

The Research on Management Mechanism of Service Innovation in Service Enterprises

【作者】 赖然

【导师】 徐明;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 经济全球化的发展,社会变革的加速,产业进入门槛的不断降低,所有这些使得企业面临的竞争越来越激烈,创新尤其是成功的服务创新已成为服务企业在竞争中取胜的良药,成为企业重要的战略资源,是企业减慢知识优势消逝的唯一方法,决定企业持续健康发展的关键。服务企业是服务创新的市场主体,但在很大程度上是员工承担了企业创新活动开展,员工的创造性思维和创新行为是服务企业持续创新的基础和不竭的动力。创新成功的关键在于良好的管理,本文从支配现象的机制出发来研究管理问题,从更深的层面揭示服务企业创新管理的规律性。文献综述部分总结及梳理国内外关于服务创新的研究成果。在Web ofScience数据库平台下载的6,611篇服务创新文献基础上,通过Histcite和Citespace Ⅱ软件对这些文献进行分析。利用可视化的方式展示服务创新研究的发展状况,绘制服务创新研究的历史演进图,揭示服务创新研究重要文献之间的相互关系及主流研究领域,发现和说明服务创新领域的研究前沿,并指出目前研究的局限和该领域研究的未来发展方向。通过文献研究,本文发现目前国内和国外的服务创新研究多集中在组织层面,对于员工服务创新行为的关注较少,这是本文聚焦于员工服务创新行为研究的重要动机。本文的主体部分主要是研究服务企业员工服务创新行为的管理机制,从导向机制、激励机制和保障机制这三个子机制来展开研究,这三种机制紧密联系、相互协同,共同促进了组织中员工的服务创新行为。深入探讨导向机制、激励机制和保障机制的构成因素及其对员工服务创新行为的作用机理。导向机制的研究方面,本文认为员工创新行为的导向因素是创新文化,创新文化表现出鼓励冒险与容忍失败、市场导向和学习共享的特征。本研究采用分层回归分析的方法来分别验证创新文化各个特征对员工创新行为的影响。研究结果显示,鼓励冒险与风险容忍、学习共享和市场导向三种文化均会对员工的创新行为有正向影响。进一步采用案例分析的方法,对丽思卡尔顿和新加坡航空公司的组织文化进行了分析,佐证了创新文化的三个特征。为了探索组织创新文化对于员工创新行为的作用机制,引入情感承诺变量。情感承诺是组织中个体对组织价值观、目标的认同和情感依赖,当组织价值观和目标强调创新的重要时,个体往往更容易受到内在动机的驱动而表现出创新行为。本文中介效应的检验结果显示,情感承诺在创新文化和员工服务创新行为间起部分中介作用,创新文化不仅能够直接影响员工的创新行为,还能够通过情感承诺间接影响员工的创新行为。激励机制的研究方面,将激励因素分为外在激励因素和内在激励因素,外在激励因素包括奖金,津贴等;内在激励因素则包括挑战性的工作,对员工创新成果的支持和认可等。激励机制的研究始于探索性案例分析,通过多名服务企业员工访谈,初步分析了内在激励因素与外在激励因素在我国服务企业中的存在性,及其对于员工服务创新行为的正向影响。采用分层回归分析的方法验证了内在激励与外在激励对于员工服务创新行为的正向影响,而且外在激励对员工创新行为的影响大于内在激励。现有研究成果认为将物质激励和精神激励结合有利于强化员工的内部动机和外部行为,因此,本文提出外在激励与内在激励之间存在交互效应,检验结果也证明了这一点,即外在激励与内在激励是相互依赖影响员工创新行为,无论内在激励水平是高还是低,外在激励总会对创新行为产生影响,而且当内在激励水平较高时,外在激励对创新行为的影响更加明显。根据社会交换理论的观点,将情感承诺作为激励因素和创新行为之间的中介变量,检验结果显示情感承诺在内在激励和员工服务创新行为之间起到部分中介作用,但是情感承诺在外在激励与员工创新行为之间并没有起到中介作用。最后,通过携程公司的创新激励访谈资料佐证了外在激励对员工创新行为的巨大推动作用。保障机制的研究方面,从组织层面上来看,服务创新保障要素分为组织结构、制度和资源三个方面。组织结构方面,首先要为创新人才提供支持性的组织结构保障,建立具有分权化、扁平化和柔性化特征的组织结构有助于知识整合,促进创新绩效的提升,采用A银行的案例进行佐证。其次,服务创新管理职能专门化可以通过建立专门的职能部门、组建委员会或者指定高层管理人员担任的方式实现,以期管理组织的服务创新活动,采用美国运通公司,海底捞等服务企业的案例进行佐证。进一步,本文对该部门(岗位)的职责进行了设计,包括:创意收集、创意筛选、组建团队和对参与服务创新的人员进行考核与激励。制度安排方面,服务企业与创新有关的制度安排能够有效地缓解冲突,进而减少协调费用,使创新者更有效率地开展创新活动,例如招商银行就订立了创新工作的管理办法和工作制度。资源分配方面,对员工授权是提供资源保障的良好形式,授权包括资金、设备,也包括时间上的授权。服务企业员工需要授权,使他们有权根据自己的工作实际和个人能力对工作中所遇到的问题进行改进或认为可以改善工作效率提出创造性的想法。丽思卡尔顿酒店、迪斯尼等服务企业的案例说明了这一点。从个体层面来说,个体只有具备了创新需要的知识、技能,才能产生创造性的想法,才能把创造性的想法付诸实践,因此,组织要加大培训投入,注重员工的创新能力的培养,例如新加坡航空的4-3-3费用原则。此外,本文还发现服务企业员工创新行为在性别和年龄上存在差异性。男性员工的创新行为表现显著高于女性员工的创新行为表现。“20岁以下”年龄组的员工创新行为明显低于其他年龄组;“21-30”年龄组创新行为明显优于其他年龄组。服务企业中不同学历的员工在内在激励和外在激励的感知上存在差异,“高中及以下”和“大专毕业”组对外在激励感知更高;“本科毕业”和“硕士及以上”组对内在激励感知更高。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic globalization, acceleration of social change and fewer obstacles to enter a new industry, enterprises are confronted with fiercer and fiercer competition. Innovation, especially successful service innovation, helps enterprises win competition. It is the vital strategic resources of enterprises, the only way to slow down disappearance of knowledge advantage, and key to ensure enterprises’continuous and healthy development. Innovation is fundamentally originated from employees. Service enterprises are the principal market participant of service innovation, and to a large extent, employees bear the primary role of enterprise innovation. Employees’innovative thinking and activities are the basis of enterprise innovation and provide abundant resources to continuous innovation. The key to success of innovation lies in good management. This paper studied management from the mechanism controlling phenomena instead of phenomena themselves, so as to reveal the laws of innovative management of service enterprises on a deeper level.The literature review analyzed and summarized both the foreign and domestic research results on service innovation. On the basis of studying6611papers on service innovation, which were downloaded from database of Web of Science, this paper analyzed the papers by utilizing visualization software Histcite and Citespace Ⅱ. By the means of visualization, this paper showed the development situation of service innovation, drew the picture of its historical course, and revealed the interrelationship among important papers of service innovation and the mainstream research areas. It discovered and illustrated the research frontier of service innovation, and pointed out the limitation and future development direction of this study. After literature study, this paper noticed that most foreign and domestic studies concerning service innovation concentrate on the organizational level, and paid little attention to employee service innovation activities. This is an important motivation for this paper to focus on employees’ service innovation behavior. The main part of this paper studied management mechanism of employees’ service innovative behavior. The study was conducted from three sub-mechanisms:guide mechanism, motivation mechanism and support mechanism, which are closely connected, mutually cooperative, and together stimulate employees’performance on service innovation in organizations. Furthermore, this paper discussed in depth the composition factors of aforementioned three mechanisms of guide, motivation and support, and illustrated how they work on employees’innovative behavior.In the perspective of guide mechanism, guiding factor of employee innovation behavior is innovative organization culture. There are three dimensions composing innovative organization culture:risk motivation and failure tolerance, market orientation and shared study. This study separately tested and verified each dimension’s influence on employees’innovative behavior by hierarchical regression analysis. The study result showed that all the three dimensions-risk motivation and failure tolerance, shared study, market orientation-exerted positive impact on employees’innovative behavior. By the means of case study, this paper analyzed the organizational culture of Ritz-Carlton Hotel and Singapore Airlines, and provided evidence to three dimensions of innovative culture. In order to explore how innovative culture acts on employee behavior, this paper introduced the variable of Emotion. Emotional commitment reflects individuals’ recognition and dependence on organization’s values and goals. When organization highlights the importance of innovation, individuals in the organization more often have innovative behaviors due to internal motivation. Emotional commitment plays an intermediary role in innovative organization culture and employees’service innovation. Test results of intermediate effect show that, innovative culture not only influences employees’ behaviors directly, it also exerts influence by emotional commitment as an intermediation.In the perspective of motivation mechanism.This paper divides motivation factors of employees’innovation into two kinds:one is internal motivation and the other is external innovation. By exploratory case analysis, it firstly verified the existence of external and internal motivation in China’s service enterprises, and their positive impact on employees’ service innovation. By the means of hierarchical regression analysis, this paper testified the positive impact of both internal and external motivation on employees’ service innovative behavior. Moreover, the impact of external motivation on employees’ innovative behavior is bigger than internal motivation. Existing study reveals that the combination of material incentives and spiritual incentives is beneficial to strengthening employees’ internal motivation and external behavior. Therefore, there exists interactive effect between internal motivation and external motivation in the study. Test results also proved that internal motivation and external motivation are interdependent, and collectively affect employees’ innovative behavior. Further illustration of interactive effect shows that, no matter whether internal motivation level is high or low, external motivation always has influence on innovative behavior. In the meantime, when internal motivation level is relatively high, external motivation will produce more obvious influence on innovative behavior. According to Social Exchange Theory, emotional commitment is considered as intermediate variant between motivation and innovative behavior. Test results showed that emotional commitment has partial intermediate effect between internal motivation and employee innovative behavior, while fails to function between external motivation and employee innovative behavior. Finally, evidence from a survey on the employees of Ctrip backed up the idea that external motivation can largely promote employees’ service innovative behaviors.In the perspective of support mechanism.Support measures include organizational structure, resources and institution. Firstly, organizations should provide innovators with supportive organizational structure, which is characterized by decentralization, delayering and flexibility. This kind of organization contributes to knowledge integration, and boost innovation performance. The paper demonstrate this idea by a case of bank A. Secondly, specialization in the management function of service innovation can be realized by setting up special functional department, organizing committee or appointing senior management personnel, so as to manage the service innovation of organization. This idea can be testified by cases of American Express and Hai Di Lao Hot Pot. This paper further designed the duties of such departments (positions), including collection of innovative ideas, screening of innovative ideas, setting up teams, and reviewing and motivating employees who participate in service innovation. Thirdly, for service enterprises, institutional arrangements of innovation can effectively ease confliction, leading to less coordination fees, and improved working efficiency. For example, to achieve this purpose, China Merchant Bank formulated innovation management measures and working norms. Fourthly, employees’service innovative behavior also needs the support of resources. This paper pointed out that authorization was a good way of providing support of resources, including authorization of fund, equipment and time. Employees of service enterprises need authorization, so that they will have the rights to solve problems according to their work reality and individual capability, or propose innovative ideas to promote work efficiency. Cases of service enterprises, such as Rits-Calton Hotel and Disneyland, well illustrated this idea. In the aspect of innovator obstacle, only when individuals have the knowledge and skills required by innovation, they would come up with innovative ideas, and put the ideas into practice. Therefore, organizations should select innovative employees, and pay attention to cultivating their innovative ability. The4-3-3fee principle of Singapore Airlines is a good example to illustrate this idea.Besides, this paper also pointed out that there are differences in genders and ages of employees’innovative behavior. The innovative behavior of male employees is much more than female employees’. The innovative behavior of age group "less than20"is obviously less than other age groups; age group "from21to30" is the best among all the age groups. In service enterprises, there is difference of the perception of internal and external motivation among employees with different degrees. Groups of "high school and below" and "junior college" have more perception of external motivation; groups of "college" and "master and above" have more perception of internal motivation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】F719;F272.92
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1592
  • 攻读期成果

