

Study on Value Co-creation Meehanism of the Creative Industrial Organization and Effecting Factors

【作者】 张洁瑶

【导师】 高长春;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 创意产业作为经济转型发展的重要战略举措,这一发展途径是否成功主要取决于对产业内组织的结构特征认知是否正确,以及相关的扶持引导政策是否顺应了创意与产业有机结合发展的需要。创意产业组织是创意产业持续发展的核心,是经济可持续发展、城市复兴的具体践行者,因此,探索创意产业组织间的价值共创机理理应成为创意产业学术研究的重点。然而,由于我国自上而下的产业发展模式,宏观视角下创意产业对经济发展的贡献作用研究成为重点,而对创意产业内组织间的关系机理以及影响因素等问题的研究尚处于起步阶段。另一方面,创意产业组织集聚作为创意产业组织价值创造的有效途径,已经以创意产业组织集聚区的形式广泛应用于城市创意产业的发展建设中。然而,另外有学者认为,以知识密集型企业为主的创意产业组织集聚,关键不在于地理位置的邻近,而在于价值共创的社会网络关系的构建。但地理集聚与社会网络集聚的关系,以及两视角下创意产业组织价值共创效应及影响要素等问题尚没有得到清晰的解释。本研究依托于国家自然科学基金项目“创意产业集群价值网络模块化设计及价值创造模型研究”,以结构决定行为,行为决定绩效的逻辑顺序,主要着重回答以下两个问题:创意产业组织价值创造中组织成员之间的互动共创结构是怎样的;共创行为要素会对价值创造绩效产生怎样的影响。基于以上分析,本文按照以下内容展开:(1)创意产业组织价值共创研究的理论基础。基于英澳对“创意产业”这一概念的定义差异,结合价值理论、产业集聚理论以及价值共创机理的相关论述,通过理论总结,界定创意产业价值发展分阶段的内涵演化特征,为下文剖析现代社会转型背景下创意产业组织价值共创的发展路径及模式做理论铺垫。(2)现代社会转型期创意产业组织价值共创机理理论模型研究。以价值网络理论为基础,归纳总结了转型期创意产业组织价值网络内包含的成员及结构,并将组织成员的知识属性进一步界定为符号型知识、整合型知识和编码型知识。以价值共创的表现形式为基础,进一步解构创意产业组织价值网络为企业价值网络、人际社会价值网络和社团价值网络,据此构建成员间的价值共创机理,引入发展初具规模的澳大利亚昆士兰州创意产业组织集聚价值共创案例,将抽象的价值共创理论模型进行具体解析。(3)空间地理集聚视角下的创意产业组织价值共创效应实证评价。基于价值共创机理理论模型对结构的分析,提取孵化阶段的价值共创行为要素,以创意企业为核心的创意产业组织价值创造效应评价主体,总结认为同类非替代型的组织价值共创效应最佳。(4)社会网络集聚视角下的创意产业组织价值共创影响要素实证评价。社会网络集聚是在空间地理集聚基础上对创意产业组织价值共创影响要素研究的进一步深化。价值共创本质的深化在于以组织核心——创意企业为主体节点的,组织关系联结构成的社会网络。根据机理理论模型,提炼地理邻近性、组织邻近性、认知邻近性和社会关系邻近性影响要素与价值共创关系均呈正相关关系的研究假设。以昆士兰科技大学时尚创意孵化器的项目记载为基础,以调查问卷、企业访谈和社交网络为方式收集了54家创意企业的纵向关系数据,并对社会网络结构的平均连接度和网络密度等结构特征做了总结。以此社会网络数据为基础,运用Rsiena统计分析方法,估计各影响要素的效应参数值,实证验证假设。结果显示,地理邻近性、社会关系邻近性与价值共创构成正相关关系,而认知邻近性为负相关,组织邻近性则是不敏感影响要素。据此研究结果,提出了构建创意产业组织价值共创网络的可行性建议。(5)总结与展望。总结本文在创意产业组织价值共创研究方面的主要工作及结论,提出未来可完善和深化的研究重点。本研究运用文献研究、理论模型分析、案例研究、实地调研以及社会网络统计分析等研究方法,综合运用外部性理论、价值网络理论、新经济增长理论和社会网络理论等,将结构理论研究与行为绩效影响实证分析相结合。对创意产业、价值共创、产业集聚的文献综述评价,为论文研究体系的构建奠定了坚实基础;运用外部性理论和价值网络理论,为创意产业组织纵向发展阶段,价值创造特征及价值流动路径理论模型研究提供了可行的基础;运用案例研究法,以昆士兰州构建创意产业组织价值共创的案例对价值流动路径进一步分析,将抽象理论模型具象化;以实地调研为基础,综合运用问卷、访谈和社交网络平台方式收集创意产业组织价值共创关系演化数据,在此基础上运用Rsiena社会网络统计分析方法估计价值共创影响效应参数值。本文的主要创新点有:(1)将对创意产业价值演化过程分为四阶段,以外部性理论为基础,提出创意产业价值创造体现创新驱动阶段特征,现阶段当创意产业作为整个社会创新发展的源动力,其价值更多的体现为全面促进社会经济发展方式的改革,深化了对创意产业价值演化的理论认知。(2)将知识价值引入创意产业组织价值共创路径的分析中,从价值网络的视野确定价值共创的组织类型,并根据价值网络内组织角色,分解各价值网络的知识流动路径特征,重点构建以创意企业为核心的网络内组织在人际社会价值网络和社团价值网络的价值共创机理理论模型。(3)将一直处于争议中的创意产业发展方式的研究,从产业组织的中观视角分为基于空间地理的集聚和抽象的社会网络集聚两方面,深化了创意产业组织集聚的理论研究。长期以来,地理集聚不能被证明有利于知识密集型组织之间的价值共创信任合作的建立。因此,对比分析地理集聚与社会网络集聚的组织价值共创机理影响要素及效应,更加全面展示创意产业组织的价值共创规律。(4)将Rsiena复杂社会网络数据统计分析方法应用于组织价值共创机理影响因素的评价研究中,使动态抽象理论化的价值共创机理研究更加科学而具体。将基于动态社会网络演化的SIENA统计分析方法运用于创意产业组织价值共创机理影响因素的评价研究中,测试影响因素的有效性,弥补了以往局限于静态社会网络的计量经济学分析方法,使仿真演化过程更接近真实的社会关系网络演化机理。

【Abstract】 As the main path of economic transformation in contemporary society, thesuccessful development of creative industry rely on the structural realization of creative organization, as well as the policies in accordance with the combining demands of creativity and industry. The key point of creative industry sustainable development is creative organizations which are the builder of city recovery. So, study on the mechanism of value co-creation among creative organizations should be the core of the creative industry research. Nevertheless, as the top-down industrial construction system in China, the academic research inclines to the contribution of creative industry for social economic development on the perspective of macro. The research on relational mechanism of creative organizations and the effecting factors are still on the beginning stage.On the other hand, as the efficient path for creative industry value creation, creative industry zone is constructed widely in the process of urban creative industry development. However, many scholars argued that the creative industry cluster which is formed mainly by knowledge-intensive enterprise should focus on value co-creation network rather than geographical agglomeration. Actually, the relationship between geographical agglomeration and social network cluster is not explained. Even the characteristics of value co-creation structure and effecting factors on these two sides have not been explained clearly.This thesis is based on the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Study on value network modular design and value creation model of creative industries cluster. Applying the structure-conduct-performance framework to resolve the bellowing two questions:1what’s the structure of co-creation among these creative organizations?2Based on the structure, how do the co-creating factors influence value co-creation performance? Above all, forming the bellowing questions:The theoretical basis of creative industry value co-creation.Define the evolutional concept of the different stage of creative industry development based on the contrasting realization between England and Australia, as well as the value theory and cluster theory. This is the solid theoretically basis for the analyses of creative industry developing path and model in the following chapter.In the period of contemporary social transformation, the theoretic model of value co-creation among creative organizations. The creative organizations in the value co-creation network are divided into creative enterprise, creative incubator and creative research center. The knowledge type of organizations is classified into symbolic knowledge, synthetic knowledge and codified knowledge. Based on this classification, knowledge flowing path model with community network is constructed in the context of social transformation. Finally, research the knowledge flowing path model with case study of Australian Queensland state creative industry.Evaluation on effecting factors of creative organizations value co-creation based on geographical agglomeration. Based on the structural analysis of value co-creation, the behavioral factors are abstracted on the incubator stage. The outcome is the creative enterprise of the same type but non-replacement has the best efficiency.Evaluation on effecting factors of creative organizations value co-creation based on social network cluster. Social network cluster is the further development from geographical agglomeration. The essence of value co-creation is the social network of the inter-enterprises. According to the theoretic model of mechanism, this thesis abstracts four proximities factors-geographical, institutional, cognitive and social, and the positive correlation between the four proximities factors and value co-creation relationship is the researching propositions. Based on the project records of fashion incubator in Queensland University of technology, the thesis collects longitudinal relationship data of54creative enterprises and concludes average connective degree as well as the network intensity. Based on the data, apply the Rsiena statistical method to forecast parameters of effecting factors for proving propositions. The conclusion shows the correlation of geographical proximity and social proximity with value co-creation is positive but the cognitive proximity is negative in addition to the institutional proximity is not sensitive. Based on the conclusion, this thesis provides the actionable suggestion for building creative industry value co-creation network.Conclusion and future study. Summarize main work and outcomes of this thesis about creative industry value co-creation and exhibit the further researching points.The methodologies of this thesis are literature review, theoretic model, case study, interview and social network analysis. The theory basics are external theory, value network theory, the neo-economic growth theory and social network theoiy. This thesis combines the structural theory qualitative analysis with behavioral performance effecting quantitative analysis. The literature review about creative industry, value co-creation and industrial cluster is the solid basis of the thesis. Meanwhile, external theory and value network theory provide actionable basis for the value flowing path theoretic model in the context of longitudinal development stage of creative industry.With the case study-the Queensland state’s creative industry value co-creation, develop the abstract theory model into the practical. On the data collecting side, the observatory is the basis and the questionnaire, interview and social network platform are been made use of. At last, the thesis predicts the effecting parameters of the value co-creation with Rsiena social network analysis method.The innovative points of this thesis as bellowing:First of all, this thesis refines the theory dispute of creative industry cluster on the perspective of middle-range of industrial organization based on geographical and social cluster. In the long period, geographical agglomeration is hard to be proved that it’s a beneficial mode for value co-creation between intensive-knowledge enterprises. So, this thesis introduces the abstract social network cluster to analyze the development mode of creative industry. Compare with the effecting factors of these two clusters, the thesis got more entirely regulation of creative industry value creation.The second hand, break through the traditional angle of value co-creation research which is based on longitudinal value chain, this thesis sets the actor of value co-creation based on value network theory and got more entire mechanism of value co-creation. Based on value network theory, the thesis mainly analyzed the theoretical model of value co-creation on the stage of personal social network and community network.Last but not least, this thesis applied the Rsiena complex social network statistical method to evaluate the effecting factors of value co-creation. In this way, the mechanism of value co-creation with dynamic and abstract characteristics can be analyzed in more scientific and specific way. SIENA statistical method which is based on dynamic social network evolution can test the effect of factors and this is the supplement of static econometric method as well as makes the process of simulation more exhibit the dynamic mechanism of real social network.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】F719;F272.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】863
  • 攻读期成果

