

The Research Once More on the Literature of Pearl.S.Buck in the Postcolonial Perspective

【作者】 王艳玲

【导师】 王树海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 “我们时代的转喻,就是要把文化的问题定位在之外的领域里。”这是后殖民主义理论的代表学者霍米·巴巴在其著作《文化的方位》中说的一句话。霍米·巴巴眼中的我们这个时代,固有的空间感和时间感正在遗落,一切个人的身份和文化的身份,都处在临时和变迁中,全球性情境正改变着“差异与认同、过去与当前、在内与在外、包容与排斥”的逻辑与秩序。当人们把身份的建构作为思想的议题时,后殖民主义理论愈发显现出价值和活力。后殖民主义设置了一种文化理论的语境,也是文学批评的语境。在这种语境下,中国的比较文学研究者们关注到了赛珍珠,为赛珍珠研究找到了一个独特的理论框架,拓展出新的话语空间。赛珍珠,一个长期居住在中国的美国人,带着美国人的文化理想生活在中国的现实中,又满怀对中国人的认同用英语书写中国。其间历经了种种身份漂移的焦虑,也为身份的建构奔波努力。在后殖民主义文学批评看来,她既有身处“之外”的疏离,又有心在“居间”的接近。文学写作,就是她于“之外”与“居间”的双重矛盾激发下焕发出来的新的身份符号。后殖民理论的精要所在,也是本文所研究的赛珍珠,这位有着双重文化身份和多元文化主义理想的伟大作家的本质精神所在。本文关注赛珍珠研究的切入点,选择了后殖民主义理论的视角,力图在后殖民主义的语境下,探究赛珍珠作品的文化价值及话语意义。选择后殖民主义作为研究的理论背景,原因有三:第一,后殖民主义话语言说的权力与对象。在当今的比较文学和文化研究领域,后殖民主义是最有影响力的理论话语之一,作为一种尚在蓬勃发展中的理论,它具有充沛的活力和重要的现实意义。研究者们对后殖民主义的阐释通常是在两个宽泛又密切相关的概念层面展开的:后殖民理论思潮和后殖民地文学。前者提供了文学批评的理论立足点和话语范畴,后者则为赛珍珠的作品研究提供了分析视野和阅读策略。第二.赛珍珠的文化身份特征以及后殖民主义意识。赛珍珠是典型的后殖民文学作家,她所表现出的后殖民意识,弥补了后殖民理论家们关注中国的空白,也完成了她追求文化理想的伟大实践。第三,国内后殖民主义视角的赛珍珠研究还有待深入。相比后殖民理论的深刻文化价值和积极的建设意义,国内本领域的研究无论从数量和理论深度上还有很多不足。本文是后殖民主义理论视角下对赛珍珠小说的再研究。研究的对象,是赛珍珠的小说作品,不包括其翻译和自传作品。研究的分析理论是后殖民主义。所谓对赛珍珠小说的再研究,是基于目前国内本领域研究的现状,主要体现在两个方面:一是文本分析范围的扩展。在后殖民主义视角下,分析赛珍珠的整个小说作品。赛珍珠的后殖民意识是存在于她作品的整体中的,除了典型作品的表现外,全面系统地分析更清晰客观。二是对赛珍珠研究的反思。赛珍珠的后殖民主义批评,乃至中国的后殖民主义研究实践,更应该建立一种西方/东方,第一世界/第三世界的外部的审视维度。在进入后殖民主义的论述场域分析赛珍珠时,我们需要把握对一些问题的理解,包括后殖民主义话语的隐性立场,后殖民主义批评对象的功能错位,后殖民主义理论的解构与建设,以及多元主义文化观与相对主义文化观的理解。这些问题的理解是本文分析赛珍珠小说作品的理论立场。本文的内容结构分为三个层面:一是对国内外赛珍珠研究的全面梳理与回顾,进而推导出本研究的理论逻辑以及研究意义。二是后殖民主义视角与赛珍珠作品批评,剖析后殖民主义理论批评话语的权力与对象,解读后殖民主义文学批评的三个核心的话语范畴——“他者”、“身份认同”和“混杂性”;审视赛珍珠研究的中国语境。三是赛珍珠小说作品中的后殖民意识与表达。赛珍珠小说中的后殖民意识与表达,体现在以下方面:(1)“他者”的真实,赛珍珠作品中的农民与土地。在殖民文学批评话语中,“他者”就是以西方为中心的“东方”,作品中的东方地域中的自然与社会就构成了“他者”的景观。而对于被后殖民批评关注的作家来说,“他者”也可以是他们自己的过去,标志着他们曾经身处边缘的自我。赛珍珠的经历注定了她一直处在不稳定的、分裂的和双重的身份中。并且,她对自己身份的诉求,就是一种再现,也是一种书写模式,充满了身份认同悖论下的张力。(2)“之外”与“居间”:赛珍珠作品中的二元文化体验。分析赛珍珠多元文化主义价值观影响下的作品的文化殖民色彩。赛珍珠有意识地确立自己的文化立场,她努力寻找中西文化的共同点在宗教观上。赛珍珠也在寻求中西方能够沟通的共同点,她列举佛教和基督教的共同点,还在作品中用中西合璧式的人物形象来表达自己的文化理想。(3)混杂性的冲突:赛珍珠作品中的后殖民女性观。“混杂性”以文化的多样性和差异性为前提,但也表现出来自文化强势一方的压制作用。后殖民女性主义致力于解构强势的男性中心主义。赛珍珠的作品侧重于在话语层面阐释第三世界女性的权利和身份,其平等的女性观是其为整合文化混杂性所做出的努力。后殖民主义理论尚处在活性发展、变动不拘的“自新”性流变中,我们运用后殖民主义话语对赛珍珠的研究,也是远没有穷尽的。赛珍珠的中国书写是谨慎的,充满了她对文化异质性的敬畏,这无疑是阐释异质文化时应当选择的科学而严肃的方法。我们需要以这样的严谨和敬畏,继续后殖民主义的话语实践,继续赛珍珠作品文化价值的讨论。

【Abstract】 According to the words that were written by the representative scholar,HomiK.Bhabha in his book named The location of culture “Our era’s analogy aims atlocating the problem of culture in the fields of the other aspect”.From his perspective,inherent sense of space and time are being left behind.And all personal identity andcultural identity are in a state of change and temporary.The global circumstances aretransforming the logic and order, difference and identity, the past and current, insideand out, inclusion and exclusion. When people put the issues of the construction ofidentity as a thought, post-colonial theory is increasingly showing value and vitality.Post-colonial set up a kind of cultural theory context, also it has become theliterary criticism of the context.In this context, chinese comparative literatureresearchers pay close attention on Pearl Sydenstricker Buck and elaboratea uniquetheoretical framework.Simultaneously they develop a new discourse space.Pearl Sydenstricker Buck,an American lives a long-term residence in China withthe American culture in China’s reality. Filled with identification of the Chinese,shedescribes the panorama of the China in English. Meanwhile she went through avariety of identity drifting of anxiety,also struggles for the construction of identity. Inthe post-colonial literary criticis,seems that she has both alienation and approximation.Literary writing, as far as she is concerned, is displayed under the dual contradictionwhere her alienation and approximation inspired new status symbols.Essentially, spiritual essence of post-colonial theory consists in PearlSydenstricker Buck who has the dual cultural identity and the essence of the ideal ofthe greatest writers of multiculturalism.Chosing the perspective of post-colonial theory, this article focuses on herresearch and tries to in the context of colonialism in exploration of the works of pearlbuck’s cultural value and meaning of words.The reasons why I choose thepost-colonialism as the theoretical background for the study are mentioned asfollows:Firstly, the power of words and postcolonial objects. In the field ofcomparative literature and cultural studies, post-colonialism is one of the mostinfluential theory of discourse as a still booming in theory, it has plenty of vitality andpractical significance.The researchers of the post-colonial interpretation usuallydevelop in two broad closely related to the conceptual level: postcolonial theory trend and postcolonial literature.The former provides a foothold and discourse theory category of literarycriticism,nevertheless the latter study provides an analysis of vision and readingstrategies.Secondly,Pearl Buck’s cultural identity and characteristics of post-colonialconsciousness. She is a typical post-colonial writers,her post-colonial consciouesnessmakes up the blank about the postcolonial theorists’ focus on chinese reality. She alsocompleted her pursuit of the great practice of cultural ideal. Thirdly, the domesticpostcolonial perspective on the research of Pearl Sydenstricker Buck remains to befurther. Compared to the profound post-colonial cultural value and positiveconstruction significance. There are many shortcomings on the domestic research nomatter from the quantity and the depth of theory.The thesis is a further research on the works of Pearl Buck in the post-colonialperspective. The object of the study is Pearl Buck’s novels, not including itstranslation and autobiographical works,and theoretical analysis of this series of studiesis postcolonialism. The so-called research of the Pearl S. Buck novel is based on thecurrent status of research in the domestic field that mainly embodies in two aspects:the one is the expansion of text analysis. Her postcolonial consciousness existsthrough her work,in addition to the typical work performance, comprehensive andsystematic analysis permit her works to bemore objective and clear.The second pointis the reflection on the Pearl S. Buck’s works.The criticism of the her postcolonialismand even some post-colonial study practice in China should establish a western/eastern,the external dimension of the first to examine the world/third world.After theexposure to discussion of the analysis about her works, We need to grasp someunderstanding of the issues,including the post-colonial discourse implicit stance,post-colonial criticism object function dislocation, post-colonial theory ofdeconstruction and construction, and the understanding of the cultural viewpoint andpluralism cultural viewpoint and relativism. These understandings of the issues in thispaper act as the part of the theoretical position of the novels of Pearl S. Buck.In this paper, the contents of the structure is divided into three levels: First, is tomake a comprehensive summarization about Pearl Buck’s researches and retropect,and then to deduce the theoretical logic of the study and research significance. Second,the post-colonial perspective and Pearl S. Buck’s criticism.It going to discuss thepotence and the functor of critical words of postcolonialism,including to analyze three core category of discourse—“Other”,“Hybridity”and “identity”.Try to realizethe examination about her context of China.Last but not least is to be aware of herexpression in post-colonial consciousness.Pearl buck’s novel postcolonial consciousness and expression, embodied in thefollowing aspects:(1) Other’s authenticity–Real relationship between farmers and land in thePearl S. Buck.’s novels. According to the colonial literature criticisim’s discourse,“Other” suggests the concept of the orientation based on a Western-centricperspective,and the nature and society constitutes the "other" landscape through herworks. As for the writers noticed by several post-colonial criticism,“Other”alsosignifies their own past and marks their age wandering the edge of themselves. PearlBuck’s experience has been doomed to be an unstable, split statues and estangled indouble identities. Aditionally, she appeals to her own identity is not only areproduction, but also a writing mode,which full of tension under the identityparadox.(2)"Outside" and “intermediate”---The dual cultural experience in work ofPearl.S, Buck. Analysis of the values under the influence of multiculturalism works ofcultural colonization. Her consciously established her own cultural standpoint,shemade efforts to seize common ground on Chinese and Western religion and somethingcommon over the conmmunication between the western society and the oriental world.She cited that Buddhism and Christianity had many doctirnes in common, In herworks some combination of Chinese and western characters matched very well isapplied to express her own cultural ideas and theories.(3)“Conflict of Hybridity”----Post-colonial feminism in the works of PearlBuck. As "Hybridity" to diversity and cultural differences as the premise,in thehybridity process of integrating the colonizer and the colonized cultural symbols andcultural practices, cultural symbols and cultural practices have been mutuallynurturing and fostering,even have attained a mutual adaptation. These progressesmake cultural forms full of new vitality, but also show the suppression effect frompredominant culture.The religion that is conveyed in her works contributes to theintegration of the cultural hybridity.Postcolonial theory is still in active development, and changes in informality of"rehabilitation" of rheology, what we are applying to the research, the post-colonial discourse, is still infinite and endless.Her productions that full of reverence forcultural heterogeneity are prudent and cautious that is a undoubted alternativescientific and serious way when she is required to explains the heterogeneousculture.We need this rigorous and impartial attitude to continue the post-colonialdiscourse practice,even in the discussion on her culture values.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期

