

The Research on the Legal Countermeasures of the College Students’ Mass Incidents

【作者】 张继红

【导师】 崔卓兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 高校学生群体性事件时有发生并有增长的趋势,表明目前高校对学生群体性事件的防治对策缺乏实效性。对高校学生群体性事件的有效预防和化解,决定着高校的稳定与和谐,更关乎整个社会的稳定与和谐。我国目前正处于社会转型期,面对新形势下高校学生群体性事件呈现的新变化、新特点,高校必须重新反思和构想其防治对策。我们应在客观审视现有防治对策之利弊的同时,从宪法和行政法的视角,构建有效化解高校学生群体性事件的法律防治对策体系。目前,从法律视角对高校学生群体性事件的防治对策加以研究的成果较少,也不够系统。而群体性事件的法律化解机制方面的研究正蒸蒸日上。因此,将群体性事件的法律防治对策方面的研究成果有针对性地移植于高校学生群体性事件的化解过程中,必然会增强高校学生群体性事件的防治对策的实效性。而且,对于维护高校的和谐、稳定有积极的意义。从社会学视角来看,高校学生群体性事件是高校与学生之间冲突的集中体现,它有其正向的积极功能。如:高校学生群体性事件为高校自我调整提供了契机,具有促进高校持久稳定的功能。高校学生群体性事件有助于激发高校新规范和制度的建立。高校学生群体性事件是重要的冲突平衡机制,有助于实现校生关系的动态平衡。高校学生群体性事件是高校稳定的“安全阀”。高校学生群体性事件是学生群体表达利益诉求的重要方式,从法学视角来看,是高校学生在制度内的公力救济救济不能时,采取的制度外群体自力救济。高校学生群体性事件的法律分析如下:高校学生群体性事件的本质是高校行政管理权与学生权利之间冲突的集中体现;高校学生群体性事件的根源是高校自身管理权的滥用导致学生权利的受损;高校学生群体性事件治理的关键在于依法治校,依章程治校。总之,我国立法对群体性事件、乃至高校学生群体性事件的制度化能力才是决定高校稳定发展的关键所在。这种制度化能力取决于高校的民主化程度、高校学生组织的发达程度和多样性、高校管理权力与学生权利的平衡程度。通过2005年——2012年八年间的调查数据呈现的高校群体性事件的新特点,并对比1989年——2000年之间的高校学生群体性事件的特点,分析其产生的新变化,并挖掘这些新变化、新趋势的诱因和根源。为高校群体性事件的法律防治对策体系的构建提供有针对性的实证依据。高校学生群体性事件的新特点如下:高校学生群体性事件的诱因由以政治性诉求为主,转为利益性诉求为主。从“维稳”话语体系,到“和谐校园”话语体系,开始注重构建和谐的校生关系。高校对学生群体性事件的防治观有所转变,由重视事后应对转为重视全程防治,由单一保卫部门处置转为高校各方力量联合应对。高校对学生群体性事件的治理由政治性手段开始向法理性手段转变。高校学生群体性事件的现有防治对策存在诸多缺陷,特别是存在诸多法治缺陷。然而,事实证明,我们要构建高校学生群体性事件的防治对策体系,在强调对学生群体性事件的法律控制的前提下,必须综合运用法律、道德、政治、经济、文化等各种手段来实现对高校学生群体性事件的有效预防与化解。高校学生群体性事件的现有防治对策主要包括:事前预防机制;事中应对机制;善后处置机制。现有防治对策的法治缺陷有:现有防治对策体现的单向度的、压制型管理理念和模式,不利于和谐校生关系的确立。现有防治对策透明度差,不利于校生协商沟通。现有防治对策规范化程度低,制度与法制建设薄弱,不利于维护学生权利。学生权利救济机制实效性差,不利于学生权利的有效保障。构建高校学生群体性事件的法律防治对策体系:首先,主要包括一些治理理念上、国家立法、高校校内立法等方面的对策,如,高校对学生群体性事件的行政治理模式应由“压制型”转为“回应型”;完善高校章程,保障学生权利,制约高校管理权力,彰显学生主体地位;完善高校章程以外的一般校内规章制度,使其依法而立,保持其和我国教育行政法制体系的一致性;完善学生校内申诉等权利救济途径,保障学生合法权益。其中,高校对学生群体性事件的回应型治理模式的具体实现机制包括:以学生权利为本位,切实保障学生的参与权;建立校生协商机制、有效运用非强制行政手段服务于学生;重视学生的程序性权利和实体性权利的保障;注重高校信息公开;构建高校学生群体性事件的行政问责机制。其次,高校学生群体性事件的具体法律防治对策包括:构建高校校生协商机制;保障学生对高校管理决策的参与权;高校信息公开;构建高校学生群体性事件的行政问责制。总之,治理理念、立法手段和具体实现机制等法律防治对策综合运用,方能有效调整高校管理权与学生权利的关系,实现和谐校生关系,最终促成对高校学生群体性事件的依法防治。

【Abstract】 The tendency of the growth of the college students’ mass incidents suggests thatthe current countermeasures of the college students’ mass incidents are lack ofeffectiveness. The effective prevention and resolution of the college students’ massincidents will impact on the stability and harmony of colleges and universities, andimpact on the stability of the whole society. Our country is in the period of socialtransition, and facing the new situation of the new features of the college students’mass incidents, the colleges have to rethink and refactor the countermeasures. Weshould survey the advantages and disadvantages of current countermeasuresobjectively, and construct the effective, legal countermeasures system based on theperspective of the constitution and administrative law. At present, the research of thelegal countermeasures of the college students’ mass incidents is less and it is notenough systematic. And the research of the legal resolution mechanism of the massincidents is thriving. Therefore, we can target and transplant the legal countermeasuresof the mass incidents into the resolving process of the college students’ mass incidents,and it is bound to strengthen the actual effects of the college students’ mass incidents.Moreover, it will have the positive significance to maintain the harmony and stabilityof the colleges and universities.From the perspective of sociology, the college students’ mass incidents are theconcentrated reflection of conflicts between the college and the students, and it has itspositive function. For example, the college students’ mass incidents provide thecolleges an opportunity to adjust itself, and it can promote the colleges and universitiesto maintain stability. The college students’ mass incidents could inspire the newsystems of colleges and universities. And it is the important balance mechanism ofconflicts; it could help to achieve the dynamic equilibrium relationship between the college and the students. The college students’ mass incidents are a "safety valve" ofthe stability of colleges and universities.The college students’ mass incidents is an important method of students groups’interests expression, and from the perspective of law, it is the private remedy of thecollege students when they couldn’t receive the public remedies. The legal analysis ofthe college students’ mass incidents is as follows: The nature of the college students’mass incidents is the conflicts between the administrative management in college andstudents’ rights; the root of the college students’ mass incidents is the damages of thestudents’ rights from the power of college. The key to the management of the collegestudents’ mass incidents is in accordance with the law of country and the articles of thecollege. In short, the capacity of institution of Chinese legislation on mass incidentsand the college students’ mass incidents is the key to the steady development ofcolleges and universities. And the institutional capacity depends on the degree ofdemocratization of college, the developed degree and the diversity of the students’groups of college, the balance level between the power of college and students’ rights.Through the eight years’ survey data of2005-2012, the three research subjects ofthe Ministry of Education related to the college students’ mass incidents and thestability of colleges, we can analyze the current situation and new features of thecollege students’ mass incidents. Comparing the new features with the features of1989-2000, we can analyze the new features and dig into the roots of the new tendencyand new features. We can construct the legal countermeasures system of the collegestudents’ mass incidents based on the empirical data. The new features of the collegestudents’ mass incidents are as follows: The cause of the college students’ massincidents is moves political aspirations primarily to interests appeal primarily. Fromthe "stability" discourse system to the "harmonious campus" discourse system, thecolleges begin to pay attention to the construction the harmonious relations betweenthe college and the students. The colleges’ concept of prevention and manage of thecollege students’ mass incidents begins to change from the attention of the later copingstrategy to the attention of the whole course. And it changes from a single disposal ofthe defend department to the jointly coping with the every department. The management of college for the college students’ mass incidents is changed politicalmethods to legal methods.There are many defects on the existing countermeasures of the college students’mass incidents; especially there are many legal defects on the countermeasures.However, the facts are that we construct the countermeasures system of the collegestudents’ mass incidents, with emphasis on the legal control of the college students’mass incidents, we must synthetically use of the legal, moral, political, economic,culture and other methods to achieve the effective prevention and control to the collegestudents’ mass incidents. The current countermeasures of the college students’ massincidents mainly include: prevention mechanism; Coping mechanism; the aftermathmechanism coping with the mass incidents. There are many defects on the currentcountermeasures as follows: the management concept and model of theone-dimensional and suppression of existing countermeasures, it couldn’t establish aharmonious relationship between the college and the students. The transparency of theexisting countermeasures is poor, and it couldn’t facilitate the communication of thecollege and the students. The low degree of standardization of the existingcountermeasures, system and legal system construction are weak; it is not conductiveto maintain the rights of the students. The effectiveness of the student’ right remediesmechanism is poor; it is not conductive to guarantee the rights of the students.We construct the legal countermeasures system of the college students’ massincidents: Firstly, it should be included the countermeasures on some managementconcept, national legislation, and the legislation of college. For example, the college ofadministration pattern to the students’ mass incidents should be from the "suppression"to the "response" type. The college should improve the university statutes, protect therights of students, and promote the status of students. The college should perfect thecommon rules and regulations, and maintain the consistency of the educationadministrative legal system of country. The college should improve the student’ rightsremedies mechanism. The college should build the consultation mechanism betweenthe college and students; ensure the participation of the students on the managementsand decision-making of college. The implementation mechanisms of the response management mode of the college students’ mass incidents include: The College shouldinsist on the students’ rights-oriented, and ensure the participation of the students;construct the consultation mechanism between the college and students, effectively usethe non-compulsory administrative measures to serve students; Attach greatimportance to the safeguard of the students’ procedural rights and substantive rights;Pay attention to the information disclosure; Construct the administrative accountabilitysystem of the college students’ mass incidents. Secondly, the specific legalcountermeasures of the college students’ mass incidents can be included as follows:The College should build the consultation mechanism between the college andstudents; ensure the participation of the students on the managements anddecision-making of college. The college should maintain the information disclosure;build the administrative accountability system of the college students’ mass incidents.In short, the integrated use of management concept, legislation and specificcountermeasures, it can effectively adjust the relationship between the colleges’ powerand students’ rights, promote the harmonious relationship between the college andstudents, eventually lead to the legal prevention and control of the the college students’mass incidents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

