the application of B was due to the augmentation of the fruit number, while fruit quality was improved by Zn. the co-application of B and Zn could both improve the fruit yield and quality. Therefore, in the acid yellow brown soil with low B and Zn availability, soil application of40g zinc sulfate and20g borax per tree could effectively increase cure Zn and B deficiency using the method of root-irrigation, and increase yields and quality in Satsuma mandarin with a continuous application over at least three years.3. The effects of varying applications of Fe-EDDHA, Zn and Mn combinations on the soil Fe, Mn and Zn contents, leaf and fruit Fe, Mn and Zn contents, and citrus fruit yield and quality. Soil available Fe and Zn concentrations were raised significantly through the application of Fe-EDDHA and Zn, whereas the soil available Mn concentration was not increased through the application of Mn. In the second year, Fe-EDDHA alone or co-application of Mn and Zn raised the leaf active Fe content significantly without influencing the leaf and fruit Fe concentrations. The Zn concentrations in leaf and fruit decreased when Fe-EDDHA was applied exclusively, but increased when Fe+Zn and Fe+Zn+Mn were applied in the third year. There was no significant difference in leaf and fruit Mn concentrations among all treatments. All of the treatment increased the fruit number, particularly Fe+Zn. Although Fe-EDDHA alone did not influence fruit total soluble solid (TSS), it did sharply decrease fruit titratable acid (TA) and increase TSS:TA. Fruit TSS, TA and Vc content were raised significantly through the application of Fe+Zn and Fe+Zn+Mn. In conclusion, the application of Fe-EDDHA alone could induce zinc deficiency, and Fe and Zn play different roles that affect fruit yield in calcareous soil. The citrus fruit number was mainly affected by Fe while the mean fruit weight was improved by Zn. Moreover, Zn was a more important factor than Fe in improving the citrus fruit quality. Therefore, soil application of60g Fe-EDDHA and20g zinc sulfate per tree could effectively increase cure Fe and Zn deficiency and increase both yield and quality in Satsuma mandarin in calcareous soil.4. The effects of different application rate of lime were studied on soil acidity of acidic soil in citrus orchard, nutrient availability, nutrient uptake of trees and yield and quality of fruit. The dynamic changes of different mineral nutrients and accumulative laws varied with each other in satsuma mandarin leaves. As a whole, N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Mn in mature leaves appeared from low to high, however, Fe showed from high to low. According to the newborn early-spring leaves, P, N, Mg and Cu started to accumulate before fruit expansion period, Mn started to accumulate before colour-changed period, Ca and Fe showed stably continuous accumulation in the whole growth period, however, K and Zn mainly accumulated in young fruit period, and gradually decreased with the increasing growth accumulation of fruit. In addition, lime treatment of medium and high amount could effectively neutralize the topsoil acidity and improve the effectiveness of P, Ca and Mg in soil and absorption of K and Mg in trees, while reducing the effectiveness of N, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in soil and the absorption of Mn in trees. Meanwhile, the fruit titratable acid (TA) could be increased by liming, and the TSS/TA be increased. Threefore, acidity of citrus fruit could be caused by soil acidification, and with liming, fruit quality may be affected by absorption promotion of P and Ca and inhibition of Mn. So, for acidification of citrus orchard with yellow brown soil, the application rate of2kg/strain was recommended in fields using the method of surface broadcasting.5. The effects of different dosages of lime and biochar were observed on soil acidity, microbiologic properties, nutrient availability, nutrient uptake of satsuma mandarin trees and fruit quality. Lime and biochar could effectively increase the soil PH and neutralize soil acidification. However, remediation effect of lime would decrease with the extension of time, but biochar showed more lasting effect. With the application rate of lime and biochar increasing, microbial biomass tended to first rise and then drop, along with the increase in soil respiration. Compared with low and medium amount of lime and biochar treatment, the high amount treatment significantly increased microbial activity, although lowering the microbial biomass. The improvement of biochar on absorption of soil and tree nutrients was superior to that of lime due to its abundant mineral nutrients. Additionally, soil acidity could be neutralized by biochar, and as a fertilizer source, it could improve soil fertility and increase the absorption of nutrients in plants. Furthermore, the content of titratable acid (TA) in satsuma mandarin fruit could be decreased with the application of lime or biochar, and TSS.TA could be increased with the medium amount of lime, along with medium or high amount of biochartreatment. In addition, the application of lime and biochar could reduce the acidity and increase TSS:TA due to the probable absorption promotion of P in trees and absorption reduction of Fe, Mn and Cu. Biochar had the better promotion effect on fruit quality than lime, particularly BC-2. For the lime, L-2(2.4g/kg) had the best effect on fruit quality promotion, L-2could decrease the TA by16.2%, and increase the TSS/TA by21.8%. For the lime, BC-2(2%) had the best effect on fruit quality promotion, BC-2could decrease the TA by25.0%, and increase the TSS/TA by31.7%.6. The effects of biochar derived from three feedstocks on the acidity, chemical and microbial properties of the acidic soil, nutrients absorption and growth of trifoliate orange seedlings (Poncirus trifoliata L.) were studied. All of the three biochars derived from three feedstocks could neutralize soil acidity and increase soil pH. However, only peanut hull biochar significantly increased plant growth and the biomass of trifoliate orange seedlings. Soil microbial biomass C and basal respiration were increased by peanut hull and rice straw biochar, particularly peanut hull biochar. The effect of three biochars on soil enzyme activity is various, but the GMea of the assayed enzyme activities increased47.2%,36.9%and25.8%by peanut hull, rice and rape straw biochar, respectively. Biochars decreased soil available N, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn contents, But it markedly increased the the Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn allocation proportion in the tissue of aboveground of trifoliate orange seedlings, particularly rape straw biochar. rice straw and rape straw biochars which had more abundant mineral nutrient contents, as the fertilizer source had better enhancement effect for the soil and plant mineral nutrient contents compare to the peanut hull biochar, while peanut hull biochar resulted in higher plant nutrients accumulation due to the improvement of biomass of trifoliate orange seedlings. although the three biochars effectively neutralized soil acidity, peanut hull biochar had the greater positive effect on trifoliate orange seedlings growth, and secondarily rice straw biochar. The positive effects were not related to soil and plant nutrients, but to the soil microbial biomass and enzyme activity.


