

The Study of Gao Qinghai’s Philosophy

【作者】 张伟娟

【导师】 高文新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 二十世纪八十年代前后,我国社会发生了巨大的变化,而这些变化则主要集中表现在改变现状方面。在实践领域,邓小平领导中国人民开始了改革开放的艰难探索,逐渐改变中国闭关锁国、贫穷落后的状况,引领中国走上了改革开放的道路。在理论领域,高清海率先突破传统苏式哲学教科书的理论体系,改变了建国以来我国马克思主义理论的固定体系,这个体系是建国初期苏联专家援建过来的,它代表着苏联人在特定的历史背景下对马克思主义哲学的理解。高清海对马克思哲学的创新性解读,实现了中国哲学与世界哲学的同步,他也因此成为了我国二十世纪后半叶的哲学家。我国目前的状况是:在实践领域,以邓小平理论为指导,中国人民从事着人类最伟大、最先进的实践活动;而在理论领域,我国各类高校的课堂上使用的仍然是以传统苏联哲学教科书为蓝本的本体论教科书体系,高清海所取得的研究成果并没有在马克思主义哲学教科书中得到体现。这种理论和实践上所形成的巨大反差,成为了我国当前社会的一种奇特现象。高清海的哲学理论产生于改革开放的时代背景中,同时也为理解改革开放提供了理论指导。高清海打破教条主义的束缚,开启了我国独立研究马克思主义哲学的道路,结束了只有政治领袖才具有的对马克思主义哲学的解释和发展特权,使中国哲学具有了世界先进水平。我国改革开放的深入进行,必然要求与之发展相适应的理论思想,只有在改革开放的背景下才能真正体会高清海哲学思想的重大意义,也只有真正理解高清海的哲学思想,才能真正理解改革开放,这两个方面是相互促进、协调发展的。二十世纪八十年代前后,邓小平在实践的道路上领导中国人民走上了改革开放的道路,带领我们逐渐走向了繁荣富强。高清海则在理论的道路上率先突破了苏联传统哲学教科书的思维模式,打破了在马克思主义理论方面苏联人一家之言的局面,为改革开放的深入展开提供了理论支撑。本文以哲学教科书体系改革理论为中心,同时涉及到对马克思哲学的创新性解读、类哲学等理论内容展开了对高清海哲学思想的研究。本文共分为4章:第1章,中国传统哲学教科书的解析。辛亥革命失败、新文化运动、五四运动等构成了先进的中国人在我国早期传播马克思主义理论的重要社会条件。经过马克思主义在我国的早期传播,建国后在苏联专家的援助下,我国各类高校开始大规模的使用苏联哲学教科书。苏中关系破裂后,由艾思奇同志主编了新中国第一本由中国人自己编写的哲学教科书——《辩证唯物主义历史唯物主义》,在其之后我国出版了众多的各种版本的哲学教科书,这些教科书大部分都没有打破苏式哲学教科书的模式,只有极少数的例外。究其根源,当我们对苏式哲学教科书进行反思的时候,发现它也有其自己的理论根源、演进以及存在的问题。苏式哲学教科书由于其特殊的地位,对我国的社会实践产生了不容忽视的重要影响。第2章,冲破传统教科书体系,开辟哲学解放之路。改革开放以后,邓小平同志在实践上领导中国人民打破教条主义的束缚,进行了改革开放的艰难探索,并取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。哲学是时代精神的精华,我国的社会现实发生了翻天覆地的变化,那么我们的哲学理论又是什么样的状况呢?这时我们就会发现一个与我国当前社会实践极不协调的现象,那就是我们现在所使用的哲学教科书从实质上看并没有摆脱苏联哲学教科书模式的束缚。面对这一问题,高清海经过多年的思考和探索,在1985年和1987年出版了《马克思主义哲学基础》(上、下册)。这本书的诞生,冲破了传统哲学教科书的理论体系,实现了中国哲学的认识论转向,开启了人们独立研究马克思主义哲学的道路。第3章,超越自我,实现哲学理论的突破。《马克思主义哲学基础》的诞生,冲破了传统的苏联哲学教科书体系,打破了教条主义的束缚,解放了人们的思想。在此基础上,高清海不断的超越自我,实现了哲学理论的不断突破。他在八十年代中后期到九十年代初力主实践观点的思维方式,实现了对马克思哲学的创新性解读。从九十年代中期开始,人的问题成为了他哲学研究的主题,他并进一步在对人的问题的研究基础上提出了“类哲学”的理论观点。第4章,二十世纪后半叶的哲学家。十九世纪前后,西方的现代哲学家们、孔德和马克思从不同的角度几乎同时实现了现代的哲学思维。高清海打破教条主义的束缚,将马克思的实践观点理解为一种思维方式,实现了对马克思哲学的创新性解读,这使得中国哲学与现代的人类哲学思维同步。十一届三中全会以后,邓小平同志领导中国人民在实践领域进行了改革开放的艰难探索,改变了中国贫穷落后的状况,引领中国走上了繁荣富强的道路。高清海在理论领域率先打破传统苏联哲学教科书的理论体系,开辟了哲学解放的道路,并且对马克思哲学进行了创新性的解读,实现了中国哲学与世界哲学的同步。他们作为中国社会发展的两个方面,一个注重实践和政治领域,一个注重理论和学术领域,二者相辅相成、协调发展,共同推动了中国社会的进步。

【Abstract】 Before and after nineteen eighties, great changes have taken place in our country.And these changes are mainly reflected in the change of the status quo. In practicefield, Deng Xiaoping led Chinese people began a difficult explore to reform andopening up, gradually changing china’s situation of isolation and poverty, leadingChinese people embarked on the road of reform and opening up. In theory field, GaoQinghai first break through the traditional theory system of Soviet-style philosophytextbooks and changed the fixed system since the founding of our nation, this systemwas looted from soviet experts in the early days of the founding of our nation, itrepresented soviets’ understanding of Marxist philosophy under specific historicalcondition. The innovative interpretation of Marxist philosophy has realizedsynchronization of Chinese philosophy and the world’s. Gao Qinghai thus has becomea philosopher of our country in the late of the twentieth century.Our current situation is: in practice field, in the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory,Chinese people were engaged in the greatest and most advanced practical activity ofhuman beings; while in the theory field, the use of various colleges and universities inthe classroom is still based on traditional soviet philosophy textbooks modeledontology textbook system. Gao Qinghai’s research results have not been reflected inMarxist philosophy textbook. This kind of huge contrast between practice and theoryhas become o peculiar phenomenon in our current country.Gao Qinghai’s philosophical theories come from the era background of reformand opening up, and also provided theoretical guidance of understanding reform andopening up, Gao Qinghai break dogmatism, opened the way to independent research ofMarxist philosophy in our nation, ended the privilege that only the political leadershave to interpret and develop Marxist philosophy, so that Chinese philosophy has advanced to world level. The deepening carry out of China’s reform and opening upmade it inevitable to develop compatible theoretical ideas, only in the context ofreform and opening up can we truly appreciate the significance of Gao Qinghai’sphilosophical thought, and only truly understand Gao Qinghai’s philosophy can wetruly understanding of the reform and opening up, these two aspects are mutuallyreinforcing and coordinated development.Before and after nineteen eighties, Deng Xiaoping led us to the road to reform andopening up in practice, and made us gradually towards prosperous. Gao Qinghai firstbroke through the traditional philosophy textbook Soviet mode of thinking in theory,broke the situation of Marxist theory of the Soviet Union a preliminary view, providedtheoretical support for the deepening of reform and opening up. In this paperresearched Gao Qinghai’s philosophy according to the core of the reform, and it alsorelated to innovative interpretation of Marxist philosophy, philosophy and other classes.This paper is divided into four chapters:Chapter1, Chinese traditional philosophy textbook resolution. The revolution of1911failed, the New Culture Movement, the May fourth Movement and otheradvanced Chinese people constitute an important social conditions in the early spreadof Marxism in China. After the early spread of Marxism in our country, with theassistance of Soviet experts after the founding of our nation, various Chinese collegesand universities began large-scale use the Soviet Union philosophy textbook, After therupture of relations with the Soviet Union, Comrade Ai Siqi edited the New China’sfirst philosophy textbook written by the Chinese themselves-“dialectical materialism,historical materialism”,after that, a large number of various versions of Philosophytextbooks have been published, most of these textbooks have not broken theSoviet-style philosophy textbook model, only a handful of exceptions. Trace to thesource, when we reflect on the Soviet-style philosophy textbook, we found it also hasits own theoretical roots, evolution and problems. Soviet-style philosophy textbookbecause of its special status, it had an important impact on the practice of our societythat can not be ignored. Chapter2, breaking the traditional textbook system, opening the road to liberationphilosophy. After the reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping led the Chinese peoplebreaking dogmatism in the practice, carried out hard reform exploration of reform andopening up, and has made remarkable achievements. Philosophy is the essence of thespirit of the times, enormous changes occurred in China’s social reality, then what kindof situation our philosophy is? At this time, we will find a very uncoordinatedphenomenon with our current social practice, that is the philosophy textbook we usedin essence did not get rid of the shackles of Soviet philosophy textbook model. Facedwith this problem, after years of thinking and exploration Gao Qinghai published "Thephilosophical basis of Marxism"(upper and lower volumes) in1985and1987. Thisbook was born to break the traditional philosophy textbook theoretical system, hasachieved the Chinese philosophical epistemology turn, opened the way peopleindependent study of Marxist philosophy.Chapter3, beyond the self, to achieve a breakthrough of philosophical theories.The born of "The philosophical basis of Marxism", broke the traditional Sovietphilosophy textbook system and the dogmatism,liberated people’s minds. On this basis,Gao Qinghai constantly better himself, achieved a constant breakthroughs inphilosophical theories. In late eighties and early nineties his advocated way of thinkingin practical point of view, achieved an innovative interpretation of Marxist philosophy.From the mid-1990s, people’s problems become the subject of his study of philosophy,he did further research on the basis of people’s problems on proposed "the genusphilosophy " theory point of view.Chapter4, the late twentieth century’s philosophers. Before and after thenineteenth century, modern Western philosophers, Comte and Marx achieved a modernphilosophical thinking almost simultaneously from different angles. Gao Qinghaibroke the dogmatism, understood Marx’s practical point of view as a way of thinking,achieved an innovative interpretation of Marx’s philosophy, which makes Chinesephilosophy and modern humans philosophical thinking in sync.After the Third Plenary Session of the11th Central Committee, Deng Xiaoping led Chinese people began a difficult explore to reform and opening up, graduallychanging china’s situation of poverty, leading Chinese people embarked on the road ofprosperous. Gao Qinghai first break through the traditional theory system ofSoviet-style philosophy textbooks, opened the way to liberate philosophy. Theinnovative interpretation of Marxist philosophy has realized synchronization ofChinese philosophy and the world’s. Both of them as two aspect of Chinese societydevelopment, one focused on practical and political field, another one focused ontheoretical and academic fields, this two complement each other and coordinateddevelopment, jointly promote the progress of Chinese society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

