

A Study on New Countryside Movement in Korea

【作者】 张薇

【导师】 张宝仁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 韩国从20世纪10年代开始沦陷为日本的殖民地,国家的政治、经济命脉掌握在日本人手中,各种资源成为日本掠夺的目标,从而导致工农业生产处于很低的水平,百姓生活在水深火热之中。1945年日本投降后不久又爆发了朝鲜战争,使刚刚出现的恢复性经济建设再次遭受严重破坏。直到上世纪50年代中期韩国还是属于世界上最贫穷的国家之一。经济濒临崩溃,粮食问题严重,当时只能通过政府调整农业政策和美国的经济援助,渡过难关,稳定国内的社会秩序。60年代初,韩国开始推行经济开发五年计划,主要采取了非均衡发展的战略,以重化学工业和劳动力密集型的轻工业发展为中心,经过近10年的努力,韩国经济取得了较大的发展,从而为整个工业化的发展和服务业扩充打下了良好的基础,提供了大量的就业机会,为农村剩余劳动力转移到城市提供了客观条件。但与此相伴随的现象是工农业发展的严重失衡,农村问题十分突出,城乡差别不断扩大,农村经济处于落后的状态,严重影响整体经济的发展。为了改变这种局面,1970年韩国开展了“新村运动”,拉开了现代农业、农村经济建设的新帷幕。韩国新村运动通过改善农民的伦理思想,激发农民勤勉、自助与合作的精神和积极的价值观念,培养基层领导,使农民积极自愿地参与以改善农村社会经济、文化生活、环境条件等为目的的综合开发运动。韩国新村运动的目标体现为三个方面:1、伦理生活的态度转变,包括培养农民的自立、自助与合作精神,灌输现代化的生活方式和健康的生活态度,改善和转变伦理生活。2、经济发展,包括提高农民收入、实现生产机械化和技术创新、转变农业生产结构、扩大土地开发规模、发展农产品加工业等。3、社会发展,韩国新村运动后来发展成为全国性的发展运动,包括在全国范围内修筑铁路、普及用电、完善通讯设施、建设文化设施、扩大社会福利制度等。韩国新村运动最初的项目方案是由韩国内务部着手制定的,第一个项目是动员农民参与村庄的改建、农村生活环境的改善等工作。韩国政府计划了20多种建设项目,以此改善农村的生活面貌。如建桥修路、改房建厕、饮水改造、洗衣池、修建河堤、新村会馆等项目。韩国政府免费为村庄发放一定数量的水泥和钢筋,作为新村运动建设项目中村庄的公共事业建设。韩国政府把全国约35,000个村落分成基础村、自助村和自立村三种。韩国政府会把免费的物资发放给自助村和自立村,而基础村的农民则需要通过他们自己的努力自助改造,以此争取政府的资源支持。韩国新村运动调动了农民自己出资出力的积极性,到1980年,韩国政府对新村运动投入的资金为27,571亿韩元,修建村庄道路44,000千米,扩展村庄道路40,000千米,修建新村会馆35,950座,实现村村通汽车。此外,饮用水改造4,440千米,村民用上了自来水。传统的茅草屋顶全部消失,农民的收入大大增加。韩国新村运动早期是由政府主导,但一直是通过村民自治的方式建设村庄、勤劳致富,是新农村建设的成功典型。因为新村运动不仅改善了农村环境、缩小了城乡差距、缓解了社会矛盾,更重要的是推动了生产的发展和人们精神面貌方面的变化。韩国新村运动的成功经验告诉我们:工业反哺农业并非具有强大的工业基础才能进行,工业的发展提供了大量的劳动力岗位,使农村人口没有成为经济发展的阻碍,解决了农村劳动力转移的难题。韩国成功的农业现代化和农村经济发展建设之路,为世界上许多发展中国家,特别是资源匮乏、人口密度大的国家提供了学习和借鉴的素材。本文以农村、农业经济学,传统农业、农业现代化,乡村治理及农村剩余劳动力转移等理论为基础,重点分析了韩国新村运动展开的背景、推动的过程、新村运动的主要内容及特点、落实新村运动政策的途径及手段、产生的积极效果及存在的不足,并在此基础上,结合我国社会主义新农村建设的现状,提出了一些具体的想法及建议。

【Abstract】 In the1910s, Korea became the colony of Japan, the national political andeconomic arteries were grasped by the Japanese and all kinds of resources became theplundering goal of Japan, therefore, its industrial and agricultural production level waslow and the masses lived in deep water. After Japan surrendered in1945, Korean Warbroke out, which destroyed the restorative economic construction severely again.Korea was still one of the poorest countries in the world until the mid1950s. Theeconomy was on the verge of collapse and grain issue was severe, therefore, thegovernment had to adjust the agriculture policy so as to cross the difficult barriers andstabilize the domestic social order with the financial assistance of America. In the early1960s, Korea began to carry out the five-year plan of economic development andapplied non-balanced development strategy with heavy chemical industry andlabor-intensive light industry development as the center, and then the Korean economydeveloped greatly after nearly10years’ efforts, which laid a good foundation for thedevelopment of industrialization and expansion of service industry, offered a mass ofemployment opportunities and provided objective condition for the rural surplus labormigration. However, at the same time, the severe imbalance of industrial andagricultural development appeared, the rural problem was prominent, the differencebetween urban and rural areas became greater and the rural economics was behindhandwhich had a strong impact on the economic development.In order to alter the situation, Korea launched “New Countryside Movement” in1970and then the construction of modern agriculture and rural economics began. TheNew Countryside Movement in Korea stimulated the diligent, self-help andcooperative spirit and positive values of the peasants through improving their ethicalthoughts and cultivated basic-level leadership so that the peasants could participate in the comprehensive development that aimed to improve rural social economy, culturallife and environmental conditions actively and voluntarily. The objectives of NewCountryside Movement in Korea were reflected in three aspects:1, attitude change ofethical life, including cultivating the self-supporting, self-help and cooperative spirit,infusing modern life style and healthy life attitude and improving and changing ethicallife.2, economic development, including enhancing rural income, realizingmechanization and technological innovation, changing structure of agriculturalproduction, enlarging land exploitation scale and developing farming industry.3, socialdevelopment, the New Countryside Movement in Korea became a nationwidedevelopment movement afterwards, including constructing railways, popularizingelectricity utilization, perfecting communication facilities, building cultural facilitiesand expanding social welfare system on a national scale.The initial project of New Countryside Movement in Korea was established byDepartment of the Interior and the first project was to mobilize the peasants toparticipate in the reconstruction of villages and improvement of rural livingenvironment. The Korean Government planned more than20kinds of constructionprojects so as to improve the rural living environment, such as building bridges andmending roads, reconstructing houses and building toilets, rehabilitating drinkingwater and laundry tray and constructing river levees and New Town Hall. The KoreanGovernment distributed a certain amount of free cements and reinforcing bars to thevillages as the construction of village public utilities in the construction project of NewCountryside Movement.Korean government divided the35,000villages into basic villages, self-helpvillages and self-supporting villages. The Korean government distributed the freegoods and materials to the self-help villages and self-supporting villages and the basicvillages should reconstruct by themselves so as to strive for the resource support of thegovernment. The New Countryside Movement in Korea mobilized the initiative ofpeasants to make contributions and then in1980, the Korean government invested2.7571trillion KRW for the New Countryside Movement, built44,000km village roads, extended40,000km village roads, constructed35,950New Town Halls andrealized cars to every village. In addition,4,440km drinking water was transformedand the villagers could use running water. The traditional thatch roof vanished and therural income greatly increased. The New Countryside Movement in Korea wasdominated by government in the early stage, however, the villages were built throughvillage self-governance and the prosperity was achieved through hard work, which wasa successful model of new rural construction. The New Countryside Movement notonly improved the rural environment, shortened the gap between urban and ruralplaces and alleviated social contradictions, but also promoted production developmentand mental attitude changes. The successful experience of New CountrysideMovement in Korea told us: the industry repaying agriculture could be realizedwithout powerful industrial base; the industrial development offered a good deal ofjobs so that the rural population did not hinder the economic development and theproblem of rural labor transfer was solved. The successful agricultural modernizationand rural economic development and construction road in Korea provided thereference material for many developing countries in the world, especially the countriesthat were lack of resources and had large population density.In this thesis, based on the theories of rural and agricultural economics, traditionalagriculture, agricultural modernization, rural governance and rural surplus labormigration, the background and impetus process of New Countryside Movement inKorea, the main contents and characteristics of New Countryside Movement, the waysand means to implement New Countryside Movement Policy and the effective resultsand shortcomings are analyzed, and on this basis some specific ideas and suggestionsare posed after combining with the current situation of new socialist countrysideconstruction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】F331.26;D731.26
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】829
  • 攻读期成果

