

Effect of China Time-honored Brand’s Extension on Brand Image

【作者】 许衍凤

【导师】 赵晓康;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 老字号品牌是曾经的市场领导者,在市场上占有重要地位,他们是体现民族文化特色的品牌,是中华民族的宝贵财富。但是,随着市场环境的改变,品牌之间的竞争越来越激烈,老字号品牌受到严重的冲击,由于缺乏核心竞争力,很多的老字号品牌开始衰落,市场占有率迅速下降,有些老字号品牌甚至退出了市场。为了摆脱老字号品牌所陷入的严重危机,很多老字号企业采用品牌延伸的方式推出新产品,激活老字号,维护和挽救品牌。通过品牌延伸的方式引入新产品,给原品牌带来了新的元素的同时,会对原品牌的品牌形象产生一定的影响。学者们针对品牌延伸对品牌形象的影响进行了大量的研究,但是研究结论并不一致。有学者认为感知契合度高的品牌延伸会加强品牌形象,有学者认为不论感知契合度高还是感知契合度低的品牌延伸都会对品牌形象产生负面影响,还有学者认为品牌延伸不会对品牌形象产生影响。本研究选择具有中国文化特征的老字号品牌为研究对象,在文献分析的基础上,结合中国文化特征,构建了老字号品牌延伸对品牌形象影响的理论模型。通过预测试,选择“全聚德”和“便宜坊”两个餐饮老字号品牌作为研究的母品牌。为了检验感知契合度在品牌延伸对品牌形象影响过程中的作用,采用情景模拟法,模拟推出四种与母品牌之间的感知契合度不同的虚拟延伸产品,分别是代表高文化契合高产品契合延伸的月饼、代表低文化契合高产品契合延伸的汉堡、代表高文化契合低产品契合延伸的茶叶和代表低文化契合低产品契合延伸的咖啡。考虑到消费者在进行品牌延伸评价的过程中卷入度水平的差异性,设计了高消费者卷入度和低消费者卷入度两种不同消费者卷入度水平的品牌延伸情境。共设计了16个版本的调研问卷,对老字号品牌延伸对品牌形象影响机制进行调研。通过大样本调研数据,借助结构方程模型对老字号品牌延伸对品牌形象影响模型进行了检验,得出的主要结论如下:第一,研究表明,老字号品牌延伸是否会对品牌形象产生稀释效应取决于消费者的卷入度水平。高消费者卷入度水平下,品牌延伸会对老字号品牌形象产生稀释效应;低消费者卷入度水平下,感知契合度良好的品牌延伸(比如:全聚德月饼和便宜坊月饼)不但不会对老字号品牌形象产生稀释效应,反而会提升老字号的品牌形象。第二,本研究证实了老字号品牌延伸过程中,延伸产品与母品牌之间的文化契合度因素起到非常重要的作用。无论消费者卷入度水平如何,文化契合度都会对消费者的品牌延伸态度起到正向作用,即品牌延伸过程中,延伸产品与母品牌之间的文化契合度越高,消费者的品牌延伸态度越积极。因此,老字号品牌延伸过程中要充分考虑延伸产品与母品牌之间的文化契合度。第三,研究发现,老字号品牌的品牌形象的结构维度具有独特性,除了包含功能性形象、情感性形象和声望性形象三个维度之外,还包含传承性形象维度。传承性形象是老字号品牌形象的独特属性,包括文化的传承性、技术的传承性以及精神的传承性。在实证研究的基础上,开发了具有中国文化背景的老字号品牌形象测量量表,经验证测量量表具有较好的信度、效度,可用作老字号品牌形象测量的测量工具。第四,与国外学者们的研究结果不同,老字号品牌的品牌感知质量对消费者的品牌延伸态度的影响,在本研究中未得到验证。究其原因,可能是因为对于消费者来说,老字号品牌本身就代表高质量,是一种品质的象征,因此品牌延伸评价过程中,消费者更多地考虑延伸产品与母品牌之间的感知契合度以及对母品牌的熟悉程度等问题,而不考虑母品牌的感知质量的问题。因此,老字号品牌所具有的高质量成为其进行品牌延伸的最有利的因素,为品牌延伸成功提供了很好的保障。第五,研究证实老字号品牌延伸过程中,消费者卷入度水平以及消费者创新性水平都对感知契合度与消费者的品牌延伸态度之间的关系起到调节作用。相对于低消费者卷入度水平来说,在高消费者卷入度水平下,感知契合度对消费者的品牌延伸态度具有更显著的正向影响;对于创新性水平高的消费者,感知契合度对老字号品牌延伸态度的影响程度比较小,对于创新性水平低的消费者,感知契合度对老字号品牌延伸态度的影响程度比较大。第六,老字号品牌延伸过程中,品牌熟悉度对品牌延伸态度的影响取决于消费者卷入度水平。高消费者卷入度水平下,品牌熟悉度对品牌延伸态度的影响不显著;低消费者卷入度水平下,品牌熟悉度对品牌延伸态度具有显著的正向影响。因此,要通过营销活动提升消费者对老字号品牌的熟悉程度,从而提升消费者的品牌延伸态度。本研究的主要创新点及学术贡献在于:第一,本研究以具有中国文化特色的老字号品牌为研究对象,针对老字号品牌所具有的独特文化属性,将“文化契合度”这一变量引入到品牌延伸对品牌形象的影响研究中,构建了老字号品牌延伸对品牌形象影响的理论模型,丰富了品牌管理理论。第二,结合老字号品牌的特征,通过实证研究,构建了老字号品牌形象测评体系,开发了中国文化背景下的老字号品牌形象测量量表,为相关学者的研究提供了有效的测量工具。第三,考虑到消费者在进行品牌延伸评价过程中的卷入度水平的差异性,将“消费者卷入度”这个变量引入到品牌延伸对品牌形象影响模型中,通过实证研究,证实了在老字号品牌延伸评价过程中,品牌延伸对品牌形象的影响作用取决于消费者卷入度水平的高低,为老字号品牌延伸实践提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 China time-honored brands, which are valuable wealth of the Chinese nation, are market leaders in the past and occupy an important position in the market. But as time past, market environment takes earth-shaking changes. The growing competition among brands affects China time-honored brand severely. Owing to the lack of core competitiveness, a lot of China time-honored brands decline and the market share fall rapidly. Some brands even die out. In order to get rid of the serious crisis and activate China time-honored brands, many enterprises adopt the method of brand extension to launch new products. However, introduction of new products by brand extension can add new elements to the brand, which can affect the original brand image. Scholars haven’t reached an agreement on the research conclusions of brand extension’s effect on brand image. Some scholars think that brand extension will strengthen the brand image when the degree of perceived fit between the extension and the parent brand is high; some scholars think that brand extension has a negative impact on brand image, no matter whether the perceived fit between the extension and the parent brand is high or low; some scholars believe that the brand extension does not affect the brand image.On the basis of literature analysis, this paper studies China time-honored brands and constructs the model of the China time-honored brands’extension on brand image. Through a series of pre-test, the Quanjude and Bian yi fang are chosen as parent brands. Four different virtual extension products are selected, which are moon cake, hamburger, tea and coffee. For the two time-honored brands, moon cake is a kind of brand extension with high perceived cultural fit and high perceived product fit; hamburger is a kind of brand extension with low perceived culture fit and high perceived product fit; tea is a kind of brand extension with high perceived cultural fit and low perceived product fit; coffee is a kind of brand extension with low perceived culture fit and low perceived product fit. From the perspective of consumer involvement, questionnaires of high involvement and low involvement are designed. Through the large sample survey, by means of structural equation model the model of the China time-honored brands’extension on brand imaged is tested. The main conclusions are as follows:Firstly, the dilution effect of China time-honored brands’extension on brand image depends on the degree of consumer involvement. The dilution effect occurs when the degree of consumer involvement is high. When the degree of consumer involvement is low, some brand extensions (for example, Quanjude moon cake and Bian yi moon cake) can not dilute brand image, but also improve the brand image.Secondly, the study verifies the existence of the factor of perceived cultural fit between the extension and the parent brand in the process of China time-honored brands’extension. In the process of brand extension, perceived cultural fit between the extension and the parent brand has positive effect on consumer’s brand extension attitude regardless of the degree of consumer involvement, namely, the higher the perceived cultural fit, the more positive consumer’s brand extension attitude.Thirdly, the study shows that the dimensions of China time-honored brands’ image are unique. In addition to the dimensions of functional image, affective image and prestige image, there is a dimension of inheritance image. Inheritance image, including the inheritance of culture, technology and spiritual, is rooted in the unique attributes of China time-honored brand. On the basis of empirical research, measurement scale of China time-honored brands’ image is developed. The scale has good reliability and validity, so it can be used as measuring tool of China time-honored brands’image.Fourthly, different from scholars’ research results, the effect of China time-honored brands’perceived quality on consumer’s brand extension attitude has not been verified in this study. The reason is that China time-honored brands are brands of high quality and they are symbol of quality, therefore, consumers pay close attention to the factors such as perceived fit etc.The effect of perceived quality is without consideration.Fifthly, the study confirms that in the process of China time-honored brands’ extension, the degree of consumer involvement and consumer innovativeness play moderating effect to the perceived fit’s effect on extension attitude. The effect of perceived fit on extension attitude depends on the degree of consumer involvement. The effect of perceived fit between the extension and the parent brand on extension attitude is stronger/weaker when the degree of consumer involvement is high/low. The effect of perceived fit between the extension and the parent brand on extension attitude is weaker/stronger when consumer innovativeness is high/low.Sixthly, the study finds out that in the process of China time-honored brands’ extension, the effect of brand familiarity on consumer’s brand extension attitude depends on the degree of consumer involvement. Brand familiarity can significantly and positively influence on consumer’s brand extension attitude when the degree of consumer involvement is Low. There is no significant effect, when the degree of consumer involvement is high.The innovation points and academic contributions of this study are as follows:Firstly, through literature analysis, it is found that there is no empirical study on the effect of China time-honored brands’ extension on brand image. Therefore, China time-honored brand is taken as the research object of this study and the concept of "cultural fit" is introduced to the study. The theory model of the effect of China time-honored brands’ extension on brand image is established, which can enrich brand management theory.Secondly, there has not been a relatively complete concept about the description of the brand image and the structure about brand image has not been translated into a single uniform system. Considering the characteristics of China time-honored brand, this paper constructs the evaluation system and develops measurement scale of China time-honored brand image through empirical study. The study supplies effective measuring tool for academic research.Thirdly, the variable of "consumer involvement" is introduced to the model of the effect of China time-honored brands’ extension on brand image. Through empirical research, the paper confirms that in the process of China time-honored brands’extension, consumer involvement plays very important moderating effect. The effect of China time-honored brands’extension on brand image depends on the degree of consumer involvement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

