

Study on the Development of Cultural Industry in the Notrheast Area Based on the New Economic Growth Point

【作者】 李建柱

【导师】 徐充;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文的核心问题在于研究:东北地区在培育文化产业成为新经济增长点这一发展战略上所存在的宏观和微观两大层面问题,造成上述问题的经济和非经济的多重制约因素,以及为摆脱上述问题而应该采取的可行对策。根据这一研究设想,全文六章分别解决了研究背景、理论基础、产业发展历史与现状、制约因素、国外经验借鉴和本地应对措施等六大问题。导论认为,培育文化产业成为新经济增长点是东北资源枯竭型城市突破资源瓶颈实现经济转型的必由之路,是保存、传承、创新关东特色地域文化的可行之举,也是增强东北地区文化整体竞争力的必然选择,必将对区域文化产品生产与消费方式、区域经济文化综合竞争力,乃至区域特色文化文明的保存和传承等产生长期、持续而显著的影响。第2章研究了马克思主义经典作家和现代西方思想家的若干文化发展思想。马克思主义为东北地区文化产业发展提供了根本的理论指南,必须坚持马克思主义尤其是马克思主义中国化最新成果对区域文化产业发展的指导。同时,应该明确马克思主义文化理论的特殊语境和特殊指向,以科学的态度对待马克思主义文化理论。当代西方思想界为文化产业发展提供了文化资本理论、文化权利理论、思想市场理论等新观点,应深入研究上述文化理论的科学内涵,大胆吸收其理论精华,为东北地区文化产业发展提供有益借鉴。第3章从历史演进的视角梳理了东北地区文化产业从萌芽到繁荣的历史。东北文化产业最早可以追溯到清末现代印书馆和新式报纸,其后经过民国初期、伪满洲国时期、解放战争和建国初期,计划经济时期和改革开放等五大发展阶段,形成了表演艺术、广播影视、新闻出版和动漫游戏等四大优势产业部门,为培育文化产业成为区域新经济增长点奠定了产业基础。第4章将产业经济学、文化地理学和制度经济学的理论引入到对制约东北地区文化产业生长为新经济增长点的分析中,认为制约东北地区发展文化产业的因素十分复杂,既有经济因素,也有文化因素;既有体制性问题,也有制度性缺陷;既有自然地理区位原因,也有历史文化方面的原因。该章主要讨论了自然地理区位、人才队伍、资本、文化体制、投融资渠道等五大制约因素,创造性地论述了文化产业观念和文化产业环境两大因素。东北特殊自然地理环境造成了特殊的文化品格,这种包容开放、多元一体的关东文化品格属于典型的北方文化涵养出来的文化品格,它正面表现为诚恳直爽、热情泼辣、幽默风趣的文化性格;反面则表现为知足常乐、小富即安、过度粗放的缺陷,缺乏文化创新的动力。这种具有双重性的文化品格衍生出了一些错误的文化产业观念,例如“文化技术化”思维、“文化泛经济化”思维,文化管制思维等,东北地区在培育文化产业过程中应注意避免上述认识误区。针对当前东北地区思想文化领域中的保守氛围,在制度经济学家科斯和创意阶级理论创始人佛罗里达观点的启发下,本文分析了文化环境对文化产业发展的重要制约作用,提出科学理想的文化产业环境应该具有“自由宽松、包容开放、竞争激励”的特征。受上述多重因素的综合影响,导致东北地区在培育文化产业成为区域经济发展的新经济增长点过程中面临如下五大问题。一是文化产业管理机构设置不合理,产业法规不健全;二是文化产业规模较小,产业竞争力不强;三是文化产业产品链条不完整,价值链条低端化;四是文化产业还存在传统业态与新兴业态、中心城市与边缘城市和农村、骨干大型文化企业和中小微型企业之间的三大发展不平衡现象;五是文化产业发展动力不足。第5章探讨了文化产业强国美国、日本和韩国培育文化产业的举措和启示。日韩两国政府在健全政府文化职能机构、拓展产业融资渠道、开拓海外文化市场等方面,美国政府在保护知识产权、推动文化与科技融合、开放思想市场等方面的做法,都为东北地区振兴文化产业提供了有益启示。第6章尝试提出解决上述问题的合理对策。东北地区要培育文化产业成为新经济增长点,首要之举在于厘清政府和市场的权力边界,确定双方各自的职责角色,坚持发挥政府的先导性作用和市场的决定性作用,正确处理政府和市场的关系,防止政府对文化市场的过度干预和不当干预,发挥价格规律、供求规律、竞争规律在文化资源配置中的决定性作用。其次,要创新投融资模式,充分发挥财政资金的金融杠杆作用,引导吸收社会资本和外资有序进入文化产业资金紧缺的环节,同时要提高文化企业的经营管理水平,防控文化产业风险,防止文化资源浪费。第三,东北文化产业要超越其他文化产业发达地区的发展水平,关键还在于多出文化艺术精品,实现文化作品的商业化、产业化。第四,要逐步推进文化开放,扩大对外文化贸易规模,提升文化产品和服务的水平和结构,发挥对外出口特殊区域对文化开放的支持作用。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on researching the following core issues: the macroscopic andmicrocosmic problems existing in the development strategy of cultivating culturalindustry into new economic growth point in northeast China, multiple restrainingeconomic and non-economic factors leading to the above problems and the feasiblemeasures to get rid of these problems. According to this research idea, the currentpaper is divided into six chapters that deal with research background, theoreticalfoundation, the development history and present situation of industry, the restrainingfactors, the foreign experience for reference and the local measures respectively.In accordance with the introduction, in the period of economic crisis, to cultivatecultural industry into new economic growth point is the only way forresource-exhausted cities in northeast China to breakthrough resource bottleneck andrealize the economic transformation. It is also the feasible method to preserve, inheritand innovate the regional culture with northeast characteristics and the inevitablechoice to enhance the overall competitiveness of culture in northeast China. It willcertainly have a long-term, continuous and remarkable influence on production andconsumption patterns of regional culture products, comprehensive competitiveness ofregional economy and culture and even the preservation and inheritance of culture andcivilization with regional characteristics.Chapter Two probes into several cultural development ideas of classical Marxistwriters and modern western thinkers. Marxism provides fundamental theoreticalguidance for the development of cultural industry in northeast China. We must upholdMarxism, especially the guidance of the latest achievement of Marxism in China forregional cultural industry development. Meanwhile, we should make clear the specialcontext and special direction of Marxist cultural theory and adopt a scientific attitudetowards Marxism. In addition, the contemporary western circles also provide newopinions such as Cultural Capital Theory, Cultural Rights Theory and Marketplace ofIdeas for the development of cultural industry. It is necessary to further investigate thescientific connotation of the above cultural theories, absorb their theoretical essenceboldly and provide the beneficial reference for the development of cultural industry innortheast China.Chapter Three presents the history of cultural industry in northeast China fromgermination to its prosperity from the perspective of historical evolution. The culturalindustry in northeast China can be traced back to the modern press and modernnewspaper in late Qing dynasty. Then it developed through five stages, namely, theearly period of the Republic of China, the Manchuria period, the period of War ofLiberation and the early days of new China, the planned economy period and thereform and opening-up period and has formed four advantage industry sectorsincluding performance art, radio film and television, press and publication andanimation, comic and game, which lay an industrial foundation for cultivating culturalindustry into regional new economic growth point.Chapter Four introduces the theories of economic geography, cultural geography and institutional economics into the analysis of factors that restrict the cultivation ofcultural industry in northeast China into new economic growth point. It is consideredthat the factors are very complicated: it involves not only economic factors but alsocultural factors; it has to do with both systematic problems and institutional defects; itis concerned with physical geographical location reasons as well as historical andcultural reasons. This chapter mainly focuses on discussing five restraining factorsincluding physical geographical location, talent teams, capital, cultural institutionsand investment and financing channels and creatively expounds cultural industryconcept and cultural industry environment. The special physical geographicenvironment in northeast China gives rise to special cultural character. The culturalcharacter of inclusiveness, openness and pluralistic integration belongs to typicalcultural character cultivated by northern culture. It is positively reflected in thecultural character of sincerity and heartiness, enthusiasm and vigorousness and goodsense of humor. It is negatively embodied in the cultural character of contentment, thedefects of excessive extensiveness and the lack of impetus for cultural innovation.Such dual cultural character brings about some incorrect cultural industry conceptssuch as the “cultural technicalization” thought, the “culture pan-economization”thought, the culture control thought, etc. Northeast China should avoid the abovementioned misunderstanding in the process of cultivating cultural industry. In view ofthe current conservative atmosphere of the ideological and cultural field in northeastChina and under the enlightenment of the viewpoints of the institutional economistCoase and the founder of Creative Class Theory Florida, this paper analyzes thesignificant restraining roles that cultural environment plays in the development ofcultural industry and puts forwards that a scientific and ideal cultural industryenvironment should have the characteristics of “freedom and looseness, inclusivenessand openness as well as competitiveness”. Under the comprehensive influence of theabove multiple factors, northeast China region faces the following five problems inthe process of cultivating cultural industry into regional new economic growth point.First, the establishment of management organization of cultural industry isunreasonable and the industrial regulations are unsound. Second, the scale of culturalindustry is relatively small and the industrial competitiveness is not strong. Third, thechain of cultural industry product is incomplete and the value chain is low-end. Fourth,there exist three unbalanced phenomena between the development of traditionalindustry status and emerging industry status, between the development of centralcities and edge cities as well as countryside and between the large backbone culturalenterprises and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Fifth, the development ofcultural industry is underpowered.Chapter Five explores the measures adopted by cultural industry powersincluding the United States, South Korea and Japan in their cultivation of culturalindustry and the corresponding enlightenment. The Japanese and South Koreangovernments provide beneficial enlightenment for the revitalization of the culturalindustry in northeast China in the aspects of improving the government culturalfunction institutions, developing industrial financing channels and expanding overseas cultural market. Besides, the practices of the US government in protecting intellectualproperty, promoting the integration of culture and technology and opening themarketplace of ideas also offer insights into the revitalization of cultural industry innortheast China.Chapter Six makes an attempt to put forward the reasonable countermeasures tocope with the above problems. In order to cultivate cultural industry into neweconomic growth point in northeast China, the primary step is to clarify the rightboundary between government and market, determine their respective responsibilities,insist on playing the guiding role of government and the fundamental role of market,deal with the relationship between government and market correctly, prevent theexcessive intervention and improper intervention of government to cultural marketand play the fundamental part of price law, supply and demand law and competitionlaw in cultural resource allocation. Second, it is necessary to innovate investment andfinancing mode, give full play of financial leverage to financial funds, and guide theabsorption of social capital and foreign capital into the funds shortage link in culturalindustry orderly. Moreover, it is also important to improve the operation andmanagement level of cultural enterprises, prevent and control the risks of culturalindustry and prevent the waste of cultural resources. Third, in order to surpass thedevelopment level of cultural industry of other developed regions, the key measure fornortheast China lies in producing more quality cultural art pieces and realizing thecommercialization and industrialization of cultural works. Fourth, it is also essentialto promote the cultural opening-up gradually, expand the scope of foreign culturaltrade, advance the level and structure of cultural products and services and exert thesupporting role of special regions of foreign export in cultural opening-up.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

