

Study on the Poem Monk during the Ming and Qing Dynasty

【作者】 孙宇男

【导师】 王树海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 一般认为佛教文学有广义、狭义之分。广义上指佛教的一切文献,此有过泛之嫌;狭义上指带有文学色彩之佛教典籍。关于诗僧的研究,其内容主要包括两个方面:作家与佛禅关系研究、文本研究。论及诗僧,我们要区别僧诗与偈颂。偈颂主要是以弘扬佛法、阐发教义、举扬宗旨、激励后昆目的。两者主要不同在于:僧诗较有文采,偈颂多质朴;僧诗侧重词理意美,偈颂意浅而露;僧诗侧重心灵表达,偈颂偏于“举扬宗旨”。明清之际诗僧众多,除了社会环境等因素,值得一提的是阳明心学的突起,阳明心学在当时引起了士大夫的极大兴趣,同时对士大夫逃禅产生推动作用。据《明史·儒林传》载:“宗守仁者姚门之学,门徒遍天下,流传逾百年,其教大行,其弊滋甚。嘉、隆以后,笃程朱,不迁异说者,无复几人矣。”可见当时推崇心学的盛况。佛教自传入中国之日起,就与中国传统文化相互交融、相处碰撞。正如赖永海先生所说,佛教在与中国古代各种学术文化的相互关系中,当以与儒学的关系最为密切。这两种文化一经接触,就相互斗争、相互排斥、相互吸收、相互融摄。结果就是,一方面,由于佛教的影响,佛学在思维模式,修养方法等方面发生了深刻的变化;另一方面,佛教在中国传统的学术气氛中逐渐被儒学化。所以,笔者也探讨诗僧与儒学的交涉;僧诗与佛禅的交涉,最终达到圆融的境界。笔者以“四大高僧”之一的袾宏;生前身后两次惨遭“文字狱”的函可、担当、大汕作为个案的研究对象。考察他们的生平、著作版本以及诗歌等情况;分析明清之际诗僧的社会背景、文化变迁来对其创作产生的影响;以诗僧之间的唱和、交游来探究他们的人格、诗格;通过对诗僧游走于儒、道、佛之间来阐释儒教、道教、佛教的现实价值。简而言之,本论文的研究试图在国内外学者对明末个案研究成果基础上,整合明清之际诗僧的研究。

【Abstract】 The study on poem monks is an important part of the Buddhism literature,involving the Buddhism literature and ancient literature. At present, the academiaquite neglects the academic research on poem monks after the Tang Dynasty, onlycarrying out case studies or fragmented research, lack of objectivity, integrity. In viewof this, this article selects poem monks in the Late Ming and early Qing Dynasty asthe research object, this article includes the introduction, text, and appendix, aboutone hundred thousand words.The introduction will review and analyze domestic and foreign research relatedto this topic, distinguish the two concepts of monk poems and poem monks, andexplain the significance of the topic and method used in this article.The first chapter will study distribution of the poem monks and their literature,using the method of quantitative analysis, and find the unbalance in the region andsectarian distribution. Secondly, based on the collating of works and poems, sort outthe creative situation of the poem monks.The second chapter will study why poem monks continued to emerge, from thefollowing five aspects: the turbulent political situation, the prevailing in winds of Zen,the meteoric rise of the Mind, the traditional concept of anti-foreign barbarians, themaking friends of poem monks and literati.The third chapter will study how the Confucianism influenced poem monks.Through the intercourse of scribes, poem monks were influenced by Confucianism,and stood on the position of the Confucian to write poems.The fourth chapter will study how poem monks were influenced by ZenBuddhism. Involving three stages, firstly, directly described or praised Buddha orBuddhist followers. Secondly, described Buddhist affairs through using Buddhist texts.Finally, poem monks fully integrated the contents of the above, and reached the realmof harmony.The fifth chapter and the sixth chapter will study poem monks’cases. They divideinto two parts. Part one will study Thousand Mountain Poetry of Han Ke, whosuffered inquisition for two times in life and after death, and part one will discuss theresearch on his life, the commentary on his poems, and his poetic art. Then part one will study the Song for Ten Ox, which is the works of Zhu Hong. This section willexplain the Zen origin of ox, and the Buddhist heritage of the works. Part two willstudy the Complete Poems Works of Dan Dang. This section will fully explain the lifeexperience of Dan Dang, his concept for poetry and Zen, and his concept for art, whomastered poetry, calligraphy, and painting. Then part two will study Monk Da Shan,whose alias is Shi Lian. This section will study his legendary life, and the historicalvalue of Overseas Chronicle, which is his works. I find the previous appraisal isbiased and unfair, which appraised the man and his deeds of Da Shan.The seventh chapter will discuss the poetic style of poem monks, summarize theappraisal for the poems of monks, and then reflect the real value and historical valueof these poems.

【关键词】 诗僧儒释佛禅
【Key words】 poem monksinterpretation of ConfucianismZen Buddhism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

