

The Study on Realizing Forms of Chinese Rural Collective Economy

【作者】 冯蕾

【导师】 邵彦敏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 统分结合的双层经营体制最初确立的本意就是要充分发挥家庭分散经营与集体统一经营两个层次的积极性。然而在后来的农村经济发展实践中,对“分”的强调虽然释放了农民的劳动积极性提高了农业生产效率,但与此同时,对“统”的过于忽视却使得家庭分散小规模经营的弊端日益凸显。伴随农村市场经济的深入发展,统一经营层的弱化使原子化的小农户被推进了波涛汹涌的市场大潮中,毫无保护的小农户在与市场的博弈中很快沦为弱势群体。如何在千变万化的市场面前有效提高农民的组织化程度,不仅关系到农民自身的发家致富,更影响着新农村建设的进程。所以,对这一问题的解决就构成了理论与实践所面临的重大课题。党中央提出的“因地制宜探索集体经济多种有效实现形式,不断壮大集体经济实力,是激发农业、农村发展活力的内在要求”,为我们解决农户与市场之间的矛盾找到了突破口,那就是通过发展和振兴农村集体经济来有效聚合万千分散小农户,从而达到推动农业生产规模化、提高农民市场交易地位保护其利益之目的,这才是统一经营层的实至名归。正是基于这一背景,本文以农村集体经济实现形式为研究对象,通过对农村集体经济实现形式的讨论,得出只有构建起农村集体经济有效实现形式的内在机制,才能促进集体经济的发展壮大,进而激发出农业、农村发展的活力,推动新农村建设。在第一章导论部分,阐述了本文选择中国农村集体经济实现形式这一论题的原因,并对其他学者的相关研究做了文献综述,同时还对本文所使用的研究方法及存在的创新点、研究上存在的不足做了说明。论文第二章是理论基础,主要介绍和阐述论文中所涉及到的一些核心词汇和概念。对容易产生混淆的集体经济、合作经济等做了比较和界定,进而给出了农村集体经济及有效实现形式的相关概念,这些基本概念是论文展开论述的理论原点。论文第三章是理论溯源,不仅从马克思主义经典作家和中国特色理论两方面对农村集体经济实现形式展开理论上的追溯,而且还从西方经济学理论中挖掘发展农村集体经济有效实现形式的途径和方法,这是本文进行研究的理论依据。论文第四章是对建国以后农村集体经济实现形式的基本梳理和总结,从农业合作化时期、人民公社时期到家庭承包经营责任制时期,重点阐述了农村集体经济主要的实现形式并对其发展做出了相应评价。通过纵向梳理这些不同时期的实现形式,总结出农村集体经济衰弱的主要原因是没有找到有效的实现形式,农村集体经济要大力发展其实现形式而且应该是多样化发展,只有这样才能适应现阶段我国农村生产力多层次的发展水平。论文第五章是介绍农村集体经济发展的现状,主要找到目前我国农村集体经济存在的主要问题及衰弱的原因,并指出如果任由农村集体经济不断衰弱不仅会阻碍农村生产力的进步、影响农村社会的稳定,更为重要的是会动摇社会主义在农村发展的根基。因此,提出在集体所有制不能触动的根本前提下,只有探索和创新集体经济的有效实现形式,总结其内在机制才能真正推动农村集体经济的复兴。论文第六章主要从国内国外两个方面,分别介绍了国内当前农村集体经济发展实践中所出现的几种典型形式和国外农民合作经济组织实践的基本特点。根据国内外的发展经验得出几点启示:农村集体经济是提高农民组织化程度的重要途径;农村集体经济可以有多种实现形式,具体形式应与时俱进;各种有效实现形式在发展上有其内在的共性;保障农民的财产权利,维护农民利益是各种实现形式的根本;政府在农村集体经济实现形式的发展中要有合适定位。论文第七章主要是构建农村集体经济有效实现形式的内在机制,其是上一章内容的延续。由于各种有效实现形式在发展上有其内在的共性即有内在机制,所以可以根据这些有效实现形式总结出其中的内在机制,主要是:明晰的产权动力机制、完善的内部管理机制、有效的分配激励机制、良好的外部保障机制,并针对有效实现形式内在机制的构建提出了相关原则和对策建议。论文第八章是对研究问题所做出的总结,得出了一些基本结论:农村集体经济既是农村组织运转和农村社会事业发展的经济基础,也是服务“三农”的重要载体;“民有、民管、民享”是农村集体经济的本质特征;农村集体经济与其实现形式既有区别又有联系,实现形式可以而且应当多样化;有效实现形式的内在机制及其构建是振兴农村集体经济的关键。

【Abstract】 With the establishment of dual operation system in country, its purpose is want toplay two aspects enthusiasm of collective and individual. However, the separate familymanagement is valued and collective unified management is neglected in the practiceof rural economic development. This imbalance causes contradiction emerging ofsmall-scale separate peasant economy. With the development of market economy incountry, the atomized small farmers were pushed into competitive market. There is noprotection of small farmers who become vulnerable groups immediately in marketcompetition. How to improve the farmers’ organization degree? That not only relatedto the farmers to get rich but also impact the new rural construction. Therefore, thesolution of this problem is important subject faced by theory and practice. The CPCcentral committee put forward to develop the rural collective economy and explorevarious realizing forms, which find a breakthrough for us. The development and therevitalization of the rural collective economy is the key to protect the interests of thefarmers and realizing agricultural modernization.It is in this context the article selects the realizing form of the rural collectiveeconomy as the research object and get the conclusion that the internal mechanism ofeffective realizing form of rural collective economy is key through based on therealization form of rural collective economic discussion. Only build the internalmechanism of effective realizing form of rural collective economy, which stimulate thevitality of rural economic development and promote the new rural construction. Thefirst chapter of the paper is an introduction that to present the reason of introduce topicselection, the results of other researchers and innovation points and deficiencies onpaper.The second chapter of the paper is theoretical basis that introduce the corevocabulary and concepts. In this part not only compare to the collective economy and cooperation economy but also illustrate the concept of rural collective economy and itsrealization form. The third chapter of the paper traced the theoretical source ofrealization form of rural collective economic, which discussed from three aspectsrespectively the Marxist theory, the theory of Chinese characteristic and westerneconomics.The forth chapter of the paper introduced realizing form of rural collectiveeconomy according to the time sequence since the founding of our country. We get arevelation that only the development of diversified realizing form of rural collectiveeconomy can adapt to multi-level rural productivity development level in our country.The fifth chapter of the paper is to present situation of the rural collective economicdevelopment and analyze the reason of the feeble. If let this situation go that will leadto serious consequences which affect the development of rural productivity, socialstability and shake the foundation of socialist in country.In the sixth chapter of the paper introduced the domestic typical case indevelopment of realizing form of rural collective economy and the developmentpractices of foreign farmer cooperative economic organization. The seventh chapter ofthe paper is concluded internal mechanism of effective of realizing form of ruralcollective economy that is incentive mechanism of clear property rights, perfectinternal management mechanism, and effective allocation mechanism, good externalguarantee mechanism. In this part the paper also discusses the some suggestions ofbuilding mechanism. The last chapter is conclusion that the rural collective economy iskey of rural development; Rural collective economy of the people by the people andfor the people that is essential characteristics; Realizing form of rural collectiveeconomy that is different from the rural collective economy should diversify; Internalmechanism of effective of realizing form of rural collective economy and constructionis key to revitalization of the rural collective economy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

