

The Road of the Professionalization of Literary Creation in the Media Ecology Vision

【作者】 申畅

【导师】 程丽红;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 晚清,是中国社会发生剧烈动荡文化产生深刻变化的时期。伴随西方殖民入侵和文化扩张而来的先进印刷出版技术和以近代报刊为表征的大众出版传媒,不仅为晚清文学和中国传统文人打开了广阔的话语空间,更为他们带来了诸种新的可能性。文学的创作和传播方式、文人的生存方式、作家的思维方式、读者的接受方式和文化的消费方式等,都因近代报刊出版传媒的出现,才有了脱离传统轨道向现代性转换的历史契机。近代报刊出版传媒的出现,不仅构建了全新的文学生产流通机制,使得文学从贵族阶级的特权中解放出来,更为重要的是,它所营造的新媒介传播环境,不但为传统士人提供了全新的职业选择空间,还为他们开辟了一条摆脱封建政权束缚,向独立职业个体和现代知识分子转型的实现途径,并促成了中国文学发展史上一个具有变革性意义的事物——以提供稿酬为生活资本的“作家”这一职业的的诞生。本文从整个时代历史和文学的语境出发,力图在一个全方位的历史文化图景中,通过对晚清报人小说家群体及作家这一行业的职业化过程做一梳理性的动态考察和立体呈现,透视晚清报人小说家在近代报刊传媒营造的新媒介环境下的身份转变及其对文学和文化格局的影响,拂过历史的面纱,立体地再现中国“作家”这一职业的产生和传统文人从儒家的“士”到大众文化生产者的职业化之路,及其在新的生存处境下的精神现实和文化意义,揭示媒介、文化和人类传播之间的互动共生关系。本文主要分为以下几个部分:绪论,主要是对本文选题的研究现状、研究目标和意义的介绍,以及行文中一些相关用词之界定。第一章,从媒介变迁与文学发展、文学传播主体身份、小说为代表的俗文学三方面入手,系统的呈现古代媒介环境下,文学的生产创作、存在形式、内容观念、文学创作的非职业化传播生态。第二章,以1840-1894年间,有过报业经历并翻译或创作过小说的文人群体为研究对象,试图在清末社会变迁的历史情境之中,探究作为中国现代职业作家萌生成长的最初链环的那些在晚清最早栖身报业并从事小说创作的文士,在新的生存处境面对自我身份转变时展现了怎样的精神现实和文化意义,找到他们在作家职业化之初期中的位置和历史作用。第三章,从新媒介环境的形成、文化传播主体的更新、报人对小说地位提升的舆论造势和创作示范几方面入手,来展现一个有别于古代的新文学传播生态在晚清的形成,及其它从技术手段、社会环境、思想观念、实践主体等各方面,为文学的现代性转化、文学生产流通的市场化和文学创作的职业化准备了必要的基础条件和蕴育土壤。第四章,根据笔者的数据统计可知,从1902年底到1903年开始,近代传媒提供的大众传播手段以对小说流通方式的全面介入为表征,代替了中国古典文学传统的士人群体交流唱和的小众传播模式,彻底改变了传统文学的运作机制和文学传播生态。而中国文学创作能够成为提供劳动报酬的职业之一种,始于小说创作的职业化,小说创作的繁荣兴盛和职业小说家队伍的正式出现,又始于政治精英对小说地位的提高和对新小说的鼓吹。所以本章先论述政治报人小说家的理论倡导和创作实践活动对文学创作职业化之路的正式开启和示范之功。然后再根据时代文化环境下小说作者不同的教育背景、生活经历、身份地位、价值追求等各种因素合力作用下所造成的创作倾向,将晚清职业小说家整体分为合译型、自译型、自创型和复合型四类,在每个类型选取较有代表性的报人小说家进行个案考察,以其来辐射其背后所指涉的类似小说家群体的作为方式、从业特点与职业认同。结语部分,通过对以近代报刊为表征的大众媒介在晚清这个特殊时代的登场,及其营造的有别于古代文学的全新媒介环境对文学和中国传统文人的重要意义的总述,作者认为:以提供稿酬为生活资本的作家这一职业的的诞生,是中国文学发展史上一个具有变革性意义的事物,是中国文学传播媒介发展到一定阶段的产物。

【Abstract】 In the late Qing Dynasty, Chinese society was under turbulent chaos and theculture was greatly changing. Together with the western colonial invasion and culturalexpansion, the advanced printing technology and modern publishing media such asnewspaper not only opened wide discourse space for the late Qing Dynasty andtraditional Chinese men of letters, but also brought all kinds of new possibilities. Thecreating and spreading of literature, the literary figures’ lifestyle, writers’ thoughtpatterns, readers’ receiving modes and cultural consumption methods, etc, got thechance to transit from the traditional track to modernity, due to the appearance ofmodern press publishing media. The emergence of the modern press publishing mediaconstructed a new mechanism of literary production and circulation, which liberatedliterature from the aristocratic privilege. Furthermore, the new medium not onlyprovided the traditional men of letters with totally new occupational choices, but alsocleared a path to get rid of the bondage of feudalism and to change into independent,self-employed and modern intellectuals, which enabled literary creation to become aprofession.Under the historic and literary context of the late Qing Dynasty, throughreviewing and presenting the professionalization of newspapermen, novelists andwriters in the late Qing Dynasty, this thesis investigates the novelists’ change inidentity under the influence of the new press medium, and its impact on literature andcultural pattern; presents the emergence of Chinese writers as professionals, theprofessionalization of traditional men of letters from the Confucius scholars to masscultural producers, as well as their spiritual world and cultural significance in the newliving conditions; exposes the mutual and symbiotic relationships between medium,culture and human beings communication.The thesis mainly includes the following parts:Introduction Part chiefly introduces the research situation, research aim andsignificance of the topic as well as the definitions of relative words in the paper.Chapter One, approaching from such three aspects as medium changing andliterary developing, literary spreading’s subject identity, light literature represented bynovels, systematically presents the creation, existing form, content and spreading medium under the ancient medium circumstancesChapter Two, taking the literary group who had reporting experience andtranslated or created novels during the1840-1894as researching subject, analyzeswhat kind of spirit and literary significance these literary figures possessed whenfacing new existing situation under the late Qing historical context, and literaryfigures’ position and historical function in the early period of the writers’professionalization.Chapter Three focuses on the forming of the new medium, the updating of thecultural spreading subject, the advocating of promoting novels’ position and thedemonstration of creating novels, in order to show the forming of the new literaryspreading medium and how the new medium prepared well for literature’s moderntransformation, marketization of literary production and circulation,professionalization of literary creation from technology, social environment, ideologyand practice subject.In Chapter Four, according to author’s survey, from the end of1902to1903,modern press, by providing the means of mass communication, took place of thetraditional Chinese literary figures’ communication, that is, the small-group spreadingpattern, and totally changed the traditional literature’s operating mechanism andliterary spreading medium. The professionalization of writing started from theprofessionalization of novels. The prosperity of novel creation and the appearance ofprofessional writers started from the political elites advocating of novels. This chapterfirstly states the newsman’s theory and literary creation, and then classifies them intofour types, co-translation, self-translation, self-creation and compounding, andanalyzes the representative figures of each type.In the Conclusion Part, the author puts forward that the multi-press medium is aspecial product in the late Qing Dynasty, which is of great significance to Chinesetraditional men of letters, and the professionalization of writers is a revolution inChinese literary development as well as an outcome of the Chinese literary spreadingmedium development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

