

Mechanism of Soluble Fiber Inclusion in Gestation Diets Regulating Lactation Feed Intake of Sows and Its Role in Improving Reproductive Performance of Sows

【作者】 孙海清

【导师】 彭健;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 母猪繁殖性能直接影响猪场的经济效益,提高母猪泌乳期采食量是改善母猪繁殖性能的有效途径之一。研究证实,母猪繁殖周期各阶段相互联系相互影响,通过限制母猪妊娠期营养调控采食量有利于提高母猪泌乳期采食量。但是,妊娠期母猪限制饲养不利于母猪福利,可能对母猪繁殖性能产生负面影响。本研究的主要目的是在研究纤维性原料中不同的纤维含量、粘性、水合特性、发酵特性及消化特性的基础上,选择具有高水合性和高发酵性的纤维性原料。研究在母猪妊娠日粮添加这些特殊的纤维性原料,来满足妊娠母猪饱感的基础上限制其采食量,并改善胰岛素敏感性,从而提高母猪泌乳期采食量,改善母猪繁殖性能,并研究可能的作用机制。为日粮纤维在妊娠母猪营养中的应用提供理论指导和支持。主要研究内容及结果如下:第一部分主要研究了纤维性原料的理化性质。试验选取魔芋粉、甜菜渣、苹果渣、红枣粉、苜蓿粉和麸皮共6种不同来源的纤维性原料,测定了原料的纤维含量、粘性、水合性和体外发酵特性,并对原料的纤维含量与理化性质进行了相关分析。结果表明:1.6种纤维性原料的纤维含量、粘性、水结合力和吸水膨胀性存在很大差异。其中,魔芋粉的粘度(22.36mPa·s)、水结合力(13.01g/g)和吸水膨胀性(31.11ml/g)最高。2.体外发酵原料的产气量均符合二相方程式,魔芋粉和苹果渣的理论最大产气量VF1来源于快速可发酵部分,而甜菜渣主要来源于慢速可发酵部分。对于快速发酵部分,魔芋粉的理论最大产气量VF1和反应速率K1显著高于甜菜渣、苹果渣、红枣粉、苜蓿粉和麸皮(P<0.05)。但魔芋粉的起始反应速率(FRD0)1却显著低于其他几种原料(P<0.05)。对于慢速发酵部分,甜菜渣的理论最大产气量VF2显著高于魔芋粉、苹果渣、红枣粉、苜蓿粉和麸皮(P<0.05)。3.可溶性纤维含量较高的魔芋粉、甜菜渣和苹果渣发酵后产生短链脂肪酸的浓度显著高于不溶性纤维含量较高的红枣粉、苜蓿粉和麸皮(P<0.05)。魔芋粉发酵后产生的乙酸、丙酸和总短链脂肪酸均显著高于其他纤维性原料(P<0.05)。4.原料的可溶性纤维水平与粘度(r=0.864,P<0.05)、吸水膨胀性(r=0.947,P<0.01)、发酵产生的乙酸浓度(r=0.809,P<0.05)、丙酸浓度(r=0.846,P<0.05)、总短链脂肪酸浓度(r=0.822,P<0.05)均呈显著正相关。第二部分研究了添加3种纤维性原料对日粮理化性质的影响。试验以麸皮、魔芋粉和甜菜渣为纤维来源,配制3种日粮。3种日粮消化能、粗蛋白和NDF水平一致但可溶性纤维水平不同。选取6头育肥猪在回肠末端安装简单T型瘘管,采用有重复的3×3拉丁方设计,收集回肠末端的食糜。测定日粮和回肠末端食糜的粘性和水合性,并对日粮和回肠末端食糜进行体外发酵。结果表明:1.在日粮中添加魔芋粉和甜菜渣对日粮的粘性和水合性产生了显著影响。魔芋粉组和甜菜渣组日粮的粘度没有差异,但均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。日粮中添加魔芋粉和甜菜渣显著提高了日粮的吸水膨胀性和水结合力(P<0.01)。2.日粮中添加魔芋粉没有影响回肠末端食糜的粘性和水合性,添加甜菜渣也没有影响回肠末端食糜的粘度(P=0.69)和水结合力(P=0.41)。但添加甜菜渣却显著提高了回肠末端食糜的吸水膨胀性(5.37vs3.51mL/g,P<0.05)。3.体外发酵日粮的产气量符合二相方程式。魔芋粉组与对照组日粮的发酵模式相同,产气主要来源于快速发酵部分,而体外发酵甜菜渣日粮的产气主要来源于慢速发酵部分。对于快速发酵部分,魔芋粉组日粮的理论最大产气量(VF1)显著高于对照组和甜菜渣组(P<0.01)。而魔芋粉组的起始反应速率(FRDo)1显著低于对照组和甜菜渣组(P<0.01)。对于慢速发酵部分,体外发酵甜菜渣组日粮的理论最大产气量(VF2)显著高于对照组和魔芋粉组(P<0.04)。4.与对照组比,日粮中添加甜菜渣没有影响发酵产生的短链脂肪酸浓度,添加魔芋粉却显著提高了发酵产生的乙酸(P<0.01)、丁酸(P<0.01)和总短链脂肪酸(P<0.01)浓度。5.体外发酵回肠末端食糜的产气量符合单相式。与对照组相比,日粮添加甜菜渣没有对发酵食糜产气的动力学参数产生显著性影响。值得注意的是,发酵魔芋粉组食糜的理论最大产气量(VF)显著大于对照组和SBP组(P=0.04)。6.与对照组比,日粮添加甜菜渣没有影响发酵产生的短链脂肪酸浓度,而添加魔芋粉却显著提高了发酵产生的乙酸(21.73vs15.07mmol/L, P<0.01)、丙酸(7.14vs6.45mmol/L, P<0.01)和总短链脂肪酸(31.12vs21.61mmol/L, P<0.01)浓度。第三部分研究妊娠日粮添加魔芋粉对营养物质消化率、母猪泌乳期采食量和母猪繁殖性能的影响。试验以玉米-豆粕为基础日粮,配制2种等能等氮的妊娠日粮。两组日粮含有同水平的NDF和不溶性纤维,但可溶性纤维水平不同。试验选取96头健康母猪,按照品种、胎次和体重一致的原则将96头母猪分为2组,每组48头母猪,每头母猪1个重复。妊娠期限制饲养,泌乳期母猪自由采食相同日粮。测定营养物质消化率、母猪和仔猪性能。结果表明:1.妊娠日粮中添加2.1%魔芋粉没有影响干物质、总能、CF和ADF的消化率。但魔芋粉组母猪对NDF的消化率显著高于对照组(50.97vs44.06, P<0.05),而且妊娠日粮添加2.1%魔芋粉有提高粗蛋白消化率的趋势(80.92vs78.57, P=0.05)。2.妊娠日粮添加2.1%魔芋粉没有影响妊娠期增重和背膘沉积、泌乳期失重和背膘变化及母猪断奶发情间隔。3.与对照组比,妊娠日粮添加2.1%魔芋粉显著提高了母猪在泌乳期第2周(7.27vs6.55kg,P<0.05)、第3周(7.78vs6.98kg, P<0.05)及整个泌乳期(6.38vs5.88kg,P=0.02)的平均日采食量。4.妊娠期日粮处理没有影响产仔数及泌乳期21d仔猪数。但与对照组比,妊娠日粮添加2.1%魔芋粉有提高21日龄仔猪个体重的趋势(6.59vs6.24kg, P=0.09)。另外,妊娠期日粮处理将21日龄仔猪窝重提高了3.95kg。第四部分研究妊娠日粮添加不同水平可溶性纤维对母猪采食后饱感、母猪泌乳期采食量及繁殖性能的影响。分别添加0.0%、0.6%、1.2%和2.2%的魔芋粉,配制4种等能、等氮及NDF水平相同,但可溶性纤维水平不同的妊娠日粮。试验共选取140头平均胎次为3.97+1.74的健康长白(Landrace)母猪,每组35头。进行连续2个繁殖周期的试验。妊娠期限制饲养,泌乳期所有母猪自由采食相同日粮。测定母猪泌乳期采食量;母猪和仔猪性能。第2个繁殖周期在妊娠期不同时间,每组选取5头相同胎次母猪进行行为学观察。第2个妊娠期第90d,每组选取5头相同胎次的母猪,于早上喂料前及喂料后1h从耳缘静脉采血,测定血浆中的皮质醇浓度。结果表明:1.尽管各组母猪饮水和体位变换、自身调节的行为,站立、坐立和趴卧等行为没有差异,但随魔芋粉添加水平的增加,线性地、显著地减少了妊娠母猪采食后与外物有关的行为(P<0.01)。2.在母猪采食前,各试验组母猪血浆中的皮质醇浓度没有差异(P>0.05)。随着魔芋粉的增加,母猪采食后1h血浆中的皮质醇浓度呈线性降低(P=0.03)。3.随着魔芋粉添加水平的增加,母猪在泌乳期第二周(P<0.01)、第三周(P<0.01)和整个泌乳期(P<0.01)的平均日采食量呈线性增加。4.随着日粮魔芋粉添加水平的增加,各组母猪妊娠期增重和背膘沉积、泌乳期失重和背膘变化及母猪断奶发情间隔差异不显著(P>0.05);但是,断奶仔猪数(P=0.02)和仔猪育成率均呈线性增加(P<0.01)。仔猪7d(P<0.05)和21d(P<0.01)个体重,以及仔猪14日龄(P<0.01)和21日龄(P<0.01)窝重,以及泌乳期第3周和整个泌乳期仔猪ADG均呈线性增加(P<0.05)。第五部分研究妊娠日粮中可溶性纤维调控妊娠母猪采食后饱感和母猪泌乳期采食量的机制。试验动物、日粮及试验设计同第四部分试验。本试验测定了日粮的粘性、水合性和发酵性。在第2个繁殖周期妊娠期90d喂料前及采食后4h,每组选取5头胎次一致的母猪,耳缘静脉采血,测定了血浆中的短链脂肪酸、游离脂肪酸浓度;测定妊娠第7d、90d、分娩当天以及泌乳期第7d和14d、断奶当天母猪采食前血浆中的血糖、胰岛素和瘦素浓度;测定妊娠90d母猪采食前、采食后1h、2h血浆中的胰高血糖素样肽1(Glucagon-like peptide1,GLP-1)和肽YY(Peptide-YY,PYY)浓度。结果表明:1.随着魔芋粉添加水平的增加,日粮的粘度(P=0.01)、吸水膨胀性(P<0.01)和水结合力(P<0.01)均线性增加。2.对4种日粮进行体外发酵的结果表明,发酵产生的丙酸浓度没有差异(P>0.05),但乙酸(P<0.05)、丁酸(P<0.05)和总的短链脂肪酸(P=0.03)的浓度随魔芋粉添加水平呈线性增加。3.4个试验组母猪采食前血浆中的乙酸、丙酸、丁酸和总短链脂肪酸酸以及EFA均无显著差异(P>0.05),但在采食后4h,血浆中乙酸(P<0.01)、丙酸(P<0.01)、丁酸(P<0.01)和总短链脂肪酸(P<0.01)浓度随日粮魔芋粉添加水平线性增加;而血浆EFA浓度线性降低(P<0.01)。4.妊娠90d时,母猪采食前及采食后1h和2h血浆中PYY浓度以及采食前GLP-1浓度无显著差异(P>0.05),但采食后2h血浆中的GLP-1浓度呈线性增加(P<0.01)。4组母猪繁殖周期各阶段(妊娠7d、妊娠90d、分娩当天、泌乳第7d和14d、断奶当天)母猪血浆中的leptin浓度差异不显著(P>0.05)。5.妊娠7d、分娩当天、泌乳14d和断奶当天,各组母猪采食前、采食后2h和4h血糖和胰岛素浓度以及4个处理组的HOMA-IS和HOMA-IR值均无显著差异(P>0.05),但妊娠90d(P<0.05)和泌乳第7d(P<0.01)的HOMA-IS值随着日粮魔芋粉水平线性增加,而妊娠90d(P<0.01)和泌乳第7d(P<0.01)的HOMA-IR值随着日粮魔芋粉添加水平线性降低。综合以上试验结果,本研究得出以下结论(1)不同来源的纤维性原料在纤维组成及理化性质上存在显著差异,而且改变了日粮的理化性质。(2)在母猪妊娠日粮添加魔芋粉没有降低营养物质消化率,但显著增加了妊娠母猪采食后的饱感,提高了母猪泌乳期采食量。2个繁殖周期连续在妊娠日粮中添加魔芋粉更利于改善仔猪性能。(3)妊娠日粮添加魔芋粉提高妊娠母猪采食后饱感和母猪泌乳期采食量的可能机制是:在消化道前段,添加魔芋粉增加了日粮的水合性,通过延缓胃排空、增加胃的充盈度或直接刺激胃壁等方式增加母猪采食后的饱感。在消化道后段,添加魔芋粉提高了日粮的发酵性,发酵产生的短链脂肪酸一方面通过提高胃肠激素GLP-1的分泌促进妊娠母猪采食后饱感的产生,另一方面提高了血浆中短链脂肪酸的浓度,特别是乙酸浓度,降低了游离脂肪酸浓度,改善了妊娠后期及泌乳前期母猪的胰岛素敏感性,从而提高了母猪泌乳期采食量。综上所述,在母猪妊娠日粮添加高水合性和高发酵性的纤维性饲料原料,有利于增加妊娠母猪采食后的饱感,提高母猪泌乳期采食量,是改善母猪繁殖性能的有效手段。

【Abstract】 The reproductive performance of sows is an important feature that affects the economic benefits of pig farms. Maximising feed intake during lactation is critical to improving overall sow performance, including productivity and longevity. It is well known that as the associated body weight gain during gestation increase, feed intake of sows during the subsequent lactation decreases. Thus, pregnant sows were recommended to be fed restrictively. However, these resulted in the development of abnormal behavior, and in turn have negative influence on the reproductive performance of sows.In this study, we firstly investigated the fibrous components levels, viscosity, hydration properties, fermentability and digestibility of different fibrous ingredients, and selected fibrous ingredients of high hydration properties and fermentability. Then, the inclusion of these fibrous ingredients in gestation diets of sows have increased postprandial satiety in pregnant sows without providing excess feed, improved insulin sensitivity, increased lactation feed intake of sows, improved reproductive performance of sows, and researched the possible mechanism. In order to provide theoretical guidance and support for inclusion of dietary fiber in gestation diet of sows. The main contents and results are as follows:In the first part, levels of CF, ADF, NDF, total fiber, soluble dietary fiber (SF) and insoluble fiber (ISF), viscosity, swelling and water-binding capacity of six fibrous ingredients were analyzed. In vitro fermentation of six ingredients, gas and short chain fatty acids production were monitored during fermentation. Pearson’s correlations were also conducted to determine significant correlations.The main results are as follows:1. There were significant differences among six fibrous ingredients in the levels of fibrous components, viscosity, swelling and water-binding capacity (WBC). KF had highest viscosity (22.36mPa-s), swelling (13.01g/g) and water-binding capacity (31.11ml/g) in six ingredients.2. Gas production patterns of ingredients were fitted to a biphasic model. For the rapidly fermented fraction, fermentation of konjac flour (KF) resulted in greatest VF1(P<0.01), and lowest (FRD0)1(P<0.05). However, as with the slow fraction, sugar beet pulp (SBP) had greatest VF2(P<0.05). 3. In vitro fermentation of KF, sugar beet pulp and apple pomace produced higher concentrations of SCFAs than fermentation of red jujube flour, alfalfa mea and wheat bran (P<0.05).Compared with sugar beet pulp, wheat bran, alfalfa mea, red jujube flour and apple pomace, fermentation of KF produced higher concentrations of acetic acid, propionate and total SCFA (P<0.05).4. The correlation coefficients for relationships between the level of soluble fiber and physicochemical properties showed viscosity (r=0.864, P<0.05), swelling (r=0.947, P<0.01), acetic acid (r=0.809, P<0.05), propionate (r=0.846, P<0.05) and total SCFA (r=0.822, P<0.05) concentrations were significant positive correlated with the level of soluble fiber.In the second part, we investigated the effects of inclusion three fibrous ingredients in diets on the physicochemical properties of diets. Three diets were formulated using wheat bran, konjac flour and sugar beet pulp. Three diets had the same level of DE, crude protein and NDF, but have different levels of soluble fiber. Six Yorkshire barrows fitted with a simple T-cannula at the terminal ileum were arranged as a replicated3×3latin square design. Ileal effluent was collected during the collection period. Viscosity, swelling and water-binding capacity of three diets and ileal effluent were analyzed. In vitro fermentation of three diets and ileal effluent. The main results are as follows:1. There were no differences between KF and SBP diets in viscosity. Compared with control group, KF and SBP diets had higher viscosity (P<0.05). The inclusion of KF or SBP significant increased the swelling and water-binding capacity of diets (P<0.01).2. The inclusion KF in diet had no effect of the viscosity, swelling and water-binding capacity of ileal effluent. Similarly, there were no differences between SBP and control diets in viscosity and water-binding capacity of ileal effluent. However, the inclusion SBP in diet increased the swelling of ileal effluent (5.37vs3.51mL/g, P<0.05).3. Gas production patterns of three diets were fitted to a biphasic model. KF diet had similar fermentation pattern with the control diet, and the gas mainly come from apidly fermented fraction. Whereas, the gas of fermentation of SBP diet mainly come from slowly fermented fraction. Fermentation of KF diet produced higher VF1of rapidly fermented fraction (P<0.01) than the control or SBP diets. Compared with the control and SBP diets, KF diet had lower (FRD0)1from rapidly fraction. For slowly fermented fraction, SBP diet group had higher VF2(P<0.05) than the control or KF diets group, there were no differences between the control diet and KF diet. 4. In vitro fermentation of KF diet produced higher concentrations of acetate (P<0.01), butyrate (P<0.01) and total SCFA (P<0.01) than the control and SBP diet groups, there were no differences between the control and SBP diet group.5. Gas production patterns of ileal effluent were fitted to a monophasic model. There were no differences in all gas production parameters between the control and SBP diets. However, in vitro fermentation of ileal effluent from pigs fed the KF diet produced higher VF than the control or SBP diets (P<0.05).6. Similarly, there were no differences in concentrations of SCFAs between the control and SBP diets. However, in vitro fermentation of ileal effluent from pigs fed the KF diet produced higher VFthan the control or SBP diet groups (P<0.05).In the third part, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of konjac flour (KF) inclusion in gestation diets of sows on nutrients digestibility, lactation feed intake, reproductive performance of sows. Two isoenergetic and isonitrogenous gestation diets were formulated:the control diet and the2.1%KF-supplemented diet (KF diet). Both diets had the same neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and insoluble fiber (ISF) levels, but the KF diet had higher soluble fiber (SF) level. The day after breeding,96multiparous sows were assigned to the two dietary treatments. Restrict-fed during gestation, in contrast, all sows were offered the same lactation diet ad libitum. Response criteria included nutrient digestibility, sow and piglets performance. The main results are as follows:1. Tthe digestibility of dry matter, gross energy, crude fibre and acid detergent fibre were not affected by the dietary treatments. The inclusion of KF in gestation diets increased NDF digestibility (P<0.05) and tended to increase the digestibility of crude protein (P=0.05) compared with the control diet group.2. Dietary treatment during gestation did not affect body weight and backfat gain during gestation, lactation weight, backfat loss or weaning-to-estrus interval of sows.3. Sows fed the KF diet consumed more (6.38vs5.88kg, P<0.05) lactation diet per day than sows in the control group.4. Dietary treatment during gestation did not affect litter size. However, sows fed the KF diet further showed greater average piglet weights on day21of lactation (6.59vs6.24kg,P=0.09), meanwhile the litter weight of sows fed the KF diet on day21of lactation increased by3.95kg compared with sows fed the control diet.In the fourth part, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of konjac flour (KF) inclusion in gestation diet on postprandial satiety in pregnant sows, lactation feed intake and reproductive performance of sows during two successive reproductive cycles. A total of140Landrace sows with average parities of3.97±1.74were used in this trial. Four isoenergetic and isonitrogenous gestation diets were formulated to contain KF levels of0(control diet),0.6(0.6%KF diet),1.2(1.2%KF diet), or2.2%(2.2%KF diet), respectively. All diets had the same levels of insoluble fiber and NDF, the soluble fiber levels increased with the increasing inclusion levels of KF. After breeding, sows were assigned to the four dietary treatments based on parity and BW. All sows were maintained on the same dietary treatments in cycle1and2. Restrict-fed during gestation, in contrast, all sows were fed with the same diet ad libitum during lactation. Response criteria included performance of sows and piglets. On d70,71and72of gestation during second reproductive cycle,20sows (5sows per dietary treatment) were observed, the parity for these sows was3.0. Before feeding and1postprandial on d90of gestation during the second reproductive cycle,20sows (5sows per dietary treatment), which had the same parity (3) were selected for blood sampling. Cortisol concentrations in plasma were determined using a commercial ELISA kit.The main results are as follows:1. Time spent on self-directed behavior of sows decreased linearly (P<0.01) with increasing inclusion levels of KF.2. There were no differences in plasma concentrations of pre-prandial cortisol of sows among four dietary treatments. However, the plasma concentration of cortisol1h postprandial of sows on d90of gestation was decreased (linearly, P<0.05) with increasing inclusion levels of KF.3. Dietary treatment during gestation had no effect on feed intake of sows during the first week of lactation. However, feed intake of sows during the second week of lactation (P<0.01) the third week of lactation (P<0.01) and entire lactation period (P<0.01) increased linearly with increasing inclusion levels of KF.4. The inclusion of KF in gestation diet of sows had no effect on BW or backfat thickness gain during gestation or loss during lactation, and weaning-to-estrus interval of sows. However, the number of piglets weaned (linearly, P<0.05), pre-weaning survival rate (linearly, P<0.01; quadratic, P<0.05), litter weights on day14of lactation (linearly, P<0.01), average piglet weights and litter weights on day21of lactation (linearly, P<0.01), ADG of suckling piglets of the third week (linearly, P<0.01) and entire lactation period (linearly, P<0.05) increased with increasing inclusion levels of KF. In the fifth part, this study was conducted to investigate the mechanism of soluble fiber inclusion in gestation diets regulate postprandial satiety in pregnant sows and lactation feed intake of sows. The fifth part has the same experimental animal, diet and design with the fourth part. Viscosity, swelling and water-binding capacity of four diets were analyzed, and in vitro fermentation of four diets. During the second reproductive cycle, before feeding and1,2and4h postprandial on day90of gestation; Before feeding on day7of gestation, day0,7,14,21of lactation.20sows (5sows per dietary treatment), which had the same parity (3) were selected for blood sampling. During the second reproductive cycle, we measured the plasma concentrations of SCFAs and EFA before feeding and4h postprandial on d90of gestation; concentrations of glucose, insulin and leptin on day7and90of gestation, day0,7,14,21of lactation; Glucagon-like peptide1(GLP-1) or Peptide-YY (PYY) concentrations before feeding,1h,2h or4h postprandial on day90of gestation.The main results are as follows:1. The water-binding capacity (WBC)(from1.78to1.97g/g; P<0.01), swelling capacity (1.34,1.70,2.06and2.16ml/g, respectively; P<0.01), and viscosity (from1.62to2.14mPa-s; P<0.05) of gestation diets increased linearly with the increasing inclusion levels of KF.2. The inclusion of KF in gestation diet had no effect on propionic acid concentration after the in vitro fermentation of gestation diet. However, increasing the levels of KF linear increased concentrations of acetic acid (from11.31to19.03mmol/L; P<0.05), butyric acid (from1.14to1.92mmol/L; P<0.05) and total SCFA (from20.41to30.44mmol/L; P<0.05) after the in vitro fermentation of gestation diet.3. During the second gestation, there were no differences in plasma concentrations of pre-prandial SCFAs and EFA of sows among four treatments. However, plasma concentrations of acetic acid (from342.92to480.72umol/L), propionic acid (from14.33to21.68umol/L), butyric acid (from11.95to23.22umol/L) and total SCFA (from369.20to525.62umol/L)4h postprandial of sows were increased linearly with increasing inclusion levels of KF (P<0.05), and plasma concentrations of EFA4h postprandial of sows were decreased linearly with increasing inclusion levels of KF (P<0.01).4. There were no differences among four dietary treatments in plasma concentrations of leptin before feeding on day7,90of gestation, and day0,7,14,21of lactation, and the plasma concentrations of pre-prandial GLP-1and PYY. The plasma concentration of GLP-12h postprandial on d90of gestation was increased linearly (P<0.01) with increasing inclusion levels of KF.5. The inclusion of KF in gestation diet had no effect on plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin before feeding andlh,4h postprandial on day90of gestation, the value of HOMA-IS and HOMA-IR of sows on day7of gestation and day0,14,21of lactation. However, the value of HOMA-IS of sows on day90of gestation (P<0.01) and day7of lactation (P<0.01) were increased linearly with increasing inclusion levels of KF. While, the value of HOMA-IR of sows on day90of gestation (P<0.01) and day7of lactation (P<0.01) were decreased linearly with increasing inclusion levels of KF.In conclusion, there were significant different among different sources fibrous ingredients in fibrous components and physiochemical properties, and inclusion of fibrous ingredients in diet changed the physiochemical properties of the diet. The inclusion of konjac flour in gestation diets has no negative effects on the digestibility of nutrition, whereas enhanced postprandial satiety in pregnant sows, and increased lactation feed intake of sows. Compared with one reproductive cycle, feeding sows with dietary fiber during gestation for two reproductive cycles may be beneficial to improve reproductive performance of sows. During the gestation, sows fed with dietary fiber may be beneficial to enhance postprandial satiety of pregnant sows by increasing gastric distension by expanding their volume in the stomach and increaseing the plasma concentration of GLP-12h postprandial. Feeding sows with fibrous diet during gestation may be beneficial to increase the feed intake of sows during lactation by improving insulin sensitivity during late gestation and early or midterm lactation. These results strongly suggested that inclusion of dietary fiber of high WBC, swelling capacity and fermentability in gestation diet was beneficial for enhancing postprandial satiety in pregnant sows, increasing lactation feed intake and improving sow reproductive performance.

  • 【分类号】S828
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】759

