

A Empirical Research on Agricultural Products Circulation Modernization in China

【作者】 涂洪波

【导师】 李崇光;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农村中小企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 农业现代化是现代化的重要内容与方面,进入新世纪新阶段我国农业现代化已在国家发展战略中居于重要地位。我国目前仍属于农业初等国家,农业现代化水平低于国家整体现代化水平,农业现代化已成为我国现代化的一快短板。农业现代化是传统农业向现代农业转变的过程,它不仅包括物质装备、生产体系的现代化,更包括流通的现代化,农产品流通现代化是农业现代化的内在要求与关键。因此,加速推进我国农产品流通现代化的发展,是我国实现农业现代化这个大命题中应有之意。本文运用经济学理论、流通渠道理论和现代化理论,基于我国现阶段基本国情和发展阶段要求,结合我国农产品流通思想变迁历史与流通体制特点,科学界定中国特色农产品流通现代化的内涵,分析我国农产品流通现代化的演变过程、现状、特征、制约因素,定量评价我国农产品流通现代化水平并进行中外比较,在此基础上探讨我国产品流通现代化的发展对策,对推进我国农产品流通现代化的进程无疑具有十分重要的实践意义与理论价值。本文综合运用系统分析法、文献研究法、调查研究法、定量研究法与比较研究法等多种方法,对我国农产品流通现代化进行了实证研究,主要研究内容和结论如下:第一,中国特色农产品流通现代化的科学内涵研究。本部分先论述了现代化、农业现代、农产品流通现代化三者的关系,然后从商品流通现代化的一般定义演绎出农产品流通现代化的定义并阐释了中国特色农产品流通现代化的科学内涵。①本研究认为农业现代化是现代化的重要内容与方面,而农产品流通现代化是农业现代化的内在要求和前提条件,也是农业现代化的重要标志。农产品流通现代化具有系统性、动态性和渐进性的特点,因而就具有模糊性的特点。②本研究认为:中国特色农产品流通现代化是我国农业现代化的重要内容,是指在中国特色市场经济和具体时代背景(国情)条件下,以科学发展观等思想为指导,以提升农产品流通效率和满足经济社会整体健康和谐发展要求为目的,以农产品流通组织现代化、流通体制与管理现代化、流通设施与技术现代化、流通方式与模式现代化为主要内容,进而促进中国特色农业现代化的农产品流通先进性状态和动态发展过程。③提出了中国特色农产品流通现代化的战略原则、目标与主要任务。第二,我国农产品流通现代化演变过程、现状与制约因素研究。本部分通过分析建国以来我国农产品流通政策的演变与流通体制的变化关系发现:①我国农产品流通体制改革是在政府主导下的一个渐进过程,随着经济体制的改革、农产品市场供需的变化与政府政策的调整而逐步形成当前农产品流通业的现状。描述和分析了我国农产品流通现代化滞后的主要表现与制约因素,主要问题包括:②渠道结构、绩效、对国民经济贡献度、流通主体发育、流通基础设施建设、流通技术运用、流通业态和流通秩序六个方面未达到先进性状态;主要制约因素则包括:③观念上的、体制上的、产业战略选择上的和现代人形成上的。这些制约因素与农产品流通现代化滞后的诸多问题表象相比,它们是隐藏的、长期存在的和本质性的。第三,我国农产品流通现代化的评价及中国与发达国家农产品流通现代化水平的比较研究。本研究先基于上一部分农产品流通现代化的内涵构建了评价指标体系框架,然后通过专家问卷调查,用模糊隶属度函数法和实证检验的方法对评价指标逐个进行了有效性和可操作性筛选;分析了发达国家、中等发达国家、实现工业化国家现代化的标准水平差异问题,提出了现阶段我国应将中等发达国家作为“标杆”长期跟踪其现代化各领域的发展并将其作为我们追赶的目标的观点。接着利用层次分析法、变异系数法确定了组合权重,最后利用用综合指数法对我国2009年、2011年农产品流通现代化水平进行了测算。测算结果表明:①我国省域农产品流通现代化进程表现出明显的阶段性特征,我国农产品流通现代化不同水平的省域分布属于偏态分布而非正态分布,全国农产品流通现代化整体水平不高,与中等发达国家相比尚有较大差距;②无论从单个指标实测值来看还是以指标体系总指数来分析,我国各地区农产品流通现代化发展水平极不平衡,区位因素与经济综合实力仍较大程度地影响农产品流通现代化的进程,我国省域农产品流通现代化进程仍将遵循先东部实现、后中、北部实现,再西部实现的顺序;⑨农产品流通业现代化水平与整个流通产业现代化平均水平存在着较大的差距;④我国农产品流通现代化变革不明显,现代化类型与发展阶段有对应关系;本部分还比较了中外农产品流通现代化的差距,认为我国与发达国家农产品流通现代化的差距是全面的。本研究的主要创新点:第一,提出了中国特色农产品流通现代化的科学内涵、主要内容、原则与目标,明确提出了我国农产品流通现代化的主要任务是实现“小农户”与“大市场”的流通对接、区域流通一体化和完成现代农产品流通体系建设。第二,构建了农产品流通现代化评价指标体系、评价标准值,并利用农产品流通现代化指数对我国农产品流通现代化水平进行了实际测算,对我国经济发展水平不同地区农产品流通现代化的差距进行了定量比较分析,这在以往的研究中还未见到。第三,通过农产品流通现代化关键评价指标的中外比较,对中外农产品流通现代化水平的差异进行了分析,客观描述了我国与世界发达国家农产品流通现代化的差距,使我们对中国农产品流通现代化面临的艰巨任务有了更清晰的了解,这在以往的研究中也没有见到。

【Abstract】 Agricultural modernization is an important aspect of China’s modernization,into the new century,it occupies an important position in the national development strategy. China is still an elementary agricultural country,it’s agricultural modernization level is lower than the overall level of the country’s modernization, modernization of agriculture has become a short board of "Four Modernization". Modernization of agriculture is a process of transformation from the traditional agriculture to modernization, which includes not only the the modrnization of equipment and production systems, but also includes the modernization of agricultural products circulation, circulation modernization is an inherent requirement of agricultural modernization and the key to overall modernization. Therefore, it is very important to accelerate the development of China’s agricultural products circulation modernization.This thesis, Based on China’s basic national conditions and requirements of development, combined with the history of the circulation thoughts changed and characteristics of the circulation system, give the scientific definition of agricultural products circulation modernization with Chinese characteristics through economics, distribution channels and modernization theory. The thesis studies the development, status,characteristics and constraints of agricultural products circulation modernization in china, evaluates quantiativly the level of modernization of agricultural products circulation of china and discusses the gap between Chines and foreign country. The conclusion of the study will help to product the measures for promoting China’s process of agricultral products circulation modernization, undoubtedly,this will have great practical significance and theoretical value.Thesis integrated use of systems analysis, literature research, survey research, quantitative research and comparative research method to carry out a empirical research on modernization of agricultural products circulation in china,the main contents and conclusions are as follows:First,the research on the scientific connotation of agricultural products circulation modernization with Chinese characteristics. This section discusses relationship between modernization, modernization of agriculture and modernization of agricultural products circulation first, and from the general definition of commodity circulation modernization to deduct the concept of agricultural products.Then, illustrates the scientific connotation of agricultural products circulation modernization with Chinese characteristics.①The study suggests that agricultural modernization is an important content and context of medernization, and agricultural prodrcts circulation modernization is not only an inherent requirement and prerequisites of agricultural modernization,but also an important symbol of the modernization of agriculture.The modernization of agricultural products circulation have systemic, dynamic and progressive characteristics, thus which have fuzziness characteristics.②This study suggests that:modernization of agricultural products circulation with Chinese characteristics is an important content of China’s agricultural modernization, it refers to enhance the efficiency of agricultural products circulation with the guidance of the scientific development concept, a market economy with Chinese characteristics and the specific historical background, to meet the needs of healthy and harmonious development of economy and society as a whole, it includes modernization of circulation organizations,circulation system and management, distribution facilities and technology, circulation methods and models.It is the advanced state of the agricultural products circulation and a dynamic development process which promoting agricultural modernization development with Chinese characteristics.③Proposes modernization with Chinese characteristics of agricultural products circulation of the principles, objectives and major tasks.Second, the research on process,status and constraints of modernization of China’s agricultural products circulation. Analyzing the policy changes of China’s agricultural products circulation and situations of circulation system evolution Since the founding of the nation, find that:①under the guidance of the government, with the economic system reform, changes in market supply and demand of agricultural products and government policy adjustments, the reform of circulation system of agricultural products is a gradual process and gradually formed the current status of agricultural products circulation. Descriptiving and analyzing the main problem and constraints of modernization of China’s agricultural products circulation, major issues include:②channel structure, performance and contribution to the national economy; circulation organization development; distribution infrastructure; transaction technology utilization, circulation models and circulation order flow does not reach the advanced state. Major constraints include:③conceptual, institutional, choices of industrial development strategic and the formation of the modern man. Compared to upper problems, these constraints are hidden, long-term existence and essential.Third, the evaluation of China’s agricultural products circulation modernization and modernization level compare between China and developed countries. This section,based on the connotation of modernization of agricultural products circulation constructs a evaluation index system frame and then through expert surveys, by using fuzzy membership function method and the method of empirical evaluation screens out one by one on effectiveness and operability; Analyzes the developed countries, the medium-developed countries, to achieve the level of modern standards of industrialized countries discrepancy problem; The thesis develops the idea that China should make the moderately developed countries as a "benchmark" at present stage and track of its modernization in various fields at long-term. Then uses AHP method and coefficient of variation method to determine the combined weights, and finally uses comprehensive index method to calculate the level of modernization of agricultural products circulation in China in2009,2011.The results shows that:①China’s Provincial modernization process of the agricultural products circulation appeares significant stage characteristics,the geographical distribution of the different levels of development shows a skewed distribution rather than a normal distribution, and the overall level of national modernization of agricultural products circulation is not high, with still a larger gap compared with moderately developed country;②The level of agricultural products circulation modernization is extremely unbalanced between china’s various regions in terms of a single idicator or index of indicators. Location factors with the comprehensive economic strength influence the level of modernization of agricultural products circulation to a large extent, the order of the process of modernization of provincial agricultural products circulation will follow the eastern achieved first,then the middle and northern implemented,then the west achieved;③There is a big gap between the level of agricultual products circulation modernization and average level of circulation industry;④It is not obvious that development of China’s agricultural products circulation modernization, the type is keeping with the stage of modernization;This section also compares the gap between Chinese and foreign developed country modernization of agricultural products circulation,the results show the gap is comprehensive.The main innovation of this study:①First proposes the scientific connotation, the main content,principles and objictives of modernization of the agricultrual products circulation with Chinese characteristics, clearly put forward the main task of our modernization of agricultural products circulation is to achieve conncetting "small farmers" to"big market", regional circulation integration and complete modern agricultural products circulation system construction.②First constructes modernization evaluation index system and evaluation standard value of agricultural products circulation, uses agricultural products circulation modernization index to evaluate the actual modernization level of China’s agricultural productes circulation, analyzes the gap of agricultural products circulation mdernization between China’s different economic development regions by the method of quantitatively compare, which in previous studies have yet to see.③Compares the critical evaluation index of the agricultural products circulation modernization between China and world’s developed countries, makes an objective description on the gap beween them, thus make it clearer that the implement of China’s agricultural products circulation modernization is a formidable task, which in previous studies have not seen.


