

Research on the Poetry Published in the Press of the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China

【作者】 焦宝

【导师】 程丽红;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 自1815年第一种中文报刊《察世俗每月统纪传》创刊,作为现代大众传媒的报刊开始进入中文世界。自兹始,中国文化开始借助报刊传播。以文学传播而论,报刊出现与勃兴的晚清时期,是中国古典文学的历史性总结与新变之时代。诗创作上,同光体诗大行其道,其后有梁启超等人借助报刊之传播力倡导“诗界革命”的诗歌改良运动,此后南社诗人群体的崛起以及与同光体宋诗派诗人之间的交锋等等,代表了晚清民初时期诗创作的繁荣;词创作方面,晚清四大家的词创作是清词的殿军,与此同时,有大量的词作通过报刊发表,表现出新颖特质,直至民国之后词学研究和词学创作出现专刊;古文创作上,桐城古文风行,此后梁启超等人开启的“报章体”对桐城文风构成冲击,报刊传播推动着演说及白话文运动发展,可以说,传统文学的创作活动也同新文学一样,在报刊新传播媒介的影响下,出现了波澜壮阔的变革景象。目前,对于晚清以迄民国时期的报刊文学,学界的研究多集中于报载小说方面,并取得了丰硕的成果,实则,晚清的时代,诗词是占据着报刊版面很大篇幅的,报刊刊载的诗词以及相关文献,亦是极具研究价值的重要文化遗产。晚清民国时期报刊诗词研究,学界实已有关注,但相关论文不仅数量极少,研究亦不成系统,少数研究集中在几种大报或“诗界革命”等诗史“节点”上。本文力求对晚清民国报刊诗词做一通观之扫描,以冀形成较成体系之研究。第一章,关注报刊诗词与晚清社会文化之变迁,主要从三方面入手:一是从传教士报刊刊载诗词入手,以见诗词中西方文化在华演进之轨迹;二是对商业报刊主要是《申报》文学附张刊载诗词进行考察,以见报刊传播所带来的诗词文化变革;三是以女性报刊刊载诗词为中心,选取陈撷芬及其《女报》(《女学报》)刊载诗词为具体文本,分析报刊诗词与晚清社会的女权运动、女性文化之关系。第二章,考察报刊诗词与晚清维新自强运动。晚清维新自强运动,一改由器物层面向西方学习,而触动中国文化之根本,康有为梁启超等人进行了积极的活动。本文以梁启超在戊戌维新失败后主持的《清议报》所刊诗作为中心,对《清议报》中的主要诗人进行了较为详细之考论,当有一定价值。第三章,专论报刊诗词与晚清以迄民初的文化变局。以梁启超在1902以后所办报刊刊发的诗词为线索,对这些报刊上的诗人诗作进行细致分析,可以发现,无论是诗界革命派、同光体派、南社诸子,不仅其诗作中表现出的政治与文化态度之变迁值得深思,并且可以确认,无论采取怎样的诗学策略,他们共同的努力方向,正是激发中国诗歌在文化变局中的活力,而他们的诗学分化,大半并非是诗学渊源的迥异,更多是源于文化变局中的不同选择。第四章,论报刊诗词推动着诗词在汉文化圈的影响。论述以民国时期日人在大连所办之《辽东诗坛》为研究文本展开。《辽东诗坛》刊发了大量中日两国诗人的作品,其中不乏两国诗界之第一流诗人,他们在诗文中表现出的对汉文化的认同,提示我们作为现代传媒的报刊,对于推动诗词文化作为汉文化圈共同文化遗产产生的重要影响。系统整理晚清民国时期的报刊诗词并进行深入之考察,可以发现,报刊刊载诗词数量众多,质量虽泥沙俱下,但不乏大家力作。报刊诗词虽是诗词史重要组成部分,但有其自身发展与演进之历程。报刊诗词经历了早期外国传教士报刊的偶然为之,到商业报刊开辟专栏或附张以聚拢作者与受众,再到《清议报》、《新民丛报》及《国粹学报》等报刊刊载诗词对诗词史产生重要影响,直至民国后诗词专刊出现的过程。从整个诗词传播史来看,报刊诗词带给诗词传播的是由群体传播向大众传播的改变,在诗词传播史上亦具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Since1815, the first Chinese newspaper " Chinese Monthly Magazine" founded asa modern mass media, newspapers began to enter the Chinese world. Since thebeginning hereby, Chinese culture began to spread by means of the press. In terms ofliterary communication, newspapers appeared with the flourishing of the late QingDynasty, the era of Chinese classical literature and historical summary of the newchanges. On Poetry, poetry popular with light, Liang et al subsequently spread bymeans of force newspapers to promote "Poetic Revolution" reform movement poetry,poets Nanshe rise thereafter between groups and poets with a light body with Songconfrontation, etc., on behalf of the prosperity of the poems in the late Qing period;word creation, the creation of the late Qing Dynasty Four words are clear wordrunner-up, at the same time, a large number of newspapers published by Ci exhibitnovel trait until Ci Ci research and the creation of special issue occurs after theRepublic; the classical creation, Tongcheng popular classical, then turned Liang et al,"the press body" style of Tongcheng a shock, speech and the press to promote thespread of vernacular movement development, can that traditional literary creativeactivity also with the new literature, as under the influence of newspapers and newmedia, there have been changes in the magnificent scene. Currently, newspapers andliterature until the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the study focused on theacademic aspects of newspaper reports more than fiction, and achieved fruitful results,but in reality, the late Qing era, poetry is the layout occupies much space in newspapers,newspapers published poetry and literature, is also an important cultural heritage ofgreat research value.Newspapers during the late Qing Dynasty poetry research, academia has been realconcern, but only very few relevant papers, research nor a system, few studies havefocused on several major newspapers or "Poetic Revolution" and Epic "nodes." Thispaper seeks to poems of the late Qing Dynasty newspapers do a pass scanning of view,with a view over the formation of research into the system. The first chapter, concerned community newspapers poetry and cultural changesof the late Qing Dynasty, the main three-pronged approach: first poems published innewspapers from the missionaries start to see traces the evolution of poetry in Westernculture in China; Second, the main commercial newspapers is a "declaration" ofliterature published poems attached sheets to inspect, to see newspapers spread culturalchanges brought about poetry; three newspapers published poems are female-centric,select Xie Fen Chen and "F"(’Girl’) concrete poetry published texts, poems andnewspaper analysis of the feminist movement of the late Qing Dynasty, the relationshipbetween female culture.The second chapter, study self-reform newspapers and poetry with the late Qingmovement. Restoration late Qing self-strengthening movement, a change in the level oflearning to the West by the objects, and the root of Chinese culture touched, KangLiang, who had a positive activity. In this paper, after the Hundred Days Reform failedLiang presided over the "Qing Yi newspaper" laid down in the poem as a center,"QingYi reported" major poets of a more detailed examination of the theory, when there is acertain value.The third chapter, monographs newspapers poetry and late Ching earlyRepublican culture-changing. Liang Qichao in1902after the newspaper publishedpoems do for clues, these poems of the poet newspapers on careful analysis, we findthat both the revolutionary poetry circles, with light body faction, Nanshe, not only inhis poems showing the changes in the political and cultural attitudes is worth pondering,and can confirm that no matter how poetic strategies, the direction of their joint efforts,China is to stimulate the vitality of the cultural change in the situation in poetry, and thecredit of their poems, most of Poetry is not the origin of the different, more culturalchange in the situation stems from the different options.Chapter IV of this article, the impact on newspapers and poetry promote poetry inthe Chinese cultural circle. Discussion with the Republic of China run by the Japanesein Dalian "Liaodong Parnassus" text for the study commenced."Liaodong poetry"published in a large number of Chinese and Japanese poets, many of whom are first-ratepoet poetry circles of the two countries, they showed in the poetry of Han cultural identity, suggesting that we, as modern media of newspapers, for promote poetryculture as a common cultural heritage of Chinese cultural circle generated significantimpact.System during the late Qing Dynasty poetry finishing newspapers and depth of theinvestigation, we can find numerous poems published in newspapers and the quantity,quality, although Nishajuxia, but no lack of people masterpiece. Although poetry ispoetry newspapers an important part of history, but there is the course of their owndevelopment and evolution. Newspaper poetry experienced early foreign missionarieswhom accidentally newspapers, newspaper column in the business or attached sheets togather the author and the audience, to "Qing Yi News","Xinmin newspaper" and"quintessence Journal" newspaper published poetry for an important impact on thehistory of poetry, poetry until the process after Republican special issue arise. Poetryfrom the entire history of the spread, the spread of newspapers and poetry to bringpoetry is changed by the mass media of communication to the population, but also ofgreat significance in the history of poetry spread.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

