

Research on the Interactive Development between Creative Industries and Regional Economic Growth

【作者】 吴威

【导师】 朱显平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 进入21世纪,创意产业从概念提出、政策制定再到实践探索,在全球范围内掀起一股不可抵挡的经济浪潮,对包括欧美、亚太地区,特别是新兴经济体的经济发展产生了极大的影响。在经济全球化和信息技术飞速发展以及知识经济和服务经济逐步占据主导地位的时代背景下,以文化创意和科技创新为驱动力的创意经济已在全球范围内展开蓬勃发展态势。目前,创意产业作为知识创新的重要表现和经济的新增长点,凭借其高速蓬勃的增长态势和日益深远的影响范畴,业已成为英国、美国、韩国、香港等经济发达国家和地区的新型支柱产业之一。并且,创意产业这种蓬勃发展态势已经蔓延至中国。在我国政府积极倡导和相关政策扶持下,随着多元化优势资源的持续投入和创意企业发展的日趋成熟,我国创意产业正经历从无到有、从小到大、从萌芽到发展,从起步到飞跃的历史时期,呈现良好发展势头。如今,我国创意产业不仅主要集聚在北京、上海等经济相对发达的国际化都市,也进一步扩展到国内各地中心城市,并形成环渤海、珠江三角洲和长江三角洲三个创意产业带,发展前景极为广阔。尤其是2008年受国际金融危机的影响,全球范围内出现大规模的实体经济衰退,中国经济一直依赖的出口导向型和投资驱动型经济发展方式难以为继,出现产业发展受阻、城市产业空心化、商务成本剧增、城市生态严峻以及经济滑坡迅速等问题。在此背景下,创意产业优势凸显,有力地推动中国经济发展方式从以制造业为主导的、出口驱动型的粗放式外循环”的经济发展方式向以创意和创新为内生增长要素的、以消费和投资为主导驱动力的集约式“内循环”经济发展方式的转变,带动中国经济走出困境、迈向新台阶。近几年,创意产业作为国民经济新的增长点,被各地方政府广泛重视,并积极通过创意产业发展规划、发展战略政策推进创意产业更好地发展,实现对地方经济的推动作用。但创意产业在发展过程中仍面临许多现实问题与固有矛盾尚未得到缓解。我国大部分区域仍处于创意产业发展的初级阶段,创意理念、创意设计等要素投入对其他产业的关联效应和波及效应尚未显现出来。面对经济成就与文化发展的失调、经济发展速度与产业结构的失衡、经济增长总量与区域间经济发展的不匹配以及创意产业发展的区域性差异等问题,本文将突破从经济现象本身去寻找经济增长原因的局限,对经济发展背后的区域环境因素进行深入挖掘,从创意产业发展视角阐释区域经济发展与转型的动力与源泉,解释创意产业与区域经济发展二者的相互作用机理,推进创意产业与区域经济发展的协调共生。本文的理论价值在于:首先,开拓经济学与城市地理和规划学交叉前沿研究领域,拓宽创意产业研究视野、完善区域经济增长相关理论。其次,重塑创意产业区演化重构区域空间作用机理,开拓区域经济增长问题研究的新领域、新视角和新方法。最后,在对区域经济学、产业经济学、城市经济学、经济地理学、制度经济学以及城市地理和规划学等经济学、管理学和社会学理论进行综合运用的基础上,提出创意产业与区域经济增长动态耦合论,为区域经济增长理论提供一个全新的研究视角。本文的现实意义在于:首先,实现创意产业可持续发展、推动区域经济发展转型,实现创意产业与区域经济二者的相互促进。其次,通过分析创意产业区演化与区域空间重构的作用机理,为创意城市的空间规划和治理提供科学依据和改革思路。最后,充分发挥创意产业竞争优势,缩小区域间差距,切实提升国家整体经济实力和文化软实力。本文通过对比中国主要城市创意产业发展的区域差异,借鉴国外发达国家在创意产业与区域经济发展互动方面的先进经验,探寻更符合中国国情和区域发展特征的创意产业发展模式,充分发挥创意产业竞争优势,缩小区域间差距,切实提升国家整体经济实力和文化软实力。全文以创意产业发展及其与区域经济增长之间的互动关联机制为主题线索,共分为七个部分逐一展开论述。第一部分为绪论。阐述本文研究背景及其理论价值和现实意义,系统梳理有关创意产业及区域经济发展相关文献,在简要概括本文的主要内容与研究方法的基础上,提出本文的主要创新。第二部分为创意产业与区域经济增长的理论准备。首先在国内外相关学者的研究基础上清晰界定本文所指创意产业的内涵与外延。其次,概述文化与经济增长的几个基本理论为下文论述作理论铺垫。再次,在对国内外经济增长理论进行分析与归纳的基础上,简要介绍新古典区域经济增长的理论模型、阿罗的“干中学”模型等理论分析模型,作为创意文化推动区域经济增长的典型。第三部分为创意产业与区域经济增长互动机理的经济学分析。首先,将波特的“钻石模型”运用到区域经济竞争优势分析当中,初步揭示创意产业和区域经济之间的关系。其次,从创意产业推动区域经济增长的作用机理和区域环境对创意产业发展的影响机制两个回路,论证创意产业发展各个层面与区域环境各方面因素之间的关联互动性。最后,系统演化为思路,建立二者之间互动关系的理论模型——动态耦合模型。第四部分结合西方发达国家典型案例,遵循两条线索,即:创意产业区演化对区域空间重构的作用机理和区域空间对创意产业区演化的响应机理,从理论层面阐述创意产业与区域经济功能耦合的作用机理。第五部分为中国创意产业与区域经济发展互动研究。首先,对中国创意产业发展总体情况进行简要概括。其次,介绍中国主要城市创意产业发展的区域性差异。再次,分析中国区域经济转型对创意产业发展的影响。复次,阐述创意产业发展对中国区域经济发展的推动作用,探寻创意产业所体现的边际收益递增特性以及与区域经济二者之间的互惠共生关系。最后,以中国上海为例,针对创意产业发展与区域经济发展二者的互动关系展开实证研究。第六部分为创意产业与区域经济增长动态耦合的国际比较与经验借鉴。首先,分别以美国、英国和日本三个创意产业发展较为成熟的国家为例,汲取其创意产业发展的成功经验。其次,遵循创意产业区演化对区域空间的重构和区域空间对创意产业区演化的响应两条线索,对创意产业发达国家经验进行总结与借鉴。第七部分为实现创意产业发展与区域经济增长互动的对策建议。基于创意产业与区域经济可持续发展之间的关联性与互动性,该部分将在充分借鉴国外发达国家相关经验的基础上,立足本国国情,探讨实现创意产业可持续发展的路径以及推动区域经济可持续发展的创意产业发展策略。本文的创新之处有四:第一,创意思想史和创意产业改革史并重,为中国创意产业发展改革定位。第二,从区域空间视角切入,将波特建立的原用于揭示国家竞争优势的“钻石模型”置于区域范围内,得到经过相关要素替代和修正的创意产业主导下的区域竞争力“钻石模型”。第三,首次借用“耦合”这一物理学概念来研究创意产业与区域经济发展的互动关系问题。建立创意产业与其余经济发展之间的动态耦合模型,并在此基础上构建创意产业与区域经济增长关系互动的评价指标体系和因果关系模型,揭示创意产业和区域经济增长二者动态耦合关系所呈现的周期性变动规律。第四,在系统梳理国内外相关理论研究和实践经验基础上,将创意产业与区域经济互动研究的传统分析范式分解为“作用”与“响应”的研究范式,以“创意产业区演化与区域空间重构”为逻辑框架,将创意产业政策、创意城市战略和区域空间重构问题融为一体加以研究和探索,具有较强的学科前沿性和理论创新性。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of the21stcentury,the creative industry has set off anirresistible economical wave from its concept to policy making to practice exploring inthe worldwide,having great impacts on the economic development of manycountries,including Europe,America, the Asia-Pacific region,especially on the emergingeconomies. In the context of economic globalization and the rapid development ofinformation technology and the knowledge economy and service economy graduallydominating the market, the creative economy with the cultural creativity andtechnological innovation as the driving force has developed rapidly all over the world.Atpresent, as an vital portion of knowledge innovation and economic growth, the creativeindustry has become a new pillar industry of numerous developed countries and regionssuch as the United Kingdom, the United States, South Korea, Hong Kong,owing to itshigh-speed growth and increasingly vigorous far-reaching impacts.Moreover,the rapiddevelpoment trend of the creative industry has spread to China. With the activelyadvocating and related policy support of our government, our country’s creative industryis experiencing the historical period from small to large, from bud to development, fromstarting to leaping,showing a good momentum of development,along with continuousinvestment of diversified superior resources and gradual maturity of creativeindusties.Nowadays,the creative industry in China is not only assembled in Beijing,Shanghai and other economically developed international metropolis,but also furtherextended to urban centers around the country, with the formation of three creativeindustry belts,namely the Bohai Sea,the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Deltacreative industry belts,enjoying broad development prospects.Especially since the2008international financial crisis, with the emergence of large-scale entities economicrecession in the worldwide,the economic development model is unsustainable which isexport-oriented and investment-driven,with the appearance of many issues such ashampered industrial development,hollowing urban industries,soaring businesscosts,severe urban ecology and economic downturn. In this background,the advantagesof the creative industries highlight,which are helpful to change China’s economicdevelopment model from a manufacturing-led, export-driven extensive “outer loop "approach to a consumer and investment-led intensive “in the loop”economic development model with creativity and innovation as endogenous growth factors,thusleading China’s economy out of the trouble to a new level.In recent years, as a new growth point of national economy,the creative industry hasattracted great attention from the local governments that are taking the creative industrydevelopment plan and the development of strategic policy to promote the developmentof creative industries to boost the growth of the local economy better. But during thedevelopment process,there are many problems and inherent contradictions to besolved.Most of areas in China are still in early development stages of creativeindustries,and correlation effects and ripple effects of elements investment includingcreative ideas, creative design in other industries have not been revealed. Facing up to allkinds of problems, for example,disorders of economic achievements and culturaldevelopment,imbalances of economic growth and industrial structure,unmatched totaleconomic growth and regional economic development,regional differences in creativeindustries etc,the paper breaks through the limitation of finding the economic growthcauses from the economic phenomenon itself,analyse the regional environmental factorsafter economic development,expound the power and source of regional economicdevelopment and restructuring from the perspective of creative industries, explain themechanism of interaction between the creative industries and regional economicdevelopment,and promote coordination symbiosis between creative industries andregional economic development.In the paper,theoretical value is as follows:firstly,to develop the cross frontier researchfield between economics and urban geography and planning science,broaden theresearching horizons of creative industries and improve regional economic growththeory.Secongdly,to remodel the regional spatial evolution mechanism of creativeindustries and explore new fields, new perspectives and new ways of regional economicgrowth research.Finally,to make full use of the creative industry competitive advantagesto narrow the regional gap and promote the national economic strength and cultural softpower.Through comparing the regional differences in the development of creativeindustries of major cities in China and learning the advanced experience in theinteractive aspects of the creative industries and regional economic development fromdeveloped countries,the paper explores the creative industry development model that ismore in line with national conditions and characteristics of China’s regionaldevelopment,to givie full play to the creative industry’s advantages,reduce regionaldisparities,and effectively improve the country’s overall economic strength and cultural soft power.This paper will discuss the following7parts one by one based on the thread of creativeindustry development and the interactive correlation mechanism between it andregional economic growth. Part1, the introduction, will discuss the researchbackground, theoretical and practical significance of this paper, and then offer aliterature review about creative industry®ional economic growth, will give a briefintroduction to the main contents and research methods of this paper and then presentthe main innovations. Part2, some theories about creative industry®ionaleconomic growth, will firstly define the connotation and extension of creative industryin this paper based on the researches by other scholars at home and abroad, and thenconclude several basic theories of culture®ional economic growth to pave for thefollowing discussion, and lastly introduce some theoretical models such as theneo-classical model of regional economic growth and learn-by-doing model proposedby Arrow as typical cases which state the significance of creative industry onregional economic growth based on the analysis and conclusion of theories ofeconomic growth at home and abroad. Part3, an economic analysis of theinteractive mechanism between theories of creative industry and regional economicgrowth, will firstly uncover the relationship between creative industry and regionaleconomic growth tentatively by applying Michael Porter’s Diamond Model in theanalysis of regional economic competition strength, and then demonstrate theinteractive correlation between every levels of creative industry development andevery factors of regional environment from the perspective of two loops, those are, thefunction mechanism by which creative industry promotes regional economic growthand the mechanism by which regional environment influences creative industrydevelopment, and lastly develop an idea by setting up the theoretical model of thecorrelation: dynamic coupling model. Part4will discuss the function mechanism ofthe function coupling between creative industry and regional economy from thetheoretical level, following the two clues, those are, the function mechanism by whichthe evolution of creative industrial district refactors regional space and the mechanismby which regional space answers to the evolution of creative industrial districtaccording to some typical cases in western developed countries. Part5, a research onthe interaction between creative industry and regional economic growth in China, willfirstly draw up the general picture of creative industry development in China, andsecondly introduce some regional differences of creative industry development insome Chinese cities, and thirdly analyze the influences of China’s regional economictransition on creative industry development, and fourthly discuss the influences ofcreative industry development on China’s regional economic transition and explore the property of increasing marginal revenue in the creative industry as well as themutualistic symbiotic relationship between the property and regional economy, andlastly present an empirical research on the interactive relationship between creativeindustry development and regional economic development by focusing on Shanghai.Part6, an international comparison and experience reference of the dynamic couplingbetween creative industry and regional economic growth, will draw some experiencefrom the success of creative industry development in some counties with a maturecreative industry such as USA, UK and Japan, and then conclude the experience fromcountries with a developed creative industry and use it for reference, following the twoclues, those are, the refactor function of the evolution of creative industrial district onregional space and the regional space’s answers to the evolution of creative industrialdistrict. Part7, a series of suggestions to realize the interaction between creativeindustry development and regional economic growth, will explore the path to realizethe sustainable development of the creative industry and the strategy in terms ofcreative industry to promote the sustainable development of regional economy byusing the experience of some developed countries for reference and taking the practicalsituation of China into consideration based on the interaction and correlation betweenthe sustainable development of creative industry and regional economy.There are four main innovation points in this paper. Firstly, it will attach equalimportance to both the history of creative thoughts and the history of creative industryreform, and will set the orientation for the creative industry reform. Secondly, it willcreate the creative-industry-dominant Diamond Model of regional competitivenesswith some substituted and modified factors by putting the Diamond Model proposedby Michael Porter, which is used to uncover the competition strength of a country, inthe regional scope from the perspective of regional space. Thirdly, it will use coupling,a physics term, to study the interactive relationship between the development ofcreative industry and regional economy. It will set up the dynamic coupling modelbetween creative industry and the development of other industries, and on this basis, itwill establish the evaluation index system as well as the causality model of theinteractive relationship between the development of creative industry and regionaleconomy and uncover the periodic changes rule presented by the dynamic couplingmodel between the development of creative industry and regional economy. Fourthly,it will divide the traditional analysis paradigms about the interaction of creativeindustry and regional economy into two parts: the paradigm of function and theparadigm of answer based on the systematic summary of regarding theoreticalresearches and practice experience at home and abroad as well as study and explore thecreative industry policy, the strategy of creative cities and the issue of regional space refactor as a whole, which firmly possesses the subject’s margin and theoreticalinnovation comparatively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】F719;F124.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】3497
  • 攻读期成果

